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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Publication Cover

Aims and scope

Postcolonial Studies is the journal of the Institute of Postcolonial Studies, Melbourne.

Postcolonial Studies is the first journal specifically aimed at publishing work which explores the various facets—textual, figural, spatial, historical, political and economic—of the colonial encounter, and the ways in which this encounter shaped the West and non-West alike.

A growing academic literature recognises that the colonial encounter was a seminal event in the history of both the West and the non-Western world, shaping culture and literature, politics and history. From being the provenance of the ‘area studies’ scholar, it has become the site of numerous investigations from many disciplines, as well as a theoretical perspective from which to view a variety of concerns. ‘Postcolonialism’ is the name which such investigations have acquired, and Postcolonial Studies provides a forum for them.

Postcolonial Studies does not confine its attentions to any single place, region or discipline. It publishes original and challenging contributions from all over the world, informed by a variety of theoretical perspectives, including postmodernism, marxism, feminism and queer theory. Its aim is to generate a productive dialogue and exchange between theorists and writers in disparate locations.

Peer Review Policy: 
All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous double-blind peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by two expert referees. All review, invited, opinion, and reflective papers in this journal have undergone peer-based editorial screening.

Journal information

Print ISSN: 1368-8790 Online ISSN: 1466-1888
4 issues per year
Abstracted/ Indexed in: America: History and Life; Historical Abstracts; Sociological Abstracts; C S A Worldwide Political Science Abstracts; EBSCOhost; Humanities International Index; International Bibliography of the Social Sciences; OCLC; Social Services Abstracts; Sociological Abstracts; Swets Information Services and Thomson Gale; Arts and Humanities Citation Index; Current Contents:Arts and Humanities; Current Contents:Social and Behavioral Sciences; Social Sciences Citation Index; and Journal Citation Report: Social Sciences Edition.

The Institute of Postcolonial Studies and our publisher Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in our publications. However, The Institute of Postcolonial Studies and our publisher Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by The Institute of Postcolonial Studies and our publisher Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. The Institute of Postcolonial Studies and our publisher Taylor & Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to, or arising out of the use of the Content. Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http://www.tandfonline.com/page/terms-and-conditions .


Instructions to Authors
This journal uses Editorial Manager to peer review manuscript submissions. Please read the guide for Editorial Manager authors before making a submission. Complete guidelines for preparing and submitting your manuscript to this journal are provided below. 

Use these instructions if you are preparing a manuscript to submit to Postcolonial Studies. To explore our journals portfolio, visit http://www.tandfonline.com/, and for more author resources, visit our Author Services website. 

Postcolonial Studies considers all manuscripts on the strict condition that

  • the manuscript is your own original work, and does not duplicate any other previously published work, including your own previously  published work.
  • the manuscript has been submitted only to Postcolonial Studies ; it is not under consideration or peer review or accepted for publication or in press  or published elsewhere.
  • the manuscript contains nothing that is abusive, defamatory, libellous, obscene, fraudulent, or illegal.

Please note that Postcolonial Studies uses CrossCheck™ software to screen manuscripts for unoriginal material. By submitting your manuscript to Postcolonial Studies you are agreeing to any necessary originality checks your manuscript may have to undergo during the peer-review and production processes.

Any author who fails to adhere to the above conditions will be charged with costs which Postcolonial Studies incurs for their manuscript at the discretion of Postcolonial Studies ’s Editors and Taylor & Francis, and their manuscript will be rejected. 

This journal is compliant with the Research Councils UK OA policy. Please see the licence options and embargo periods here. 

