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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Public Archaeology is the only international, peer-reviewed journal to provide an arena for the growing debate surrounding archaeological and heritage issues as they relate to the wider world of politics, ethics, government, social questions, education, management, economics and philosophy. As a result, the journal includes ground-breaking research and insightful analysis on topics ranging from ethnicity, indigenous archaeology and cultural tourism to archaeological policies, public involvement and the antiquities trade.

Key issues covered:

  • the sale of unprovenanced and frequently looted antiquities

  • the relationship between emerging modern nationalism and the profession of archaeology

  • privatization of the profession 

  • human rights and, in particular, the rights of indigenous populations with respect to their sites and material relics

  • representation of archaeology in the media

  • the law on portable finds or treasure troves

  • archaeologist as an instrument of state power, or catalyst to local resistance to the state

An events diary, reviews of books, conferences and exhibitions, Forum-type exchanges of views and other notes are also published, informing readers about the latest trends, commenting on recent announcements and highlighting what is to come.  

Public Archaeology is for all those who wish to take part, keep themselves informed, or build on a keen interest in the field, including: archaeologists, cultural historians, cultural economists, heritage managers, specialist journalists, political commentators, leisure and tourist operators, private consultancies, national and international lawyers and conservationists as well as those responsible for university courses in museum studies, heritage management, politics, anthropology and law.

Abstracting and Indexing Services

Abstracting and indexing services that cite Public Archaeology include:

Anthropological Literature

Arts and Humanities Citation Index of ISI

British and Irish Archaeological Abstracts

British Humanities Index

Genamics JournalSeek

Humanities International Complete

Modern Language Association Bibliography


TOC Premier

Instructions to Authors
Public Archaeology welcomes original contributions that match the aims and scope of the Journal on the understanding that the paper has not previously been published, and is not being concurrently submitted for publication elsewhere.  All papers will be sent to independent referees. It is a condition of publication that on acceptance of the paper by the Journal Editor that copyright must be assigned to Maney Publishing.

All contributions should be sent in electronic format, preferably in Microsoft Word, to the the editor: Tim Schadla-Hall, Institute of Archaeology, UCL, 31–34 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PY, UK (emailpublicarchaeologyjournal@googlemail.com) Authors wishing to correspond with the Editor are also welcome to do so by e-mail. 
Articles should not normally exceed 9,000 words in length. Please consult the Editor if you have any queries about length. Articles must be accompanied by a short abstract (c. 100-200 words) summarizing the contents of their paper. Articles should also be accompanied by between 5 and 7 key words to aid searchability of the article online. Any acknowledgements should be placed at the end of the article, before any Notes.

For information about style and formatting of articles and file type requirements please click here.

For articles in English, British spelling should be followed but with 'ize', not 'ise' where both spellings are permissible. Connection, reflection, etc. are preferred to connexion etc.

Notes and References 
The Author-Date system
 should be used for references in order to minimize the number of endnotes. References in the text should be made within parentheses and include the surname of the author, the publication date of the work and, where necessary, the page reference, e.g.: 
Photographic images are mnemonic devices to connect peoplewith a sense of past experience (Crang, 2006).

When the author's name is given in the text there is no need to repeat it in the reference: 
Edensor (2001) argues ...

If two or more works by the same author have the same publication date, they should be arranged alphabetically by title and distinguished by adding letters after the date (e.g. '1989a', '1989b').

Contributions should be followed by an alphabetical list of Works Cited,

Editorial Board

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