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变更情况:Newly Added by 2018

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

About JoSTrans

Aims and scope

In today's academic and professional environment, the growth of specialised translation has resulted in the development of a significant area in Translation Studies. JoSTrans aims to create a forum for translators and researchers in specialised translation, to disseminate information, exchange ideas and to provide a dedicated publication outlet for research in specialised, non-literary translation.

This international journal is indexed with the main abstract and citation databases of peer-reviewed literature, including the MLA International Bibliography (listed in the Directory of Periodicals), Translation Studies Bibliography, SCOPUS, and ERIH PLUS. Since 2016, it has also been indexed and abstracted by Clarivate (formerly Thomson & Reuters) in Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Current Contents/Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences Citation Index, Journal Citation Reports/ Social Sciences Edition, Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences. JoSTrans is double-blind peer-reviewed. It is web-based to allow maximum flexibility and access. We accept contributions in a range of languages, including minority languages, to provide a publishing opportunity for researchers of all nationalities. English abstracts are provided for all articles.

The journal offers a mixture of thematic and open issues, covering the following areas:

  • Features of specialised language
  • General and practical issues in translation and interpreting
  • Subject field translation issues, i.e. medical, legal, financial, multi-media, localisation, etc
  • Theoretical issues in specialised translation
  • Aspects of training and teaching specialised translation
  • Revision and post-editing.

We are particularly interested in providing a space where cultural aspects of specialised translation can be discussed and we encourage a comparative approach across languages, subject fields and methodologies. We also welcome contributions from related disciplines such as linguistics, philosophy and cultural studies which touch on issues of specialised translation.

We favour diversity in theoretical frameworks and are interested in innovative approaches in an emerging discipline where immediacy is a key feature. We welcome comments and are interested in dialogue between contributors, editors and readers.

Publication ethics and malpractice statement

The journal’s policies are based on the guidelines published by COPE, the Committee on Publication Ethics.

The journal is published with the assistance of the Editor’s University and partially funded through grants from various European Research Centres.


By submitting manuscripts for publication, authors acknowledge that their article is not published anywhere else and assign their copyrights to © JoSTrans, The Journal of Specialised Translation. Authors are also responsible for obtaining permission to use copyright material from other sources, where necessary.

The content of the JoSTrans website can be accessed, downloaded and/or printed for personal non-commercial use. Authors may use their text elsewhere after publication provided that JoSTrans is acknowledged as the original source of publication.

JoSTrans’s outputs are therefore licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution license which allows re-distribution and re-use of a licensed work on the condition that the original source is appropriately credited.

Plagiarism and data accuracy

The JoSTrans editorial team checks articles against plagiarism using plagiarism detection software. Where an article is found to have copied previous work, plagiarised other work or fails to acknowledge existing material the article is barred from publication. The editorial team also cross-checks data for accuracy and authenticity.

Editors’ responsibilities

The editorial board considers and reviews the journals policies, standards and publication mechanisms as well as editorial decisions for each journal issue. Members of the board discuss ethical issues and contentious publication matters, such as cases of plagiarism or potential retraction of articles, for future and published issues. The editorial board comprises the general editor, deputy editors, language editors, a managing editor, a review editor and a peer-review manager. They work in collaboration with the web publishing and technical team and with a promotion manager who disseminates information regarding new issues. All editors and the peer-review manager are committed to treating authors with fairness, courtesy, objectivity, honesty and transparency. They are bound to protect authors’ confidentiality and commit to declare any conflict of interest. They also aim to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies as required.

The general editor has the ultimate responsibility for the editorial process and the provision of clear guidelines regarding manuscript submission and authorship criteria. The general editor has final authority regarding editorial decisions, including accepting or rejecting an article.

The managing editor is the author’s first point of contact, informs the author of the decision-making process regarding their submission and initiates the peer-review system.

The peer-review manager ensures that an effective system is in place for sending articles for evaluation and communicating with authors on the evaluation schedule. The peer-review manager protects authors’ confidentiality, the anonymity of reviewers, keeps track of all submissions and peer-review reports, collaborates with editors in order to select appropriate referees, and ensures that reports are received and sent to authors with reasonable speed.

Deputy editors take it in turn to take responsibility for an issue from receipt of peer-reviewed revised articles to their publication. They communicate with authors regarding the correction of errors and clarifications required before publication and, if required, after publication. They collaborate with language editors who style-edit articles.

