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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

IRAN is the journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies

IRAN is an internationally acclaimed peer-reviewed journal that is published annually. IRAN publishes articles that are of the highest academic standard across a diverse range of fields that cover all aspects of Persian studies throughout all periods. Each issue typically contains papers that cover a wide thematic and chronological range. IRAN has an international reputation for excellence in research, and it is the only international Persian studies journal that has such a broad scope.

IRAN has two joint editors, Edmund Bosworth and CameronPetrie, and an editorial board that is comprised of scholars of international standing.

The sale and distribution of copies of IRAN including back issues, and of other publications by The British Institute of Persian Studies is handled by Oxbow Books Ltd. All orders and payments for IRAN and other BIPS publications should be sent to them at:

Oxbow Books Ltd
10 Hythe Bridge Street
Oxford OX1 2EW
United Kingdom
e-mail: simone.drinkwater@oxbowbooks.com
telephone: +44 (0)1865 241249
fax: +44 (0)1865 794449

Instructions to Authors

1. IRAN is a refereed journal published once a year, which presents articles on Persian arts, archaeology, history, linguistics, literature, philosophy and religion, and is the foremost international journal in its field. The journal has three joint-editors, Professor C.E. Bosworth Dr. C.A. Petrie and Professor V. Martin, and a board of editorial advisors comprised of international specialists in the relevant fields. The journal publishes articles that are of the highest academic standard across a diverse range of fields. When articles submitted for consideration, they are assessed by the editors, and are peer-reviewed by the editorial advisors and other scholars as appropriate, before being accepted for publication. Articles may be submitted in English, French or German.

2. To be considered for publication in any year, all manuscripts must be submitted by the last day of March of that year. Even if manuscripts are submitted by this date and accepted for publication, there can be no guarantee that space will be available for its publication in that year. Contributors are asked to submit manuscripts that are formatted according to the guidelines outlined below, and the joint-editors reserve the right to return manuscripts that are not formatted accordingly before they will be considered.

3. Manuscript Format.
All manuscripts should be submitted in Word .doc or .rtf format, preferably using a generic font such as Arial or Times New Roman. Hard copy manuscripts (see 6. below) should be double spaced throughout (i.e. including notes), printed on one side of A4 paper or its nearest North American equivalent, and in 12 point type. Authors should avoid the use of complex formatting for headings and subheadings, as these must ultimately be changed in the typesetting process. Articles may be submitted in English, French or German.

Authors should provide a title, and an English language 100-word abstract and list of 5 keywords in English. Papers should normally be a maximum of 8000-10000 words in length, including end notes, but not including a consolidated bibliography. If a manuscript is likely to be longer than this, there should be prior consultation with the editors. Archaeological Reports of up to 5000 and words and Shorter Notices will also be considered. When referring to dates, authors should use BC, AD or AH, not BCE and CE.

4. Heading styles.
Authors are requested to set out headings and sub-headings in the following manner:
Headings should be numbered using Roman numerals – I., II., III., etc.
Sub-headings should be numbered using a combination of Roman and Arabic numerals – I.1., I.2., II.1, II.2., etc.

5. Reference Styles.
References should be given as end notes, not as footnotes or text notes as in the Harvard system. References in the text should thus be indicated only by an Arabic numeral. The end notes should be numbered consecutively, and should appear after the main body of text. In the end notes, the author, date and page of the reference should appear, followed by additional comments where they are deemed necessary. A full list of all references used should appear in a consolidated bibliography (double-spaced) at the end of the text that includes all references cited. Bibliographic references should follow a format such as that shown below.
Stein, M.A. 1936. “An Archaeological Tour in the Ancient Persis”, Iraq 3: 111-225.
Stein, M.A. 1940. Old Routes in Western Iran, Macmillan and Sons, London.
Papers in edited volumes
Sumner, W.M. 1999. “The Birds of Anshan”, in A. Alizadeh, Y. Majidzadeh and S.M. Sharmirzadeh (eds.), The Iranian World: Essays on Iranian Art and Archaeology Presented to Ezat O. Negahban, Iran University Press, Tehran: 85-100.

Authors should also use the periodical and book title abbreviations listed at the end of each issue of IRAN in the preparation of their bibliography.

6. Manuscript Submission.
Authors should submit one complete hard copy AND a complete digital copy on CD/DVD of their contribution, including illustrations. Manuscripts and disc should be sent to -

Secretary of BIPS
The British Academy
10 Carlton House Terrace
London, SW1Y 5AH

7. Images

Printed size for images can be up to 218 x 165 mm.
Up to 20 figures may be included if they are warranted.
Maps, drafted drawings, and photographs can be submitted in either digital or hard copy.
For digital submissions, greyscale images should be provided in .tif format at 600 dpi, and line drawings should be bitmap images in .tif format at no less than 1200 dpi. Hard copy images that are submitted should be produced to these specifications. Original photos should be crisp. Complex figures should be submitted as the author would like them to appear in print and sized correctly. Illustrations that do not meet these requirements may not be considered for publication.
8. Information relating to colour images
Authors may wish to submit colour illustrations with their papers. However, for colour illustrations to appear in the final issue, authors will be required to pay a subvention to cover the additional printing costs. There are two scales of costs – one price for printing between 1 and 8 colour images, and another for printing between 9 and 16 colour images.
For between 1 and 8 colour images, the cost is £360.00
For between 9 and 16 colour images, the cost is £500.00

9. Authors will receive 25 offprints free, and will be provided with a .pdf copy of the printed paper.

Editorial Board

Professor Robert Gleave. BA, MA, PhD (r.gleave@exeter.ac.uk)

Vice President
Professor Ali Ansari. MA, PhD (aa51@st-andrews.ac.uk)

Honorary Vice Presidents
Professor Edmund Bosworth, MA., PhD, FBA (edmundbosworth@waitrose.com)
Professor Robert Hillenbrand, MA,DPhil, FBA, FRSE (r.hillenbrand@ed.ac.uk)
Professor Paul Luft. MA., PhD (j.p.luft@dur.ac.uk)
Professor David Stronach, OBE, MA. FSA (stronach@berkeley.edu)

Honorary Secretary
Dr Sarah Stewart, MA, PhD (ss7@soas.ac.uk)

Honorary Treasurer
Mr Douglas Kinnear. LLB,NP (DKinnear@mddc.co.uk)

Professor James Allan, M.A. DPhil (james.allan@orinst.ox.ac.uk)
Dr Oliver Bast, Maitre-es-Lettres, Dr.phil. (Oliver.Bast@manchester.ac.uk)
Dr John Curtis, OBE, FBA (jcurtis@thebritishmuseum.ac.uk)
Ms Narguess Farzad, BA (N.Farzad@soas.ac.uk)
Dr Melanie Gibson, MA.PhD (mg58@soas.ac.uk)
Professor Charles Melville, MA, PhD (cpm1000@cam.ac.uk)
Dr Cameron Petrie, BA, PhD (Cap59@cam.ac.uk)
Dr Lloyd Ridgeon, BA, MA, PhD (l.ridgeon@divinity.arts.gla.ac.uk)
Professor Eberhard Sauer, M.St.DPhil.FSA (eberhard.sauer@ed.ac.uk)

Joint Editors
Dr Cameron Petrie, BA. PhD

Ms Mariam Emamy, BA, MA (bips@britac.ac.uk)

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