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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Hume Studies is an interdisciplinary scholarly journal dedicated to publishing important work bearing on the thought of David Hume. The Journal is receptive to a wide variety of topics, methods, and approaches, so long as the work contributes to the understanding of Hume’s thought, meets the highest standards of scholarship, and demonstrates mastery of the relevant scholarly literature. Hume Studies is published by the Hume Society in April and November.

Instructions to Authors

The editors welcome original analyses or interpretations of Hume’s writings and original research concerning any aspect of Hume’s life, influences, intellectual milieu, or reception. We actively solicit work concerning Hume’s contributions to, or influences on, any field of endeavor, including philosophy, history, politics, economics, psychology, and anthropology. We particularly welcome work that explores or sheds light on the contemporary relevance of Hume’s contributions and influences.

The editors encourage submission of articles in electronic form through our editorial console. Please register online and follow the instructions for authors. Make sure you register as an author. (Please note that current HS referees already have accounts and should not try to register. Referees should first write to submissions@humestudies.org for instructions.) All submissions should be word-processed or typed, double spaced, and prepared for anonymous review by referees. Please include an abstract. Electronic submissions should be in Word, RTF, or Word Perfect format; paper submissions should be sent in duplicate. Articles may be submitted in English, French, German, or Italian.

A Style Guide

We are very pleased that your article or review will soon be appearing in Hume Studies.  The careful preparation of your final manuscript will help to streamline the production process, hold expenses down, and guard against mistakes in the published version of your piece.  Our policy is that production cannot go forward until we receive a manuscript conforming to our requirements.  This Guide should answer most of your questions about the journal’s preferred style, but if questions remain, we would be more than happy to answer them. 

Corliss Swain

Saul Traiger


Preparing the manuscript for publication

The final manuscript should be word-processed and submitted either through the editorial console (http://console.humestudies.org/ojs) or as an e-mail attachment to submissions@humestudies.org.  The entire manuscript, including block quotations and footnotes, should be double-spaced, with generous margins on all four sides.  References should be collected at the end as endnotes, beginning on a new page, and acknowledgments and similar material should appear in an initial, unnumbered footnote.  Hume Studies does not publish bibliographies; authors of accepted manuscripts with bibliographies are expected to shift all bibliographical information to the notes.  The manuscript should be accompanied by an abstract of 100 – 125 words (and in no case exceeding 150 words).  The author should also supply a brief self-identification (name, institutional affiliation and address, and electronic address), which will appear at the base of the first page of the article, in the following form:

Peter Kail is Lecturer in the Department of Philosophy, The University of Edinburgh, David Hume Tower, George Square, Edinburgh  EH8 9JX, United Kingdom.  e-mail:  peter.kail@ed.ac.uk

References to Hume’s works should generally appear in the body of the text; the form of these references should be explained in the first endnote referring to the work in question.  Quotations from the Treatise, the two Enquiries, A Dissertation on the Passions, and The Natural History of Religion should be taken from the texts prepared for the Clarendon Edition of the Works of David Hume.  (The Treatise and Enquiries texts are available as Oxford Philosophical Texts, as well as in the Clarendon Edition itself.)  In the case of the Treatise (abbreviated as “T”), references should be to book, part, section, and paragraph; citations from the Introduction to the Treatise should read “Intro; SBN” followed by a space, then the lower case Roman numeral page number in the Selby-Bigge edition; in the case of the Enquiries (abbreviated as “EHU” and “EPM”), references should be to section and paragraph. For A Dissertation on the Passions (abbreviated as "DP"), and A Natural History of Religion (abbreviated as "NHR"), references should be to section and paragraph.  In each case, Arabic numerals (separated by periods) should be used throughout.   Authors are also asked to supply page references to the editions of the Treatise and the Enquiries prepared by Selby-Bigge and revised by Nidditch, but because the texts of these editions sometimes differ from the Clarendon Edition texts, they should not be used as the basis for quotations.

Typical block quotations to the Treatise and the Enquiries will conclude as follows:

                (T; SBN 230);  (T Intro; SBN xvi) 

                (EHU 10.12: SBN 114-15)

                (EPM 9.6; SBN 272-3)

When a passage is cited but not quoted, citations can take the following form:

                When he returns to the point at T (SBN 458), Hume . . .

When several passages are cited together, the following format is convenient:

                (T,; SBN 415, 458)

Quotations from the Dialogues (abbreviated “DNR”) should be to Kemp Smith’s edition, or to any of a number of more recent and widely available editions, such as those prepared by Bell, Gaskin, or Popkin.  Parenthetical references should be by dialogue and paragraph number as well as page number (for example, “(DNR 4.1; 158)”). 

Authors are responsible for checking all quotations before submitting final manuscripts (that is, before their pieces reach the proof stage). 

References to other sources should follow the example of a recent issue.  Initial references to books published after 1900 should include publisher as well as place of publication and date.  For books published before 1900, the publisher need not be identified (but its inclusion is by no means discouraged; in certain contexts, it may be essential).  Book titles should be italicized rather than underlined.  Initial references to book chapters must include page numbers, as well as complete bibliographical information for the book in which the chapter appears.  Initial references to journal articles should include volume number, year, and page number, in the following form:

                Hume Studies 26 (2000): 225-43.