Contents List

1. Manuscript preparation

2. Manuscript submission

3. Copyright and authors’ rights

4. Free article access

5. Reprints and journal copies

6. Open access 

Manuscript preparation

1. General guidelines 
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  • Manuscripts are accepted in English only. British English spelling and punctuation are preferred. Please use single quotation marks, except where ‘a quotation is “within” a quotation’. Long quotations of 40 words or more should be indented without quotation marks.
  • Please use endnotes for all references and citations. Notes should be marked clearly in the text at the point of punctuation using superscript and listed consecutively at the end of your article. Bibliographical references should always be provided in the form of endnotes; we do not publish separate bibliographies at the end of articles. If the program EndNote is used, please remove all EndNote Fields from the file before sending. Notes should not be listed at the bottom of each relevant page. Avoid over-numbering references: if one source is being cited for several references within a paragraph, number this only once at the end of the paragraph. The use of notes in general should be kept to a minimum. 
  • When citing books, please use the following format, e.g.: Summers, Lillian, Antipodean Alliances , London: Coolgardie Press, 1995, p 7; Kirk, John Stuart, Middle East on Trial , London: Bodley Head, 1977, pp. 3-9.  When citing chapters in books, please use the following format, e.g.: Birks, John, 'Middle East Labour' in Middle East Today , S Sinclair (ed), London: Frank Cass, 1987, pp. 28-36;  Menchev, Brian Lewis, "Disappearing acts: postcolonialism, autobiography and the spoken word" in Telling Tales: Narrating the Postcolonial Self , Barker Whitlam (ed), Melbourne: Barwon Heads Books, 2001, pp. 45-62.  When citing articles , please use the following format, e.g.:  Fredericks, Sara, "Disappearing acts: autobiography and the spoken word", Self and Society , 89(2), 1998, pp. 104-135;  Rubin, Brownwyn, 'Drowning in the Gulf', Foreign Policy , 69(4), 1987-88, pp. 120-134. 
  • Unpublished theses, mimeographs and reports also receive full references including the name of the appropriate institution. For newspaper references, give the author, title, name of paper, town in brackets, date of issue and page numbers. Authors' names should be abbreviated to initials and surname in the footnotes.
  • Dates should be written as follows: 5 August 1966. Numbers from one to nine should be written out in full: figures should be used for numbers above 10. Please place closing punctuation marks outside the quoted material (e.g. Jackie Huggins refers to the interplay between her mother's voice and her own as a process of "fighting with our tongues").
  • A typical manuscript will not exceed 9000 words including endnotes.  Manuscripts that greatly exceed this will be critically reviewed with respect to length. Authors should include a word count with their manuscript.
  • Manuscripts should be compiled in the following order: title page (including Acknowledgements as well as Funding and grant-awarding bodies); abstract; keywords; main text; acknowledgements; references; appendices (as appropriate); table(s) with caption(s) (on individual pages); figure caption(s) (as a list).
  • Abstracts of 200 words are required for all manuscripts submitted.
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) is a means of making your article more visible to anyone who might be looking for it. Please consult our guidance here.
  • Section headings should be concise.
  • All authors of a manuscript should include their full name and affiliation on the cover page of the manuscript. One author should be identified as the corresponding author. Please give the affiliation where the research was conducted. If any of the named co-authors moves affiliation during the peer review process, the new affiliation can be given as a footnote. Please note that no changes to affiliation can be made after the manuscript is accepted. Please note that the email address of the corresponding author will normally be displayed in the article PDF (depending on the journal style) and the online article.
  • All persons who have a reasonable claim to authorship must be named in the manuscript as co-authors; the corresponding author must be authorized by all co-authors to act as an agent on their behalf in all matters pertaining to publication of the manuscript, and the order of names should be agreed by all authors.
  • Please supply a short biographical note of 50 words for each author.
  • Please supply all details required by any funding and grant-awarding bodies as an Acknowledgement on the title page of the manuscript, in a separate paragraph, as follows:
    • For single agency grants: "This work was supported by the [Funding Agency] under Grant [number xxxx]."
    • For multiple agency grants: "This work was supported by the [Funding Agency 1] under Grant [number xxxx]; [Funding Agency 2] under Grant [number xxxx]; and [Funding Agency 3] under Grant [number xxxx]."
  • Authors must also incorporate a Disclosure Statement which will acknowledge any financial interest or benefit they have arising from the direct applications of their research.
  • Data Availability Statement: If there is a data set associated with the paper, please provide information about where the data supporting the results or analyses presente­d in the paper can be found. Where applicable, this should include the hyperlink, DOI or other persistent identifier associated with the data set(s). Templates are also available to support authors.
  • Data deposition. If you choose to share or make the data underlying the study open, please deposit your data in a recognized data repository prior to or at the time of submission. You will be asked to provide the DOI, pre-reserved DOI, or other persistent identifier for the data set.
  • For all manuscripts non-discriminatory language is mandatory. Sexist or racist terms must not be used.
  • Authors must adhere to SI units. Units are not italicised.
  • When using a word which is or is asserted to be a proprietary term or trade mark, authors must use the symbol ® or TM.
  • Authors must not embed equations or image files within their manuscript.

