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变更情况:Newly Added by 2014

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

About the journal

  1. Aims and Scope

  2. Selection criteria

  3. Publishing format

  4. Conditions of publication

  5. Editorial Board

  6. Abstracting & indexing

  7. Frequently asked questions

Aims and Scope

Notes and Records is an international journal which publishes original research in the history of science, technology and medicine up to and including the 21st century.

In addition to publishing peer-reviewed research articles, Notes and Records welcomes recollections or autobiographical accounts written by Fellows and others recording important moments in science from the recent past. It also includes book reviews and news of research projects and online and other resources of interest to historians.

Selection criteria

Publishes original research in the area of History of Science, Technology and Medicine, up to and including the 21st century. Articles that relate, either directly or indirectly, to the Royal Society and its Fellowship are encouraged.

Publishing format

Notes and Records is available both in print and online. Accepted articles will be made available through Publish Ahead of Print prior to the bound volume being published.

Conditions of publication

Articles must not have been published previously, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere. The Editor has final authority in all matters relating to publication.

Editorial Board

Notes and Records has a highly acclaimed editorial board. For more detailed information please see here.

Abstracting & indexing

This journal is covered in the following:

  • Web of Science
  • Scopus
  • Current Content
  • Current Mathematical Publications
  • MathSciNet
  • Historical Abstracts

Frequently asked questions

See our FAQs

Instructions to Authors

Submission guidelines

This should be read in combination with our publishing policies.

  1. Article structure

  2. Notes and references

  3. Tables

  4. Colour

  5. Electronic file format

  6. Figures

  7. Figure permissions

  8. Spelling

  9. Units and abbreviations

  10. Publishing ethics and other policies

  11. Electronic supplementary material

  12. Permissions

  13. Language polishing and author resources

Article structure

Articles should not normally exceed 8000 words for the main paper, the notes are not included in the word count. Relevant illustrations are strongly encouraged.

Recollections articles should be between 1000-5000 words (typically 3000 words) including no more than 4 figures and in the same format as a normal article without sections.

Each article should contain the following in order:

  • Title
  • Authors' names and full addresses where their work was carried out, the corresponding author must provide an email address (this is applicable only for accepted papers, new submissions should not contain author names or affiliations as we operate a double blind peer-review system).
  • Summary of no more than 150 words
  • 3 to 6 key words or phrases
  • Main body of the work, divided into sections and described by short headings. Recollections articles should not be divided into sections.
  • Acknowledgements (if necessary)
  • Appendices (if necessary)
  • Notes section. The notes section should also contain all articles cited in the text
  • Figure captions (numbered in sequence as they appear in the text)
  • Short title for page headings

The summary should be concise and informative. It should be complete by itself, and must not contain footnotes or references or unexplained abbreviations. It should not only indicate the general scope of the article but also state the main results and conclusions.

In addition to providing the addresses where the work was carried out, the current addresses, where different, should be given.

Notes and references

Notes should be typed separately from the main body of the manuscript. The Notes are printed at the end of each paper in numerical order, reference being made in the text by the use of superscript numbers. Due to formatting constraints, this should not be done using the Endnote function in Microsoft Word.

All publications cited in the text should be referenced in the Notes section. A complete reference should provide the reader with enough information to locate the article or book. Each book reference should contain as many of the following elements as possible:

  • Author's name
  • Title of book (italic)
  • Edition, Chapter or Page Ranges
  • Editor(s) if applicable
  • Publisher's details in brackets (Place: Publisher, Year)
  • References to articles in journals should include the author's name, title of paper, abbreviated title of the journal, volume number, first and last pages, and year of publication (in brackets).
  • Widely recognized abbreviations for journals should be used. If in doubt, give the full title of the journal.

21 J.P. Muirhead, The origin and progress of the mechanical inventions of James Watt, vol. 2, p. 279 (London: Murray, 1854).

22 E. Darwin, 'An account of an artificial spring of water', Phil. Trans. R. Soc. 75, 1-7 (1785).

23 Op. cit. (note 21).


Tables, however small, should be numbered and referred to in the text by their numbers. Table captions should be brief.


Colour is only reproduced in Notes and Records under the instruction of the Editor, though we publish colour online at no cost.

Electronic file format

Microsoft Word is the preferred format for submission final submission. Memoirs prepared using other word processing packages should be saved in Rich Text Format (RTF). TeX files are also acceptable. For non-TeX articles, the use of MathType™ for the setting of mathematics is encouraged.


