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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

This journal is no longer accepting submissions. It ceased publication in 2019 and is now a UTS ePRESS Archived Title.

Cultural Studies Review is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the publication and circulation of quality thinking in cultural studies—in particular work that draws out new kinds of politics, as they emerge in diverse sites. We are interested in writing that shapes new relationships between social groups, cultural practices and forms of knowledge and which provides some account of the questions motivating its production. We welcome work from any discipline that meets these aims. Aware that new thinking in cultural studies may produce a new poetics we have a dedicated new writing section to encourage the publication of works of critical innovation, political intervention and creative textuality. 

This journal does not charge any type of article processing charge (APC) or any type of article submission charge.

Instructions to Authors

PLEASE NOTE: Cultural Studies Review has now been archived and is not accepting new submissions.

1. References: endnotes and bibliography 
Cultural Studies Review uses the documentary-note form of referencing, with a bibliography of works cited, as outlined below. 
Please do not use the author–date form (the Harvard system). Notes must be presented as endnotes, not footnotes. Use the insert footnote window in Word to select endnotes or to convert footnotes to endnotes. Endnote reference numbers should appear at the end of a  quotation, and wherever possible at the end of a sentence to avoid interrupting the flow of text. Numbers (arabic not roman numerals)should fall after all punctuation marks. Avoid including endnotes in headings and subheadings. 
Information should be given in this order: author; title (italicised); editor/translator; series 
edition; number of volumes; publisher; place of publication; date of publication; volume 
number; and page number/s.

Lynn Spiegel, Make Room for TV: Television and the Family Ideal in Postwar America, 
University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1992, p. 93. 
Michel Foucault, The Birth of the Clinic: An Archaeology of Medical Perception, trans. AM 
Sheridan, Tavistock, London, 1976, p. 24. 
Karen Fog Olwig and Kirsten Hastrup (eds), Siting Culture: The Shifting Anthropological 
, Routledge, London, 1997, p. 233. 
Articles in books 
Information should be given in this order: author; title of article (in single quotation marks); 
the word ‘in’ followed by details of the book as above; and then page number/s.

Elizabeth Jacka, ‘Film’, in Stuart Cunningham and Graeme Turner (eds), The Media in Australia: Industries, Texts, Audiences, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1993, p. 12. George Ritzer and Allan Liska, ‘“McDisneyization” and “Post-Tourism”: Complementary Perspectives on Contemporary Tourism’, in Chris Rojek and John Urry (eds), Touring Cultures: Transformations of Travel and Theory, Routledge, London, 1997, pp. 96–112. 
Articles in journals

Information should be given in this order: author; title of article (in single quotation marks); title of journal (italicised); volume number; issue number or other identifier; and date of publication. If referring to the entire article, include first and last page numbers; if referring to specific sections, cite relevant page numbers.

Dipesh Chakrabarty, ‘Universalism and Belonging in the Logic of Capital’, Public Culture, vol. 12, no. 3, 2000, pp. 653–6. 
Articles in newspapers and magazines 
References require the date of issue (day, month, year) and the page number/s. If the reference is located in an independently numbered section of the newspaper, place the title of the section inside single quotation marks immediately before the page number/s.

Michael Schmidt, ‘Tragedy of Three Star-Crossed Lovers’, Daily Telegraph 
1 February 1990, p. 14. 
Theses and dissertations 
Robert Ingram, ‘Historical Drama in Great Britain from 1935 to the Present’, PhD thesis, University of London, 1988, p. 17. 
Later references 
The first reference should be in full. Subsequent citations should be given as author, page number/s, i.e. Niall, pp. 36–7. If two or more works by the same author are referred to in the text, include short titles in subsequent citations. Do not use ‘ibid.’ or ‘op. cit.’ In reviews, references to the book/s under review should be made in the body of the text using parentheses and the page number (no use of p. or pp.): 
‘After this occurred they planned to leave it for one day.’ (26–7)


Include a bibliography of all works cited at the end of the article. Please provide all available DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) to each source used as a reference. For assistance on locating the DOIs, please go to the free service http://www.crossref.org/SimpleTextQuery to retrieve all available DOIs to add to the references. Entries should follow the same format as the endnotes, except for the author name, which should be listed by surname and initials and should not include page numbers, except for journal articles which should include the article's full page range. For example:

Chakrabarty, D., ‘Universalism and Belonging in the Logic of Capital’, Public Culture, vol. 12, no. 3, 2000, pp. 653–78.

Jacka, E., ‘Film’, in Stuart Cunningham and Graeme Turner (eds), The Media in Australia: Industries, Texts, Audiences, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1993.

Spiegel, L., Make Room for TV: Television and the Family Ideal in Postwar America
University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1992.

Electronic material 
For websites, information should be given in the following order: name of the source (if appropriate); and URL enclosed in angle brackets (<>). For documents within websites include: author; title of document in single quotation marks; title of document source in italics (if applicable), date of document; name of website source; and the URL in angle brackets. For emails include: author; the word ‘email’; date of email; and email address enclosed in angle brackets. Further information about citing electronic material can be found in the Style Manual for Authors, Editors and Printers, 6th edition.

