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出版社:AB IMPERIO INC, 116 GLENDALE RD, AMHERST, United States, MA, 01002
变更情况:Newly Added by 2018

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Journal:

Ab Imperio Quarterly is an international humanities and social sciences peer-reviewed journal dedicated to studies in new imperial history and the interdisciplinary and comparative study of nationalism and nationalities in the post-Soviet space. The journal has been published since June 2000, four times a year. The languages of publication are English and Russian with summaries, respectively, in Russian and English. Ab Imperio pursues a policy of thematic issues within annual programs. Ab Imperio serves as an international forum for scholars reflecting on historical and contemporary encounters with diversity in composite societies. 

Ab Imperio is one of a few remaining fully independent journals published by a team of its founding editors as an ongoing international research project in the field of new imperial history of the post-Soviet region. Institutionalized as Ab Imperio Inc. in Amherst, MA, USA, Ab Imperio embodies an ideal of a professional periodical established by scholars and for scholars, as an academic cooperative that prioritizes providing opportunities for self-expression for researchers above some formal strictures that university-based or publishing house-owned journals had to comply with (be it word count or long waiting lists). Ab Imperio combines the tradition of Russian "thick journals" with the model of American peer-reviewed academic publication. Its unrivaled distribution network and availability in the post-Soviet countries, in Western Europe, and in North America makes Ab Imperio literally a household name in the Russian and related area studies world-wide. 

Since July 2017, AI is is published in consortium with the Havighurst Center for Russian and Post-Soviet Studies and the College of Arts and Sciences of Miami University.


AI is published by the independent group of four co-editors, who received both Russian and Western academic degrees. AI editorial board consists of leading experts in the fields of nationalism and imperial studies from Russia, Ukraine, Germany, USA, Canada, Japan, Hungary, and Czech Republic. They serve as AIadvisory board and as referees working with the manuscripts submitted to AI.

AI permanent sections:

Methodology and Theory; History; Archive; Sociology, Ethnology, Political Science; ABC: Empire and Nationalism Studies; Newest Mythologies; Historiography; Reviews.

Instructions to Authors

While each contribution to the journal copyright by Ab Imperio and its author(s), 
it should be understood that upon the submission of a contribution for publication 
in Ab Imperio, the author agrees with the terms of the following Contributors' 
Consent Statement.

Ab Imperio Publication Ethics Statement

Ab Imperio expects that its editors, authors and reviewers shall commit to and respect the following principles. Any manuscript that is found not in compliance with these principles may be removed from publication. 

Ab Imperio expects from the author that The work submitted for publication in Ab Imperio is original; 

  • The work has not been previously published;
  • The authors will refrain from submitting the work for publication elsewhere while it is reviewed by Ab Imperio and following a positive outcome of the review process;
  • All sources in the manuscript are properly cited and referenced in accordance with Ab Imperio style;
  • The editors of Ab Imperio will evaluate submitted manuscripts solely on their intellectual merits and the extent to which they foster Ab Imperio’s mission;
  • The editors of Ab Imperio will maintain strict confidentiality in all matters pertaining to the publication of the manuscript;
  • Each editor of Ab Imperio will report to the editorial group any conflicts of interest and respect the decision of the group;
  • Each reviewer will evaluate submitted manuscript solely on the bases of criteria outlined in the journal’s peer review form;
  • Each reviewer will notify the editors of ay potential conflicts of interest;
  • Each reviewer will maintain strict confidentiality in matters pertaining to the review process;
  • Each reviewer will notify the editors of any potential reason to reject the manuscript.

