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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Intersecciones en Antropología is an annual publication by the Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. This journal aims to publish original work covering interdisciplinary aspects in the field of Anthropology, especially work in Social Anthropology, Bioanthropology, Archaeology and related disciplines. The journal publishes theoretical and methodological contributions, field experiences and analyses in the disciplines mentioned. Authors should send contributions, which are submitted for consideration to the Editorial Committee, in the form of ARTICLES, COMMENTS AND BRIEF NOTES. BOOK REVIEWS and OBITUARIES may be included, and these will be solicited by the Committee as required. The categorization of a manuscript as an ARTICLE will depend on the consideration of the Committee. ARTICLES are usually longer and concern topics of relevance, and should be of interest to a wide audience of social sciences professionals and the general public. BRIEF NOTES provide succinct information on research projects in progress, such as preliminary fieldwork results, laboratory analysis, etc., as well as information related to academic, scientific and/or professional questions, conclusions taken in congresses, etc. COMMENTS correct errors in published material or may provide new data considered of importance in relation to other work that has appeared previously in this journal. Works accompanied by comments have a right to reply.

Frequency: six-monthly (2 issues/year).

The title is abbreviated as Intersecciones antropol. (en línea), and this should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, legends and bibliographical references.


Indexed in


Articles published in Intersecciones en Antropología are indexed or abstracted by:

  • Anthropological Literature (HOLLIS 009867824).
  • A&HCI: Arts & Humanities Citation Index
  • Social Science Citation Index
  • Zoological Record

Indexed in:

  • Directory of Open Access Journals
  • Part of the Núcleo Básico de Revistas Científicas Argentinas (Resolution nº 1071/07 CONICET)

The journal is included in LATINDEX system catalog. See achieved parameters




Intersecciones en Antropología maintains a commitment to the policies of Open Access to scientific information, as it considers that both scientific publications as well as research investigations funded by public resources should circulate freely without restrictions.

Intersecciones en Antropología ratifies the Open Access model in which scientific publications are made freely available at no cost online, with no time embargos and with no publication costs transferred to the authors. This policy seeks to dismantle the economic barriers that have created inequalities in the access to both information and the ability to publish investigation results.



Instructions to Authors

INTERSECCIONES EN ANTROPOLOGÍA is an annual publication by the
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. This journal aims to publish original work in Social Anthropology, Bioanthropology, Archaeology and related disciplines. The journal publishes the following types of contributions: UNPUBLISHED ARTICLES, BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ESSAYS,  BRIEF NOTES and BOOK REVIEWS. OBITUARIES may be included, and these will be solicited as required.
  • UNPUBLISHED ARTICLES ( up to 30 pages including tables, graphs and figures).
  • BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ESSAYS: critical reviews of various books dealing with related issues (up to 10 pages).
  • BRIEF NOTES provide succinct information on research projects in progress, (preliminary fieldwork results, laboratory analysis, etc.) as well as information related to academic, scientific and/or professional questions (up to 7 pages).
  • BOOK REVIEWS (up to 5 pages). The Editorial Committee reserves the right to reject works considered of insufficient quality or which do not meet editorial norms.

2.1. Editor’s responsibilities.
Works will be evaluated by the Editorial Committee in consultation with two referees from the University or external referees. Referees’ reports will be anonymous unless they decide otherwise. The decision to accept or reject the manuscript is the responsibility of the editors, who will notify the authors.
2.2 Author’s  responsibilities
Authors who prefer to remain anonymous during the evaluation process (blind review) must indicate this when submitting work, otherwise their identity will not be concealed. Signatory authors are responsible for the content of their writing, the accuracy of data included and bibliographical citations.
In submitting work to INTERSECCIONES EN ANTROPOLOGÍA authors agree to not present the work to other journals. In the case of work presented at congresses, authors must certify that the congress minutes will not be published or that the article has been withdrawn with the consent of the organisers. The submission of manuscripts implies the cession of copyright and publishing rights to the Journal. Authors who use unpublished material by other professionals must send the Committee written permission. All services related to the publication (copying, retyping, writing abstracts, translations, preparing illustrations, etc) are the exclusive responsibility of the authors.
Once proofs have been made the accepted contributions will be sent to authors to check typing errors. No rewriting of the text will be accepted in this instance.
Authors are requested to accept the principle of authorising style corrections that make articles easier to read without altering their content.


