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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Dix-Neuf, the journal of the Society of Dix-Neuviémistes, is a forum for cutting-edge research in nineteenth-century French and francophone studies in all relevant disciplines. It is interdisciplinary in focus and seeks to promote wide-ranging critical and theoretical debate. The journal brings together a team of internationally recognized scholars on its editorial and advisory boards.

The journal is online-only and publishes 3 issues in each calendar year (April, July and November)

Nineteenth-century French studies opens out onto multiple fields of enquiry and areas of knowledge. Since methods of working and of sharing ideas have undergone radical transformations over the last decade, this publication looks forward in terms of its mode of delivery, publishing in electronic form only. Electronic publication enables greater flexibility of delivery, access and presentation.

Dix-Neuf capitalises on the possibilities of the new medium, with all the advantages that it offers, while maintaining the traditional hallmarks of good scholarship – thorough refereeing, meticulous editing, rigorously enforced standards of presentation and referencing. Articles will be delivered as PDF (portable document format) files in order to offer the best possible means of blending the ‘traditional’ and the ‘modern’. On the one hand, image or other files can be linked in and accessed with ease, relevant articles can be downloaded or stored for local use, and the entire run of the journal’s contents can be viewed from remote locations. On the other hand, text is presented in camera-ready form. Its pagination and formatting remains invariable, and articles or sections of articles can be referenced in exactly the same manner as printed material. We are confident that the refereeing and editorial process is exacting, painstaking, thorough, and consistent with the very highest academic standards.

Abstracting and indexing services that cite Dix-Neuf include:

Modern Language Association Bibliography

Arts & Humanities Citation Index of ISI


Instructions to Authors

Dix-Neuf welcomes original papers that match the aims and scope of the Journal on the understanding that the paper has not previously been published, and is not being concurrently submitted for publication elsewhere. All papers will be sent to independent referees. It is a condition of publication that on acceptance of the paper by the Journal Editors that copyright must be assigned to W. S. Maney & Sons Ltd.

All contributions should be sent in electronic format, preferably in Microsoft Word, to both the General Editors, Nigel Harkness (Queen's University Belfast), n.harkness@qub.ac.uk and Nicholas White (Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge, UK), njw16@cam.ac.uk. Authors wishing to correspond with the Editors are also welcome to do so by e-mail. 

Articles should not normally exceed 8,000 words in length. In preparing the electronic version, there is no need to format articles. Use a single (not double) space after the full point at the end of sentences. Please use plain style and avoid elaborate layout or typography, but include italics or bold type when necessary, and make sure that headings and subheadings are clearly visible as such. Words should not be hyphenated at the end of a line. Consistency in spacing, punctuation, and spelling will be of help. References and captions should be placed at the end of the file. Articles must be accompanied by a short abstract (c. 100words) summarizing the contents of their paper. Articles should also be accompanied by up to 5–7 key words to aid search ability of the article online. Any acknowledgements should be placed at the end of the article, before any Notes.

For information about style and formatting of articles and file type requirements please click here.

Authors, or their funding agency, may sponsor an article for open access publication. For information on article charges and how to exercise this option visit: www.maney.co.uk/moreopenchoice. These notes are intended only to provide an overview. Address enquiries to the Journal editor.

Supplementary materia
Additional material (e.g. datasets, models, animations or videos) that enhances the content and impact of articles. Supplementary material is intended to support arguments advanced in the article; it must not refer to other work nor contain discussion or conclusions that go beyond the content of the article. The inclusion of supplementary material is at the discretion of the Editor whose decision on its relevance and appropriateness is final. Supplementary material should be referred to in the main text, but must be self-contained and supplied as separate files. Refer to each item of supplementary material in parentheses within the text: (Supplementary Material 1), (Supplementary Material 2) and so forth. See the detailed instructions here on submission and presentation of supplementary material.

British spelling (as given in the Oxford English Dictionary) is used (e.g. ize not ise). Accents should go above the letter, e.g. à, é, È. Letters bearing accents should still bear them when capitalized, e.g. ‘È vero’.

Long quotations (more than about forty words of prose, or more than two complete lines of verse) should begin on a new line but with no extra line space above or below, no quotation marks and (for prose) no indenting. Short quotations (prose and verse) should be placed within single inverted commas and run on with the body of the text.

Italicize the titles of books, plays, and periodicals; short stories and poems are to be put in quotation marks.

In titles of French journals and periodicals, the first word and all the principal words are capitalized. In other French titles, the first word is always capitalized; if a substantive immediately follows an initial article, it is also capitalized; if the substantive is preceded by an adjective both are capitalized; if the title begins with any word other than an article or adjective, the words following are in lower case: Revue des Sciences Humaines; La Revue des Deux Mondes; Les Femmes homicides; Histoire de la vie privée; Le Pur et l’impur; A la recherche du temps perdu; En rade; “La Fausse Monnaie”.

The Author-Date System should be used for references in order to minimize the number of endnotes. References in the text should be made with in parentheses and include the surname of the author (unless the author already appears within the same paragraph), the publication date of the work and, where necessary, the page reference. Contributions should be followed by an alphabetical list of works cited, comprising only those sources actually cited in the text. References should follow Maney Style, available in downloadable form here.

Where applicable, please use a single continuous list of figures for each article (do not use different lists for drawings, photographs or tables). Captions should cite the name of the photographer or illustrator (if different from the author), and any necessary copyrights and permissions. Ensure there is a reference within the body of the text to each figure. 

Please supply a list of captions, as a separate electronic file.

Within the text, refer to Fig. 3, or Figs 5-7.

Example captions:

Fig. 3: Théophraste Paracelse. Gravure de Francçois Chauveau d’après un portrait de Tintoret.

Fig. 4 : Heri Bonnart, Portrait of Elisabeth Charlotte as Equestrienne. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Départment des Estampes, Paris.

Copyright and Ethics

It is the responsibility of the author to ensure that they comply with Maney’s copyright and ethics (including plagiarism) policies. Strong policies in these areas protect the rights of authors, editors, reviewers and publishers alike ensuring the reputation of the publication and copyright holders.

Maney’s policies can be found by reading the information available here, along with best practice guidelines for authors, journal editors and reviewers.

Editorial Board

Nigel Harkness (Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland)

Nicholas White (University of Cambridge, England)

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