Contributors' Consent Statement

1. The Author gives the publisher full and unconditional right to publish the submitted  title in both paper and electronic versions of the journal Ab Imperio, that may be reproduced in full-text electronic databases administered by a third party. This title is further referred to as “Work”. Copyright transfer is limited to the extent that the author(s) or the author(s)’ employer (if applicable):

a) retain proprietary rights, other than copyright, such as patent rights in any procedure, process, or means of manufacture depicted in the contribution; 
b) retain oral presentation rights; 
c) retain preprint distribution rights, including posting as electronic files on the contributor’s own Web site for personal or professional use (without allowing general access from the public domain), or on the contributor’s internal university/corporate intranet or network, or other external Web site at the contributor’s university or institution, but not for either commercial (for-profit) or systematic third party sales or dissemination, by which is meant any interlibrary loan or document delivery systems. The contributor may update the preprint with the final version of the article after review and revision by the journal’s editor(s) and/or editorial/peer-review board; 
d) retain photocopying, online transmittal, or downloading rights to any colleagues for the advancement of scientific research (with the exception of systematic distribution as described in section 1c); 
e) retain republication rights in any book written or edited by the contributor himself or herself, in any edited work for which the contributor is the sole editor or senior editor, or teaching course package [coursepack] prepared or written by the contributor. For any of these uses, no further permission is necessary in writing from the Publsher, nor will the Publisher require fees of any kind for the reprinting. However, the Publisher requires that a proper acknowledgement line be included in re-prints described above: date, publisher’s name, city and state, journal and article title, volume, issue, and page number(s). This statement is intended to provide full description for the limitation of copyright transferred to the Publisher.

2. In consideration for publication and dissemination of our work, if accepted and published by the Publisher, the Author(s) agree to transfer certain rights of the Work to Publisher, including full rights to publication in all media now known or later developed, including but not limited to electronic databases and microfilm/microform, electronic journal format, anthologies of any kind, single-copy distribution through a distribution system, and as part of any aggregate (i.e., multiple journals distributed together as a package) print or electronic subscription or publication of any kind, and in any format now known or later developed with exceptions and limitations noted above.

3. The author(s) represent(s) and warrant(s):

a) that the manuscript submitted is his/her (their) own work; 
b) that the work has been submitted only to this journal and that it has not been submitted or published elsewhere; 
c) that the article contains no libelous or unlawful statements and does not infringe upon the civil rights of others; 
d) that the author(s) is (are) not infringing upon anyone else’s copyright. 
e) That the Author agrees and accepts necessary changes as introduced by the Publisher to the text of the Work as a result of proofreading, style and copyediting. The authors agree that if there is a breach of any of the above representations and warranties that (s)he (they) will indemnify the Publisher, Editor(s), or Guest Editor(s) and hold them harmless.

4. No amendments or modifications of the terms of this Agreement are permissible unless same shall be in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the Publisher. This form is not valid if the Author(s) add any additional constraints and/or amendments.


Ab Imperio style guidelines

All research articles submitted to Ab Imperio are subject to double-blind peer review process, editorial decisions are made upon the recommendations of peer reviewers.

In 2013, Ab Imperio's acceptance rate was under 25% from the total number of submissions (including the articles resubmitted after complete re-writing following the recommendations of peer reviewers).

The deadline for submission of manuscripts (at abimperio.inc@gmail.com) is at least three months prior to the month of publication.

Issues of Ab Imperio are published in May (#1), August (#2), November (#3), and February (#4).

All materials must be submitted in electronic form, format Microsoft Word: articles are normally 40,000-50,000 symbols w/o spaces, reviews - 10,000-14,000 symbols w/o spaces.

All article submissions must be accompanied by a 100-word abstract.

All articles and book reviews, independently of the original language, must follow AI guidelines (see below)

Guidelines for AI footnoting style:

A) All references should be romanized, for transliteration please use traslit.ru(please choose the option LC (i.e. Library of Congress).

B) Author / title / place and date of publication / page number should be separated by period.

C) In order to facilitate visual recognition, all abbreviations must be in capital letters (P. = C. = S. = page), etc.

D) First the given name, then the last name of the author.

E) In footnotes, no publishing house must be noted, only the place and the year of publication.





Г. В. Вернадский. Начертание русской истории. Часть первая. Прага, 1927. С. 9-10.


Edward A. Said. Orientalism. New York, 1979. Pp. 22-24.


Claus Scharf. Katharina II., Deutschland und die Deutschen. Mainz, 1995. S. 3-4.