3. Figures 
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  • Please provide the highest quality figure format possible. Please be sure that all imported scanned material is scanned at the appropriate resolution: 1200 dpi for line art, 600 dpi for grayscale and 300 dpi for colour.
  • Figures must be saved separate to text. Please do not embed figures in the manuscript file.
  • Files should be saved as one of the following formats: TIFF (tagged image file format), PostScript or EPS (encapsulated PostScript), and should contain all the necessary font information and the source file of the application (e.g. CorelDraw/Mac, CorelDraw/PC).
  • All figures must be numbered in the order in which they appear in the manuscript (e.g. Figure 1, Figure 2). In multi-part figures, each part should be labelled (e.g. Figure 1(a), Figure 1(b)).
  • Figure captions must be saved separately, as part of the file containing the complete text of the manuscript, and numbered correspondingly.
  • The filename for a graphic should be descriptive of the graphic, e.g. Figure1, Figure2a. 

4. Publication charges 
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Submission fee

There are no submission fees, publication fees or page charges for this journal.

Page charges

There are no page charges for Postcolonial Studies .

Colour charges

Colour figures will be reproduced in colour in the online edition of the journal free of charge. If it is necessary for the figures to be reproduced in colour in the print version, a charge will apply. Charges for colour figures in print are £250 per figure ($395 US Dollars; $385 Australian Dollars; 315 Euros). For more than 4 colour figures, figures 5 and above will be charged at £50 per figure ($80 US Dollars; $75 Australian Dollars; 63 Euros).

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5. Reproduction of copyright material 
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If you wish to include any material in your manuscript in which you do not hold copyright, you must obtain written permission from the copyright owner, prior to submission. Such material may be in the form of text, data, table, illustration, photograph, line drawing, audio clip, video clip, film still, and screenshot, and any supplemental material you propose to include. This applies to direct (verbatim or facsimile) reproduction as well as “derivative reproduction” (where you have created a new figure or table which derives substantially from a copyrighted source).

You must ensure appropriate acknowledgement is given to the permission granted to you for reuse by the copyright holder in each figure or table caption. You are solely responsible for any fees which the copyright holder may charge for reuse.

The reproduction of short extracts of text, excluding poetry and song lyrics, for the purposes of criticism may be possible without formal permission on the basis that the quotation is reproduced accurately and full attribution is given.

For further information and FAQs on the reproduction of copyright material, please consult our Guide.

6. Supplemental online material 
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Authors are encouraged to submit animations, movie files, sound files or any additional information for online publication.

Manuscript submission 
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Click here for information regarding anonymous peer review.

This journal uses Editorial Manager to manage the peer-review process. If you haven't submitted a paper to this journal before, you will need to create an account in the submission centre. Please read the guidelines above and then submit your paper in the relevant author centre where you will find user guides and a helpdesk.

If you are submitting in LaTeX, please convert the files to PDF beforehand (you may also need to upload or send your LaTeX source files with the PDF).

Please note that  Postcolonial Studies uses Crossref™ to screen papers for unoriginal material. By submitting your paper to Postcolonial Studies  you are agreeing to originality checks during the peer-review and production processes.

On acceptance, we recommend that you keep a copy of your Accepted Manuscript. Find out more about sharing your work.

Data Sharing Policy

This journal applies the Taylor & Francis Basic Data Sharing Policy. Authors are encouraged to share or make open the data supporting the results or analyses presented in their paper where this does not violate the protection of human subjects or other valid privacy or security concerns.

Authors are encouraged to deposit the dataset(s) in a recognized data repository that can mint a persistent digital identifier, preferably a digital object identifier (DOI) and recognizes a long-term preservation plan. If you are uncertain about where to deposit your data, please see this information regarding repositories.

Authors are further encouraged to cite any data sets referenced in the article and provide a Data Availability Statement.

At the point of submission, you will be asked if there is a data set associated with the paper. If you reply yes, you will be asked to provide the DOI, pre-registered DOI, hyperlink, or other persistent identifier associated with the data set(s). If you have selected to provide a pre-registered DOI, please be prepared to share the reviewer URL associated with your data deposit, upon request by reviewers.

