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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Aims and Scope

Dialectica publishes first-rate articles predominantly in theoretical and systematic philosophy. It is edited in Switzerland and has a focus on analytical philosophy undertaken on the continent.  Continuing the work of its founding members, dialectica seeks a better understanding of the mutual support between science and philosophy that both disciplines need and enjoy in their common search for understanding.  

Dialectica practices double-blind refereeing, and follows the Guidelines for the Handling of Manuscripts by the Editors of Philosophy Journals of the Association of Philosophy Journal Editors. Authors are encouraged to submit short articles and discussion notes to the Notes and Discussions section, in particular of articles published in dialectica.

Visit the dialectica website at www.dialectica.ch 

Instructions to Authors
Author Guidelines

Dialectica invites submission of articles and discussion notes of high quality in any area of philosophy, though it published articles predominantly in theoretical and systematic philosophy. To submit an article or a discussion note, send it as an attachment, preferably in PDF format, to the managing editor, Philipp Keller.

Articles should be written in a language that can be understood by a philosophical non-specialist. Technical expressions and symbols must be explained and formulae must be paraphrased in ordinary language. Articles concerned with the humanities, the natural sciences or formal deductive sciences will be accepted only if their philosophical significance is obvious.

The paper must be suitable for blind refereeing. The author's name and institutional affiliation should not appear in the manuscript. References to the author's own work must be cast in such a way that they do not reveal the identity of the manuscript's author. We recommend simply replacing the entire reference, including title and facts of publication, with an expression such as "author's article", "author's book", "author's book 2", etc. Acknowledgements must be removed for the initial review.

By submitting an article to dialectica, the author will be deemed to have given his/her assurance that the article has not been submitted to and is not being considered for publication by any other journal or publisher (including electronically distributed journals); and that he will not submit it for such consideration elsewhere until he has received dialectica's editorial decision or has withdrawn the article. Authors who submit articles that are under consideration elsewhere or that overlap to a significant extent with already papers that are at the time of submission already published are disqualified from further submissions to dialectica.

Dialectica reserves the right to communicate the names of such authors to other journals or interested parties.

Submitted papers should be written in English. In exceptional cases, dialectica assists in the translation of excellent articles written in other languages. An author who submits a paper which is not written in his or her native language are requested to have the article checked for style and grammar by a native speaker. Submitted articles which are linguistically unacceptable may be rejected without further refereeing.

Every article must include a summary in English of 10-20 lines just after the title.

Authors are notified of the receipt of their article and the editorial decision concerning it.

Refereeing process
The editor makes a first decision concerning the publication of the article (which he has to justify to the editorial board). If an article does not pass this first check, the author will normally be informed within one month after the acknowledgment of the receipt of their submission.

During the second stage, papers may be refereed by specialists in the field chosen by the editor. If the referees agree, their comments (in in English, French or German) may be passed to the author. The papers are also discussed by the editorial bureau, which may also make comments. Authors are normally informed of the editorial decision concerning their paper within three month after the receipt of their submission has been acknowledged.

Papers may be accepted with no or minor revisions, rejected, or authors may be invited to resubmit a revised version of their paper, taking into account the comments, if any, they received. There is no deadline for the resubmission of such papers. Authors resubmitting their papers should send them to the managing editor, in a format suitable for blind refereeing. They should not write any comments or notes to the referees. Final decision about acceptance will be taken by the editor and communicated by the managing editor. Publication is guaranteed only once the author has been asked to hand in the final version of his article.

It will be the responsibility of the editor to decide on the order of appearance of accepted submissions. Priority may be given to discussion notes. In these cases, authors of the materials being commented on will be given a right of reply (subject to the usual refereeing), provided that the timely publication of the note will take priority over the desirability of including both note and reply in the same issue of the journal.

If a paper is accepted for publication in dialectica, the author will be asked to hand in another, final version in which the
advice to authors* is to be respected.

The final version will be checked for language and style and may be corrected. The author may, however, undo these changes at the proof stage. Authors will receive one set of proofs by email. They should not revise them substantially and return it as soon as possible to the publisher.

Authors of longer articles will receive an electronic version of their article and a copy of the issue in which their contribution appeared. They will be invoiced for additional reprints.

For all questions regarding editorial matters please contact Philipp Keller, managing editor of dialectica.

Style guidelines

The family name of the author(s), "Abstract", "References" and the family names of cited authors in the "References" section are in small caps. After the family name, the affiliation is given by "Postal address, Email: email address".

New paragraphs begin with a feeder, except after section titles, quotes and formulas.

Longer citations are left- and right-indented and in smaller font. This replaces quotation marks. There is a small space before and after indented material.

Acknowledgments are made in a starred footnote at the end of the main text.

If possible, bold fonts are avoided: normal emphasis is marked by italics.

The journal name "dialectica" is in italics and not capitalised.

Articles should conform to the APA guidelines for non-sexist use of language.

Authors should use a simple uniform layout. They should avoid mixing fonts and use italics (not bold) for words or phrases requiring emphasis, for variables and schematic letters not appearing in formulae, for titles of published books and journals, and for foreign words.

Please use footnotes rather than endnotes. Footnotes will be set at the foot of the page and numbered consecutively.

All diagrams should be professionally drawn and saved as camera-ready GIF-, TIF- or JPG-file. Whenever authors use special characters (e.g. in formulae), they are asked to provide the required fonts.