Сборник (один редактор) / Edited Volume, one editor


Открытия русских землепроходцев и полярных мореходов XVIIвека на северо-востоке Азии (Сб. док.) / Сост. Н. С. Орлова. Под ред. А. В. Ефимова. Москва, 1951. С. 278.


Peter H. Solomon, Jr. (Ed.). Reforming Justice in Russia, 1864-1994. Power, Culture, and the Limits of Legal Order. London, 1997.


Claus Scharf (Hg.). Katharina II., RuЯland und Europa. Beitrдge zur internationalen Forschung. Mainz, 2001


Edited Volume, several editors


Колониальная политика Московского государства в Якутии XVII в. / Сб. док. Под ред. Я. П. Алькора и Б. Д. Грекова. Ленинград, 1936. С. 234. [более трех редакторов: приводится фамилия первого и др.]


Daniel R. Brower and Edward J. Lazzerini (Eds.). Russia's Orient. Imperial Borderlands and Peoples, 1700-1917. Bloomington, 1997 [more than three editors: first editor, et al.]


Heinz Duchhardt, Claus Scharf (Hrsg.). Interdisziplinaritдt und Internationalitдt. Wege und Formen der Rezeption der franzцsischen und der britischen Aufklдrung in Deutschland und RuЯland im 18. Jahrhundert (Reihe "Beihefte" zu den Verцffentlichungen des Instituts fьr Europдische Geschichte). Mainz, 2002.


Chapter in an edited volume


В. И. Огородников. Русская государственная власть и сибирские инородцы в XVI - XVIII вв. // Сб. трудов профессоров и преподавателей Иркутского ун-та. Иркутск, 1921. С. 90-97.


Franco Venturi. A Portrait of Alexander Radishchev //Idem. Studies in Free Russia. Chicago, 1982. Рp. 26-58


Dietrich Geyer. "Gesellschaft" als staatliche Veranstaltung. Sozialgeschichtliche Aspekte des russischen Behцrdenstaates im 18. Jahrhundert // Idem. (Hg.). Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im vorrevolutionдren RuЯland. Kцln, 1975. S. 20-52.


Article in journal


А. С. Зуев. От завоевания к вхождению, или Как присоединяли Сибирь к России советские историки // Родина. 2000. № 5. C. 34-35.


Nathaniel Knight. Grigor'ev in Orenburg, 1851-1862: Russian Orientalism in the Service of Empire // Slavic Review. 2000. Vol. 59. Pp. 74-100.


Jьrgen Kocka. Der “deutsche Sonderweg” in der Diskussion // German Studies Review. 1982. H. 5. S. 365-379 

Nicholas V. Riasanovsky. Prince N.S. Trubetskoi’s “Europe And Mankind” // Jahrbьcher fьr Geschichte Osteuropas. 1964. Bd. 13. S. 207-220.




Вооруженное нападение // Новая Одесская газета. 1908. № 33. 4 сентября. С. 3.


Chronicle // The New York Times. 1912. 14 March. P. 12a.





Д. Свак. Ключевые проблемы социально-политической истории России второй половины ХVI века в русской и советской историографии: Реформы и опричнина Ивана IV / Автореферат дисс…. к.и.н. Ленинград, 1984.


Roshanna Patricia Sylvester. Crime, Masquerade, and Anxiety: The Public Creation of Middle-Class Identity in Pre-Revolutionary Odessa, 1912-1916 / Ph.D. dissertation; Yale University, 1998.


Lьtz Hдfner. Gesellschaft als lokale Veranstaltung in RuЯland: stдdtische Eliten und Цffentlichkeit in Kazan' und Saratov 1870 bis 1914. Habil.schr. Bielefeld, 2001.


Archival Document


ЦГИАУ. Ф. 419. Прокурор одесской судебной палаты. Оп. 2. Т. 2. Ед. хр. 1628. Представление прокурора Одесского окружного суда о производстве следствия по обвинению Одесского зубного врача Фурманского Н. в изнасиловании Белендир Е. Л. 1-1об.


