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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

   Yearbook of the Spanish and Portuguese Society for English Renaissance Studies, is an annual publication devoted to current criticism and scholarship on English Renaissance Studies. It is peer-reviewed by external referees, following a double-blind policy.

   is indexed in the WoK and the Arts and Humanities Citation Index. It is also short-listed among the top-quality journals published in all scientific areas by the FECYT (Spanish Repository for Science and Technology). It meets 100% of the scientific requirements established by Latindex and Dice-Cindoc and is officially recognised for the Spanish research assessment.

Submissions will be sent to two referees for assessment, following a blind peer-review policy. In case of disagreement, a third report will be decisive. If the paper is accepted for publication, the authors may be asked to consider the suggestions made by the referees and to bring it into line with our style sheet. The contributions, in its final form, will then go through copyediting, layout, and proofreading. Once published, the authors will receive a copy of the issue in which their work is included.

1. Relation to SEDERI areas of interest.
2. Originality and interest of the topic in relation to current research.
3. Use of concepts and methods of analysis.
4. Interest of data analysed, results obtained and conclusions reached.
5. Depth of discussion of issues, problems and theoretical concerns.
6. Coherence and cohesion in the thread of argument and structure.
7. Clarity, conciseness and command of the language.
8. Knowledge and review of bibliographical references and sources.
9. Engagement with and discussion of other studies on the topic.
10. Title: its adequacy, clarity and informative quality.

AREAS OF INTEREST Early Modern English Literature 
Early Modern English History and Culture
Early Modern English Language
Restoration English Studies
Early Modern Anglo-Spanish cross-cultural studies
Early Modern Anglo-Portuguese cross-cultural studies

SUBMISSION INFORMATION Restrictions on Contributors: None 
Time from Submission to Decision: 3 months 
Time from Decision to Publication: 9 months 
Number of Readers Prior to Decision: 2-3 
Articles Submitted Per Year: 20
Articles Published Per Year: 10-12
Book Reviews Published Per Year: 3-5
Information Last Updated: 12/05/2010

Copyright holder: SEDERI 
A year after the printed issue, it will be uploaded to the SEDERI website (www.sederi.org) and Dialnet (http://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/revista? codigo=7539). Henceforward, the authors who wish to republish or rewrite their contributions for another journal/book or include the published article in their personal repositories should contact the editors to obtain the written permission to do so. This will entail citing SEDERI as the original source and sending the editors a copy of the new version.
If you have any further queries, do not hesitate to contact the editors by e-mail at: sederiyearbook@yahoo.es 
Berta Cano-Echevarría, Ana Sáez-Hidalgo, Francisco José Borge López
Editors of SEDERI Yearbook
Dpto. de Filología Inglesa
Universidad de Valladolid
Pza. del Campus s/n
47011 Valladolid (Spain)


Instructions to Authors

Submissions should be sent via email attachments in Word or Rich Text Format to the following email: sederiyearbook@yahoo.es

Please omit any personal information in the file of your paper. Send your details in a separate file or in the text of the email.

Recommended length
 of contributions:
— Articles: 6000–8000 words (including footnotes and references).
— Notes: 3000–5000 words (including footnotes and references). Notes should be pieces of research focusing on a specific point, not needing a broad theoretical or contextual elaboration.
— Reviews: 1000–2000 words. Books, plays, or films reviewed should have been released in the last two years.

 that all the submissions should include an abstract (100-150 words) and 5-10 keywords. Both the abstract and the keywords should convey the essential aspects of your contribution and should be bilingual, English/Spanish or English/Portuguese. If you cannot translate them into these languages, please let us know.

Non-standard ASCII characters or unusual fonts, particularly special characters in Old and Middle English, Phonetics or Greek, illustrations, graphics, tables, pictures, etc. must be consulted with the editors.

Authors should request for permission to reprint or reuse the copyrighted material they wish to include in their articles.


MARGINS: 2,5 cm for all the margins.

FONT: Times New Roman 12 throughout the whole text (including title, subtitles, notes, quotations, etc.)

HEADINGS AND SUBHEADINGS should be capitalized in the same font and size.


Use FOOTNOTES instead of endnotes. Please avoid headers, footers, page numbers.


• Short quotations (up to 40 words) should be incorporated into the text, using quotation marks (“ ”).

• Longer quotations should be indented without quotation marks and no italics.


1. References within the text and in footnotes

• Abbreviated format should be used, i.e., author + publication year + page number(s).

Example: (Owen 1996: 27)

• If the author’s name is used in the text, there is no need to repeat it in the citation. Example: ... Owen (1996:27) has downplayed the importance of personal satire...

2. List of bibilographical references: a list should be provided at the end of the paper under the heading “References”.

Please, use the following CITATION FORMAT:

— Books: Author’s surname, full name year. Title of the Book. Place of publication: Publisher.
Example: Barber, Charles 1997 (1976). Early Modern English. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

— Edited books: Author’s surname, full name year of modern edition (original edition). Title of the Book. Ed. Name of Editor. Place of publication: Publisher.
Example: Sidney, Philip 1992 (1591). Astrophil y Stella. Ed. Fernando Galván Reula. Madrid: Cátedra.

