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出版频率:Continuous publication

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

RIHA Journal is a peer-reviewed Open Access journal for the history of art and visual culture, featuring outstanding research articles that offer significant contributions to current scholarship. The journal was launched in April 2010. It is a joint project of the member institutes of RIHAInternational Asso­ciation of Research Institutes in the History of Art. Edited by 29 institutes in 21 countries, the journal is an excellent medium for fostering international discourse among scholars.

Based on a de-centralized editorial structure, the journal explores new ways of international publishing: Each of the RIHA institutes is locally responsible for establishing and maintaining the contact with authors, for manuscript editing, and for organizing the peer reviews.

RIHA Journal seeks to reflect the manifold dimensions of the discipline and is open to the whole range of art historical topics and approaches. The journal offers articles in the five official CIHA languages English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish, as well as in other languages, depending on the capacities of the RIHA institutes. A double-blind peer-review process performed by experts in the field ensures the highest standards of scholarship.

The editors take seriously the need of scholars to publish their research results easily and quickly. Hence the journal seeks to offer its authors short editing processes of less than six months only from submission to publication. For the same reason, articles are published, not in periodical issues, but one at a time. 

RIHA Journal is a not-for-profit e-journal committed to the principles of Open Access: All articles are available without restriction and free of charge. Subscribe to our RSS Feed to keep up to date with new articles


We invite submissions on any topic in the history of art, both from members of the RIHA institutes and from any other researchers in the history of art. Submissions are welcome any time! For more information, please consult our Guidelines for authors, readers, and reviewers, or contact our local editors at the RIHA Institutes.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments.

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RIHA Journal is covered in Thomson Reuters's Arts & Humanities Citation Index as well as in Current Contents/Arts & Humanities. It is also listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

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From December 2008 to December 2012, funding to RIHA Journal has been provided by the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (Der Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, BKM).

Instructions to Authors


  • Authors: RIHA Journal invites submissions from researchers in the history of art and related disciplines, both from members of the RIHA institutes and from researchers who are not affiliated with any RIHA institute.

  • Type of Articles: Only research articles are published, no book or exhibition reviews (exception: comprehensive research reviews).

  • Topics: Contributions on any topic in the history and theory of art and visual culture are welcome. However, articles should be original and innovative, offering new research material and/or new perspectives.

  • Languages: Articles in one of the five languages authorized by the Comité International d'Histoire de l'Art (CIHA), i.e., in English, French, German, Italian, or Spanish, are strongly preferred. However, if authors, or the relevant RIHA institutes, have difficulties with arranging appropriate translations, articles in other languages used at the RIHA institutes are also welcome.

  • Length: Preferred article length (text, including footnotes) is between 30,000 and 80,000 characters (including spaces). In exceptional cases, we also accept both shorter and more comprehensive articles or articles including appendices.

  • Publication Status: Only unpublished manuscripts are accepted. Exception: Translations of important recent articles originally published in a non-CIHA language.

  • Costs: RIHA Journal does not charge article processing fees. However, it is the author's responsibility to pay any other particular costs incurred for the article such as photography and permissions expenses (e.g., the production costs of an image, archival or museum fees, photographer's fees, etc.).

  • Peer Review: Manuscripts that qualify for closer consideration undergo a double-blind peer-review process by at least two experts. Peer reviewers are selected by the editors of RIHA Journal. The peer review process usually takes four to eight weeks. Authors are kindly asked to prepare their manuscripts for blind reviewing. In particular, any first-person references to their own publications should be removed. If an article is accepted for publication, the names of the approving reviewers will be published as well.

  • License: Unless otherwise arranged with the author, articles are published under the terms of the Creative Commons License CC-BY-NC-ND 3.0.

  • Dates: Articles are released, not in periodical issues, but one at a time. In addition to single contributions, from time to time RIHA Journal also publishes Special Issues on particular research topics. Suitable manuscripts are usually published within four to six months from submission. Submissions of manuscripts and proposals for Special Issues are welcome any time.

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How to Submit Your Manuscript

  • Submissions are welcome any time.

  • Please send your submission to the relevant local editor or the managing editor (see list of contacts), preferably by e-mail:

  • Staff members, visiting scholars or fellowship holders at the RIHA institutes are asked to contact the local editor of their respective institute.

    Authors who are not affiliated with any particular RIHA institute are asked to contact the RIHA institute of their country and/or their field of expertise, if applicable. Otherwise, they are asked to contact the managing editor at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in Munich (ZI) who will refer them to a relevant institute.

  • Submissions should include:

    (1) Contact details, including name, e-mail address, and institutional affiliation (if applicable)

    (2) manuscript, preferably as Word document

    (3) English abstract (c. 400-900 characters, including spaces)

    (4) list of captions, numbered according to the intended sequence of illustrations in the text

    (5) list of 3-8 keywords for free subject indexing

    (6) contact details (including full name, institutional affiliation (if applicable), postal address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address)

    (7) name of the software used to produce the manuscript (e.g., "Word 2002 for Windows XP")

    (8) image files, numbered according to the intended sequence of illustrations in the text.

