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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Current Issue

Journal of Design History is a leading journal in its field. It plays an active role in the development of design history (including the history of the crafts and applied arts), as well as contributing to the broader field of studies of visual and material culture. The journal includes a regular book reviews section and lists books received, and from time to time publishes special issues.

Abstracting and Indexing Services

Journal of Design History is covered by the following abstracting/indexing services:

America: History and Life
Art Index
Bibliography History of Art
British Humanities Index
Design & Applied Arts Index (DAAI)
Historical Abstracts
International Bibliography of Book Reviews (IBR)
International Bibliography of Periodical Literature (IBZ)
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
Periodicals Index Online (PIO)

Instructions to Authors


The Journal of Design History plays an active role in the development of design history (including the history of the crafts and applied arts), as well as contributing to the broader field of studies of visual and material culture. The journal includes a regular book reviews section and lists books received, and from time to time publishes special issues of topical aspects in the field.


All papers published in the journal are subject to peer review. Papers that are outside the scope of the journal, that do not comply with the guidelines below or are otherwise judged to be unsuitable by the editor will be rejected without peer review. Appropriate papers are sent to at least two independent referees for evaluation. Authors are encouraged to suggest reviewers of international standing. Referees advise on the originality and merit of the paper; the editors decide on publication.


Writing should be clear and simple, avoiding excessive use of the passive, and written in good clear 'UK' English (ize, yse). Follow the Concise Oxford Dictionary.

Particularly if English is not your first language, before submitting your manuscript you may wish to have it edited for language. This is not a mandatory step, but may help to ensure that the academic content of your paper is fully understood by journal editors and reviewers. Language editing does not guarantee that your manuscript will be accepted for publication. If you would like information about such services please click here. There are other specialist language editing companies that offer similar services and you can also use any of these. Authors are liable for all costs associated with such services.


In order to be processed by our production team, all files should be editable, prepared in an appropriate word processing package and saved as .doc, .docx or .rtf. Please note: PDF (.pdf) is not an appropriate file type. Manuscripts should be double line spaced with 1inch margins.

A. Section heading – Left aligned, Sentence case (capitalize first word) in bold.
B. Subheading level 1 – Left aligned, Sentence case in italics.

Short quotations within the text should be marked by single quotation marks. Longer quotations should be indented from the text without quotation marks and typed single spaced. Single quotation marks should be used for quotations within quotations. Quotations from foreign language texts should be translated into English (where necessary the original text may be quoted in the endnotes).

Abbreviations consisting of initials (such as RCA, RA or MOMA) should omit the full stops, and include the expansion of the abbreviation at the first mention.

Should be in the style 1 January 1993; 1993-94; 1990s.

References should be given in Vancouver style endnotes, identified in the text by Arabic numerals and numbered in the order cited. Complete information should be given for each reference cited.

Repeat citations: Use ‘op. cit.’ after author's surname for successive references. Use short title as well as author's surname when more than one book by author is referred to. Ibid. can only refer to immediately preceding ref or part of it ('Letters, p. 515', followed by 'Ibid.' to mean exactly the same ref; or 'Ibid., p. 518').

Author names
Author forenames are provided as initials only. Full stop and space between (R. J. Jones). No full stop in Mr, Mrs, Dr. “&” between authors' names and publishers (Smith & Jones, Weidenfeld & Nicolson).

Books: title in italic, volume in roman arabic numeral; use edn for edition; eds for editors; ch. for chapters; insert‘(trans.)’ in parentheses after the name of the translator; Publisher and town; page range elide closely (190-1, 112-14). Eg: P. Kirkham, The London Furniture Trade 1700-1870, Furniture History Society, Leeds, 1988, p. 8.

Journals: article in roman title case; title in italic; vol. no. in arabic numerals; page range elide closely (190-1, 112-14). Eg: S. Mathur, 'Living Ethnological Exhibits: The Case of 1886', Cultural Anthropology, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 492–524.

Theses: title in roman title case with single quotation; Degree, Institution, Year; page range elide closely (190-1, 112-14). Eg: B. Tigerman, ‘“I am Not a Decorator”: Florence Knoll, the Knoll Planning Unit, and the Making of the Modern Office', M.A. thesis, University of Delaware, 2005, pp. 22–33.