Form and preparation of manuscripts


1. Preparation
Authors must send 3 (three) copies on A4-size paper, 1.5 space, Times New Roman 12, upper and lower margins 3cm, right margin 2.5cm, left margin 3.5cm. Justified text, printed on one side only. Authors must also send one copy to the journal’s e-mail address, containing a version of the article in Microsoft Word Windows 98 or later.
2. Form
Sections of the manuscript:
Cited references
2.1 Title (page 1)
Centred, with capital letter at the start of the sentence and in bold.
2.2 Author(s)
Centred, with superscript to footnote indicating organization, postal address and e-mail.
2.3 Abstract:
The abstract should be written in Spanish and in English and have a maximum length of 200 words. It should give an overview of the main subject points included in the article and not include bibliographical references. It should contain a synthesis of the content and main conclusions of the work and highlight especially its importance.
Key words:
Must include 3-5 key words in English and Spanish (palabras claves).
2.4 Text
Main Titles
Centred, in capitals and in bold.

Second titles

On the left margin, capitals only for important words, in bold and underlined.

Third titles

On the left margin in bold. Text should appear in the following line.


Cardinal numbers from zero to nine should be spelled out, numbers above nine in Arabic numerals. Use a semi colon to separate numbers: 5.000; 10.000; 75.000. 
When a number begins a sentence it should be spelled out: “Ten thousand years of history...”
Ordinal numbers are spelled out: “During the third round of interviews...”

Metric measurements

Measurements of distance, area, volume and weight must be expressed in the decimal metric system. Metric units are abbreviated without full-stops: 18 cm, 3 m, 26 ha. Litres are not abbreviated to avoid confusion the Arabic numeral “1”.
Measurements are not abbreviated when not used specifically or when they appear at the start of a sentence: “Several cubic metres of filling...”. “Three kilometres from the site...”.

Radiometric data and ages

Non-calibrated radiocarbon ages must:
1. be based on 5,568 years of average C14 life (divide radiocarbon ages based on 5,730 years of average life by 1.03);
2. be expressed in BP years;
3. be followed by 1-sigma standard deviation as informed by the laboratory
4. include the identification number given by the laboratory
5. determine what material was dated (e.g., carbonised wood, bare corncobs, bone);
6. establish whether dating has been corrected by isotopic fractioning. If the delta carbon-13 value has been released by the laboratory, then this correction by isotopic fractioning has been made. The best way to indicate this is by providing the delta carbon-13 value.
E.g.: 3680 + 60 BP. (Pta-3964; bone; d13C = -23.8%). The calibrated datings should be identified as such, using the conventions cal AD or cal BC (note the cal score and the position it occupies). Authors must identify the particular calibration used, and indicate if the calibration is done with 1 sigma or 2 sigma (2 sigma is preferred), and present the calibrated age as a range of the calendar age (or ranges where more than one is possible). If more than one range of the calendar age is possible and the calibration program assigns probabilities to each one, these probabilities should be included.
E.g.: For the date 3680 + 60 BP. the two possible age ranges are 2279-2232 lime BC (p=.05) and 2209-1905 lime BC (p=.95). (Calibrated to 2 sigma with the CALIB 2.0 program [Stuiver and Reimer 1986].). If there are various calibrated dates included in the manuscript, authors are advised to present the dates in table form. The atomic weight of an isotope must be indicated as superscript.
E.g.: C14 (do not use C-14 or 14C)
Textual citations
Citations in the text of more than five lines should be written in paragraphs with an indent in the left margin and separated from the main text by a double space before and after. Citations of five lines or fewer should be included within the text in inverted commas. Use simple inverted commas (“) only when it is necessary to use them within a citation in the text.
For citations from interviews, at the end of the citation add in parentheses: name and surname of the interviewee, personal correspondence and date. If the author considers it necessary to preserve the identity of the interviewee, fictitious names made be used and this should be clarified previously.


Italics should be used for:
· Words that are not in the language the work is written in
· Scientific names: Homo sapiens sapiens; Spondylus sp.
· Titles of books, journals and other literary works included in the text
· Letters representing mathematic variables
· Expressions in Latin or other foreign language in common use: in situ, a priori, et al., vis-à-vis, e.g., i.e., etc.). 


Abbreviations are not accepted in titles. Where possible authors are advised to avoid using them.
2.4.1 Bibliographical references in the text
Must have the following format:
Simple citation: (Bourdieu 1998) (Bourdieu 1998:36) (Bourdieu 1998:145-179)
Cite up to two authors, if there are more than two, name the first author and add “et al”: (Gutierrez et al. 1999) 
Note: The use of “et al.” is restricted to citations in the text. In Cited References include all authors’ names.

