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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Resonancias aims to contribute to the generation of knowledge about music in its many different facets, as well as fomenting the development of music research, especially in Chile and Latin America.

The journal’s target audience consists of researchers and students of music and its related fields, in particular the arts and humanities (history, anthropology, sociology, education, etc.), though it also encourages participation from researchers in other areas such as cognitive sciences, engineering and ICT.


Resonancias focuses mainly on the publication of original research articles that constitute a contribution to knowledge in the field of music studies, which is understood in a broad sense, ranging from musicology and ethnomusicology to other disciplines that inform and intersect them, including but not limited to history, sociology, anthropology, psychology, cognitive sciences, education, cultural studies and other areas of scientific and technological research. The journal, although open to submissions about any and all geographic areas, is particularly interested in research on Ibero-America (Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula).

In addition, Resonancias features album and book reviews, as well as a documents section for other types of texts, such as essays, interviews and transcriptions of relevant sources.

Indexes and Databases

Resonancias is included in:

Web of Science: Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) y Current Contents - Arts & Humanities


Latindex – Catálogo

RILM – Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale

RILM – Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text (RAFT) 


Instructions to Authors

Author Guidelines

Resonancias is an academic journal belonging to the Institute of Music at the Faculty of Arts of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. It publishes reviews, documents and articles in the field of music studies – understood in a broad sense, ranging from musicology and ethnomusicology to other disciplines that inform and intersect them, including but not limited to history, sociology, anthropology, psychology, cognitive sciences, education, cultural studies and other areas of scientific and technological research. Submission must be previously unpublished and either in Spanish, Portuguese or English.

Articles should be between 8 000 and 12 000 words, including footnotes, bibliography and annexes.

The Documents section will accept briefer texts -between 3 000 and 6 000 words- that present a new source, be this oral, written or other kinds, and explain their importance for musical research. 

We accept reviews regarding books, CD/DVDs, and collections, among others. Reviews need to be 1 200 - 2 000 words. They should situate the publication in relation to existing literature. A brief synthesis of its contents is expected, but the review's main focus should be on providing an analytical and critical evaluation of the contribution of the reviewed object to its field.  

The margins should be 3 cm on each side and 2.5 on the top and bottom. The body of the text should be in Times New Roman font, size 12, and 1.5 spacing. Footnotes should equally be in Times New Roman, but in size 10 and single-spaced. Block-quotes, more than 40 words in length, should be written in Times New Roman, size 11, 1.5 spacing, indentation of 1 cm on each side, 12 points of line spacing before and after and without quotation marks.

Images should be clearly labeled directly underneath, indicating the source and credits. Moreover, all necessary legal authorization for the image’s inclusion and reproduction is solely the responsibility of the author of the text submitted.

In addition, each image must be sent separately in JPEG format, in the highest resolution possible, with clear indications as to where in the text it is located. The minimal pixilation is 300 dpi.

All articles must include an abstract (maximum of 200-words) on the first page, outlining the article’s objectives, content and conclusions, both in the language in which it is written as well as in English. Similarly, articles must include 4 – 6 keywords both in the original language as well as in English. Authors must also send a brief 100-word CV in a separate attachment, once again in both languages (1). Album and book reviews, however, will not require abstracts, CVs or keywords.

Any reference to the author’s identity must be omitted from the article itself, in order to guarantee anonymity during the double-blind peer review process.

The author will have the chance to point out beforehand any possible conflict of interests in the context of peer review, so that designated persons are not considered as evaluators. Only well founded objections pertaining individuals, and not intitutions, will be accepted

Lastly, authors must indicate what type of licensing terms they wish to apply to their submission. In the absence of said indication, the terms listed in the “intellectual property” section will be applied by default.

Submissions should be sent by email to: resonancias@uc.cl

Audiovisual material can be sent by email to resonancias@uc.cl or to the following address:

Instituto de Música de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Avda. Jaime Guzmán 3300-Campus Oriente.
Providencia, Santiago, Chile.

The bibliographical format used is that of the 16th edition of the Chicago Manual of style. In this sense, in-text cititations will follow the author-date system. For more detailed information, please consult the journal’s Editorial Guidelines, as well as the Chicago Manuel of Style, available online at: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html.

The authors or co-authors who publish a paper in Resonancias will have a following restriction of one year (two issues) before another work by them can be published. In the case they would like to make a new submission within that timeframe, the proposal will go through the regular evaluation process, but, if accepted, it will be held in waiting until the restriction period is due.


 1. If the contribution is originally in English, then the abstract, keywords, and CV will only be requested in said language.

Editorial Board

Director of Music Institute

  • Karina Fischer

Director of Resonancias

  • Alejandro Vera A.

Editor of Resonancias

  • Leonora López Ch.

National Editorial Board

  • Natalia Bieletto Bueno, Universidad Mayor.
  • Rodrigo Cádiz, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
  • Laura Fahrenkrog, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez.
  • Daniel Party, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
  • Felipe Otondo, Universidad Austral de Chile.
  • Rodrigo Torres, Universidad de Chile.

International Editorial Board

  • Geoff Baker, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK.
  • Paulo Castagna, Instituto de Artes da UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista, São Paulo, Brasil / Investigador PQ del CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, Brasil.
  • Nicolas Collins, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, USA.
  • Ricardo Dal Farra, Concordia University, Canada.
  • Heloísa de Araujo Duarte Valente, Professora titular junto ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Comunicação (UNIP) / Professora colaboradora junto ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Música (USP), Brasil.
  • Rajmil Fischman, Keele University, UK.
  • Rubén López-Cano, Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya, Spain.
  • Jõao Pedro Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil.
  • Raúl Renato Romero, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
  • Carolina Santamaría, Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia.
  • Rodrigo Sigal, Centro Mexicano para la Música y las Artes Sonoras, Mexico.
  • Susan Thomas, University of Georgia, USA.
  • Álvaro Torrente, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.


Design & layout (print & PDF)

  • Mary Paz Albornoz


Cover design

  • Verónica Barraza



  • Genaro Hayden Gallo (Spanish)


Website translations

  • María Cristina Contrucci (Portuguese)
  • Douglas Smith (English)

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