    If your article is accepted for publication, please also provide:

    (9) a signed declaration that permission for image use has been obtained, if applicable; please use the prepared declaration form

    (10) short academic CV (c. 80-120 words)

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Manuscript Preparation

General Guidelines

  • Length: Preferred article length (text, including footnotes) is between 30,000 and 80,000 characters (including spaces). In exceptional cases, we also accept both shorter and more comprehensive articles or articles including appendices.

  • Subheadings: Please structure your text by subheadings of one level.

  • References: Bibliographic references should be given in footnotes (for the format of references, cf. the RIHA Journal Style Guide).

  • Illustrations: In the main text, please include references (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.) to the illustrations. (For further details on illustrations, cf. below)

Style Guide

  • For the preparation of bibliographic references, captions, quotations, etc., please consult the RIHA Journal Style Guide

Electronic Formatting of Manuscripts

  • Texts should be saved as a Word document (*.doc) or OpenOffice document (*.odt).

  • Insert notes as footnotes (not as endnotes), using your software's built-in footnotes feature. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, ...).

  • Do not use your software's automatic hyphenation feature, and do not manually hyphenate words at the end of lines.

  • To emphasize words, use italics.

  • Use italics also for foreign language terms, and for titles (of, e.g., works of art or exhibitions).
  • Do not use underlines and bold letters.

  • Use straight quotation marks ("") instead of curled (“”, „“) or French («») quotation marks.

  • Do not include additional blank lines between paragraphs.

  • Set up the document in A4 format.

  • Authors are encouraged to do the formatting of the styles (headings, quotes, captions, etc.) by themselves. To format the styles in your manuscript, please use the RIHA Journal Template (riha-journal-template.dot) available for download here:

    • RIHA Journal Template

    • When downloading the template, please make sure to save it as a Word-template [*.dot], not as a Word-document [*.doc].

      Please apply the template to your manuscript as shown in the tutorials below.

    Helpful material for applying the template to your manuscript:

    • RIHA Journal Template Styles with Samples (lists the avaibale styles of the RIHA Journal template and illustrates which styles are to be applied to which parts of your article)

    • RIHA Journal Sample Article (prototype of a document formatted by the RIHA Journal template; gives you an idea how a formatted RIHA Journal article will look like as a PDF)

      For Word 2007:

      For Word 2010:

      * Please note: For licensing reasons, for Word 2007 and Word 2010 only screenshots of German interfaces are available. Basic translations of the most important lables are given in the tutorial, though. Hence, along with the screenshots it should not be too difficult to use the instructions for interfaces in other languages as well.

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    General Guidelines

    • The number of illustrations should not exceed 15 per article.

    • Please clearly mark in the text where you wish the images to be inserted.

    • Please also send a numbered list of captions, corresponding to the sequence of images in the text.

    • Please deliver separate image files, preferably JPEGs (*.jpg) in high resolution (~300 dpi).

    • If you wish to include media other than images (e.g., audio or video files), please contact the managing editor at the ZI in Munich.

    Image Databases

    • A list of image databases is available here.

    Copyright Issues

    Please note: The following is only a brief Quick Guide. For details, please carefully read the full RIHA Journal Copyright Guidelines. They will inform you in greater detail about the relevant conditions of copyright and about how to proceed when you wish to use copyright protected material.

    • It is the author's responsibility to obtain written permission to reproduce copyright-protected material in her/his article.

    • Please be aware that both works of art and photographs of works of art may be under copyright.

    • Written permissions have to be obtained before publication of the article. Authors are strongly encouraged to procure images and permissions as early as possible. Please be aware that tracing copyright holders and obtaining permission for image use can be time-consuming.

    • Authors are asked to send a signed declaration to their local RIHA Journal editor that permission for image use has been obtained before giving their Permission to Publish. A prepared declaration form is available here.

    • Any costs incurred for the article, including photography and permissions expenses, are to be paid by the author. In rare cases, license fees to be paid to collecting societies may be paid by RIHA (see the detailed Copright Guidelines).

    • In order to avoid problems (and costs) connected to licenses and copyright permissions, we strongly recommend using – whenever possible – material that is not under copyright and to which no license fees apply.

    • Due to the location of the journal's server, the German Copyright Act (Urheberrechtsgesetz, UrhG) applies.

      This includes, e.g., that copyright protection for a work of art expires 70 years after the death of the artist. Copyright protection for photographs of two-dimensional works of art expires 50 years after the photograph's publication. If the photograph is of a tri-dimensional work such as a sculpture or architecture, the photograph counts as a work of art in its own right; hence copyright protection expires only 70 years after the death of the photographer.

      For further details, esp. regarding the right to use images of works of art within scholarly publications for fre, please see the detailed RIHA Journal Copyright Guidelines.

    • The relevant collecting society in Germany, responsible for copyright protection and licensing, is VG Bild-Kunst.

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board

Managing Editor

Regina Wenninger
Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte
Katharina-von-Bora-Straße 10
D–80333 München
phone  + 49 (0)89 289 27604
fax      + 49 (0)89 289 27607
email   riha-journal@zikg.eu

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