Various authors cited in one place and/or various references to the same author

References are always ordered alphabetically by author within the citation.
Use a semi-colon to separate works of different authors and commas to separate different works by the same author ordered chronologically 
(Ashmore 1986; Coe 1965; Foz 1987, 1991; Freidel 1986; Freidel & Schele 1986)  

Two authors, same surname, same publication year

Add the initial of the author’s first name: (J. Smith 1982; N. Smith 1982) 
Citations of governmental agencies, companies, etc.
(United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service [USDA, SCS] 1975). If cited later, use the acronym in square brackets.

Citations with specified figures or tables

(Jones & Wilson 1971:Figure 2), (Johnson et al. 1970:Table 1)
Citations from books and articles in press
These must have a publication date. Do not use “n.d.” or “in press” within the text.
(Kuttruff 1992) 
No author specified
Cite the group or agency that published the report
E.g.: (United Nations 1963), (Committee on Ethics 1977) 
Citations of material from primary sources (unpublished archive material, administrative registers, letters, etc.).
Indicate the name of the archive, work title, nature of material, collection name, identification number (file, part, page), date, geographical location.
(Archivo General de la Nación, Lima [AGN], Juzgado de Aguas, f. 3v); (Archivo General de Indias, Sevilla [AGI], Papeles de Cuba, legajo 2365, f. 345); 
If a cited primary source comes from a published source, conventional instructions should be followed.
Note: Citations of primary sources appear only in the text and are not duplicated in the Cited References.
Citations from the first edition
The original publication date should be written in square brackets
(Cobo 1956:169 [1653]) (Russell y Erwin 1980 [1865])
Citations from newspapers
(Weekly Missouri Courier [WMC], 7 July 1838:number of pages) 
Personal correspondence, unpublished work
(K. Schreiber, personal correspondence 1990) 
Include written permission from the person(s) providing the information in order to use it in personal correspondence. Citations of personal correspondence only appear in the text and should not be duplicated in References Cited.
3. Acknowledgements
Include these at the end of the text, before References Cited. Centres, sentence type and in bold. Any kind of support received in doing work must be cited: financial, institutional, intellectual and technical (e.g., graphic design, translation of abstract).
4. Cited References
All bibliographical references cited must be part of the bibliography and vice-versa.
These must be ordered alphabetically and respect the following format: authors(s), date, title, publisher, place of publication. Two or more works by the same author should be ordered chronologically. Two or more works by the same author in the same year should be identified by adding a lowercase letter.
Books by a single author
Schiffer, M.B.
1976 Behavioral Archaeology. Academic Press, New York. 
Books by various authors
Hampton, D. R., C. E. Summer y R. A. Weber
1978 Organizational Behaviour and the Practice of Management. 3ra ed. Scott, Foreman, Glenview, Illinois. 
Edited or compiled book (editor or compiler as authors)
Diddle, C.E. (editor)
1980 [sixteenth century] Codice Xolotl. Universidad Autónoma de México, México, D.F.
Translated book
Bonavia, D. 
1985 Mural Painting in Ancient Perú. Translated by P. J. Lyon. Indiana University Press, Bloomington.
Reprinted or reedited book
If you wish to indicate the original publication of a book as well as the reprint or re-edition date, use the following format:
Cobo, B.
1956 [1653] Historia del Nuevo Mundo. Obras del P. Bernabé Cobo de la Compañía de Jesús, editado por P. F. Mateos. Ediciones Atlas, Madrid. 
Books or other items with no author
SCS Engineers
1986 A Survey of Household Hazardous Waste and Related Collection Programs. SCS Engineers, Reston, Virginia.
Collection of various volumes
Biggar, H. P. (editor)
1929 The Works of Samuel de Champlain, vol. III. The Champlain Society, Toronto.
Thwaites, R. G. (editor)
Title of a volume or monograph in a series
Thomas, D. H. 
1981 The Archaeology of Monitor Valley: 2. Gatecliff Shelter. Anthropological Papers Vol. 59, Pt. 1. American Museum of Natural History, Nueva York.
Articles in a periodical publication
Seifert, D. J.
1991 Within Sight of the White House: The Archaeology of Working Women. Historical Archaeology 25 (4):82-108.
Group-authored article
The Royal Society Conference of Editors
1968 Metrification in Scientific Journal. American Scientist 56: 159-164.
Article in a journal, no author
The Indian Homeland
1991 U.S. News and World Report. 8 July:27-28.
Note: This format also applies to encyclopaedias. Ignore articles at the start of the article (i.e., the, el, la, etc.) when ordering in alphabetical order.
Items in a periodical
When the author is not named:
Weekly Missouri Courier (WMC) [Palmyra, Missouri]
1838 [brief description of what is cited, e.g.: "Advertisement for the firm H. & A. Stirman."] July, 7: page number. Palmyra, Missouri.
When the author is named:
Martin, J. C.
1991 A Plug for Radio: Anthropologist Has Good Word for U.S. Techno-wizardry. Arizona Daily Star 2 December 1991:B5. 
Articles in edited books or monographs
Fritz, J. M.
1978 Paleopsychology Today: Ideational Systems and Human Adaptation in Prehistory. In Social Archaeology: beyond Subsistence and Dating, edited by C. I. Redman, M. J. Berman, E.V. Curtin, W. T. Langhorne, Jr. N. M. Versaggi & J. Wanser, pp. 37-59. Academic Press, Nueva York. 
Article in a volume edited in a series
Decidenreich, C.E.
