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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal



    Scientific periodical of the Center for Transylvanian Studies, the Transylvanian Review quarterly is published exclusively in widely spoken languages (English, French, German, Italian) and regularly sent to nearly 700 Romanian and foreign libraries.

  • Transylvanian Review is accredited by CNCSIS; it is also included in the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH).

  • Transylvanian Review comes to continue the tradition of the Revue de Transylvanie (1934-1944), founded by historian Silviu Dragomir, initially published in Cluj and then in Sibiu during World War II. After a long period of absence coinciding with the communist era, the review was revived in 1991.

  • Transylvanian Review features studies, articles, debates and book reviews pertaining to various cultural fields, with direct reference to Transylvania, seen as a multicultural space of ethnic, linguistic, religious contacts.

About us

  • The Center for Transylvanian Studies was established in Cluj-Napoca in the year 1991 through the efforts of some outstanding Cluj academics as an branch of the Bucharest-based Romanian Cultural Institute. Since april 2007 the Center for Transylvanian Studies become a department of the Romanian Academy – The Branch of Cluj Napoca.
  • It must be said, however, that the history of the Cluj institution is much longer than that, as its roots are to be found in the Center for Studies and Investigations Regarding Transylvania, which operated within the Cluj-Sibiu University between 1942 and 1948. In its short life, the old Center for Transylvanian Studies managed to publish 26 books, with a total circulation of roughly 100,000 copies (in French, German, English), as well as a few volumes of its periodical, Revue de Transylvanie.
  • Professor Liviu Maior, PhD was appointed director of the Center, with Dr. Liviu Ursuţiu as his deputy; Professor Nicolae Bocşan, PhD, became the Center’s scientific secretary. The spiritus rector of Romanian historiography, Academician David Prodan – a contributor of the old Center and author of an impressive study published in the year 1945 in the “Bibliotheca Rerum Transsilvaniae” series and entitled Les Migrations des Roumains au-delà des Carpathes au XVIII-ème siècle accepted to become the Center’s honorary chairman.
  • The Director of the Center for Transylvanian Studies is now Prof. Ioan Aurel Pop, correspondent member of the Romanian Academy.  
  • The Center adopted two major directions in its activity: one of scientific research in the fields of history, demography, philology, history and literature, art, etc., and another focused on the publication of the aforementioned research in periodicals and books. Furthermore, every year the Center played host to prestigious scientific events, conferences and round tables with Romanian and foreign guests (very often in cooperation with the “Babeş-Bolyai” University and with the “George Bariţ” Institute of History belonging to the Romanian Academy), as well as to meetings with the representatives of the Romanians living in Yugoslavia, Hungary, Ukraine, Bulgaria.
  • The research carried out by the staff of the Center was dedicated to topics of utmost interest, essential for the understanding of Transylvania's past and present: historical demography, family and society, the role of the Uniate (Greek-Catholic) Church, the emergence of communist regimes in Europe, the history and the current situation of the minorities living in Romania (and especially in Transylvania), the cultural and artistic life of Transylvania.
  • The Old Publication of the Center, Revue de Transylvanie, was brought back to life in 1991. Starting with the year 1992, it has been published as a quarterly under the title of Transylvanian Review. With a comprehensive section structure, reflecting all fields of cultural creation, past and present, with studies and articles published only in widely spoken languages (chiefly English and French, but also German and Italian), the Transylvanian Review has become a reputed Romanian periodical, being distributed to major public and private libraries all over the world (nearly 700 recipients).
  • Apart from the Transylvanian Review, the Center is also publishing (in English), a Bulletin containing up- dates on Transylvanian research, information regarding the current activities of the institution, the visits received, the conferences held by the members of the Center, the published works, etc.
  • In this years of activity, five book series were established: the old Bibliotheca Rerum Transsilvaniae, Documenta, Oameni care au fost, Interferenţe and Punct/ Contrapunct. Books were also published outside the aforementioned series.
  • Among those who decided to have their books published by us or to contribute to the Transylvanian Review we find some out-standing personalities of Romanian and foreign culture and historiography. In this respect, a simple list of names comes to fully illustrate the prestige and the diversity of concerns showed by the Center for Transylvanian Studies: Keith Hitchins, Glenn Torrey, Stephen Fischer-Galaţi, Paul E. Michelson, Moshe Carmilly-Weinberger, Ernst Christoph Suttner, Cristoph Machat, Horst Fassel, Friedrich Heyer, Jean Nouzille, Cesare Alzati, Antonello Biagini, Pasquale Fornaro, Jean-Jacques Heirwegh, Eugenio Coseriu, Dinu Adamesteanu, Nicolae Balota, Norman Manea, Gellu Naum, Eugène Ionesco, Gelu Ionescu, Adrian Marino, Camil Muresanu, Andrei Marga, Pompiliu Teodor, Gheorghe Platon, Augustin Buzura, Dan Berindei, Serban Papacostea, Mircea Pacurariu, Nicolae Breban, Mircea Anghelescu, Nicolae Edroiu, Marius Porumb, Paul Niedermaier, Florin Constantiniu, Petru Cretia, etc.

Instructions to Authors
If during the first years in the life of the review the material was only seldom organized into consecrated sections, starting with the year 1995 we managed to define a clear structure, with sections such as: Paradigms, Transsilvanica, Tangencies, Restitutions, Arts, Diaspora, Fine Arts, Philosophy, Focus, Literature, Multiculturalism, Profiles, Editorial Events, Book Reviews, Correspondence. All seek to reflect the most various fields of cultural creation.
Sections such as Paradigms, Transsilvanica, Tangencies, Literature, Arts etc. are dedicated to collective or individual scientific studies. The approached topics cover a wide range of subjects: history, literary history, sociology, ethnology, philosophy, religion, arts, etc.
The Restitutions section features studies regarding less known personalities, native of Transylvania or who worked in this region. The section is also meant to present books, manuscripts, or documentary materials that are little known and insufficiently appreciated.
Apart from the scientific studies proper, of considerable importance are the sections dedicated to the presentation of books – Editorial Events and Book Reviews. So far, we have managed to present or review more than 150 book by Romanian or foreign authors, all dealing with Transylvanian history and culture but also with the history and culture of other areas with which Transylvania came into contact.

  • Apart from the scientific production belonging to the staff of the Center for Transylvanian Studies, Transylvanian Review also published studies belonging to a large number of Romanian and foreign scholars, academics, professors, journalists, artists, diplomats.

  • Editorial Board

    Publishing House

    Lect. Dr. Bogdan Aldea

    Translator into and from the English language. Lecturer with the Applied Language Studies Department of Babeş-Bolyai University. Author of the book Worlds in the Making. Science Fiction between Fabulation and Mannerism (2006) and of several studies, co-author of the books Postmodernité et médias (2000) and Practica traducerii juridico-economice (2001). Detalii

    Vasile Salajan


    Edit Fogarasi

    Cosmina Varga

    Raveca Divricean

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