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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


The journal Galilæana is devoted to research in all aspects concerning the figure, work, scientific findings and fortunes of Galileo Galilei. Promoted by the Museo Galileo, Galilæana is published annually under the auspices of the Universities of Florence, Padua, Pisa and Domus Galiæana.

The significant Galilæana appendix - Galilæana online - is accessible from the menu on the right. The journal is fully available on line three years after the date of printing. Galilæana Online also publishes supplemental documents (manuscripts and printed texts, digitized copy and iconographic materials) cited in the published articles.

Galilæana (ISSN 1971-6052) is published and distributed by Leo S. Olschki.

Galilæana accepts articles written in Italian, English, French, German and Spanish. Each article will be introduced by a summary in Italian and English of about 300 words. Please refer to "Editorial Guidelines" for editorial criteria.


Instructions to Authors

1.  Manuscripts (the original, a copy on floppy disk, plus 3 blind copies) should be submitted to the Editors of Galilæana, Museo Galileo. Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, Piazza dei Giudici, 1 – 50122 Florence.  Please enclose a summary in English of about 300 words and a brief list of keywords.
2.  Manuscripts should be submitted in the following form:  Word for Windows Document.  Font:  Times New Roman, 12 point, standard page, default margins, double-spaced.
3.  Galilæana subjects the papers received to 2 blind referees.  Authors will notified as soon as possible.
4.  Bibliographic information should be given in footnotes (citing the author-date between parentheses and using endnotes is not accepted), written in smaller print than the main text, numbered consecutively throughout the article and keyed to reference numbers above the text line.
a.  References to texts by Galileo published in the Edizione Nazionale delle Opere, edited by Antonio Favaro, should be cited using the abbreviation OG, followed by the indication of the volume in Roman numerals and of the pages in Arabic numerals. 
OG, XV, pp. 32-33.
b.  References to books should include:  author’s full name in Small Capitals; complete title of the book in italics; place of publication, publisher’s name, date of publication, page numbers cited. 
Maurice Clavelin, La philosophie naturelle de Galilée, Paris, Colin, 1968, pp. 270-271.
c.  References to articles appearing in volumes and with an editor, should include:  author’s full name in Small Capitals; title of article in italics; editor’s full name in Small Capitals; volume title in italics; place of publication, publisher’s name, date of publication, page numbers cited. 
Horst Bredekamp, Gazing Hands and Blind Spots:  Galileo as Draftsman, in Jürgen Renn (ed.), Galileo in Context, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2001, pp. 153-192:  174-175.
d.  References to articles in journals should include:  author’s full name inSmall Capitals; title of article in italics; title of journal in quotation marks (« »), year, volume number, page numbers of article, number of particular page cited. 
Stillman Drake, Kepler and Galileo, «Vistas in Astronomy», 18, 1975, pp. 237-247: 245.
e.  Succeeding citations of books and articles should use an abbreviated version with only the author’s last name, indicating between parentheses the note in which the entire citation appears for the first time. 
Drake, Kepler and Galileo (cit. note 14), p. 242.
5.  Passages quoted within text should use only the quotation marks:  « ».  Single quotation marks (‘ ’) should instead be used to lend particular emphasis to a term or expression.  Double quotation marks (“ ”) are admitted only in cases in which the cited passage in turn contains another.
6.  Illustrations can be used if they prove functional to the article’s purposes. Galilæana usually considers two types of illustrations:
a.  Photographs:  black and white on gloss paper.  Format: 13 x 18 cm. or 18 x 24 cm.  These illustrations should be inserted outside the text and marked with the abbreviation ILL.
b.  Line drawings:  black and white.  These illustrations should be inserted inside the text and marked with the abbreviation FIG.
7.  For further or more detailed information, please contact galilaeana@imss.fi.it.  Manuscripts will not be returned.

Editorial Board

Paolo Galluzzi

Massimo Bucciantini and Michele Camerota

International Advisory Board
Andrea Battistini, Domenico Bertoloni Meli, Filippo Camerota, Paolo Galluzzi, Enrico Giusti, Mario Helbing, Martin Kemp, Michel-Pierre Lerner, Isabelle Pantin, Adriano Prosperi, Pietro Redondi, Jürgen Renn, Thomas B. Settle, William Shea, Maurizio Torrini, Albert Van Helden

Editorial Board
Franco Giudice (Managing Editor), Jochen Büttner, Marco Ciardi, Susana Gòmez, Luigi Guerrini, Lorella Mangani, Carla Rita Palmerino, Patrizia Ruffo, Marta Stefani, Giorgio Strano, Federico Tognoni

Galilæana online
Stefano Casati

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