1978 Huron. In Northeast, edited by B.G. Trigger, pp. 368-388. Handbook of North American Indians, vol. 15, W.C. Sturtevant, editor general. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
Articles in Proceedings, Minutes of Congresses or Series of annual reports
Gruhn, R. & L. Bryan
1977 Los Tapiales: A Paleoindian Site in the Guatemalan Highlands. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 121(3):235-273. Philadelphia.
Work presented at a scientific meeting
Joslin-Jeske, R. & R. Lurie
1983 Seeing Bipolar: A Blind Test. Trabajo presentado en la 48º Reunión Anual de la Society for American Archaeology, Pittsburg
Institutional reports or written to contract
Use the following format for reports which are not published as part of a series.
Cite only materials that can be accessed by the public.
Elston, R., J. O. Davis & G. Townsend
1976 An Intensive Archaeological Investigation of the Hawkins Land Exchange Site. Nevada Archaeological Survey. Presented to USDA Forest Service, Contract Nº 39-5320. Copies distributed in Nevada Archaeological Survey, Reno. 
Graduate or postgraduate thesis
Fritz, G.J. 
1986 Prehistoric Ozark Agriculture: The University of Arkansas Rockshelter Collections. Tesis Doctoral inédita, Department of Anthropology, University of Carolina, Chapel Hill.
Manuscript at Press (article or book)
These formats should only be used in manuscripts that have been accepted for publication. Material that has not yet been accepted should be referenced as unpublished work.
Kuttruff, J. T.
1992 Mississippian Period Status Differentiation through Textile Analysis: A Caddoan Example. American Antiquity, at press.
Unpublished work
Authors are recommended not to use unpublished work. Where this is indispensable, permission is required from the author or the author’s institution. Cite the year in which the manuscript was written, do not use “n.d.” Always indicate where a copy can be obtained. Do not use: “Manuscript in author’s possession”.
Kent, S.
1992 The Organization of Storage Areas: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. Ms. in archive, Anthropology Program, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia.
 Electronic articles
Indicate in parentheses the date when the page was consulted
Barretto, Margarita. "Paradigmas Actuales de la Museología" 03 June, 1998. http://www.naya.org.ar/articulos/museologia01.htm (01 abril 1999) 
Archives available by FTP:
Vitry, Christian. "Sitios arqueológicos de alta montaña, un patrimonio amenazado". 1er Congreso Virtual de Antropología y Arqueología. Octubre 1998. ftp://ftp.naya.org.ar/congreso/ponencia3-9.txt (01 abril 1999) 
5. Figures and Tables
Must be used in moderation, authors are advised to use tables only when there is a great deal of data. Include them at the end of the article, preceded by a list of table legends.
Table size
Do bear in mind the physical limitations of the size of the journal. Wide tables should be split up or put in smaller type.
All table sections should be double-spaced
Table title and numbering
Use numbers and Arabic numerals sequentially for all tables with the order cited in the text. Provide a short title for each table, centred at the top of the page. Example of correct title:
Table 2. Summary of skeleton parts from family cemetery.
Body of tables
If there are no data for on particular cell, insert a dash (-).
Footnote in tables
Put the relevant information for a complete table in a “general note” (see below). Information concerning the source of the data must go both in a general note (if all the information is from a single source) or in a specific footnote for a particular entry, section or heading (see below).
General note belonging to a complete table. Example:
Note: Data from Kent (1991); all dimensions in mm.
Specific note for entry, section or heading. Examples:
C = children; A = adults.
Contains elements of decorative tin identical to those found in burials 2 and 6.
Data from Owsley et al. (1987).
Notes indicating a level of statistical meaning.
*p <.05.
**p <.01.
Citations of tables
All tables should be cited in the text, starting with Table 1 and continuing sequentially. E.g.: (Table 1), (Table 1 and 2), (Table 1-3) “As Table 1 illustrates...”
All illustrative material should be referred to in the text as “Figure”; Only clearly printed black and white photographs will be accepted; size must not exceed 15 x 19 cm.
When submitting figures by e-mail, do so in separate files (the file should have the name and number of the Figure. E.g.: Figure 3). Figures must be in format JPG or TIFF with a resolution NOT LOWER than 300 dpi.
Figures and legends
Use letter sizes large enough to be read well even when reduced for publication. The legend should not be written inside the figure. All symbolic references of maps or conventional characters should appear in the figure, not in the legend. Maps should have orientation arrows. Use a visual scale when including in the figure objects, plans, sections, etc. Put the scale in the actual figure, not in the footnote. Use a drawn scale in the figure, which will then be reduced in the same proportion as the figure and will remain exact.
Numbering and legends of figures
Each figure should be cited in the text and should be numbered sequentially in the order in which it appears, using the following format. Example: (Figure 2), (Figure 2-5), (Figure 1 and 2), (Figure 7ª-f, (Figure 1,2 and 5), “As seen in Figure 5...”. Provide a list of legends of figures after References Cited.
Must be used in moderation. Must not be simple bibliographical references. Must be added on a new page after the References Cited under the primary heading NOTES and by numbered in order.


