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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Computational Linguistics is the longest-running publication devoted exclusively to the computational and mathematical properties of language and the design and analysis of natural language processing systems.
From this highly-regarded quarterly, university and industry linguists, computational linguists, artificial intelligence and machine learning investigators, cognitive scientists, speech specialists, and philosophers get information about the computational aspects of all the facets of research on language.

Computational Linguistics is published by the MIT Press on behalf of The Association for Computational Linguistics.
Copies of articles identified as "Free" may be downloaded at no charge.  You may share the exact file with colleagues on an ad hoc basis, and may reproduce the exact file for non-profit educational use provided that no charge is made for doing so other than as necessary to cover the cost of reproduction. All copyright and other rights are reserved, however, and no other use may be made of the file or its contents except as permitted under the doctrine of fair use or as expressly permitted in writing by the MIT Press.

Computational Linguistics offers access to uncorrected proofs of articles before they are published. Please click here to learn more about Early Access.

Computational Linguistics is Open Access

Computational Linguistics is the longest-running publication devoted exclusively to the computational and mathematical properties of language and the design and analysis of natural language processing systems.

From this highly-regarded quarterly, university and industry linguists, computational linguists, artificial intelligence and machine learning investigators, cognitive scientists, speech specialists, and philosophers get information about the computational aspects of all the facets of research on language.

Computational Linguistics is published by the MIT Press on behalf of The Association for Computational Linguistics.
Copies of articles identified as "Free" may be downloaded at no charge.  You may share the exact file with colleagues on an ad hoc basis, and may reproduce the exact file for non-profit educational use provided that no charge is made for doing so other than as necessary to cover the cost of reproduction. All copyright and other rights are reserved, however, and no other use may be made of the file or its contents except as permitted under the doctrine of fair use or as expressly permitted in writing by the MIT Press.
Computational Linguistics is Open Access

Computational Linguistics is the longest-running publication devoted exclusively to the computational and mathematical properties of language and the design and analysis of natural language processing systems.

From this highly-regarded quarterly, university and industry linguists, computational linguists, artificial intelligence and machine learning investigators, cognitive scientists, speech specialists, and philosophers get information about the computational aspects of all the facets of research on language.

Computational Linguistics is published by the MIT Press on behalf of The Association for Computational Linguistics.
Copies of articles identified as "Free" may be downloaded at no charge.  You may share the exact file with colleagues on an ad hoc basis, and may reproduce the exact file for non-profit educational use provided that no charge is made for doing so other than as necessary to cover the cost of reproduction. All copyright and other rights are reserved, however, and no other use may be made of the file or its contents except as permitted under the doctrine of fair use or as expressly permitted in writing by the MIT Press.

Computational Linguistics is Open Access

Computational Linguistics is the longest-running publication devoted exclusively to the computational and mathematical properties of language and the design and analysis of natural language processing systems.

From this highly-regarded quarterly, university and industry linguists, computational linguists, artificial intelligence and machine learning investigators, cognitive scientists, speech specialists, and philosophers get information about the computational aspects of all the facets of research on language.

Computational Linguistics is published by the MIT Press on behalf of The Association for Computational Linguistics.

Copies of articles identified as "Free" may be downloaded at no charge.  You may share the exact file with colleagues on an ad hoc basis, and may reproduce the exact file for non-profit educational use provided that no charge is made for doing so other than as necessary to cover the cost of reproduction. All copyright and other rights are reserved, however, and no other use may be made of the file or its contents except as permitted under the doctrine of fair use or as expressly permitted in writing by the MIT Press.

Abstracting/Indexing Info

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Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies
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Sciences Module
Social Sciences Citation Index
Technology Research Database
TOC Premier
Web of Science
Zentralblatt Math

Instructions to Authors

Once your article has been accepted for publication in Computational Linguistics, it goes through a copy editing process at MIT Press in order to prepare it for publication in a forthcoming issue of the journal. This page provides details on what you need to provide to enable this process. If you have had a paper published in CL before, please read these notes carefully, because aspects of our processing are undergoing change.

Preparing the Final Version of Your Paper

  1. If your acceptance email from the editor requests any further changes to the paper, please prepare a covering letter to the editor outlining the changes made.

  2. Make sure your text conforms to the CL Style Guide, and use the most current CL LaTeX style files. There are also a number of more LaTeX-related problems that we often see in submitted manuscripts: please peruse the list of common problems to make sure your final copy doesn't suffer from these problems. Note that the style guide and style files are periodically revised, so make sure you pick up the current copies from this web site. Please note that our documentation of our style guidelines is presently in a state of flux, and will be updated soon.

  3. A significant cause of delay in preparation for publication is incomplete or incorrect bibliographic data. You can help by ensuring that the references in your bibliography are complete and correct. In particular, please ensure that you provide page number ranges for all articles and papers in journals and proceedings.

  4. As of 2005, for each published paper CL now prints the date on which the paper was originally received, the date the most recent revision was received, and the date on which the paper was accepted for publication. The email you received from the Editor indicating that your paper has been accepted for publication should contain the relevant dates. These should be incorporated using the \historydates command; see the sample LaTeX document provided with the style files for an example. Please format the dates in exactly the manner used in the example. If your acceptance message does not indicate a date for 'revised submission received', omit this part of the inserted information.

What You Need to Provide

The following items should be sent as attachments by email to the CL Editorial Office, whose address is at the end of this document.

