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变更情况:Impact Factor(2012): 0.157

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims and scope of journal

postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies is a cross-disciplinary, peer-reviewed journal in medieval studies that aims to bring the medieval and modern into productive critical relation. The journal will work to develop a present-minded medieval studies in which contemporary events, issues, ideas, problems, objects, and texts serve as triggers for critical investigations of the Middle Ages. Further, we are concerned to illuminate the deep historical structures–mental, linguistic, social, cultural, aesthetic, religious, political, sexual, and the like–that underlie contemporary thought and life, and therefore, we are also interested in attending to the question of the relation of the medieval to the modern (and vice versa) in different times and places. We want to also demonstrate the important value of medieval studies and the longest possible historical perspectives to the ongoing development of contemporary critical and cultural theories that remain under-historicized. Finally, we will advocate for and support the continuing development, from any and all disciplinary directions, of historicist, materialist, comparatist, and theoretical approaches to the subjects of the Middle Ages.



  • Winner - Best New Journal, Humanities & Social Sciences - 2011 PROSE Awards
  • Winner - Best New Journal - 2012 ALPSP Awards
  • Abstracted/indexed in

    postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies is abstracted and indexed in:

    • Arts & Humanities Citation Index
    • Current Contents®/Arts & Humanities
    • Current Contents®/Social and Behavioral Sciences
    • ERA 2012 Journal List
    • Ex Libris / Primo Central
    • International Medieval Bibliography (IMB)
    • Iter Bibliography
    • Journal Citation Reports/ Social Sciences Edition
    • MLA International Bibliography
    • SCOPUS
    • Social Sciences Citation Index

Instructions to Authors

Notes for contributors

postmedieval is published four times a year. Most issues are themed and curated by guest editors. Open topic issues are also published. The editors will also entertain proposals for small, themed “clusters” of 2-3 essays to be included in the open issues.

Information about forthcoming themed issues, together with contact details for guest editors, is available via the links in the menu to the left of the page.

If you have a suggestion for or would like to guest-edit a themed issue, or would like to discuss the appropriateness of an article for an open issue prior to submission, please contact the editors, Eileen Joy (ejoy@siue.edu) and Myra Seaman (seamanm@cofc.edu).

postmedieval can only accept submissions of unpublished manuscripts which are not being considered by other publications. All articles are subject to peer review and the final decision to publish rests with the editors.

General submission guidelines

Authors wishing to submit to an open issue should send their manuscript via the journal's online submission site: http://pmed.msubmit.net. Authors interested in submitting to a themed issue should contact the guest editors directly; email addresses are provided in the information about forthcoming issues (see links in the menu to the left).

Please submit two documents, containing the following elements:

  1. Author contact details and biography:
    • the title of the article
    • the author(s)' names and affiliations
    • a short biography of no more than 80 words for each author
    • full contact details (including email, postal address and phone number) for the corresponding author
  2. Article:
    • the title of the article
    • a summary or abstract of not more than 150 words in length outlining the aims and subject matter
    • 3-6 keywords (for indexing and for web searches: keywords will not be published with the paper)
    • the article in full, including references

Manuscripts should be in English, preferably in Word format. Please double-space the entire manuscript, including all notes and bibliographical references, and make sure all pages are numbered consecutively.

Articles would normally be between 8,000 and 10,000 words in length. Please print a word count at the end of your manuscript. Word counts should include abstract, all notes and references, and author biographies.

In the peer review process for postmedieval both author and reviewers will be anonymous. Please ensure that no author names are given on the first page of the manuscript and that author names have been taken out of the ‘File’ ‘Properties’ screen in Word.

Ethics Policy

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics. We expect all prospective authors to read and understand our Ethics Policybefore submitting any manuscript to this journal. This policy details the responsibilities of all authors, editors and reviewers working with and for Palgrave Macmillan Journals as well as our own ethical responsibilities. This includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism, falsification of data, misuse of third party material, fabrication of results and fraudulent authorship. Please note that submitted manuscripts may be subject to checks using the iThenticate service, in conjunction with CrossCheck, in order to detect instances of overlapping and similar text. TheiThenticate software checks submissions against millions of published research papers, documents on the web, and other relevant sources. If plagiarism or misconduct is found, consequences are detailed in the policy.

Style Guidelines

Manuscript style guidelines

We prefer lively prose and creative use of language, and clear phraseology with direct tenses. In addition:

  • Quotations should be within single quotation marks. When quoting within quotations, please use double quotes.
  • Long quotations of five or more lines should be indented and single-spaced without quotation marks.
  • Numbers 10 and higher should be in figures. Numbers lower than 10 should be spelt out in the text except when associated with a unit or period of time (‘9 meters’, ‘9 minutes’), when spanning a range (‘9 to 10’, not ‘nine to ten’, nor ‘9 to ten’), or in percentages (‘9%’).
  • Dates should be in the form of 5 September, 1990; 1994-1998; or, the 1990s.