All Royal Society journals require figures in electronic format. To ensure high-quality reproduction, and to prevent delays in publication, it is essential that figures be supplied in the correct format. Hand-drawn illustrations are not acceptable. For detailed instructions please view the following PDF.

Figure permissions

Figures from other sources should be fully acknowledged in the caption, and written permission sought for both print and electronic reproduction before being used.


Spelling should conform to the preferred spelling of the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary.

Units and abbreviations

As far as possible the recommendations based on the International System of Units (SI) contained in Quantities, units and symbols (The Royal Society, 1975, price £3.50, available from the Sales Office on +44 (0)20 7451 2645). Abbreviations should be given in full at the first mention.

Publishing ethics and other policies

These policies describes the Royal Society's position on the major ethical principles of academic publishing. Authors, editors and referees are asked to comply with these policies.

Electronic supplementary material

We can place electronic supplementary material (ESM) onto our website, which may include, for example, data sets, technical details etc. However, the main report, published in the printed journal, should stand on its own merit. Note that ESMs are created by the authors themselves and are NOT edited by the Royal Society. ESMs will be considered in the following file formats only:
*.AIF, *.AVI, *.CEL, *.CLASS, *.CSS, *.CSV, *.DOC, *.DOCM, *.DOCX, *.DOTM, *.DOTX, *.DTL, *.DVI, *.EPS, *.FAS, *.GIF, *.GZ, *.HTM, *.HTML, *.HTSLP, *.JAR, *.JAVA, *.JPEG, *.JPG, *.JS, *.M, *.M4A, *.MML, *.MOV, *.MP3, *.MP4, *.MPG, *.MPGA, *.NB, *.NET, *.NEX, *.ODE, *.ONEPKG, *.ONETMP, *.ONETOC, *.PBM, *.PDB, *.PDF, *.PGM, *.PNG, *.POTM, *.POTX, *.PPAM, *.PPM, *.PPSM, *.PPSX, *.PPT, *.PPTM, *.PPTX, *.PS, *.PSD, *.RA, *.RM, *.RTF, *.RV, *.SHTML, *.SLDM, *.SLDX, *.SPT, *.SVG, *.SWF, *.TAR, *.TEX, *.TGZ, *.THMX, *.TIF, *.TSV, *.TXT, *.VMD, *.WAV, *.WMA, *.WMV, *.XLAM, *.XLS, *.XLSB, *.XLSM, *.XLSX, *.XLTM, *.XLTX, *.XML, *.XSL, *.XYZ, *.ZIP.
Authors should submit ESMs as supporting files with their submission through Manuscript Central, including titles and descriptions in the submission form. There is a size limit of 10MB for ESMs, which is a limit for the total material, not per file. Permissions

All authors must ensure that all necessary permissions have been obtained for reproducing any other copyright material, including permission to reproduce and publish electronically anywhere in the world.

Figures reproduced under copyright restrictions from another publication should carry a line of acknowledgement, as specified by the copyright holder.

Language polishing and author resources

Authors who believe their manuscripts would benefit from professional editing prior to submission are encouraged to use a language polishing service. Here is a list of such services.

AuthorAid hosts a variety of useful resources to help researchers prepare articles for publication.

Editorial Board


Doctor Ben Marsden
Centre for History and Philosophy of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of Aberdeen


Phil Hurst

Editorial Coordinator

Jennifer Kren

Editorial Board

Professor Jonathan Ashmore
Department of Neuroscience, Physiology and Pharmacology & UCL Ear Institute
University College London

Dr Pratik Chakrabarti
School of History
University of Kent at Canterbury

Professor Richard Fortey
Department of Paleontology
Natural History Museum

Dr Felicity Henderson
Department of English and Film
University of Exeter

Professor Michael Hunter
Birkbeck College
University of London

Professor Jeffrey Johnson
Department of History
Villanova University

Dr Sachiko Kusukawa
Trinity College
University of Cambridge

Professor Holger Maehle
Centre for the History of Medicine and Disease
Durham University

Professor Malcolm Nicolson
Dept of Economic and Social History
University of Glasgow

Dr Anna Marie Roos
Lincoln School of Humanities
University of Lincoln

Dr Charlotte Sleigh
School of History
University of Kent

Dr James Sumner
Faculty of Life Sciences
The University of Manchester

Professor Helmuth Trischler
Forschungsinstitut des Deutsches Museums

Professor Simon Werrett
Dept of Science and Technology Studies
University College London

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