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变更情况:Newly Added by 2014

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Media of Interiors

About Interiors

Interiors: Design, Architecture, Culture brings together the best critical work on the analysis of all types of spaces. Interiors play a crucial role in the construction of identity and they represent power and control through the contestation or transgression of boundaries. Homes, offices, shopping malls, schools and hospitals, churches and restaurants are all embedded with meaning and evince particular, multi-sensory and psychological responses. This journal aims to investigate the complexities of the interior environment’s orchestration and composition and its impact on the inhabitant from a trans-disciplinary perspective.

The interior is the journal’s central focus and contributions from interior design practitioners and theorists are welcome. It will embrace perspectives from a range of disciplines including anthropology, architecture, art and design history, cultural studies and visual culture, and it will place no limits in terms of either geography or chronology. The journal sets out to challenge divisions between theory and practice and aims to provide an essential forum for all those with an interest in the design, history and meaning of interiors.

Interiors is committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards. We therefore ask that all contributors and reviewers adhere to our Code of Ethics and Malpractice.

Abstracting / Indexing

Interiors is covered by the following abstracting/indexing services: 

  • Arts & Humanities Citation Index
  • Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
  • Current Contents Connect
  • Current Contents/Arts & Humanities
  • DAAI Design and Applied Arts Index
  • Scopus

Instructions to Authors

Notes for Contributors

1) Manuscript Submissions
Should you have an article you would like to submit, please write to the editors Anne Massey and John Turpin at interiors@bloomsbury.com. The journal operates on a rolling submission deadline.

2) Book or Exhibition Reviews
Please contact Edward Hollis for consideration in Interiors:

Edward Hollis
Deputy Director of Research
Edinburgh College of Art
University of Edinburgh
78 West Port
Edinburgh EH1 2LE

Email: ehollis@exseed.ed.ac.uk

Notes for Contributors
Principal articles should be of a length between 5,000 and 7,000 words, including notes and references, with 4–8 images. Articles for specific sections, such as “Statement of Practice,” should be approximately 3,000 words (with notes and references), and include 2–3 images. Each article should include a three-sentence biography of the author(s), an abstract of up to 250 words and 5–8 keywords. Interviews should not exceed 4,500 words. Exhibition and book reviews are normally between 750 and 1,000 words in length unless the author is engaging a comparison/discussion of multiple titles. The Publishers will require an electronic as well as a hard copy of any contributions (please indicate clearly what word-processing program has been used). Bloomsbury accepts most programs with the exception of Clarisworks. Interiors invites persons wishing to organize a special issue devoted to a single topic to submit a proposal comprising a 100-word description of the topic, together with a list of potential contributors and paper subjects. Proposals are accepted only after review by the journal editors and in-house editorial staff at Bloomsbury. If accepted, the individual may be approached to act as guest editor for the special issue.

Manuscripts for consideration should be submitted to the Editors of Interiors (email: interiors@bloomsbury.com). Manuscripts will be acknowledged by the editor and entered into the review process discussed below. Submission of a manuscript to the journal will be taken to imply that it is not being considered elsewhere for publication, and that if accepted for publication, it will not be published elsewhere, in the same form, in any language, without the consent of the editor and publisher. It is a condition of acceptance by the editor of a manuscript for publication that the publishers automatically acquire the copyright of the published article throughout the world. Interiors does not pay authors for their manuscripts nor does it provide retyping, drawing, or mounting of illustrations.

Authors are to use US spelling and grammar, and are advised to consult The Chicago Manual of Style (16th Edition) as a guideline for style. Webster’s Dictionary is our arbiter of spelling. We encourage the use of major subheadings and, where appropriate, second-level subheadings. Manuscripts submitted for consideration as an article must contain: a title page with the full title of the article, the author(s) name and full contact information, a three-sentence biography for each author, a 250-word abstract and 5–8 keywords. Do not place the author’s name on any other page of the manuscript.

Manuscript Preparation
Manuscripts must be typed double-spaced (including quotations, notes, and references cited), one side only, with at least one-inch margins on standard paper using a typeface no smaller than 12pts. Authors should retain a copy for their records. Any necessary artwork must be submitted with the manuscript.

Footnotes appear as “Notes” at the end of articles. Authors are advised to include footnote material in the text whenever possible. Notes are to be numbered consecutively throughout the paper and are to be typed double-spaced at the end of the text. (Do not use any footnoting or end-noting programs that your software may offer as this text becomes irretrievably lost at the typesetting stage.)