Note in particular that “pp.” never appears in references.  Subsequent references to books, chapters, and articles should be by author’s name or short title (or both), never by date, followed by page number, as in

                Garrett, 221


                Cognition and Commitment, 221.

Where there are many subsequent references to the same work, they can appear in parentheses in the body of the text.  In general, authors are encouraged to do all they can to keep endnotes to a minimum.

The following paradigms illustrate some of the most common initial references:

to a book with a single author:

John Bricke, Mind and Morality: An Examination of Hume’s Moral Psychology (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996), 21-7. 

to an edited volume:

The Cambridge Companion to Hume, ed. David Fate Norton (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993), 128.

 to a journal article:

Janet Broughton, “Explaining General Ideas,” Hume Studies 26 (2000): 279-89.

 to a particular page in a journal article:

Janet Broughton, “Explaining General Ideas,” Hume Studies 26 (2000): 279-89, 81.

This format is strongly preferred to

Janet Broughton, “Explaining General Ideas,” Hume Studies 26 (2000): 81.

Note, though, that even in the latter case, a colon is used where one might expect a comma.

 to a chapter in an edited volume:

Terence Penelhum, “Hume’s Moral Psychology," in The Cambridge Companion to Hume, ed. David Fate Norton (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993), 128.

 to a multi-volume work:

Jonathan Bennett, Learning from Six Philosophers, 2 vols. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2001), 1: 241-2.

Be sure to include the number of volumes in every multi-volume work you cite. 

A few small points:  When quoting Hume himself, his spelling should be used.  However, outside of contexts of quotation, Hume Studies uses “skeptic”, “skeptical”, and “skepticism” rather than “sceptic”, “sceptical”, or “scepticism”.  Each of the three main divisions of Hume’s Treatise is named “Book” (with a capital “B”), but for all other divisions, large and small, in all other works—including the Dialogues—we use lower-case letters throughout (thus “part”, “section”, “chapter”).  Arabic numerals are used to number all parts, books included (thus “Book 1 of the Treatise”, “part 10 of the Dialogues”, “section 12 of the first Enquiry”).

Questions of style will almost certainly arise that this guide, even supplemented by recent issues of the journal, cannot answer; in most matters, the journal’s authority is the Chicago Manual of Style.  Any recent edition (13th, 14th, or the forthcoming 15th) should serve.

Headings for book reviews must include author’s name; full title; editor’s name, if any; publisher, place of publication, and year; ISBN number with cloth or paper indicated; price in US dollars if available, otherwise price in the currency of the place of publication—as in the following example:


H. O. MOUNCE. Hume’s Naturalism. New York and London: Routledge, 1999. Pp. 160. ISBN 14115191246, cloth, $85.00; ISBN 0415191254, paper, $27.95.

It is the responsibility of authors to provide all of the requested information.  Details not included with the review copy should be available at the publisher’s website. 

All authors are asked to supply both postal and e-mail addresses.  Authors of articles are also asked to provide an institutional affiliation or a line of biographical information. 

An overview of the production process

Once final manuscripts are approved by the editors and assembled into an issue for publication, the whole issue is forwarded to the Philosophy Documentation Center in Charlottesville, Virginia, for copy-editing and typesetting.  Authors will receive page proofs (by e-mail, as PDF files) from the PDC.  PDF files can be retrieved and printed in Adobe Acrobat, which can be downloaded without charge at adobe.com.  Because author’s changes at this point in the process are time-consuming and potentially expensive, they are strongly discouraged.  If such changes are extensive, authors may be asked to share in the cost.  Changes should be entered on print-outs of the proofs and sent by post, within a week of their receipt, to  


        Corliss Swain
        Co-Editor, Hume Studies
        Department of Philosophy
        1520 St. Olaf Ave.
        St. Olaf College
        Northfield, MN 55057

If changes are few, they can be described in an e-mail message to editors@humestudies.org

The editors (but not the authors) receive a second set of proofs from the PDC.   Once this set of proofs is corrected, files are transmitted by the PDC to the journal’s printer, Malloy Lithographing of Ann Arbor, Michigan.  After a final “book proof” is examined by the editors for any large-scale formatting errors, issues are printed and mailed by Malloy.

Editorial Board
Corliss Swain   St. Olaf College
Saul Traiger   Occidental College
Book Review Editor
Annemarie Butler   Iowa State University
Editorial Board
Lilli Alanen (2016)   Uppsala University
Donald L. Baxter (2018)   University of Connecticut
Helen Beebee (2016)   University of Birmingham
Rachel Cohon (2018)   State University of New York, Albany
Don Garrett (2016)   New York University
Knud Haakonssen (2015)   University of Sussex
James Harris (2016)   University of St Andrews
Margaret Schabas (2015)

University of British Columbia
Mark G. Spencer (2015)
Brock University

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