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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
The Colonial Latin American Historical Review (CLAHR) is published by the Spanish Colonial Research Center at the University of New Mexico. CLAHR's objective is to promote the study of colonial Luso-Hispano America and provide a greater understanding of the common heritage between North, Central, and South America and the Caribbean.

CLAHR is a unique and exciting source of information for those interested in colonial Luso-Hispano America. With subscriptions extending throughout the world, CLAHR is a vital outlet for the publication of new scholarly research.

Each issue of CLAHR contains essays based on original research as well as book reviews and announcements of upcoming events. Please mail all correspondence to:

Joseph P. Schez, Ph.D., Editor
Spanish Colonial Research Center, NPS
Colonial Latin American Historical Review (CLAHR)
MSC05 3020
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque NM 87131-0001 USA

Instructions to Authors
1. Manuscripts should not exceed 25-30 double-spaced pages, including footnotes and any accompanying art work.

2. Manuscripts should be typed, double-spaced, on one side only of 8 � x 11 inch paper with ample margins on both sides. Use same font for both text and footnotes.

3. Footnotes should be numbered sequentially and double-spaced. Do not use endnotes; do not include a bibliography, as all source information should be provided in the footnotes.

4. Please include the given names (first and last) of all individuals when using their names for the first time in the text or in the footnotes.

5. Foreign words must appear in italics every time they are used. Please provide translations for all foreign words and terms.

6. Quotes originally in Spanish (or in other languages) must be translated into English if the article is written in English. If desired, the original Spanish text may be placed in the accompanying footnote.

7. It is the editorial practice of CLAHR not to use subheadings in our articles. Please delete the subheadings and provide smooth transitions between paragraphs and topics.

8. CLAHR also discourages the use of the first person ("I" and "we") in both the text and the footnotes.

9. The submission of appropriate illustrations, maps, and charts is encouraged. Camera-ready black-and-white copy with captions and legends is required. Page size is 4 � x 7 in. The author is responsible for obtaining permission in writing from the owner to reproduce illustrative materials. CLAHR requires a copy of the written permission for its files before it will reproduce illustrations.

10. Tables and graphs should be printed on a separate sheet of paper, not placed in the running text.

11. Please send an exact disk version of your manuscript as well as three hard copies of the manuscript. We prefer that the manuscript be created in Microsoft Word, but we will accept other PC compatible software. Special arrangements can be made for Macintosh software.

12. For other questions or problems, please consult the Chicago Manual of Style, 14th edition, and Webster's New World Dictionary, 3d edition.

Guidelines for Footnotes

The footnote style used by the Colonial Latin American Historical Review (CLAHR) is that recommended by The Chicago Manual of Style, 14th edition. You will greatly assist the editorial staff by observing the following guidelines in your citations:

1. General instructions. Use superscript numbers in the text for footnotes and avoid the use of first person (ie., "I" and "we") in both the text and in the footnotes.

2. Placement of notes. A footnote number should come at the end of a sentence wherever possible. Footnote numbers should always follow quoted or cited materials; they should not be placed after authors' names or other references preceding the cited matter.

3. Numbering the footnotes. All footnotes should be numbered sequentially. Any notes to tables, charts, graphs, maps, or illustrations should not, however, be numbered with the text notes; these special notes should be lettered "a," "b," "c," and so forth and placed with the graphic matter.

4. Quantity of notes. Forty to sixty notes are considered average for an article of thirty typed pages. Footnotes can often be combined without loss to their content or usefulness, and the author can do this more easily and accurately than a copyeditor can. Please note that lengthy footnotes will make page layout difficult. Long prose discussions of matters pertaining to the argument do not belong in footnotes.

5. Books. The following information, in the correct order, must be provided by you for all books cited: Full name of author or editor as taken from the title page of the book. Complete title, in italics (or underlined if working on a typewriter). Editor, compiler, or translator. Edition, if other than first. Reprint, if applicable. Total number of volumes, if citing the multivolume work as a whole. Place of publication. Publisher. Date of publication. Volume, chapter, and page reference when citing a specific passage.


Where the whole book is being cited, not just a page:

Muriel St. Clare Byrne, ed., The Lisle Letters, 6 vols. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981).

Where pages in a single volume are being cited from a multivolume work:

Muriel St. Clare Byrne, ed., The Lisle Letters (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981), 2:52.

Where the entire book is being cited, and it is a special or second (etc.) edition:

M. Weber, H.M. de Burlet, and O. Abel, Die S�ugetiere, 2d ed., 2 vols. (Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1928).

6. Use of Ibid. It is the editorial practice of CLAHR not to use ibid., but instead to use shortened references with the last name of the author or editor (without "ed.") and a short title. If you have more than one author with the same last name, add a first initial to the second citation. Titles of five words or less need not be shortened.


First Citation:

Germ�n Bleiberg, El "Informe Secreto" de Mateo Alem�n sobre el trabajo forzoso en las Minas de Almad�n (London: T�mesis Book Limited, 1985), 86.

C.L. Cline, ed., The Letters of George Meredith (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1970), 1:125.

John Stuart Mill, Autobiography and Literary Essays, ed. John M. Robinson and Jack Stillinger (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1980), 15.

Second Citation:

Bleiberg, El "Informe Secreto," 95.

Cline, The Letters of George Meredith, 1:128.

Mill, Autobiography and Literary Essays, 23.

7. Articles. Information should appear in the following order: Full name of author as it appears in the periodical. Complete title in quotation marks. Name of the periodical in italics. Volume number in arabic numerals. Year of issue. Inclusive page references. Shortened references should also be used instead of "ibid."


First Citation:

Richard McKeon, "Dialogue and Controversy in Philosophy," Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 17 (1955):150-56.