We Are all Boat People, <http://www.boat-people.org> 
WEB Du Bois, ‘Of the Dawn of Freedom’, in The Souls of Black Folk, 1903, Project 
Bartleby, <http://www.bartleby.com/114> 
Jane Snow, email, 5 May 2002, <jbsnow@unimelb.edu.au> 
2. Spelling 
Australian spelling as given in The Macquarie Dictionary 4th edition should be used. If not 
found in The Macquarie Dictionary use the Australian Oxford Dictionary. For verbs ending  
in -ise or -ize, the -ise form is preferred. Since abbreviations increase the possibility of 
confusion and misunderstanding, they should only be used with caution. In general, their 
use should be confined to endnotes. 
3. Quotations 
Quotations of more than forty words should be indented. Indented quotes do not require opening and closing quotation marks, nor do they require extra line spaces above or below the set quotation. A quotation within an indented quote should be enclosed in single quotation arks; if further quotation occurs within that, use double quotation marks. Short quotations (not more than about forty words of prose or two complete lines of verse) should be enclosed in single quotation marks and may appear within the text. If no more than two complete lines of verse are quoted but the quotation includes a line division, this should be marked with a spaced upright stroke (|). For a quotation within a quotation, double quotation marks should be used: ‘It is only when she deploys the term “race” that this occurs.’

Quotation marks should go inside the final full point if there is any authorial comment within the sentence; that is, the full point belongs to the author as part of his/her sentence. If the quote begins within a sentence containing authorial comment but runs to more than one sentence, it is acceptable to place the closing quotation after the final full point. This is also the case when a sentence consists entirely of quoted material, as the full point belongs to the quotation. 
4. Dates and numbers 
Avoid any unnecessary punctuation: 
 18 August 2002, not 18 August, 2001 or August 18th, 2001; 1990s, not 1990’s

Use numerals for dates: He enrolled at St Johns in 1912.

In references to centuries the ordinal should be spelled out: the sixteenth century, not the 16th century; and sixteenth-century drama.

Numbers up to ninety-nine, including ordinals, should be written in words when the context 
is not statistical. Numbers at the beginning of sentences and approximate numbers should 
be expressed in words, as should ‘hundred’, ‘thousand’, ‘million’, ‘billion’, etc., if they appear 
as whole numbers: Two-and-a-half days went by; The fire destroyed about five thousand 
books; Two hundred and forty-seven pages were written.

For spans of numbers use an en rule, not a hyphen (Mac keyboard command: option + 
hyphen): 1990–92; 1902–3; (345–54); pp. 45–7.


5. Formatting

Use italics for all titles and emphases, not bold or underline: 
This was the very first time it had occurred. 
Use an un-spaced em rule for the dash—not hyphens. Close up the space on either side of 
the em rule. 
She went further than this—specifying that it was ... 
Ellipsis points consist of three full stops only (...), even if they appear at the end of the 
sentence. Leave one space before and after the ellipsis: 
‘It wasn’t always the case ... and it was far more frequent than he had anticipated’. 
6. Book reviews 
For book reviews please provide the following information: your own short title for the piece; the title and author of the book being reviewed; publisher, place of publication, date of
publication; ISBN or ISSN and recommended retail price, indicating if the price is in a foreign currency, and whether the price refers to a hardback or paperback edition.  

7. Illustrations

Please check with the managing editor if you intend to include images with your submission. Every illustration must have a caption, which explains or gives more information about the illustration, and identifies the source. All images should be clearly labelled and numbered consecutively as they appear in the text. Proof of copyright clearance is necessary for reproduction of copyrighted material. Any costs involved in obtaining images or permission to reproduce them is the responsibility of the author.


For questions of style not covered in this document, please refer to the Style Manual for 
Authors, Editors and Printers
, 6th edition, John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd, 2002.

Complaints Procedure

Authors who wish to submit a complaint related to the peer review process or other editorial decisions should contact the Journal Manager Ann Standish annfs@unimelb.edu.au as a first point of contact. Issues which cannot be resolved satisfactorily by the Journal Manager may be escalated to the Editorial Advisory Board or to the Publisher, UTS ePress by contacting utsepress@uts.edu.au.

For further information, please see the COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Editors and Publishers.

Editorial Board


  1. Associate Professor Chris Healy, School of Culture and Communication, University of Melbourne, Australia
  2. Associate Professor Katrina Schlunke, Department of Gender and Cultural Studies, University of Sydney, Australia


