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变更情况:ISSN 0102-0188 printed version, ISSN 1806-9347 online version

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
The Revista Brasileira de História is the official organ of the Associação Nacional de História - ANPUH (National Association of History), published biannually.

ANPUH is a scientific association founded in 1961, which congregates teachers and researchers of history, aiming at the improvement of teaching in the various levels of the field. The association also aims to study, research and promote history subjects, as well as to safeguard historical sources and cultural manifestations that are of interest to the historical studies.

ANPUH promotes the exchange of ideas among its members through the publication of periodicals, and the organization of national symposia, regional meetings, special courses, and other programs in the field.

The ANPUH members are those who have an undergraduate or a graduate degree in history; or a graduate degree in other study area with a focus in history; or those who have published works in any of the history fields, provided that they obtain a recommendation of an ANPUH branch, and a referendum of the National Board.

The abbreviated title of the journal is Rev. Bras. Hist., which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, and bibliographical references and strips.

Indexing sources

The articles published by the Revista Brasileira de História are abstracted or indexed in:

  • Sumários Correntes Brasileiros / Ciências Sociais e Humanas

  • Bibliographie Latino-Americaine D' Articles

  • Historical Abstract

  • America: History and Life

Intellectual property

All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY.


The publication of the journal receives financial support of the:

  • Do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
  • Da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes)
  • Do Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (MCTI)
  • Do Ministério da Educação (MEC)
  • Do Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA)

Instructions to Authors

Scope and editorial policy

The Revista Brasileira de História publishes original articles and book reviews in the field of history.

All papers will be reviewed by two referees, provided they follow the rules for the presentation of originals. In case of antagonistic reports, there will be a third one. The Editor in charge and the Editorial Committee may refuse texts which do not meet the requirements described in the instructions to authors, without even begining the editorial process.

The decision regarding the opportunity of the publication of submitted papers lies with the Editorial board.

The Editorial board asks authors and editors not to send books for review, once there is no possibility of attending to all requests. Otherwise, reviews of books are welcome, and they should comply with the following specifications.

Each author should have only one article in Editorial process, from its submission to its publication. It should also be observed a period of two years between the publication of a text and the beginning of a new editorial process.


Preparation of originals

Papers submitted to the Revista Brasileira de História should comply with the following specifications:

  1. All works should be presented in 2 (two) printed copies, accompanied by a diskette. The journal recommends the use of a word processor compatible with Word for Windows. Images: 300 dpi. Address: Revista Brasileira de História/ ANPUH, Av. Professor Lineu Prestes 338, Térreo do Prédio da História e Geografia, Cidade Universitária USP, 05.508-900, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
  2. The author's name, affiliation, address and e-mail should appear in a separate page. These information should be omitted from the title page, as well as headers/footers.
  3. If the study or research has received financial support, the name of the funding agency should be mentioned.
  4. Translations should be accompanied by a permission by the author, along with the original text.
  5. The articles should not exceed 20 (twenty) pages in line spacing 1,5, Times News Roman 12. Quotations larger than three lines should appear detached in Times News Roman 11, simple space. Inferior and superior margins: 2, 0 cm/ Right and left: 3, 0 cm. The articles should have abstracts in Portuguese and English of up to 10 (ten) lines with 3 (three) keywords in Portuguese and English. The title should appear in Portuguese and English, too.
  6. Book reviews should have from 1000 to 1500 words. They should focus on books published in the last two years in Brazil or in the last four years in other countries.
  7. Publication and comments regarding original documents will follow the same specifications for papers.
  8. Footnotes should be typed at the end of the paper, limited to 30 (thirty). Footnotes with larger comments should appear only when they are essential. The journal does not publish bibliographies.
  9. Norms for presenting footnotes (NBR 6023):

Books: LAST NAME, First Name. Title of the book in italics: subtitle. Translation. Edition. City: Publisher, year, p. or pp.

Chapters: LAST NAME, First Name. Title of the chapter. In: LAST NAME, First Name (ed.). Title of the book in italics: subtitle. Edition. City: Publisher, year, p. nn- nn.

Articles: LAST NAME, First Name. Title of the article. Title of the journal in italics. City: Publisher, vol., n., p. x-y, year.

Thesis: LAST NAME, First Name. Title: subtitle. Thesis (PhD in…..) Institution. City, year, p. nn-nn.

Internet: LAST NAME, First Name. Title. Available at: www………., consulted dd.mm.yy.

Work presented at meetings: LAST NAME, First Name. Title. In: Title of the meeting, number, year, city. Annals… city: Publisher, year.