Peer-reviewers’ responsibilities

Reviewers should have no conflict of interest with respect the research which they are evaluating and agree to provide an objective and informed assessment, using the evaluation criteria provided by the peer-review manager. Reviewers are committed to confirm the academic integrity of the paper which they are reviewing to the best of their ability.

Authors’ responsibilities

Authors pledge to submit authentic research and agree to take part in a peer-review process and to revise articles as required. They agree to comply to standard requirements of academic publishing such as including secondary references in support of their own theories, displayed a bibliography at the end of their article. Should they discover errors in their work, they should notify the editor for corrections. They agree to comply with the journal’s stylesheet regarding formatting, references, and acknowledgement of financial support if relevant. They are aware that plagiarism, the inclusion of fraudulent data, and previous publication of their research in another book or journals, including in another language, would lead to the retraction of their article.

Guidelines for retracting articles

The general editor will contact the author in case of the potential retraction of an article. An article will be considered for retraction in the interest of academic integrity in the following cases:

  • the article content provides substantial false or unreliable information which cannot be corrected either through fraud or genuine error
  • the article was previously published elsewhere
  • the article plagiarises previously published information.

Retracted articles will be removed from the journal’s site and a notice of retraction posted on the issue’s table of contents.

Instructions to Authors

JoSTrans is a multilingual journal specialising in non-literary translation issues. Launched in 2004, it is free, open-access, electronic, double-blind peer-reviewed and published bi-annually. JoSTrans does not charge authors to publish their work.

JoSTrans alternates thematic and non-thematic issues. Submissions for thematic issues should be sent to the guest editor(s) in charge if known. If not, they can be sent to the general editor.

For non-thematic issues, submissions will be considered within a window of 3 months starting 18 months before the publication. See style sheet for details.

Contacting JoSTrans by email

For matters relating to the content of the Jostrans site, email the editor at: 

For technical or website-related issues, email the webmaster at:

See the Call for papers, style sheet [PDF] and review guidelines

For further details contact:
Lucile Desblache 
University of Roehampton
Department of Media, Culture and Language
Roehampton Lane
London SW15 5SL


JoSTrans was launched on January 2004. It is an open-access, electronic, peer-reviewed journal published bi-annually.

Articles should be between 5000 and 7000 words including end notes; reviews should be between 500-800 words.

Issues we would like to consider will explore:

- Features of specialised language 
- General and practical issues in translation and interpreting 
- Subject field translation issues, i.e. medical, legal, financial, multi-media, localisation, etc 
- Theoretical issues in specialised translation 
- Aspects of training and teaching specialised translation. 

For submission details and deadlines see the Style sheet and review guidelines.

See below information regarding the calls for papers for coming issues:

Issue 31 - Call for papers: Post-Editing in Practice: Process, Product and Networks

Issue 33 - Call for papers: Special issue on Experimental research and cognition in audiovisual translation

Issue 35 - Call for papers: Translation and Plurisemiotic Practices (En français)

Editorial Board

Łucja Biel (University of Warsaw)
General Editor 
Łucja Biel (University of Warsaw) (l.biel@uw.edu.pl)
Deputy Editors
Lindsay Bywood (University of Westminster) / Karen Seago (City University, London)
Managing Editor
Sarah Maitland (Goldsmith University) (S.Maitland@gold.ac.uk)
Liaison Editor
Jonathan Evans (University of Portsmouth)
English Editor
Zoe Moores (University of Roehampton)
Peer-review manager
Mikolaj Deckert (University of Łodz)

Alessandra Rizzo (University of Palermo) (alessandra.rizzo@unipa.it)

Reviews Editor

Kristine Bundgaard (University of Aarhus, kbundgaard@cgs.aau.dk)

Technical design and implementation
Webmaster - Andy Walker
Web team - Alexandra Castellanos, Evgenia Papoulia, Maren Dethlefsen, Karli Webster, David Orrego-Carmona
Video - Robin Scobey

Editorial/Advisory Board members
Donald Barabé
Louise Brunette
Deborah Cao
Lucile Desblache (general editor 2004-2018)
Jorge Díaz-Cintas
Daniel Gile
Dionysios Kapsaskis
Lourdes Melcion
Jeremy Munday
Josélia Neves
Nike Kocijanci Pokorn
Anthony Pym
Nadia Rahab
Vilelmini Sosoni
Mark Shuttleworth
Marcel Thelen

Suggestions for the pool of referees
We would be grateful for suggestions at any time.
We also welcome suggestions for guest issues in specialist areas from Board and external members.

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