Reference format

postmedieval uses the Chicago Author-Date style, with in-text references and an alphabetical reference list at the end.

Please refer to the “Author-Date Citations and Reference Lists” described in Chapter 16 of The Chicago Manual of Style. Some examples are given below.

References in the Text

In the text, use the last name(s) of the author(s) (without first name initials, unless there are two authors in your reference list with the same name) and year of publication

  • Example:
    Since Padilla (1985) published his seminal book…

For in-text citations, insert the author name and date in parenthesis before the final punctuation.

  • Example:
    …(Allatson, 2007).

Where possible, please include the specific page number(s). Insert a comma between the date and the page number(s).

  • Example:
    … (Mendoza, 2006, 15). Or, (Mendoza, 2006, 15-23).

Unpublished data and personal communications should include initials, last name, and year. Publications which have not yet appeared are given a probable year of publication.

  • Example:
    More recently, various scholars have discussed both the importance and the pitfalls of interracial collaboration (Capetillo-Ponce, 2009, 56; Betancur et al., 1999). Still others (G. Candelario, 2008, personal communication) suggest…

Publications by the same author(s) in the same year should be identified by adding a, b, c (e.g. 1984a, 2009b) to the year. If there are two authors for a publication, use both names separated by “and” (not “&”). If there are more than two authors, put the name of the first author followed by et al.

For internet citations, include the author's last name and year in text; a full citation should be placed in the references, including full URL and access date, according to the example below under “List of References.”

List of References

References are placed in alphabetical order of authors' last names. The following are examples of correct forms of references:

  • Book:

    Hernández, R. 2002. The Mobility of Workers Under Advanced Capitalism: Dominican Migration to the United States. New York: Columbia University Press.

    Dalleo, R., and E. Machado Sáez. 2007. The Latino/a Canon and the Emergence of Post-Sixties Literature. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

  • Edited collection:

    Gutiérrez, D.G., ed. 2006. The Columbia History of Latinos in the United States Since 1960. New York: Columbia University Press.

    Garcia, L.E., S.M. Gutierrez, and F. Nuñez, eds. 2008. Teatro Chicana: A Collective Memoir and Selected Plays. Austin: University of Texas Press.

  • Chapter in book:

    Coutin, S.B. 2005. The Formation and Transformation of Central American Community Organizations in Los Angeles. In Latino Los Angeles: Transformations, Communities, and Activism, eds. Gilda Ochoa and Enrique Ochoa, 155-177. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.

  • Chapter in edited collection:

    Rivera, R.Z. 2007. Between Blackness and Latinidad in the Hip Hop Zone. In A Companion to Latino Studies, 351-362, ed. Renato Rosaldo and Juan Flores. Massachusetts: Blackwell.

  • Journal article:

    Hernandez, D. 2008. Pursuant to Deportation: Immigrant Detention and Latinos. Latino Studies 6:35–63.

  • Online only / advance online journal article:

    Hernandez, D. 2008. Pursuant to Deportation: Immigrant Detention and Latinos. Latino Studies, advance online publication 28 November, doi: 10.1057/palgrave.lst.2602476.

  • Conference paper:

    Rodríguez-Muñiz, M. 2008. Rearticulating Latinidad: Puerto Rican Solidarity in the Immigration Rights Movement. Paper presented at the Puerto Rican Studies Association Conference: Cartographies of Identities: Puerto Rico(ans) in the XXIst Century. San Juan, Puerto Rico: 1-4 October.

  • Thesis:

    Pérez, G.M. 2000. The Near Northwest Side Story: Gender, Migration, and Everyday Life in Chicago and San Sebastián, Puerto Rico. Ph.D. dissertation, Northwestern University.

  • Government documents:

    President's Commission on Migratory Labor. 1951. Migratory Labor in American Agriculture. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office.

    United States, Congress, Senate. 1954. Agricultural Workers from Mexico, Congressional Record, Proceedings and Debates of the 83rd Congress, Second Session, Volume 100, Part 2. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office.

  • Newspaper article:

    Hill, G. 1951. Million a Year Flee Mexico Only to Find Peonage Here. The New York Times, 25 March: 1.

    Manifestación Independentista Borinqueña. 1935. La Prensa, 3 September.

  • Internet Citations:

    The Sentencing Project. 2006. “New Incarceration Figures: Growth in Population Continues,” December. (http://www.sentencingproject.org/PublicationDetails.aspx?PublicationID=43), accessed on 4 May, 2007.


postmedieval also publishes ‘side notes’, for short parenthetical observations. The side notes are published on the outside margins of the page, alongside the article, rather than as footnotes at the bottom of the page or as endnotes at the end of the article.