Sending manuscripts


Electronic version: intersec@soc.unicen.edu.ar
Printed versión:
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales UNCPBA
Av. Aristóbulo del Valle 5737 - B7400JWI Olavarría 
Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. 
We suggest that you use reliable means of shipping and prefer parcels post, to ensure that the material arrives punctually and in good condition.

Editorial Board


  • María A. Gutierrez
    Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas (CONICET)



  • Adolfo F. Gil
    Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas (CONICET)
  • Ramiro Barberena
    Instituto Multidisciplinario de Historia y Ciencias - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas (IMHICIHU-CONICET)
  • Atilio Francisco J. Zangrando
    Centro Austral de Investigaciones Cientificas - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas (CADIC-CONICET)/Universidad de Buenos Aires


Scientific Evaluation Committee

    School of History, Classics and Archaeology, The University of Edinburgh. Edimburgo, Escocia.
    Department of Anthrology, University of California. Davis, California, Estados Unidos.
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, L’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (CNRSEHESS). París, Francia.
    Departamento de Investigaciones Prehistóricas y Arqueológicas, Instituto Multidisciplinario de Historia y Ciencias Humanas - CONICET. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
    Escuela de Humanidades y Estudios Sociales (EHES), Universidad Nacional de Río Negro (UNRN) - CONICET. Bariloche, Río Negro, Argentina.
    Laboratorio de Patrimonio (LaPa), CSIC. Santiago de Compostela, España.
    ICREA-Universitat de Barcelona, España.
    Anthropology Department, Vanderbilt University. Nashville, Tennessee, Estados Unidos.
    Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales, Universidad Nacional de San Martín  – CONICET. San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
    Programa Antropología Social y Política de FLACSO – CONICET. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
    Department of Anthropology, University of Wyoming. Laramie, Wyoming, Estados Unidos.
    Departamento de Ciencias Naturales, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físico-Químicas y Naturales, UNRC - CONICET. Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina.
    Programa de Posgraduación en Antropología Social, PPGAS; Museo Nacional – Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro, UFRJ. Río de Janeiro, Brasil.
    Laboratorio de Estudos Evolutivos Humanos, Departamento de Genética e Biologia Evolutiva, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo. São Paulo, Brasil.
    Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, UNCPBA y Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, UNLP – CONICET. Olavarría, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
    Instituto de Alta Investigación, Universidad de Tarapacá. Arica, Chile.
    The Australian Museum. Sydney, Australia.
    Department of Anthropology, University of South Florida. Tampa, Florida, Estados Unidos.

Special Collaboration

  • Benjamín Alberti (Translations)
  • Carolina Ferrer (Online version)


Design and Publishing

  • Mario Pesci
    Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires

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