— Journal articles: Author’s surname, full name year. “Title of the Article.” Journal volume/issue: pages.
Example: Nevalainen, Terttu 2000a. “Gender Differences in the Evolution of Standard English: Evidence from the Corpus of Early English Correspondence.” Journal of English Linguistics 28/1: 38-59.

— Book sections: Author’s surname, full name year. “Title of Book Section.” Ed. Name of editor. Title of the Book. Place of publication: Publisher: Pages.
Example: Snyder, Susan 2001. "The Genres of Shakespeare's Plays." Eds. Margreta de Grazia and Stanley Wells. The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 83-97.

— Websites: Author’s surname, full name year. “Title.” Website <url: >. Date of last access.
Example: Shaw Fairman, Patricia 2004. “‘Witts, fittes and fancies:’ Spanish ‘ingenio’ in Renaissance England.” Estudios ingleses de la Universidad Complutense 12: 131-148. <url: http://revistas.ucm.es/fll/11330392/ articulos/EIUC04 04110131A. PDF>. Last accessed 10/05/2010.

— Books by two authors: Author’s surname, full name and second author’s full name surname year. Title of the Book. Place of publication: Publisher.
Example: Ehrenreich, Barbara and Deirdre English 2010 (1973). Witches, Midwives, and Nurses: A History of Women Healers. New York: Feminist Press.

— Books by more than two authors: Author’s surname, full name et al. year. Title of the Book. Place of publication: Publisher.
Example: Berger, Thomas L. et al. 1998. An Index of Characters in Early Modern English Drama: Printed Plays, 1500-1660. Revised edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

— Translated books: Author’s surname, full name year. Title of the Book. Trans. Translator’s full name surname. Place of publication: Publisher.
Example: Habermas, Ju
̈rgen 1991. The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society. Trans. Thomas Burger. Cambridge: MIT Press.

— Reprints: Author’s surname, full name year of edition used (year of original edition). Title of the book. Place of publication: Publisher.
Example: Sheffield, Suzanne Le-May 2006 (2004). Women and Science: Social Impact and Interaction. Santa Barbara: Rutgers University Press.

— Films: Director’s surname, full name dir. Year. Title. Perf. Performers’ full name surname. Film producer. Film.
Example: Sahu, Kishore dir. 1954. Hamlet. Perf. Mala Sinha, Pradeep Kumar and Kishore Sahu. Hindustan Chitra. Film.

— Performances: Director’s surname, full name dir. Year. Title. Perf. Performers’ full name surname. Place. Day month year. Performance.
Example: Khan, Iqbal dir. 2012. Much Ado About Nothing. Perf. Meera Syal and Paul Bhattacharjee. Courtyard, Stratford-upon-Avon. 5 September 2012. Performance.

— Performance reviews: Author’s surname, full name year. “Title of review.” Rev. of Title of performance, dir. Director’s full name surname. Newspaper/Periodical day month year: page.
Example: Brooks, Richard 2012. “All the World’s an Ethnic Stage.” Rev. of Much Ado about Nothing, dir. Iqbal Khan. Sunday Times 15 August 2012: 15.

— Exhibition brochures: Museum/Gallery/Institution year. Title. Brochure, dates.
Example: British Museum 2012. Shakespeare: Staging the World. British Museum Exhibition Brochure, 19 July-25 November 2012.


Editorial Board

Editorial Board
Clara Calvo López (U. Murcia)
Jorge Figueroa Dorrego (U. Vigo)
Mark Hutchings (U. Reading, UK)
Keith Gregor (U. Murcia)
Tamara Pérez Fernández (U. Valladolid)
Juan Antonio Prieto Pablos (U. Sevilla)

Scientific Committee
Mauricio Calbi (U. Salerno, Italy)
Rui Carvalho Homem (U. Porto, Portugal)
Michael Dobson (Shakespeare Institute, UK)
Pilar Cuder Domínguez (U. Huelva)
John Drakakis (U. Stirling, UK)
Teresa Fanego (U. Santiago de Compostela)
Manuel Gómez Lara (U. Sevilla)
Dolores González Álvarez (U. Vigo)
Santiago González Corugedo (U. Oviedo)
Derek Hughes (U. Aberdeen, UK)
Douglas Lanier (U. New Hampshire, USA)
Jesús López Peláez Casellas (U. Jaén)
Zenón Luis Martínez (U. Huelva)
Salomé Machado (U. Lisboa, Portugal)
Andrew Monnickendam (U. Aut. Barcelona)
Javier Pérez Guerra (U. Vigo)
Ángel-Luis Pujante (U. Murcia)
Tiffany Stern (U. Oxford, UK)
Keith Whitlock (Open U., UK)
Laura Wright (U. Cambridge, UK)

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