Websites: Title; URL; date accessed. Eg: The American Society of Interior Designers <[URL]> accessed 12 March 2008.

For further guidance on points of citation style, contributors should consult a recent copy of the journal.


For comprehensive guidance on preparing digital artwork, see our separate JDH artwork guidelines.

Images within your article
Figures must be prepared in an appropriate graphic package, saved as follows and named according to DOS conventions, e.g. 'figure1.tif'. DO NOT embed your figure files in the main document.

Cover images
All authors whose manuscripts are accepted for publication in the JDH are invited to offer an image for publication on the Journal cover. Because the make-up of each issue is based on a number of variables, we cannot guarantee a cover image to any given author, but we are keen to consider cover image suggestions which are striking and novel. Please see below for further information on obtaining permission for cover images.

Technical requirements
Photographs should be uploaded as high resolution (300dpi) .tif files at 1.5x desired print size. Please remember this when scanning originals. You may need to change your camera settings before taking photographs yourself.

Line work should be saved as- .ai (Adobe Illustrator)/ Encapsulated PostScript (.eps). The optimal resolution for these images is 600-1200dpi.

Please note – artwork that does not meet our requirements may compromise output quality and will be rejected.


In order to reproduce any third party material, including figures or tables, in an article authors must obtain permission from the copyright holder and be compliant with any requirements the copyright holder may have pertaining to this reuse.

When seeking to reproduce any kind of third party material authors should request the following:

(i) non-exclusive rights to reproduce the material in the specified article and journal;
(ii) electronic rights, preferably for use in any form or medium;
(iii) the right to use the material for the life of the work; and
(iv) world-wide English-language rights.

Further guidelines on clearing permissions can be found at:
http://www.oxfordjournals.org/access_purchase/permissions_guidelines.doc. A template permissions request letter can be found at the end of the above document.

Once granted, upload a copy of the approval as a supporting file. An acknowledgement to the source must be made in your text, exactly as stipulated by the particular institutions. The following information may be useful for obtaining permissions:

Journal: Journal of Design History
IP address: design.oxfordjournals.org/
Method of limiting access: password or IP address depending on subscription type
Users: individual subscribers and members of licence holding institutions
Fees charged: depends on subscription
Rights required: World rights, one language (English), print and online publication in perpetuity.

Please note that late permission acquisition will result in publication delays.

Permission to reproduce material for the cover usually requires additional clearance to the rights obtained for the images used within your article and may therefore incur additional costs. A small fund may be available to help cover the cost of clearing cover images, discussed and agreed with the Managing Editor, in advance. Where cover permission cannot be obtained, images will be rejected.



The Journal of Design History is a DOUBLE blinded (author anonymized) journal. Self-referencing that would give away the author’s identity should be excluded. All submissions should adhere to the following:

Title Page Document
1. File designation ‘Title Page’
2. Title and running head (short title);
3. Names, addresses, and positions of all authors plus email address for corresponding author;
4. Author Biography – 200 words max.

Main Document
1. File designation ‘Main Document – Anonymous’
2. Title;
3. Article category
4. Word count
5. A 200 word summary
6. Six appropriate keywords four chosen from our list
7. Main body containing appropriate sections with the appropriate heading.
8. Declarations/ Acknowledgements: indicate at the end of the text before references any conflict of interest. This includes ownership of shares, consultancy, speaker's honoraria or research grants from commercial companies or professional or governmental organisations with an interest in the topic of the paper. If in doubt, disclose.
9. Tables – if appropriate, in tabulate text. Do not embed tables.
10. Figure legends – if appropriate, in a list following the references. (Figures must be uploaded additionally as individual graphic files. Do not embed figures).
11. References as endnotes in Vancouver style (see above style).

Other Files
1. Figures - File designation ‘colour or b+w image’
2. Permissions - File designation ‘permission’


Due to space restrictions, submissions must adhere to our strict word limits. Longer submissions may be considered on their merits. Explain in your cover letter why it may be necessary.

  • Original articles: Summary words – 200/ maximum words – 8000 including references/ figures – 7.
  • Invited reviews: Summary words – 200; Maximum words – 6000; maximum figures – 8.
  • Archives, Collections, and Curatorship (AC&C): Summary words – 200; Maximum words – 4500; maximum figures – 7; more information can be found here.
  • Book reviews: Title, name of author, publisher, date, number of pages, number of illustrations, price, binding, ISBN. Further information and specifications can be found here.