  1. Associate Professor Lee Wallace, Department of Gender and Cultural Studies, University of Sydney, Australia


  1. Dr Alexandra Dane, School of Culture and Communication, University of Melbourne, Australia


  1. Professor Ien Ang, Distinguished Professor, Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University, Australia
  2. Associate Professor Barbara Baird, Deputy Dean in the School of Social and Policy Studies, Flinders University, Australia
  3. Associate Professor Ruth Barcan, Department of Gender and Cultural Studies, University of Sydney, Australia
  4. Professor Tony Bennett, Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University, Australia
  5. Professor Chris Berry, Professor of Film Studies, King's College London, United Kingdom
  6. Dr Marcus Breen, Mass Media and Media Lab Director, Communication Department, Boston College, United States
  7. Dipesh Chakrabarty, Department of History, University of Chicago, United States
  8. Rey Chow, Professor of Literature in Trinity College of Arts and Sciences, Duke University, United States
  9. Emeritus Professor Ross Chambers, Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Michigan, United States
  10. Professor Patricia Clough, Sociology and Women’s Studies at the Graduate Center and Queens College, City University of New York, United States
  11. Professor Barbara Creed, Culture and Communication, University of Melbourne, Australia
  12. Professor Catherine Driscoll, Department of Gender and Cultural Studies, University of Sydney, Australia
  13. Professor Simon During, Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Queensland, Australia
  14. Dr. David Ellison, School of Humanities, Languages and Social Science, Griffith University, Australia
  15. Professor Grant Farred, Africana Studies and Research Center, Cornell University, United States
  16. Tara Forrest, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
  17. Professor John Frow, Department of English, University of Sydney, Australia
  18. Professor Anna Gibbs, School of Humanities and Communication Arts, Western Sydney University, Australia
  19. Professor Chris Gibson, Professor of Human Geography and Director, UOW Global Challenges Program, University of Wollongong, Australia
  20. Professor Ross Gibson, Creative & Cultural Research, University of Canberra, Australia
  21. Professor Helen Grace, Department of Gender and Cultural Studies, University of Sydney, Australia
  22. Professor Ghassan Hage, Social and Political Sciences, University of Melbourne, Australia
  23. Professor Gay Hawkins, Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University, Australia
  24. Professor Lesley Head, Australian Centre for Cultural Environmental Research, University of Wollongong, Australia
  25. Professor David Hesmondhalgh, Media, Music and Culture, Leeds University, United Kingdom
  26. Professor Lesley Hitchens, Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
  27. Emeritus Professor Bob Hodge, Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University, Australia
  28. Dr. Jackie Huggins, Deputy Director of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit, University of Queensland, Australia
  29. Professor Jane Jacobs, Social Sciences (Urban Studies), Yale-NUS College, Singapore
  30. Professor Annamarie Jagose, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Sydney, Australia
  31. Emeritus Professor Lesley Johnson, Cultural Studies, University of Technology Sydney, and Griffith University, Australia
  32. Professor Gail Jones, Writing and Society Research Centre, Western Sydney University, Australia
  33. Professor Isabel Karpin, Distinguished Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
  34. Dr. Misha Kavka, Media and Communication, University of Auckland, New Zealand
  35. Amanda Lohrey, Tasmania, Australia
  36. Dr. Celia Lury, Director, Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
  37. Professor Jane Lydon, Centre for Western Australian History, University of Western Australia, Australia
  38. Associate Professor Adrian Martin, Faculty of Arts, Monash University, Australia
  39. Associate Professor Fran Martin, Culture and Communication, University of Melbourne, Australia
  40. Dr. Jenna Mead, English and Cultural Studies, University of Western Australia, Australia
  41. Professor Philip Mead, English and Cultural Studies, University of Western Australia, Australia
  42. Professor Aileen Moreton-Robinson, Dean, Indigenous Research and Engagement, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
  43. Professor Meaghan Morris, Gender and Cultural Studeis, University of Sydney, Australia
  44. Emeritus Professor Stephen Muecke, Ethnography, University of New South Wales, Australia
  45. Professor Klaus Neumann, Swinburne Institute for Social Research, Swinburne University, Australia
  46. Professor Greg Noble, Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University, Australia
  47. Professor Baden Offord, Director, Centre for Human Rrights Education, Curtin University, Australia
  48. Professor Tom O'Regan, School of Communication and Arts, University of Queensland, Australia
  49. Professor Suvendrini Perera, Faculty of Humanities, Curtin University, Australia
  50. Professor Dana Polan, Tisch School of the Arts, New York University, United States
  51. Professor Elspeth Probyn, Department of Gender and Cultural Studies, University of Sydney, Australia
  52. Professor Susannah Radstone, Arts and Social Sciences, University of South Australia, and History, Monash University, Australia
  53. Professor Deborah Rose, School of Humanities and Languages, University of New South Wales, Australia
  54. Professor Anja Schwarz, Cultural Studies, University of Potsdam, Germany
  55. Dr. Zoe Sofoulis, Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University, Australia
  56. Emeritus Professor Lesley Stern, Arts and Humanities, University of California, San Diego, United States
  57. Professor Kathleen Stewart, Department of Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin, United States
  58. Adjunct Professor Jon Stratton, School of Communication, International Studies, and Languages, University of South Australia
  59. Professor Marita Sturken, Media, Culture and Communication, New York University, United States
  60. Emeritus Professor Graeme Turner, Professor of Cultural Studies, Centre for Critical and Cultural Studies, University of Queensland, Australia
  61. Professor McKenzie Wark, Chair and Professor of Media and Culture,Eugene Lang College, The New School, United States
  62. Professor Audrey Yue, Culture and Communication, University of Melbourne, Australia

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