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期刊简介(About the journal)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Contemporary Pragmatism

ISSN: 1572-3429

Edited by John Shook, University at Buffalo, USA

Assistant Editor: Russ Pryba, Northern Arizona University, USA

Contemporary Pragmatism is an interdisciplinary, international journal for discussions of applying pragmatism, broadly understood, to today's issues. CP will consider articles about pragmatism written from the standpoint of any tradition and perspective. CP especially seeks original explorations and critiques of pragmatism, and also of pragmatism's relations with humanism, naturalism, and analytic philosophy. CP cannot consider submissions that principally interpret or critique historical figures of American philosophy, although applications of past thought to contemporary issues are sought. CP welcomes contributions dealing with current issues in any field of philosophical inquiry, from epistemology, philosophy of language, metaphysics and philosophy of science, and philosophy of mind and action, to the areas of theoretical and applied ethics, aesthetics, social & political philosophy, philosophy of religion, and philosophy of the social sciences. CP encourages work having an interdisciplinary orientation, establishing bridges between pragmatic philosophy and, for example, theology, psychology, pedagogy, sociology, economics, medicine, political science, or international relations. Two issues each year will be published, in the summer and winter seasons.

Editorial Board
Editorial Board:

Susana de Castro Amaral, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Randall Auxier, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, USA
Richard Bernstein, New School University, USA
James Bohman, Saint Louis University, USA
Randall Dipert, University at Buffalo, USA
Pascal Engel, Universit� Paris IV - Sorbonne, France
Jose Miguel Esteban, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos, Mexico
Nancy Frankenberry, Dartmouth College, USA
Nancy Fraser, New School University, USA
Jim Garrison, Virginia Tech University, USA
Paulo Ghiraldelli, Jr., Centro de Estudos em Filosofia Americana, Brazil
Eddie Glaude, Princeton University, USA
Russell Goodman, University of New Mexico, USA
Judith Green, Fordham University, USA
Susan Haack, University of Miami, USA
J黵gen Habermas, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt, Germany
Leoni Henning, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Brazil
Hans Joas, University of Freiburg, Germany; University of Chicago, USA
Robert Kane, University of Texas, USA
Paul Kurtz, Center for Inquiry, USA
John Lachs, Vanderbilt University, USA
Alvaro Marquez-Fernandez, Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela
Joseph Margolis, Temple University, USA
James Marshall, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Glenn McGee, Albany Medical Center, USA
Floyd Merrell, Purdue University, USA
Cheryl Misak, University of Toronto, Canada
Lucius Outlaw, Jr., Vanderbilt University, USA
Michael Peters, University of Auckland, Austr.; University of Glasgow, Scotland
Huw Price, University of Sydney, Australia
Hilary Putnam, Harvard University, USA
Bj鴕n Ramberg, University of Oslo, Norway
Mike Sandbothe, Aalborg University, Denmark
Dmitri Shalin, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
Richard Shusterman, Florida Atlantic University, USA
Jeffrey Stout, Princeton University, USA
Claudine Tiercelin, L'Universit� de Paris-XII, France
Celal T黵er, Ankara University, Turkey
Bas van Fraassen, Princeton University, USA
Marcus Vin韈ius da Cunha, Universidade de S鉶 Paulo, Ribeir鉶 Preto, Brazil
Cornell West, Princeton University, USA

Contemporary Pragmatism is affiliated with the International Pragmatism Society.

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