In order to keep side notes from becoming running columns on the side of the article text, we ask that authors keep all notes as brief as possible. Please place author-date references within the article, according to the style set out above, and use notes only to elaborate briefly on a particular point.

In your manuscript submission, show side notes as endnotes rather than footnotes. Please do not use the footnote/endnote macro in MS Word, as this formatting is lost in the typesetting process.


Supply figures and plates as separate files, in either TIFF or JPEG format, with their position within the text clearly indicated on the page where they are introduced. Images should be provided in greyscale and at a minimum of 300 dpi. Provide typed captions for figures and plates.

The journal is printed in black-and-white. Therefore, we prefer that you supply your figures in greyscale. Figures supplied in colour will be converted to greyscale for print unless the author confirms they will cover the cost of printing in colour (costs available from the production/editorial office). You may however request for any/all figures to be shown in colour in the HTML (web) version of your article, but bear in mind that the PDF/print version will still be black-and-white, so please make sure that colour is not critical to understanding any figures; and do not describe elements of the figure in terms of their colours. For example line graphs with several data series can usually be represented adequately in black-and-white by using different line styles and/or different shaped nodes.

For further guidelines, please see: www.palgrave-journals.com/pal/palgrave_artwork_guidelines.pdf.

Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders for reproducing through any medium of communication those illustrations, tables, figures or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere. A template letter for contacting rights-holders can be downloaded here. (Microsoft Word Document, 40KB.) Authors should start contacting rights-holders as soon as their article is accepted, and permission notes should be sent to the editors along with the final manuscript.

Add your acknowledgments to the typescript, preferably in the form of an Acknowledgments section at the end of the paper. Credit the source and copyright of photographs or figures in the accompanying captions.

The journal's policy is to own copyright in all contributions. Before publication, authors assign copyright to the Publishers. Authors do however retain their rights to republish this material in other works written or edited by themselves, subject to full acknowledgment of the original source of publication.

The journal mandates the Copyright Clearance Center in the USA and the Copyright Licensing Agency in the UK to offer centralized licensing arrangements for photocopying in their respective territories.

Author PDF

Corresponding authors will receive a PDF of their article. This PDF offprint is provided for personal use. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to pass the PDF offprint onto co-authors (if relevant) and ensure that they are aware of the conditions pertaining to its use.

The PDF must not be placed on a publicly-available website for general viewing, or otherwise distributed without seeking our permission, as this would contravene our copyright policy and potentially damage the journal’s circulation. Please visit http://www.palgrave-journals.com/pal/authors/rights_and_permissions.html to see our latest copyright policy.

Book Review Essays

Each issue of postmedieval contains a book review essay. In themed issues, book review essays will be coordinated with the theme of the issue.

postmedieval does not accept unsolicited book review essays, and does not publish individual book reviews. If you would like to suggest a theme for a book review essay in an open issue, please contact the Book Reviews Editor, Holly Crocker (hcrocker@mailbox.sc.edu).

Editorial Board


Eileen Joy (BABEL Working Group)
Myra Seaman (College of Charleston)

Book Reviews and Forum Editor

Holly Crocker (University of South Carolina)

Editorial Assistants

Cynthia Bateman, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, USA
Jillian Sabol, College of Charleston, USA