Iu. Semenov. Doklad o zadachakh Russkogo Natsional’nogo Ob’edinenia // Bakhmeteff Archive at Columbia University (henceforth BAR). Russian National Committee (RNC) Papers. Box 27. File 1.


Bundesarchiv-Potsdam. NS 31/60. Bl. 2-3.


Internet publication


Обновленная версия библиографии размещена в Интернет: http://www.karelia.ru/psu/Chairs/PreRev/BIBLRUS.rtf

Последнее посещение 1 мая 2001 г.


See Doklad Predsedatelia Gosudarstvennoi Dumy Borisa Gryzlova. http://www.duma.gov.ru/100let/3_1_Tavr.html. Last visit: May 5, 2007.

Ger. Felix Hinz. Rezension zu: Daniel Castro. Another Face of Empire. Bartlomй de Las Casas, Indigenous Rights and Ecclesiastical Imperialism. Durham, 2007. H-Soz-u-Kult. 31.01.2009. http://hsozkult.geschichte.hu-berlin.de/rezensionen/2009-1-085. Последнее посещение 8.02.2008.

Repeated reference to the same work


Там же. С. 18.

Eng.+ Ger.

Ibid. P. 18 [S. 18]


By the same author


Он же. С. 18 или Он же. Камо гредеши? Пг., 1915. С. 18.

Eng.+ Ger.

Idem. P. 18.

Foreign author, whose work has already been cited: 
Jones. How to Be a Gentleman. P. 798.

Or just family name: Jones. P. 798.

Editorial Board


Post-Soviet Countries:

Dr. Ilya Gerasimov

Ab Imperio
918 Keystone Ave
River Forest, IL 60305

Fax: ++1-866-445-9438;
e-mail: abimperio.inc@gmail.com 

Edward and Marianna Thaden Chair in Russian and East European Intellectual History 
Associate Professor of History 
Department of History 
University of Illinois at Chicago 
913 University Hall 
601 S. Morgan St. 
Chicago, IL 60607-7109 
E-mail: marina@abimperio.net 


USA & Canada:

Dr. Serguei Glebov

Assistant Professor 
History Department
Smith College and Amherst College,

Wright Hall Northampton, MA 01063 
Phone: ++1-413-585-3742; 
Fax: ++1-866-445-9438; 
e-mail: sglebov@smith.edu


Department of History, 
National Research University-Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg 
Soiuza Pechatnikov str., 16, 
190008 St. Petersburg 
Russian Federation 

e-mail: semyonov@abimperio.net

Editorial Board

  • Sergei Abashin (European University at St. Petersburg, Russia)
  • Joerg Baberowski (Humboldt University, Germany)
  • Seymour Becker (Rutgers University, USA)
  • Rogers Brubaker (UCLA, USA)
  • Jane Burbank (NYU, USA) 
  • Peter Gatrell (University of Manchester, UK)
  • И. А. Гилязов (Казанский федеральный университет, Россия)
  • Ярослав Грицак (Інститут історичних досліджень Львівського національного університету імені Івана Франка, Україна)
  • Mark von Hagen (University of Arizona, USA)
  • Miroslav Hroch (Charles University, Czech Republic)
  • Andreas Kappeler (University of Vienna, Austria)
  • Neringa Klumbytė (Miami University, USA)
  • Maria Kovacs (CEU, Hungary)
  • Jan Kusber (Mainz University, Germany)
  • Dieter Langewiesche (Universitaet Tuebingen, Germany)
  • Mark Leiderman (Lipovetsky)(University of Colorado Boulder, USA)
  • Kimitaka Matsuzato (Hokkaido University, Japan)
  • Stephen M. Norris (Miami University, USA)
  • Alfred Rieber (CEU, Hungary)
  • William Rosenberg (University of Michigan, USA)
  • Yuri Slezkine (University of California at Berkeley, USA) 
  • Darius Staliunas (Institute of Lithuanian History, Vilnius, Lithuania) 
  • Ronald Suny (University of Michigan, USA)
  • Richard Wortman (Columbia University, USA)
  • Serhy Yekelchyk (University of Victoria, Canada)

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