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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

ARQ is a journal of the School of Architecture of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and is part of the periodical publications of the University.

ARQ is a quarterly publication aimed at professionals and academics, and dedicated to the dissemination of a critical selection of the architecture of Chile and South America and its related disciplines of ARQ Each issue addresses a theme that gives way to the editing, prioritizing excellence and variety of items, both papers as works and projects. The relationship with the academic world allows a permanent contact with international journals of architecture, with whom we develop regular exchanges.

The magazine is divided into three main sections: Reading, Works and Projects and Essays and Documents:

• Architecture, Design, Urban design
• School of Architecture, Universidad Católica de Chile
• Founded in 1980, ARQ forms part of the Periodical Publications of the University.
• Frequency: Triannual / quarterly
• Published by Ediciones ARQ

The abbreviation of its title is that ARQ should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, legends and references.

Accreditations and Indexes

Thomson ISI: Arts an Humanities Citation Index

Avery Index para publicaciones periódicas de arquitectura


Latindex, Sistema Regional de Información para revistas científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal


School of Architecture, Universidad Católica de Chile.

ARQ authorizes those magazines signed with the Encuentros de Revistas Latinoamericanas agreement, to reproduce whole or in part the articles, with the mention of the source clearly signaled. Others interested may reproduce the contents with previous authorization from the magazine.

The signed articles are responsibility of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs of the publisher.


School of Architecture, Universidad Católica de Chile.


Instructions to Authors

Scope and policy

ARQ is a Chilean non-profit university magazine with an internet version. It is oriented towards professionals and academics and is dedicated to the thought and dissemination of a selection of Chilean and Southamerican architecture and its associated disciplines.

Form and preparation of manuscripts

If you desire to publish in ARQ, send us your material which will then be evaluated by a commitee. The articles sent must be orginiales and unedited, unless the committee authorizes the contrary. Ediciones ARQ reserves the right to edit texts superceding the number of words indicated in each section.

The rights over the texts and included images are the exclusive responsibility of the signed authors. Simillarly, the signed articles are responibility of their authores and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs of the publisher.

ARQ authorizes those magazines signed with the Encuentros de Revistas Latinoamericanas agreement, to reproduce whole or in part the articles, with the mention of the source clearly signaled. Others interested may reproduce the contents with previous authorization from the magazine.

Original Articles

Articles sent to the editorial must be originals and not previously published in other magazines and/or books unless the editorial board expressely authorizes the contrary.


I. Lectures

Text: Maximum length 1.500 words.

Images: When applicable, only 35 mm slides, photographic plates or digital images of 300 dpi and 25 cm in width.

II. Works and projects

Drawings: Digital files in DWG format, attaching also the file’s ctb to verify line weights. The elimination of topography lines, notes and drawing details is recommended considering the magazine’s format and publication’s final size. We also recommend attaching plans in letter or 11x17 format including a graphic scale and north arrow.

Summary: A brief sythesis of the work, maximum 800 words.

Acknowledgements: To complete the credits according to references previously published in ARQ, we suggest you check the detailed instructions on our website.

Project photographs: Minimum 5. Only 35 mm slides, photographic plates or digital images of 300 dpi and 25 cm in width.

General comments of the sections:

Notes on the text: This included references to authors related to the material a basic references to the text.

Bibliography: A bibliography is recommended in each article with the following information: Author, Title of the book or article, name of the magazine or periodical when it corresponds, publisher, city and year of the edition. Titles of books and magazines should be in italics. The titles of articles should go between quotations, and the name of the publication in which they are published should be in italics.

Resume: Authors of articles, texts and architects, maximum 50 words, including professional titles, university and year of graduation, post graduate degrees with institutions and dates, as well as any other relevant institutional affiliation.

Images: Each non-original image, image files, plans, etc, must be sent with its explicit and complete sources as well as an indication of authorship of the original images.

Sending of manuscripts

We appreciate your participation and await your inquiries:

Carolina Valenzuela M.
Editorial coordination
Los Navegantes 1963, Providencia, Santiago de Chile
Fono: 6865630 / 6865633
Fax: 6865634


Editorial Board


Sr. Patricio Mardones Hiche

Editorial board

Pablo Allard S.
Decano, Facultad de Arquitectura y Arte, Universidad del Desarrollo

Juan Ignacio Baixas
Director, Escuela de Arquitectura UC

Tomás Browne C.
Corporación Cultural Amereida

Alejandro Crispiani E.
Profesor, Escuela de Arquitectura UC

Luis Izquierdo W.
Izquierdo Lehmann Arquitectos

Fernando Pérez O.
Jefe del Programa de Doctorado en Arquitectura y Estudios Urbanos UC

José Rozas V.
Decano, Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Estudios Urbanos UC

Claudio Vásquez Z.
Profesor, Escuela de Arquitectura UC

Foreign partners

Lima - Alexia León

Buenos Aires - Marcelo Faiden

Rosario - Marcelo Villafañe

São Paulo - Abilio Guerra

Quito - Luis Barragán

Medellín - Miguel Mesa

Caracas - Marcelo Hayek

Nueva York - Francisca Benítez

Boston - Felipe Correa

Madrid - Adriadna Cantis

Editorial Coordinator

Technical Dossier Editor

Andrés Sierra M.

Art Direction

Sergio Ramírez


Amelia Ortúzar F.

Editing Plans

Carolina Valenzuela M.


Tita Ramírez F.

Translations ARQ 77

Rebeca Emmons


Rolf Follert B.

Fyrma Gráfica



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