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变更情况:New added in 2012

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics is a scholarly journal of applied ethics and related political theory. We wish to create a broad-based and unique journal for Nordic research within ethics. The contributions may focus on ethical, political or social aspects of scientific and technological developments within different fields, research ethics, and normative power, democracy and culture analyses. The journal will provide a meeting place for applied ethics, be it within biotechnology, research, primary and secondary education, childhood, the Internet, culture, nature, business life, sports, the media, medicine, politics or elsewhere.

ISSN (online): 1890-4009
Issues per year: 2 (May and November) 
Language: Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and English

Instructions to Authors

Manuscripts should be submitted to the editors as e-mail attachments. Articles that are found promising will be subjected to review by independent expert peers (double-blind refereeing). The author will normally receive response within two months. When the article has been accepted for publication, it is subjected to copy-editing, whereupon it is returned to the author for proof-reading. The article is then set, and set draft is sent to the author for final approval (in this last round a 48 hour deadline applies, and only minor changes are accepted at this stage).

Formal requirements

Contributions should be submitted via email, preferably in Microsoft Word format. The author’s full name, professional position, institutional affiliation and email-address must be given in the actual email message or accompanying letter. The letter can include suggestions for impartial and external referees whom the author finds suitable.

Article length shall normally be 3000 to 8000 words. All contributions must be made anonymous, that is, all authors must ensure that any references to their own works or other statements identifying the author directly or indirectly are avoided or replaced by the reference ’xxx’. The responsibility for inserting this information after the expert peer review rests upon the author. The author is responsible for procuring permission to use illustrations and other materials. Figures and pictures must be of adequate resolution and format – preferably EPS or TIF, with a minimum of 200 dpi. Pictures of lower quality may be used in the initial document provided that higher quality versions can be produced if the article is accepted for publication.

Language, abstract and key words

The journal accepts manuscripts written in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and English. The first page of the manuscript must contain the full title, an abstract of up to 250 words, and a maximum of five key words.

The Harvard style of referencing 

Etikk i praksis – Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics uses the Harvard style of referencing. In addition, the following specifications apply:
  • Submitted papers should use the Times New Roman font, 12 point for the body text, with 1.5 spacing. Use indentation or a blank line (choose one) to indicate a new paragraph.
  • Avoid numbered headlines. Use bold 14 point type for first level headings, and italicised 12 point type for second level headings.
  • The number and length of notes should be kept to a minimum. Notes should be placed at the end of the document (endnotes).
  • For in-text citations, give the surname of the author and the year of publication. Page references should be supplied as a general rule, and must be supplied when quoting from a source.
  • Do not use abbreviations such as ibid., op.cit., loc.cit., idem, or et passim.
  • Quotations must be indicated by quotation marks. Quotations that are longer than three lines must be organised as separate paragraphs using 10 point font, single spacing and an 0.5 cm indentation from the left hand margin. Use single quotation marks for a quotation enclosed inside another quotation. Use square brackets to indicate any shortening of a quotation: […]
  • Distinguish between the dash and the hyphen. In order to emphasise words, please italicise – do not underline or use bold type.
  • Leave the right hand margin uneven. Do not use manual hyphenation or page shift.

Please submit your article to redaksjon@etikkipraksis.org

Editorial Board

May Thorseth (Editor), NTNU, Trondheim
Siri Granum Carson (Editor), NTNU, Trondheim
Charles Ess (Editor), University of Oslo, Oslo

Tom Andreassen (Assistant Editor), NTNU, Trondheim

Members of the Editorial Board 

Vilhjalmur Arnason, HI, Reykjavik
Alexander Cappelen, NHH, Bergen
Gøran Collste, LiU, Linköping
Linn Getz, NTNU, Trondheim
Siri Gloppen, CMI & UiB, Bergen
Lars Grue, NOVA, Oslo
Mette Hartlev, KU, Copenhagen
Bjørn Hofmann, UiO, Oslo
Cathrine Holst, UiB, Bergen
Helge Høibraaten, NTNU, Trondheim
Matthias Kaiser, AHO & NENT, Oslo
Bjørn K. Myskja, NTNU, Trondheim
Torben Hviid Nielsen, UiO, Oslo
Rune Nydal, NTNU, Trondheim
Ulla Schmidt, KIFO & UiO, Oslo
John-Arne Skolbekken, NTNU, Trondheim
Jan Helge Solbakk, UiO, Oslo & UiB, Bergen
Berge Solberg, NTNU, Trondheim
Roger Strand, UiB, Bergen
Knut Sørensen, NTNU, Trondheim
Arne Johan Vetlesen, UiO, Oslo
Jon Wetlesen, UiO, Oslo
Truls Wyller, NTNU, Trondheim
Audun Øfsti, NTNU, Trondheim
Knut Ågotnes, UiB, Bergen
Simo Vehmas, University of Helsinki


Write for us

Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics is a referee journal at level 1 in the Norwegian system, and welcomes contributions from all disciplines. All thematic issues also have an open section. 

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