Where one or multiple data sets are associated with a manuscript, these are not formally peer reviewed as a part of the journal submission process. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure the soundness of data. Any errors in the data rest solely with the producers of the data set(s).

To assure the integrity, dissemination, and protection against copyright infringement of published articles, you will be asked to assign to The Institute of Postcolonial Studies, via a Publishing Agreement, the copyright in your article. Your Article is defined as the final, definitive, and citable Version of Record, and includes: (a) the accepted manuscript in its final form, including the abstract, text, bibliography, and all accompanying tables, illustrations, data; and (b) any supplemental material hosted by Taylor & Francis. Our  Publishing Agreement with you will constitute the entire agreement and the sole understanding between The Institute of Postcolonial Studies and you; no amendment, addendum, or other communication will be taken into account when interpreting your and The Institute of Postcolonial Studies rights and obligations under this Agreement. 

Copyright policy is explained in detail here.

Free article access 
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As an author, you will receive free access to your article on Taylor & Francis Online. You will be given access to the My authored works section of Taylor & Francis Online, which shows you all your published articles. You can easily view, read, and download your published articles from there. In addition, if someone has cited your article, you will be able to see this information. We are committed to promoting and increasing the visibility of your article and have provided guidance on how you can help. Also within My authored works, author eprints allow you as an author to quickly and easily give anyone free access to the electronic version of your article so that your friends and contacts can read and download your published article for free. This applies to all authors (not just the corresponding author).

Reprints and journal copies 
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Open Access 
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Taylor & Francis Open Select provides authors or their research sponsors and funders with the option of paying a publishing fee and thereby making an article permanently available for free online access – open access – immediately on publication to anyone, anywhere, at any time. This option is made available once an article has been accepted in peer review.

Full details of our Open Access programme 

Last updated 24/05/2018

Editorial Board
Editorial Board:  
John Cash - University of Melbourne, Australia
Phillip Darby - University of Melbourne, Australia
Paul James - Western Sydney University, Australia 
Managing Editor:    
Alison Caddick - Institute for Postcolonial Studies, Australia   
Global Editorial Groups
John Cash - University of Melbourne, Australia
Ramaswami Harindranath - University of New South Wales, Australia 
Emma Kowal -  Deakin  University, Australia
Anoma Pieris - University of Melbourne, Australia  
Baidik Bhattacharya - University of Delhi, India
Ira Raja - University of Delhi, India
Francisco Carballo -  Goldsmiths, University of London, UK  
David L Martin -  Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
Sanjay Seth -  Goldsmiths, University of London, UK 
Tamara Beauchamp -  University of California, Irvine, USA  
Sharareh Frouzesh -  University of California, Irvine, USA 
Liron Mor -  University of California, Irvine, USA 
Reviews Editor:
Michele Lobo - Deakin University, Australia
International Consulting Editors:
Ackbar Abbas - University of Hong Kong, China 
Pal Ahluwalia - University of Portsmouth, UK 
Tani Barlow  Rice University, USA 
Iain Chambers - Istituto Universitario Orientale, Naples, Italy 
Dipesh Chakrabarty - University of Chicago, USA 
Partha Chatterjee - Centre for Studies in the Social Sciences, Calcutta, India 
Rey Chow - Duke University, USA 
Yue Daiyun - Beijing University, China 
Phillip Darby - University of Melbourne, Australia 
Liu Dong - Beijing University, China 
Simon During - University of Melbourne, Australia 
Leela Gandhi - University of Chicago, USA 
Michele Grossman -  Deakin University, Australia 
Ranajit Guha - Vienna, Austria 
Sneja Gunew - University of British Columbia, Canada 
Wang Hui - Qinghua University, China    
David Lloyd - University of California, Riverside, USA 
Abdul Jan Mohamed - University of California, Berkeley, USA 
Meaghan Morris - Sydney University, Australia 
Ashis Nandy - Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi, India 
Rajyashree Pandey - Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
Gyan Prakash - Princeton University, USA 
Naoki Sakai - Cornell University, USA
Gabriele Schwab - University of California, Irvine, USA 
Yashon Tandon - University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe 
Sue Thomas - La Trobe University, Australia
Tim Watson - University of Miami, USA

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