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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Archives of Natural History

Archives of natural history (formerly the Journal of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History) publishes peer-reviewed papers on the history and bibliography of natural history in its broadest sense, and in all periods and all cultures. This is taken to include botany, general biology, geology, palaeontology and zoology, the lives of naturalists, their publications, correspondence and collections, and the institutions and societies to which they belong. Bibliographical papers concerned with the study of rare books, manuscripts and illustrative material, and analytical and enumerative bibliographies are also published.

Archives of natural history is published by Edinburgh University Press on behalf of the Society for the History of Natural History.

Apr & Oct


Instructions to Authors
Archives of natural history accepts submissions only by email attachment. Submissions should be sent as MS Word files to the Honorary Editor, Professor Peter Davis, using the dedicated e-mail address editor@shnh.org.uk. Full Instructions for Authors are available and can be downloaded here.

Papers are considered on the understanding that they present the results of original research and that their contents have not appeared, or will not appear, elsewhere in substantially the same or abbreviated form, whether in English or in translation. Papers which are primarily concerned with nomenclature or systemic revisions cannot be considered.

Papers are submitted for scrutiny to one or more referees and are evaluated, with their reviews, by the editors. Authors will be sent a report from the Honorary Editor on the suitability of their submission, with a summary of pertinent comments from the referees, and revision may be requested or required. Papers that do not conform to the required style and format, or are not submitted in the manner requested, may be returned for amendment before being considered.  The Honorary Editor may reject a paper without review when it is deemed inappropriate for the journal or of inadequate quality. No paper is published without the formal, written acceptance of the Honorary Editor.

Copyright of papers and short notes published in Archives of natural history must be assigned to the Society for the History of Natural History. A Copyright (Intellectual Property Rights) Assignment Form will be supplied by the Honorary Editor. Alternatively, authors who are unable by reason of their employment to assign these rights will be required to grant a licence to publish.

Papers should be as concise as possible. Short notes should contain fewer than 1,500 words. Only in exceptional circumstances will papers exceeding 10,000 words be accepted, and authors intending to submit papers exceeding 10,000 words should contact the Editor before submission. Long papers, if accepted, may be delayed in publication and, at the Editor’s discretion, may be published in two or more parts within Archives of natural history.

Books for Review
Please send books for review to: Dr Isabelle Charmantier, Centre for Medical History, College of Humanities, University of Exeter, Amory Building, Rennes Drive, Exeter, EX4 4RJ

Open Access and Self-Archiving
All EUP journals are published on a Green Open Access basis, whereby authors are allowed to deposit the pre-publication version of their contribution on their personal or departmental web page, in their institutional repository or in a disciplinary repository at the time the contribution is first submitted. Authors are also permitted to deposit their published article in approved institutional or disciplinary repositories subject to a 12 month embargo period.Please visit our Copyright and Open Access page for full details of our self-archiving policy for all EUP journals.

Authors can also choose to pay a fee to make their article freely available online immediately via the EUP journals website through the Edinburgh Open scheme which provides an optional Gold Open Access route to publication in all Edinburgh University Press journals. Please visit our Edinburgh Open page for full information on the scheme and our Open Access page for further information on the EUP Open Access policy.

Author Copyright Form
Prospective authors, please click
here to download the author copyright form for submission with your article.

Discounts for Authors
Journal Authors are entitled to a 40% discount on the journal issue containing their paper, a 20% discount on all EUP books and a 10% discount on any journal subscription. Please contact
marketing@eup.ed.ac.uk to order books at discount and journals@eup.ed.ac.uk for discounted journal subscriptions. 


Editorial Board

Please visit the Society for the History of Natural History website for full contact details at www.shnh.org.uk

The editorial board of Archives of natural history is composed of the Editors, with the Officers and Vice-president of the Society for the History of Natural History.


Honorary Editor: Professor Peter Davis
Associate Editors: Dr Peter Barnard, Dr Juliet Clutton-Brock, Dr E. Charles Nelson
Book Reviews Editor: Dr Isabelle Charmantier

Officers of the Society for the History of Natural History
President: Professor Hugh Torrens 
Secretary: Mrs Lynda Brooks 
Treasurer: Mr Bill Noblett
Meetings Secretary: Ms Gina Douglas
Councillors of the Society for the History of Natural History
Dr John Edgington

Mr Christopher Mills

Ms Miranda Lowe

Ms Elizabeth Platts

Mr Julian Wilson

Dr Pat Morris


Ms Elaine Shaughnessy (Newsletter Editor)

Mrs Malagosia Nowak-Kemp (Overseas representative)

International Representatives
Australasia: Dr Kathryn Medlock, Curator, The Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery
Central Europe: Professor Mag. Christa Riedl-Dorn, Archiv und Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Vienna

Gibraltar: Dr Jason Easter, Gibraltar Health Authority
Ireland: Dr Patrick Wyse Jackson, Trinity College, Dublin
Italy: Dr Carlo Violani, Universita di Pavia
Japan: Professor Takeshi Watabe, School of Letters, Tokai University, Hiratsuka City, Kanagawa
North America: Ms Leslie K. Overstreet, Curator of Natural-History Rare Books, Washington DC
Scotland: Dr J. A. Gibson, Scottish Natural History Library, Foremount House, Kilbarchan

South Africa: Professor Francis Thackeray, Director, Institute for Human Evolution, University of The Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

South-east Asia: Dr L. C. (Kees) Rookmaaker, Darwin Online Project, National University of Singapore

Spain: Dr Margarita Hernández Laille, Madrid

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