Second Citation:

McKeon, "Dialogue and Controversy in Philosophy," 155.

8. Foreign language titles. Titles of books and articles in languages other than English follow the conventions of the language of the work. Titles of periodicals and publishers, however, are capitalized as they would be in English.



Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, "Wenig Neues in der Neue Welt: �ber Typen der Erfahrungsbildung in spanischen Kolonialchroniken des XVI Jahrhunderts," in Die Pluralit�t der Welten: Aspekte der Renaissance in der Romania, ed. Wolf-Dieter Stempel and Karlheinz Stierle, (Munich: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1987), 227-49.

Paolo Emilio Taviani, I viaggi di Colombo (Novara: Instituto Geografico d'A Agostini, 1986), 383.

Jos� M. Satrustegi, Comportamiento sexual de los vascos (San Sebastian: Editorial Txertoa, 1981).


Alfredo L�pez Austin, "Cuarenta clases de magos en el mundo n�huatl," Estudios de Cultura N�huatl 7 (1967):87-117.

9. Dates in titles of publications. Dates not grammatically related to the rest of the title should be set off with commas.


Henry Adams, Letters of Henry Adams, 1858-1891, ed. Worthington Chauncey Ford (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1930).

10. Archival citations. Information should appear in the following order: Actual or descriptive title of document. Abbreviated title of document in parentheses if it is very long and will be cited later. Place and date of document. Complete name and location of archive. Abbreviation for archive in parentheses if it will be cited later. Name of section where the document is found. Folio and legajo numbers, if applicable.



Joseph de G�lvez to Marqu�s de Croix, Cabo San Lucas, 16 February 1769, Archivo General de Indias, Seville (hereinafter AGI), Audiencia de Guadalajara 416, legajo 49, folio 50.


Testimonio del expediente formado en virtud de instancia hecha por do�a Rosa Callis, viuda del Theniente Coronel Graduado don Agust�n Callis, capit�n de la Compa��a franca de Voluntarios de Catalu�a, solicitando la pensi�n del Monte Pio, que le corresponde por raz�n de viudad (hereinafter Testimonio del expediente), a�o de 1782, Archivo General de Indias, Seville (hereinafter AGI), Audiencia de M�xico 1395.

Document Without a Particular Title:

Signed statement by Miguel Boix, Barcelona, 14 December 1776, Archivo General de Indias, Seville (hereinafter AGI), Audiencia de Mexico 1379.

Unpublished Document by a Historical Author:

Vicente Vila, Diario de Navegaci�n del Paquebot de S.M. nombrado el San Carlos, Alias el Toyson, su comandante don Vicente Villa, 1769 (hereinafter Diario), Museo Naval, Madrid (hereinafter MN), ms. 575.

Published Document by a Historical Author:

Don Miguel Costans�, Diario Hist�rico de los viages de mar, y tierra hechos al norte de la California de orden del Excelent�ssmo Marqu�s de Croix, Virrey Governador, y Capitan General de la Nueva Espa�a y por direcci�n del Illustr�ssimo Se�or D. Joseph de G�lvez, del consejo, y c�mara de S.M. en el Supremo de Indias de Ej�rcito, Visitador General de este Reyno (hereinafter Costans�, Diario Hist�rico), De la Imprenta del Superior Gobierno, 12 October 1770, Museo Naval, Madrid (hereinafter MN), ms. 334.

11. "See also" citations. When a footnote contains both the source of a quotation in the text and other related references, the citation for the quotation comes first. Related citations should begin a new sentence and should be prefaced with words such as "see," "see also," "compare," etc., to indicate why the related reference is given.


Fray Bernardino de Sahag�n, C�dice florentino, facs. ed., 3 vols. (Mexico and Florence: Casa Editorial Giunti Barb�ra and Archivo General de la Naci�n, 1979), Book II:2r. Fray Alonso's exact motives for scattering Sahag�n's papers are the subject of much scholarly debate. It was most likely a form of intramural reprisal for Sahag�n having written directly to the pope for support of his project. For a discussion of this subject, see Luis Nicolau d'Olwer, Fray Bernardino de Sahag�n, 1499-1590, trans. Mauricio J. Mixco (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1987), 54-58.

12. Prose notes. Use brief explanatory notes for those items of detail that would otherwise interrupt the flow of your argument.

13. Special problems. If you do not find your citation problem discussed here, please consult the latest edition of the Chicago Manual of Style or provide your best effort at clear, accurate, and consistent citation. The editors will take care of the house style. Please inform the editors of any archaic spellings or other irregularities in quotations that you do not wish to modernize or note them with [sic].

Please mail all correspondence to:

Joseph P. S�nchez, Ph.D., Editor
Spanish Colonial Research Center, NPS
Colonial Latin American Historical Review (CLAHR)
MSC05 3020
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque NM 87131-0001 USA

Location/Ship To:

Joseph P. S�nchez, Ph.D., Editor
Spanish Colonial Research Center, NPS
Colonial Latin American Historical Review (CLAHR)
Zimmerman Library
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque NM 87131-0001 USA

Tel.: (505)277-1370
Fax: (505)277-4603
E-mail: clahr@unm.edu

Editorial Board
Each issue of CLAHR contains essays based on original research as well as book reviews and announcements of upcoming events. Please mail all correspondence to:

Joseph P. S�nchez, Ph.D., Editor
Spanish Colonial Research Center, NPS
Colonial Latin American Historical Review (CLAHR)
MSC05 3020
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque NM 87131-0001 USA

Location/Ship To:

Joseph P. S�nchez, Ph.D., Editor
Spanish Colonial Research Center, NPS
Colonial Latin American Historical Review (CLAHR)
Zimmerman Library
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque NM 87131-0001 USA

Tel.: (505)277-1370
Fax: (505)277-4603

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