Submissions must have been read and approved by all authors. Submission of a manuscript implies that it reports unpublished work and that it is not under active consideration for publication elsewhere, nor been accepted for publication, nor been published in full or in part (except in abstract form).

All material to be considered for publication should be submitted via the journal's
online submission system. Submission of a manuscript implies that it reports unpublished work and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Full instructions are available
here. Support is also available on the site. A user ID and password can be obtained on the first visit. If you have any queries please contact Lou Whelan, Journal of Design History Editorial Office: jdh.editorialoffice@oup.com.


Check the following:

  • Title page present;
  • Your main document conforms to our requirements and is suitably anonymized;
    Figures are uploaded separately as graphic files;
  • Supporting documents are uploaded: eg permission (if any); and
  • You have completed all submission steps.

Failure to do so will result in your files returned to your author centre. You will receive an email detailing corrections required.


Authors may track the progress of their submission at any time via their author centre at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jdh.


Authors will be informed by email of editorial decisions and may consult their Author Centre for the current status of the review of their manuscript, including alterations requested. In cases where the Editorial Board has accepted a paper subject to revisions, the author will normally be asked to complete these by a specific deadline. Instructions on submitting an improved version are available at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jdh.


Congratulations! You will be notified by decision letter from the Editor in Chief. On acceptance, your final files will be sent to the publisher for proofing. Files will not be passed to the publisher without necessary permissions, which is the authors’ responsibility to obtain.


It is a condition of publication that authors grant an exclusive licence to Oxford University Press. This ensures that requests from third parties to reproduce articles are handled efficiently and consistently and will also allow the article to be as widely disseminated as possible. As part of the licence agreement, authors may use their own material in other publications provided that the Journal is acknowledged as the original place of publication, and Oxford University Press is notified in writing and in advance. Upon receipt of accepted manuscripts at Oxford Journals authors will be invited to complete an online copyright licence to publish form.

Please note that by submitting an article for publication you confirm that you are the corresponding/submitting author and that Oxford University Press ("OUP") may retain your email address for the purpose of communicating with you about the article. You agree to notify OUP immediately if your details change. If your article is accepted for publication OUP will contact you using the email address you have used in the registration process. Please note that OUP does not retain copies of rejected articles.

Information about the New Creative Commons licence can be found here.


The corresponding author will receive a PDF proof of their article by email Proofing instructions will accompany the PDF file but the proof should be checked immediately and returned to the production office within three days; authors are encouraged to use E-annotation tools available in Adobe Acrobat Professional or Acrobat Reader (version 7.0 or above) to e-annotate the PDF copy of their proofs.



For information about this journal's policy, please visit our Author Self-Archiving policy page.


The corresponding authors will receive electronic access to their paper free of charge. They are also entitled to claim a gratis copy of the issue in which their paper is printed, which can be done using the same site used to sign the licence to publish. Additional printed offprints may also be purchased using the site. Instructions for this will be provided after acceptance.


The current plus two back volumes are available from Oxford University Press. Previous volumes can be obtained from the Periodicals Service Company, 11 Main Street, Germantown, NY 12526, USA. Tel: +1 (518) 537 4700; Fax: +1 (518) 537 5899.

Orders from the UK will be subject to the current UK VAT charge. For orders from the rest of the European Union, OUP will assume that the service is provided for business purposes. Please provide a VAT number for yourself or your institution and ensure you account for your own local VAT correctly.

Editorial Board
Dipti Bhagat (Ex Officio, Chair of Design History Society)

London Metropolitan University

Regina Lee Blaszczyk

University of Leeds

Cheryl Buckley (Chair of the Editorial Board)

University of Brighton

Clive Edwards

Loughborough University

Kjetil Fallan

University of Oslo

Grace Lees-Maffei (Managing Editor)

University of Hertfordshire

Peter McNeil

University of Technology, Sydney, Australia & Stockholm University, Sweden

Jilly Traganou (Reviews Editor)

Parsons The New School for Design

Wendy S. Wong

Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne

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