Each article should include a list of references that is limited to, and inclusive of, all those publications actually cited in the text. References are to be cited in the body of the text in parentheses with the author’s last name, the year of original publication, and page number—e.g. (Rouch 1958: 45). Titles and publication information appear as “References” at the end of the article and should be listed alphabetically by author and chronologically for each author. Names of journals and publications should appear in full. Film and video information appears as “Filmography.” References cited should be typed double-spaced on a separate page. References not presented in the style required will be returned to the author for revision.

All tabular material should be part of a separately numbered series of “Tables.” Each table must be typed on a separate sheet and identified by a short descriptive title. Footnotes for tables appear at the bottom of the table. Marginal notations on manuscripts should indicate approximately where tables are to appear.

All illustrative material (e.g., drawings, maps, diagrams, and photographs) should be designated “Figures.” They must be submitted in a form suitable for publication without redrawing. Whenever possible, the publishers encourage artwork to be submitted as high resolution (600 dpi or above) TIFF or maximum-quality JPG files on disk or via email. Drawings submitted as hard copies should be carefully done with black ink on either hard, white, smooth-surfaced board or good quality tracing paper.

Photographs submitted as hard copies should be about 8 × 10 inches in size, and all figures should be clearly numbered on the back and numbered consecutively. All captions should be typed double-spaced on a separate page. Please indicate in the manuscript approximately where figures are to appear. While the editors and publishers will use all reasonable care in protecting all hard-copy figures submitted, they cannot assume responsibility for their loss or damage. Color photographs are encouraged by the publishers. The journal will be printed in black and white but images will be published in color online.

Authors are discouraged from submitting rare or non-replaceable materials. It is the author’s sole responsibility to secure images, as well as rights to those images for both print publication (UK and North American distribution) and web publication. All reproduction costs charged by rights holders must be borne by the author.

Any queries about the preparation or submission of artwork should be referred to the editors.

Criteria for Evaluation
Interiors operates on a double-blind peer-review basis. Articles will be reviewed anonymously by qualified academic reviewers. Feedback will be provided by the Journal’s editors in the event the manuscript is accepted or needs revision for resubmission. Submissions that are not deemed appropriate for the journal will receive notification without the detailed feedback. Keep in mind that this process may be time consuming, so it may some time for an article to be published following the initiation of the peer-review process.

Authors will be notified of receipt of their submission within 10 working days. Editors will evaluate the appropriateness of the topic. If approved, the manuscript will be distributed to reviewers within 30 days of receipt. Reviewers will have 30 days to complete their reviews and send comments to the editors. The editors will have 30 days to analyze and synthesize the reviewer’s comments and notify the author of the results. The three-month timeline from receipt to notification is ideal, and any number of issues can slow down the process; however, the editors will make every effort to maintain a reasonable timeline. Authors will be notified by email when the manuscript moves to a different stage.

On publication, authors will be sent a PDF eprint of the final, published version of their article for personal use, and will be able to order a free copy of the issue in which their article appears.

Editorial Board

Anne Massey, Middlesex University, UK

Associate Editors
Lois Weinthal, Ryerson University, Canada
Sabine Wieber, University of Glasgow, UK

Book Review Editor
Edward Hollis, University of Edinburgh, UK

Editorial Assistant
Valeria Graziano, Middlesex University, UK

Founding Editor
John Turpin, High Point University, USA

Editorial Advisory Board
Paul Atkinson, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Jeremy Aynsley, Royal College of Art, UK
Mary Anne Beecher, The Ohio State University, USA
Graeme Brooker, Middlesex University, UK
Lynn Chalmers, University of Manitoba, Canada
Alice Friedman, Wellesley College, USA
Christoph Grafe, TU Delft, The Netherlands
Tag Gronberg, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK
Denise Hagströmer, The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Norway
Lucinda K. Havenhand, Syracuse University, USA
Hildegarde Heynen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Pat Kirkham, Bard Graduate Center, USA
David Littlefield, University of the West of England, UK
Barbara Penner, University College London, UK
Gennaro Postiglione, Politecnico di Milano, Italy 
John Potvin, Concordia University, Canada
Patricia Pringle, RMIT University, Australia
Charles Rice, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Penny Sparke, Kingston University, UK
Andrew Stone, London Metropolitan University, UK
Yasuko Suga, Tsuda College, Japan
Mark Taylor, Queensland University, Australia
Sabine Wieber, Glasgow University, UK

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