Managing Assistant

Melanie Ethridge, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, USA

Editorial Board

Sahar Amer, Asian Studies (University of North Carolina, USA)
Vincent Barletta, Medieval and Early Modern Iberian Literature and Culture (Stanford University)
Anne Clark Bartlett, Middle English Literature, Feminist Studies, Contemporary Literature (DePaul University, Chicago)
Kathleen Biddick, Medieval European History, Cultural Studies of Technology, Gender Studies (Temple University, Pennsylvania)
Bettina Bildhauer, Medieval German, Film Studies, Post/humanism (St Andrews University)
Jen Boyle, 17th-Century Studies, Perspective Technics, Screenwriting and Film Studies, Queer Studies, Women’s Studies (Coastal Carolina University)
Glenn Burger, Middle English Literature, Queer Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies (The Graduate Center, CUNY)
Nina Caputo, Medieval Jewish History, Medieval Iberia, History of Religion (University of Florida)
Brian A. Catlos, Christian-Muslim-Jewish relations, medieval Mediterranean, ethno-religious minorities (University of Colorado at Boulder, USA)
Jane Chance, Old and Middle English Literature, Tolkien Studies, Mythography, Women’s Studies (Rice University, Texas)
Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, Old and Middle English Literature, Critical Temporality Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Race and Ethnicity Studies, Postcolonial Studies (George Washington University, Washington, DC)
Kathleen Davis, Old English Literature, Postcolonial Studies (University of Rhode Island)
Carolyn Dinshaw, Middle English Literature, Feminist Studies, Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender Studies, Social and Cultural Theory (New York University)
Craig Dionne, Early Modern Studies, Shakespeare, Cultural Theory, Marxist Studies (Eastern Michigan University)
Laurie Finke, Middle English Literature, Women’s and Gender Studies, Studies in Medievalism (Kenyon College, Ohio)
Aranye Fradenburg, Medieval English and Scottish Literature, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Psychoanalysis (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Noreen Giffney, Critical Sexuality Studies, Psychoanalysis (Trinity College Dublin)
Amy Hollywood, History of Christian Thought, Mysticism, Psychoanalysis, Continental Philosophy (Harvard Divinity School)
Cary Howie, Medieval French Literature, Comparative Literature, Sexuality and Queer Studies (Cornell University)
Chris Jones, Old English Poetry, Victorian and Modern Poetry, Studies in Medievalism (St Andrews University)
Sarah Rees Jones, Medieval English History, Medieval Urban History, History and Computing (University of York)
Mark Jordan, History of Religion, History of Homosexuality in Theology, Sexual and Religious Ethics (Washington University in Saint Louis)
Anna Klosowska, Medieval French Literature, Sexuality and Queer Studies (Miami University of Ohio)
Steven F. Kruger, Middle English Literature, Jewish-Christian Relations, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Queer Studies (Graduate Center, City University of New York)
Kathy Lavezzo, Old and Middle English Literature, Critical Geography Studies (University of Iowa)
Karma Lochrie, Medieval European Literature, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Queer Studies (Indiana University)
Clare Lees, Old English Literature, Women’s and Gender Studies (Kings College London)
Roy M. Liuzza, Old English Literature, Translation and Textual Studies (University of Tennessee)
Karla Mallette, Medieval Italian, Medieval Arab Mediterranean, Orientalism (University of Michigan) 
Nicola Masciandaro, Middle English Literature, Philosophy, Labor, Human/Animal Boundaries, Heavy Metal (Brooklyn College, City University of New York)
Betsy McCormick, Middle English Literature, Chaucer, Cultural Theory (Mount San Antonio College, California)
Peggy McCracken, Medieval French Literature, Women’s and Gender Studies, Post/humanism (University of Michigan)
Jenna Mead, Middle English Literature, Studies in Medievalism, Literary Theory (University of Western Australia)
Robert Mills, Late Medieval Art and Literature, Gender and Sexuality Studies (University College London)
Piers Mitchell, History of Medieval Medicine (Middle East and Britain), Paleopathology, Osteoarchaeology, Orthopedic Surgery (University of Cambridge)
Asa Simon Mittman, Medieval Art History, Monster Studies, Medieval Cartography, Digital Manuscripts (California State University, Chico)
Michael Edward Moore, Carolingian History, Modern Central European Intellectual History (University of Iowa)
John Moreland, Archaeology of Late Antiquity and the European Middle Ages (University of Sheffield)
Reza Negarestani, Philosophy, Theory-Fiction, Transition from Scholastic Philosophy to Modern Science, Contemporary Politics and Cultural Theory, Contemporary Literature (Independent Scholar, Malaysia) 
Michael O’Rourke, Critical Sexuality Studies, Queer Theory, Continental Philosophy (Independent Scholar, Ireland)
Gillian Overing, Old English Literature, Gender Studies, Semiotics (Wake Forest University)
Carol Braun Pasternack, Old English Literature, Orality/Textuality Studies, Gender & Sexuality Studies (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Aleks Pluskowski, Environmental Archaeology of Medieval Europe, Zooarchaeology, Human-Animal Relations, Biodiversity (University of Reading)
Bryan Reynolds, Shakespeare and Renaissance Drama, Transversal Poetics, Performance Theory, Cultural Studies (University of California, Irvine)
Andrew Scheil, Old English Literature, Jewish Studies, Cultural History (University of Minnesota)
Martin Shichtman, Middle English Literature, Studies in Medievalism, Jewish Studies (Eastern Michigan University)
Nuria Silleras-Fernandez, Late Medieval and Early Modern Iberian History, Queenship and Gender, Women’s History (University of Colorado at Boulder)
Karl Steel, Medieval European Literature, Christian Intellectual History, Post/humanism (Brooklyn College, City University of New York)
Will Stockton, Chaucer and Renaissance Literature, Queer Theory, Pyschoanalysis (Clemson University)
Paul Strohm, Later Medieval Narrative and Genre, Blurry Medieval-Renaissance Boundaries, Cultural Theory (Columbia University) 
Stephanie Trigg, Middle English Literature, Chaucer, Studies in Medievalism (University of Melbourne)
Bonnie Wheeler, Middle English Literature, Arthurian Romance, Women’s and Gender Studies (Southern Methodist University)
Julian Yates, Renaissance Studies, Material Culture Studies, Things and Conveyances (University of Deleware, Center for Material Culture Studies)

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