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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Law and History Review

ISSN: 0738-2480   EISSN: 1939-9022

Law and History Review

Published for the American Society for Legal History

Law and History Review (LHR), internationally recognized as the leading journal in the field, examines the history of law from ancient to modern times. The journal's purpose is to further research in the fields of the social history of law and the history of legal ideas and institutions. LHR features articles, essays, commentaries by international authorities, and reviews of important books on legal history.

Instructions to Authors

The editors welcome unsolicited article manuscripts. Submitted manuscripts are subject to double-blind peer review; authors should therefore identify themselves on the title page only. Accepted manuscripts are copyedited for style but not substance. Law and History Review will not consider any manuscript concurrently submitted for publication elsewhere. Submission of a manuscript is understood to commit its author to publish the manuscript in Law and History Review if accepted by the editor. 

Author Guidelines

Manuscript Preparation and Submission

All submissions: Submit manuscripts with 1-inch margins all around. Use Times New Roman 12 point font throughout, including notes. Double space everything. Please attach a 200-word abstract, summarizing the manuscript's argument and major contribution.

Submit manuscripts online here.

Final production drafts of manuscripts already accepted for publication: Double-space all copy. (This includes all notes, indented quotations, etc.) Use endnotes, not footnotes. (Articles published in the LHR appear with footnotes. Endnotes are required in manuscripts, however, to expedite page estimation and copyediting.) Title Page: On the title page include: ms title; author's name and mailing address (and street address, if differ-ent, for express delivery services); phone, fax, and e-mail details; and the text of any note identify-ing the author (affiliation and acknowledgments) to be included. Do not number or asterisk the author note. 


Please attach a 200-word abstract, summarizing the manuscript's argument and major contribution. Brief Biographical Paragraph: Include a brief biographical paragraph stating your affiliation, e-mail address (if desired), and any acknowledgements you wish to make.

Word-Processing/Typing Conventions

Where possible please use Word, which is the LHR' s standard word-processing program. (We can, however, convert files from other word processors.) Use Times New Roman 12 point. Double-space everything. Turn off hyphenation to eliminate end-of-line hyphens (except for words that contain hyphens). Do not justify the right margin. Use hard returns to signal the end of a paragraph and the end of a heading and to format tables. In all other instances, use the wraparound feature to allow lines to run on. Use a single tab to indent paragraphs and notes. Do not use letters for numbers or numbers for letters (e.g., zero for the letter oh"; the letter ell" for one). Use two hyphens with no space before, between, or after for a dash (even if your software allows you to use a long [em] dash). Underline any words, and the punctuation that follows, that are to be set in italic type. Please do not use any feature of your software that allows you to print in italic or bold type.



Style queries are best resolved in the first instance by inspecting The Chicago Manual of Style, 5th ed., and/or a current copy of the Review. We also draw your attention to the following particulars, which address some of the most frequent style issues that arise in Law and History Review manuscripts: Do not use small capitals. Do not italicize common foreign words and abbreviations (such as ibid., et al., laissez-faire, vis-a-vis). Spell out contractions (do not, cannot) and numbers under 100. Use "see below" or "see above" (not "infra" or "supra"). Do not use academic titles (e.g., "Smith argues in his recent book," not "Professor Smith argues"). Cite federal court decisions in the footnotes, at first occurrence, as follows: Bridges v. California, 314 U.S. 252 (1941). Shorten subsequent footnote citations to case title and page reference (or title, reporter, and page reference if more than one reporter appeared in the first cite). Diacritical marks that do not appear on the author's disk must be indicated in bold capital letters within brackets. Do not set off as an extract any quotation shorter than seven lines. LHR allows only two levels of subheads, except in those rare instances where a third level is essential to the clear presentation of technical argument. Do not use "Introduction" or "Part I" as a subhead. "Conclusion" may be used as a subhead.


Do not  place a  footnote number  or  asterisk  on  the title,  author's name,  epigraph,  or any section heading.


Eugene D. Genovese, Roll, Jordan, Roll: The World the Slaves Made (New York: Vintage Books, 1976).


 Kenneth F. Ledford, "German Lawyers and the State in the Weimar Republic," Law and History Review 13 (1995): 317-49.

For sources with up five authors, list all authors. For sources with more than five authors, list the first three authors followed by "et al." Use inclusive page numbers if referring to the entire article. If the reference is to a particular section, use only that page number(s). If the pagination of a periodical is continuous throughout the year, it is not necessary to give the number or the season, only the volume and year. Use the following form for inclusive numbering: 23-25, 100-104, 107-8, 321-25, 1002-6.

Chapter in an edited book 

Thomas Klug, "Employers' Strategies in the  Detroit Labor  Market,  1900-1929," in  On  the  Line. Essays in  the History of  Auto Work, ed. Nelson Lichtenstein and Stephen Meyer (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1989), 41-72.

​Citation of pages is the same as articles.

Shortened citations

After the first citation, a shorter form is used in subsequent notes:

Genovese, Roll, Jordan, Roll, 25.
Ledford, "German Lawyers and the State," 320.
King, "Employers' Strategies," 46.

For   sources  such  as  archival  material,  an  acronym  may  be   used  after  the  first citation:

Archivo General de Indias, Seville, Spain (hereafter AGI).

