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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Psychoanalysis and History

Psychoanalysis and History is devoted both to the study of the history of psychoanalysis and the application of psychoanalytic ideas to historiography, thus forming a bridge between the academic study of history and psychoanalysis.

Instructions to Authors
Psychoanalysis & History is a peer-reviewed journal devoted both to the study of the history of psychoanalysis and to the application of psychoanalytic ideas to historiography. The interdisciplinary aim of the journal is to form a bridge between the academic study of history and psychoanalysis. Articles are published in English, with abstracts in the original language if the article appears in translation.

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically if at all possible to: John Forrester at jpf11@cam.ac.uk. The wordprocessing program for both Windows and Macs should be Microsoft Word; authors may wish to submit in RTF (Rich Text Format) in order to ensure safe arrival.

If it is not practicable to submit electronically, four copies of the manuscript should be submitted to: Prof. John Forrester, Editor, Psychoanalysis and History, Dept. of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge, Free School Lane, Cambridge CB2 3RH, UK.

Authors considering submitting work in languages other than English should make a preliminary enquiry of the Editor.

Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced on one side of the page, with generous margins. The average length of articles should be between 6000 and 8000 words, and a word count should be included. An abstract of no more than 150 words should accompany the article, along with a separate page giving author’s affiliation and address for correspondence.The author’s name should appear only on the title page.


• To be placed in alphabetical order at the end of the manuscript after any Notes, Acknowledgements, etc. but before the abstract and key words.
• One of the main versions of the Harvard style, as in the following examples:

Sole-authored book: Gay, P. (1988) Freud: A Life for Our Time. New York: Norton.
Langer, Mordecai George (Jiří) (1961[1937]), Nine Gates to the Chassidic Mysteries. New York: Schocken.
Co-authored book: Laplanche, J. & Pontalis, J.-B. (1973) The Language of Psycho-Analysis. London: Hogarth Press.
Chapter in author’s own collection: Winnicott, D.W. (1954) Withdrawal and regression. In D.W. Winnicott, Through Paediatrics to Psychoanalysis. New York: Basic Books, 1975, pp. 255–61.
Chapters in Freud SE: [1st entry in references list] Freud, S. (1905) Fragment of an analysis of a case of hysteria. In S. Freud, The Standard Edition of the Complete Works of Sigmund Freud. Trans. from the German by J. Strachey. London: Hogarth Press, vol. 7, pp. 1–122.
[Subsequent entries in the same references list] Freud, S. (1933) Sandor Ferenczi. SE 22, pp. 225–30. London: Hogarth Press.
Chapter in edited collection: Vikar, G. (1996) The Budapest School of psychoanalysis. In P.L. Rudnytsky, A. Bokay & P. Giampieri-Deutsch (eds), Ferenczi’s Turn in Psychoanalysis. New York: New York University Press.
Journal article: Samson, A. (1988) Science, metaphor and meaning in The Interpretation of Dreams. British Journal of Psychotherapy 14(3): 327–36.
Internet source: Carpenter, A. (2001) Schoenberg’s Erwatung and Freudian case histories: A preliminary investigation. Discourses in Music 3(2). Available at: http://discourses.ca/v3n2a1.html [Accessed 7 January 2010].

Citing references in the text and following display quotes (quotes more than 40 words long):
(Suttie & Suttie, 1932, pp. 212–13; Kuhn, 1970[1962], p. 197, n.3)
(Stephenson, 1986, 1987a, 1987b)
(Zangwill et al., 1972, pp. xx–xxi, my emphasis)
(Freud, cited in Cheshire, 1996, pp. 1131, 1130)

Citing references in footnotes
See Richards (2008, pp. 113–70); Gould (1977, pp. 76–85).

Style points
• Dates are in the format: Monday, 23 September 2013; the nineteenth century; nineteenth-century writers; the 1960s and 1970s
• Initials are closed up with points in names, e.g. C.G. Jung
• No points in common abbreviations, e.g. NATO, the US
• Call-outs to figures are in the format: (see Figure 1)

Open Access and Self-Archiving
All EUP journals are published on a Green Open Access basis, whereby authors are allowed to deposit the pre-publication version of their contribution on their personal or departmental web page, in their institutional repository or in a disciplinary repository at the time the contribution is first submitted. Authors are also permitted to deposit their published article in approved institutional or disciplinary repositories subject to a 12 month embargo period. Please visit our Copyright and Open Access page for full details of our self-archiving policy for all EUP journals.

Authors can also choose to pay a fee to make their article freely available online immediately via the EUP journals website through the Edinburgh Open scheme which provides an optional Gold Open Access route to publication in all Edinburgh University Press journals. Please visit our Edinburgh Open page for full information on the scheme and our Open Access page for further information on the EUP Open Access policy.

Author Copyright Form
Prospective authors, please click here to download the author copyright form for submission with your article.

Discounts for Authors
Journal Authors are entitled to a 40% discount on the journal issue containing their paper, a 20% discount on all EUP books and a 10% discount on any journal subscription. Please contact marketing@eup.ed.ac.uk to order books at discount and journals@eup.ed.ac.uk for discounted journal subscriptions.

Editorial Board
John Forrester

Book Reviews Editor
Michael Molnar

Editorial and Advisory Boards
Editorial Advisors
Sally Alexander, London
Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen, Seattle/Paris
Jose Brunner, Tel Aviv
Alain de Mijolla, Paris
Karl Figlio, Essex
Sander Gilman, Chicago
Robert D. Hinshelwood, Visiting Chair, Essex
Mary Jacobus, Ithaca
Douglas Kirsner, Victoria
Elizabeth Lunbeck, Nashville
Lydia Marinelli, Vienna
Juliet Mitchell, Cambridge
Adam Phillips, London
Daniel Pick, London
Jacqueline Rose, London
Michael Roth, San Francisco
Peter L. Rudnytsky, Gainesville

International Advisors
Harold P. Blum
Carlo Bonomi
Lawrence J. Friedman
Ilse Grubrich-Simitis
Thomas B. Kirsch
Ilany Kogan
Harald Leupold-Lowenthal
Peter Lowenberg
Edward Timms

Copy-editor and proof-reader

Teresa Drew

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