Editorial Board

Editor in charge


Editorial committee (RBH)

  • Alexandre Fortes (UFRRJ)
  • Ana Teresa Marques Gonçalves (UFG)
  • Carla Simone Rodeghero (UFRGS)
  • Cláudia Maria Ribeiro Viscardi (UFJF)
  • Fátima Martins Lopes (UFRN)
  • Frederico de Castro Neves (UFC)
  • George Evergton Sales Souza (UFBA)
  • Hebe Maria da Costa Mattos Gomes de Castro (UFF)
  • Julio Pimentel Pinto (USP)
  • Lucília Neves de Almeida Delgado (UnB)
  • Marluza Marques Harres (Unisinos)
  • Marcelo Cândido da Silva (USP)
  • Regina Beatriz Guimarães Neto (UFPE)
  • Selva Guimarães Fonseca (UFU)
  • Tânia Regina de Luca (Unesp-Assis)




Advisory committee (RBH)

  • Adilson José Francisco (ANPUH-MT)
  • Altemar da Costa Muniz (ANPUH-CE)
  • Célia Costa Cardoso  (ANPUH-SE)
  • Claudio Umpierre Carlan (ANPUH-MG)
  • Edilza Joana Fontes (ANPUH-PA)
  • Élio Chaves Flores (ANPUH-PB)
  • Eurelino Coelho (ANPUH-BA)
  • Fabiana de Souza Fredrigo(ANPUH-GO)
  • Hélio Sochodolak  (ANPUH-PR)
  • Hideraldo Lima da Costa (ANPUH-AM)
  • Jaime de Almeida  (ANPUH-DF)
  • João Batista Bitencourt (ANPUH-MA)
  • Luís Augusto Ebling Farinatti (ANPUH-RS)
  • Luzia Margareth Rago (ANPUH-SP)
  • Maria Augusta de Castilho (ANPUH-MS)
  • Maria Teresa Santos Cunha (ANPUH-SC)
  • Osvaldo Batista Acioly Maciel (ANPUH-AL)


Board of Directors - National ANPUH , Biennium 2011-2013

  • Presidente – Benito Bisso Schmidt (UFRGS)
  • Vice-Presidente - Margarida Maria Dias de Oliveira (UFRN)
  • Secretário-Geral – Angelo Aparecido Priori (UEM)
  • 1º. Secretário – Antônio Celso Ferreira (Unesp-Assis)
  • 2º. Secretário – Carlos Augusto Lima Ferreira (UEFS)
  • 1º. Tesoureiro – Francisco Carlos Palomanes Martinho (USP)
  • 2º. Tesoureiro – Eudes Fernando Leite (UFGD)
  • Editora da Revista Brasileira de História – Marieta de Moraes Ferreira (UFRJ/FGV)
  • Editora da Revista História Hoje – Patrícia Melo Sampaio (UFAM)


ANPUH - National advisory committee

  • Almir Félix Batista de Oliveira – ANPUH-RN
  • Altemar da Costa Muniz – ANPUH-CE
  • Áurea da Paz Pinheiro – ANPUH-PI
  • Braz Batista Vas – ANPUH-TO
  • Célia Costa Cardoso – ANPUH-SE
  • Célia Tavares – ANPUH-RJ
  • Élio Chaves Flores – ANPUH-PB
  • Eurelino Coelho – ANPUH-BA
  • Hélio Sochodolak – ANPUH-PR
  • Hideraldo Lima da Costa – ANPUH-AM
  • Jaime de Almeida – ANPUH-DF
  • João Batista Bitencourt – ANPUH-MA
  • Julio Bentivoglio – ANPUH-ES
  • Luís Augusto Ebling Farinatti – ANPUH-RS
  • Luzia Margareth Rago – ANPUH-SP
  • Marcília Gama – ANPUH-PE
  • Maria da Conceição Silva – ANPUH-GO
  • Maria de Nazaré dos Santos Sarges – ANPUH-PA
  • Maria Teresa Santos Cunha – ANPUH-SC
  • Neimar Machado de Sousa – ANPUH-MS
  • Ronaldo Pereira de Jesus – ANPUH-MG
  • Sérgio Onofre Seixas de Araújo – ANPUH-AL
  • Thereza Martha Borges Presotti Guimarães – ANPUH-MT


Representative of ANPUH in Conselho Nacional de Arquivos (CONARQ)

  • Ismênia de Lima Martins (UFF)
  • Tânia Maria Tavares Bessone da Cruz Ferreira - UERJ (Suplente)

Secretary of RBH

  • Flavia Uliana Lima (USP)

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