Citation of online sources

Because the LHR is published in an on-line edition as well as in print, any citations to sources that are intemet-available should be included in URL format as well as in standard citation format. The on-line edition displays URLs as live links, which permits online readers one-click transfer to the source itself. Citations of this nature must provide the full site address and the specific source location within the site. Where the site itself includes "how to cite" instructions,  follow those instructions, with particular  reference  to Chicago Manual of  Style  settings.  The   following  is  an example  of citation  of   an intemet-available  article according to the Chicago Manual style:

First reference

Daniel Klerman, "Settlement  and  the Decline   of Private Prosecution in Thirteenth-Century England,"  Law  and  History  Review  Spring  2001. http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/Ihr/19.I/klerman.html (27 May 2001).

Subsequent reference  

Klerman, pars 4-6.

For further information on the Chicago Manual of Style citation of on-line resources, click here.

Due to page constraints in the printed version, LHR publishes only the URLs of material that is available exclusively in electronic form, but not URLs for items that duplicate readily available print originals. All URLs can be accommodated in the on-line version.

Tables and Figures

Tables/Figures should be prepared and supplied as an electronic me. All tables/figures in a manuscript can appear sequentially in one electronic "tables" or "figures" me. The table should be formatted so that it appears as the author expects it to look in print: columns should be aligned correctly, the heads and subheads clearly set over the appropriate columns. [Double-spacing is not required} The electronic "tables" or "figures" file is the compositor's data source and should be formatted as simply as possible. Authors should concentrate on ensuring that the electronic file contains all the words and numbers in each table/figure, and in the appropriate sequence, rather than attempt to "lock" the formatting themselves.

Charges apply for all color figures that appear in the print version of the journal. At the time of submission, contributors should clearly state whether their figures should appear in color in the online version only, or whether they should appear in color online and in the print version. There is no charge for including color figures in the online version of the journal but it must be clear that color is needed to enhance the meaning of the figure, rather than simply being for aesthetic purposes. If you request color figures in the printed version, you will be contacted by CCC-Rightslink who are acting on om behalf to collect Author Charges. Please follow their instructions in order to avoid any delay in the publication of your article.

Authors should insert instructions in the body of their manuscripts indicating where each table should appear. Please insert instructions in the form of "call outs" consisting of bold angle brackets enclosing the appropriate notation, i.e., "[Insert Table I here]".

Citations/notes within a table or figure should not be included in the general note-numbering sequence. Tables/figures have their own notes. Citations/notes particular to a table or figure appear immediately below the table/figure and are designated by letters not numbers (see Chicago Manual of Style 13.43).

Editorial Board

Elizabeth R. Dale
Waldo W. Neikirk Term Professor, 2012-2013
Professor, Department of History and Levin College of Law
University of Florida
P.O. Box 117320
Gainesville, FL 32611

Associate Editors

Felice Batlan
IIT/Chicago-Kent College of Law
565 W. Adams, Room 765
Chicago, Illinois 60661
FAX: 312.906.5280
EMAIL: fbatlan@kentlaw.edu

Will Hanley
Florida State University
Department of History
P.O. Box 3062200
Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2200
FAX: 850.644.6402
EMAIL: whanley@fsu.edu

Editorial Board

David Anderson
University of Warwick, UK

Constance Backhouse
University of Ottawa, Canada

Edward J. Balleisen
Duke University, USA

Stuart Banner
University of California, Los Angeles, USA

Lauren Benton
New York University, USA

David Bernstein
George Mason University, USA

Elizabeth Borgwardt
Washington University in St. Louis, USA

Holly Brewer
University of Maryland, USA

Thomas Buoye
University of Tulsa, USA

Christopher Capozzola
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Amy Chazkel
Queens College, CUNY, USA

Li Chen
University of Toronto-Scarborough, Canada

Andrew Wender Cohen
Syracuse University, USA

Simon Cole
UC, Irvine, USA

Jane Dailey
University of Chicago, USA

Simon Devereaux
University of Victoria, Canada

Laura F. Edwards
Duke University, USA

Thomas Ginsburg
University of Chicago, USA

Ariela J. Gross
University of Southern California, USA

Sally E. Hadden
Florida State University, USA

Amalia Kessler
Stanford University, USA

Daniel M. Klerman
University of Southern California, USA

Elizabeth Kolsky
Villanova University, USA

Adriaan Lanni
Harvard University, USA

Kenneth F. Ledford
Case Western Reserve University, USA

Kenneth W. Mack
Harvard University, USA

Rebecca Mclennan
University of California, Berkeley, USA

Ajay Mehrotra
Indiana University, USA

M. C. Mirow
Florida International University, USA

Devin Pendas
Boston College, USA

Linda Przybyszewski
Notre Dame, USA

Gautham Rao
American University, USA

Stephen Robertson
University of Sydney, Australia

Richard J. Ross
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

Reuel Schiller
University of California, Hastings College of Law, USA

Trevor Stack
University of Aberdeen, UK

Kristen A. Stilt
Northwestern University, USA

Alexander Tseis
Loyola University, USA

John Wertheimer
Davidson College, USA

James Q. Whitman
Yale University, USA

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