  1. A signed copy of our standard copyright form as a PDF. This may be signed electronically, or it may be printed out, signed, then scanned back to a PDF.

  2. A covering note indicating the following:

    • The operating system under which you created the PDF files.
    • The editor or editing environment in which you created the source file.
    • The version of LaTeX and any other related software you used to create the PDF file.
    • A list of any special LaTeX packages or fonts you used in creating the PDF file.

  3. A plain text file, named address.txt, containing the name and email address of the author who is to receive the proof copies of the article. Proof copies will be sent by email, and typically to one author only: please notify us if more than one author requires proof copies.

  4. A single-spaced PDF version of your paper.

  5. A double-spaced PDF version of your paper: this should be double-spaced throughout, including the abstract and figure captions, footnotes, bibliography, tables and figures. You can achieve this in the current CL LaTeX style files by using the manuscript argument to the \documentclass command; see the sample file for an example.

  6. Except in special circumstances, your paper should be in LaTeX format: please send us the LaTeX source files and any additional fonts or style files that are not commonly available. The various files needed to recreate the document should be collected together in a .zip file. If the editor has agreed that you do not need to provide LaTeX input, please send an on-line ASCII version of the text instead.

LaTeX Style Files

Articles appearing in Computational Linguistics are typeset using LaTeX. If you are a Word user, you are not required to provide your initial submission to the journal in LaTeX form, but if your paper is accepted, you will be expected to provide the final version in LaTeX form. If your initial submission is not authored using LaTeX, we would ask you to approximate the LaTeX format of CL papers in whatever text processing platform you use, so that we can reasonably estimate the page count for your article.

The LaTeX style files used for the journal undergo periodic updates, so make sure you download from the following links, which will always point to the most recent versions:

  • clv2.cls: this is the most recent version of the CL LaTeX macros, provided by the typesetter; by using these macros, you should get your paper looking close to the form in which it would appear in the journal [last updated 2011-04-06].
  • COLI-manual1.pdf: this document, set using clv2.cls, provides instructions on how to use the style file [last updated 2006-08-08].
  • COLI-manual1.tex: this is the LaTeX source file for the above style file manual [last updated 2006-08-16]
  • COLI-template.pdf: this demonstrates the various elements of a CL article.
  • Fullname.zip: this contains the style file for setting your citations and references, along with instructions for use.
  • alocal.sty: a patch for using clv2.cls with the ArabTeX package.

Known package conflict: algorithmic.sty in the algorithms package defines the macro \TRUE, which clv2.cls also defines. You can use another algorithms package or use a modified algorithmic.sty that comments out or modifies the line \newcommand{\TRUE}{\algorithmictrue{}}.

Please note that our documentation of our style guidelines, including COLI-manual1.pdf and COLI-template.pdf above, is presently in a state of flux, and will be updated soon(?).

Style Guidelines

You can speed up the processing of your paper by ensuring that you follow the CL Style Guide. This document is owned and updated by MIT Press; interim updates to its contents are listed below, and may occasionally supercede the information provided in the Style Guide.

CL Editorial Office Addresses for Submitted Materials

Please send hard copy materials to: Please send soft copy materials to:
Paola Merlo
CL Editor
Linguistics Department
University of Geneva
5 rue de Candolle
1204 Geneva

Editorial Board

Paola Merlo, Editor-in-Chief

Editorial Address

Computational Linguistics
Department of Linguistics
University of Geneva
5 rue de Candolle
Geneva, Switzerland
tel: +41 22 379 7325


Book Review Editor

Graeme Hirst
University of Toronto
Computer Science Department
Toronto, Canada M5S 3G4
tel: +1 416 978-8747

Editorial Assistant

Tanja Samardžić
Computational Linguistics
Department of Linguistics
University of Geneva
5 rue de Candolle
Geneva, Switzerland
tel: + 41 22 379 7325

Squibs and Discussions Editor

Pierre Isabelle
National Research Council of Canada
Language Technologies Research Centre
283 Alexandre-Taché Boulevard
Gatineau, Québec, J8X 3X7 Canada
tel: +1 819-934-2603
fax: +1 819-934-2607


Editorial Board Members

Aoife Cahill · Universität Stuttgart
Stephen Clark · University of Cambridge
Kentaro Inui · Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Alexander Koller · Universität des Saarlandes
Ani Nenkova · University of Pennsylvania
Noah A Smith · Carnegie Mellon University
David R Traum · USC/ICT
Deniz Yuret · Koç University

Michael White · The Ohio State University
Chris Callison-Burch · Johns Hopkins University
Katrin Erk · University of Texas at Austin
Philipp Koehn · University of Edinburgh
Joakim Nivre · Uppsala University
George Foster · National Research Council of Canada
GuoDong Zhou · Soochow University, China
Advaith Siddharthan · University of Aberdeen

Eneko Agirre · University of the Basque Country
Anja Belz · University of Brighton
Hal Daumé III · University of Maryland, College Park
Julia Hockenmaier · University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Anna Korhonen · University of Cambridge
Ryan McDonald · Google, Inc.
Roberto Navigli · Sapienza Universita' di Roma
Martha Palmer · University of Colorado

Jason Baldridge · The University of Texas at Austin
Sharon Goldwater · University of Edinburgh
Nizar Habash · Columbia University
James Henderson · University of Geneva
Frank Keller · University of Edinburgh
Marco Kuhlmann · Uppsala University
Yusuke Miyao · National Institute of Informatics
Kristina Toutanova · Microsoft Research

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