Bibliographical references should appear in the text (rather than in footnotes) in the form: (James, 1972) or (Smith et al. 1938, 173-174).

All bibliographical references must be repeated at the end of the text under the heading "References". The list should begin with the author's last name, initials and followed by the year of publication, whenever possible according to the following style:

Bunge, M. 1967a, Scientific Research I: The Search for System, Berlin: Springer
Bunge, M. 1967b, Scientific Research II: The Search for Truth, Berlin: Springer
Dretske, F. and Snyder, A. 1972 "Causal Irregularity", Philosophy of Science 39, pp. 69-71
Harding, S. (ed.) 1976, Can Theories Be Refuted?, Dordrecht: Reidel
Smith, A., Jones, B. and Hill, C. 1938, "The Science of Philosophy", in: D. Wilson and E. Green, eds., Perspectives in Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 165-174
Titiev, R. J. 1969, Some Model-Theoretic Results in Measurement Theory (Technical Report 146, Institute for Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences), Stanford: Stanford University Press

Exclusive Licence Form. 
Authors will be required to sign an Exclusive Licence Form (ELF) for all papers accepted for publication. Signature of the ELF is a condition of publication and papers will not be passed to the publisher for production unless a signed form has been received. Please note that signature of the Exclusive Licence Form does not affect ownership of copyright in the material.  (Government employees need to complete the Author Warranty sections, although copyright  in such cases does not need to  be assigned).  After submission authors will retain the right to publish their paper in various medium/circumstances (please see the form for further details).  To assist authors an appropriate form will be supplied by the editorial office. Alternatively, authors may like to download a copy of the form 

NEW: Online production tracking is now available for your article through Blackwell's Author Services.
Author Services enables authors to track their article - once it has been accepted - through the production process to publication online and in print. Authors can check the status of their articles online and choose to receive automated e-mails at key stages of production. The author will receive an e-mail with a unique link that enables them to register and have their article automatically added to the system. Please ensure that a complete e-mail address is provided when submitting the manuscript. Visit www.blackwellpublishing.com/bauthor for more details on online production tracking and for a wealth of resources including FAQs and tips on article preparation, submission and more.

Editorial Board

Editorial Information

Pascal Engel, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Managing Editor
Philipp Keller, University of Geneva, Switzerland (philipp.keller@lettres.unige.ch)

Reviews Editor
Kevin Mulligan, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Editorial Board

Jérôme Dokic, Institut Jean Nicod, Paris
Pascal Engel, Universite de Genève
Manuel García-Carpintero, Universitat de Barcelona
Diego Marconi, Universite del Piemonte Orientale, Vercelli
Kevin Mulligan, Universite de Genève
Carlos Moya, Universitad de Valencia
Martine Nida-Rümelin, Universite de Fribourg
François Recanati, Institut Jean Nicod, Paris
Marco Santambrogio, Universite degli Studi di Parma
Daniel Schulthess, Universite de Neuchâtel
Peter Simons, University of Leeds
Gianfranco Soldati, Universite de Fribourg

Honorary Board
Erwin Engeler, Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich
Wilhelm Essler, J.-W. Goethe Universität Frankfurt
Guido Küng, Universite de Fribourg
Jean-Jacques Loeffel, Universite Lausanne
Henri Ruegg, Universite de Genève
Daniel Schulthess, Universite de Genève

Consulting Board
Johannes Brandl, Universität Salzburg
João Branquinho, Universidade de Lisboa
Elke Brendel, Universität Mainz
Ingar Brinck, Lund University
Paolo Casalegno, Universite di Milano
Eros Corazza, University of Nottingham
Josep Corbi, Universitad de Valencía
Fabrice Correia, Universite de Genève
Michael Esfeld, Universite de Lausanne
Dagfinn Føllesdal, Universities of Stanford and Oslo
Roger Gibson , Washington University in St. Louis
Richard Glauser, Universite de Neuchàtel
Paul Gochet, Universite de Liège
Frank Jackson, Australian National University
Max Kistler, Jean Nicod, Paris
Max Kolbel, University of Birmingham, UK
Jan Lacki, Universite de Genève
Karel Lambert, University of California, Irvine
Paolo Leonardi, Universite di Bologna
E.J. Lowe, University of Durham
Fraser MacBride, Birbeck, University of London
Josep Macia Universidad de Barcelona
Genoveva Marte  Institucie Catalana de Recerce i Estudis Avançats (icrea)
Elisabeth Pacherie, Jean Nicod, Paris
David Pi  eda, Universitat de Girona
Wlodcek Rabinowicz, Lund University
Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra, Oxford University
Barry Smith, Buffalo and ifomis, Saarbrücken

Thomas Strahm, University of Berne
Christine Tappolet, University of Montreal
Neil Tennant, Ohio State University
Achille Varzi, Columbia University
Alberto Voltolini, Universite l Piemonte Orientale, Vercelli
Timothy Williamson, Oxford University
Christian Wuthrich, University of Pittsburgh, USA

Editorial Bureau
Davor Bodrozic, Universite de Fribourg
Fabian Dorsch, Universite Fribourg
Philipp Keller, Universite Genève
Pascal Engel, Universite Genève
Andri Töndury, Universite Fribourg

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