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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Modernist Cultures

Modernist Cultures is the journal of the British Association for Modernist Studies, providing a forum that opens up modernism to new kinds of inquiry and allows scholars to examine the interdisciplinary contexts of modernism and modernity. Articles explore a broad spectrum of disciplines, including: anthropology, art history, cultural studies, ethnography, film studies, history, literature, musicology, philosophy, sociology, urban studies, and visual culture.

Print ISSN: 2041-1022Online ISSN: 1753-8629

Modernist Cultures invites essays from various fields of inquiry, including anthropology, art history, cultural studies, ethnography, film studies, history, literature, musicology, philosophy, sociology, urban studies, and visual culture, in an attempt to reanimate the discourses through which modernism's diverse cultures have hitherto been conceived.

Modernist Cultures seeks to open modernism up to new kinds of inquiry, new subjects, and new arguments, and to examine the interdisciplinary and international contexts of modernism and modernity. Fully peer-reviewed, the journal is committed to innovative scholarship and to dialogue across international borders, and intended as a genuinely interdisciplinary space for the lively, polemical discussion of contemporary trends in the field, a discussion that will, we hope, represent a range of critical approaches and foster debate between scholars working within different intellectual traditions.

Modernist Cultures is abstracted and indexed in the following:

  • Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature (ABELL)
  • ArticleFirst
  • Australian Research Council ERA 2012 Journal List
  • British Library Zetoc
  • BrowZine
  • CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure)
  • cnpLINKer
  • Current Contents®/Arts & Humanities
  • EBSCO A-to-Z
  • EBSCO Discovery Service
  • European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH PLUS)
  • Genamics JournalSeek
  • Humanities Source
  • Humanities Source Ultimate
  • J-Gate
  • JournalTOCs
  • Meta Indexing
  • MLA (Modern Language Association) International Bibliography
  • Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers
  • Publication Forum (JuFo)
  • ReadCube Discover
  • Researcher
  • RILM Abstracts of Music Literature
  • Scopus
  • Summon
  • TDNet
  • TOC Premier
  • Web of Science/Arts and Humanities Citation Index®
  • WorldCat Discovery

Instructions to Authors

Submit an article

Manuscripts must be submitted electronically in Word or rtf format and conform to the MHRA style guide. They will normally be between 7,000 and 9,000 words in length. Authors should include a title page detailing their name, title and current affiliation, plus an up-to-date e-mail address to which proofs and pre-publication correspondence will be sent. Please also provide an abstract of about 100-150 words and up to five keywords for searching online (preferably not words already used in the title). Please do not submit a manuscript that is under consideration elsewhere.

Please send submissions to: modernistcultures@gmail.com


Guidelines for submission of digital material can be found here.

Review Articles

Modernist Cultures will be publishing reviews of individual books, and most issues will also include one long review article that will concentrate on recent debates in a particular area of modernist studies. It is intended that these articles will provide a critical overview of several books and/or articles that have decisively altered understanding of some aspect of the field. Modernist Cultures does not review books written by members of its editorial board.

Peer Review Process

All articles accepted to be considered for possible publication are peer-reviewed through a blind reviewing process. All identifying marks should be removed from your submission. Do not include your name anywhere in your article (in running headers and footers, for example), and try as far as possible to remove it from your file Properties.

The review process normally takes approximately three months. Please note, manuscripts are reviewed on the understanding that they are not under submission elsewhere.


Authors will receive a pdf copy of their article and a 30-day access token to the journal online.

Open Access and Self-Archiving

All EUP journals are published on a Green Open Access basis, whereby authors are allowed to deposit a pre-publication version of their contribution on their personal or departmental web page and in their institutional repository. Authors are also permitted to deposit a pre-publication version of their contribution in a non-commercial subject repository one year following publication in print. The Version of Record of the article, as it appears in the journal following layout and proof correction, may not be deposited by authors in institutional repositories. Please visit our Copyright and Open Access Licenses page for full details of our self-archiving policy for all EUP journals.

Authors can also choose to pay a fee to make their article freely available online immediately via the EUP journals website through the Edinburgh Open scheme which provides an optional Gold Open Access route to publication in all Edinburgh University Press journals. Please visit our Open Access page for full information on the scheme.

Author Copyright Form

Prospective authors, please click here to download the author copyright form for submission with your article.

English Language Editing Service

Edinburgh University Press collaborates with Enago to provide Academic English editing and translation services to help authors get their manuscript submission-ready. A special 20% discount is available for all EUP Authors. For more information, please visit www.enago.com/eup.


Edinburgh University Press has now partnered with Kudos, which aims to help researchers explain, enrich and share their publications for greater research impact. Kudos will invite you to use this service to help improve your download rates, readership and citations; meanwhile, more information is available here.

Discounts for Authors

Journal Authors are entitled to a 40% discount on the journal issue containing their paper, a 20% discount on all EUP books and a 10% discount on any journal subscription. Please contact marketing@eup.ed.ac.uk to order books at discount and journals@eup.ed.ac.uk for discounted journal subscriptions.

Editorial Board


Daniel Moore, University of Birmingham
Rex Ferguson, University of Birmingham
Cleo Hanaway-Oakley, University of Bristol
Chris Mourant, University of Birmingham

Editorial Assistant

Brittany Moster, University of Birmingham

Editorial Board

Rebecca Beasley, Queen's College, Oxford 
Richard Begam, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Sascha Bru, Leuven University 
Helen Carr, Goldsmiths College, University of London 
David Peters Corbett, University of East Anglia 
Maria DiBattista, Princeton University 
Declan Kiberd, University of Notre Dame, USA 
Pericles Lewis, Yale University 
Peter Nicholls, New York University 
Jahan Ramazani, University of Virginia 
Max Saunders, Kings College, University of London 
Vincent Sherry, Washington University in St. Louis 
Andrew Thacker, Nottingham Trent University

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