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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Journal of History of Society and Culture

ISSN: 1645-2259
Director: Professor João Marinho dos Santos (University of Coimbra) - iheu@fl.uc.pt

Editorial Estatute

The Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura (Journal of History of Society and Culture) is a peer reviewed scientific publication published once a year, in Portuguese language. It was founded in 2001 with the purpose of disclosing historical studies developed in the scope of the Foundation for Science and Technology’s Centre for History of Society and Culture.

The Magazine publishes historical scholarly articles (since the Middle Ages to present day), news of scientific activities and book reviews in the field of History. It accepts articles from affiliated members and collaborators of the Centre for History of Society and Culture, as well as from any other historians currently outside the institution, especially encouraging the participation of those who, in any way cooperate or develop network activities with the above-mentioned research Centre.

The Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura is covered by the following indexing and abstracting services: IBZ (Germany), ERIH (Strasbourg), Latindex (Mexico) and SciELO.

Instructions to Authors

Guidelines for contributors

Originals should be written in one of the following languages - Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French or English - and submitted by the authors to the Board of the Journal of History of Society and Culture, until the end of February of each year.

All articles undergo peer review by two external referees, in a process supervidsed by the coordinator of the current number of the Magazine and followed up by the Director of the Centre and the Editorial Board. The originals not accepted for publication will not be given back to their authors, and there is the possibility of recommending to the author the reformulation of the original text in order to its publication.

Each article should not exceed 45 000 characters (including blank spaces), it should be accompanied by an abstract with a maximum limit of 200 words, as well as a set of keywords (minimum 3, maximum 5). The articles should be sent in an electronic file in rtf- format to the coordinator of the Journal (Professor Leontina Ventura) or CHSC, in which, in the first page, should be clearly mentioned the following information: author´s name, academic affiliation (maximum 2 institutions), address, electronic address and phone number.Graphics, charts and illustrations should be sent in autonomous files, with professional quality, mentioning in the article’s text the precise location where each one of them should appear. It is up to the author the responsibility to ensure the lawful authorization for publication of images which are protected by copyrights.

Bibliographic and archival references should be normalised according to the following examples and standards, and must be given in end notes placed at the bottom of each page:


GUSDORF, Georges - Les principes de le pensée au Siècle des Lumiéres. Paris: Payot, 1971.

Collective publications:

TIENDA, Marta and GRUSKY, B. (ed.) - Social stratification: class, race, and gender in sociological perspective. Boulder; San Francisco; Oxford: Westview Press, 1994

Chapters in monographies:

GIDDENS, Anthony - Elites and power in TIENDA, Marta and GRUSKY, B. (ed.) - Social stratification: class, race, and gender in sociological perspective. Boulder; San Francisco; Oxford: Westview Press, 1994, p. 170-174.

Articles in periodical publications:

BOUZA ALVAREZ, Fernando - Lisboa sózinha quase viúva. A cidade e a mudança da corte no Portugal dos Filipes. Penélope. Fazer e desfazer a História. 13 (1994) 71-93.

Articles or texts in the WEB:

SCHILLING, Ruth - Homagium or Hospitality?: The Struggle for Political Representation in Bremen around 1600. Eras. School of Historical Studies on-line Journal (2003), (http://www.arts.monash.edu.au/eras/edition_5/schillingarticle.htm, consultado em 2007.09.12).


Instituto Arquivos Nacionais/Torre do Tombo (Lisboa), Ministério do Reino, Livro 234, fl. 23.

For second quotations of the same publication, one should use a simplified process. Examples: GUSDORF, Georges - Les principes..., cit., p. 89; BOUZA ALVAREZ, Fernando - Lisboa sózinha..., cit., p. 90.

Test copies will be sent to the authors for revision. Modifications that outrun 5% of the original text will not be accepted and the revised text should be returned to the coordinator of the Magazine, thoroughly examined, in accordance to the standards of the Prontuário ortográfico e guia da Língua Portuguesa (by Magnus Bergstrom and Neves Reis – for texts in portuguese), in a dateline that cannot exceed 3 weeks from its expedition date by the Magazine.

Once the paper is published, each author will gratuitously receive twenty reprinted copies of the article and one copy of the Journal.

In case of doubt or for further information, please contact the Director of the Journal or the coordinator of the corresponding volume, Professor Leontina Ventura.

The absence of noticing any of these rules will make the acceptance of the proposed paper impracticable.

Editorial Board
Director: Professor Doutor João Marinho dos Santos (Universidade de Coimbra) - iheu@fl.uc.pt

Editorial Board

Amadeu Carvalho Homem (University of Coimbra)

Ana Maria Jorge (Portuguese Catholic University)

António Oliveira (University of Coimbra)

Fernando Catroga (University of Coimbra)

Fernando de Sousa (University of Oporto)

Irene Vaquinhas (University of Coimbra)

João Paulo de Oliveira Costa (University of Lisbon)

Mafalda Soares da Cunha (CIDEHUS - University of Évora)

Maria Alegria Fernandes Marques (University of Coimbra)

Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho (University of Coimbra)

Maria José Azevedo Santos (University of Coimbra)

Maria Manuela de Bastos Tavares Ribeiro (CEIS XX - University of Coimbra)

Zulmira Santos (University of Oporto)

External Referees Committee

Adeline Rucquoi (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales - France)

Alice Raviola (University of Torino - Italy)

Ana Isabel Buescu (New University of Lisbon - Portugal)

Ângela Barreto Xavier (Social Sciences Institute - Portugal)

Avelino Freitas Meneses (University of Azores - Portugal)

Bernardo Vasconcelos e Sousa (New University of Lisbon - Portugal)

Cristina Scheibe Wolff (Federal University of Santa Catarina - Brazil)

Eiras Roel (University of Santiago de Compostela - Spain)

Evergton Sales Souza (Federal University of Bahia, Brazil)

Fernanda Rolo (New University of Lisbon - Portugal)

Fernando Bouza Alvarez (Complutense University of Madrid - Spain)

Francisco Contente Domingues (University of Lisbon - Portugal)

Francisco Garcia Fitz (University of Cáceres - Spain)

Hermínia Vilar (University of Évora)

Inês Amorim (University of Oporto - Portugal)

Jorge Alves (University of Oporto - Portugal)

Laura Mello e Souza (University of S. Paulo - Brazil)

Luís dos Reis Torgal (University of Coimbra - Portugal)

Nuno Gonçalo Monteiro (Social Sciences Institute - Portugal)

Paula Pinto Costa (University of Oporto - Portugal)

Ramon Villares (University of Santiago de Compostela - Spain)

Stéphane Boisselier (University of Poitiers - France)

Stuart Schwartz (University of Yale – USA)

ntónio Oliveira (University of Coimbra)

Fernando Catroga (University of Coimbra)

Fernando de Sousa (University of Oporto)

Irene Vaquinhas (University of Coimbra)

João Paulo de Oliveira Costa (University of Lisbon)

Mafalda Soares da Cunha (CIDEHUS - University of Évora)

Maria Alegria Fernandes Marques (University of Coimbra)

Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho (University of Coimbra)

Maria José Azevedo Santos (University of Coimbra)

Maria Manuela de Bastos Tavares Ribeiro (CEIS XX - University of Coimbra)

Zulmira Santos (University of Oporto)

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