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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

"For more than twenty years, TCS has published some of the most innovative work in social science. It has been in the forefront of the renewal of cultural sociology." Craig Calhoun New York University, USA


Theory, Culture & Society is a highly ranked, high impact factor, rigorously peer reviewed journal that publishes original research and review articles in the social and cultural sciences.


Launched in 1982 to cater for the resurgence of interest in culture within contemporary social science, Theory, Culture & Society provides a forum for articles which theorize the relationship between culture and society.


Theory, Culture & Society is at the cutting edge of recent developments in social and cultural theory. The journal has helped to break down some of the disciplinary barriers between the humanities and the social sciences by opening up a wide range of new questions in cultural theory.


Theory, Culture & Society builds upon the heritage of the classic founders of social theory and examines the ways in which this tradition has been reshaped by a new generation of theorists.


Abstracting/Indexing in:


 Academic Search Elite

 Academic Search Premier

 Alternative Press Index

 Anthropological Index Online

 Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA)

 Business Source Corporate

 CD-ROM - International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences

 CD-ROM - International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Lterature on the Humanities and Social S

 CD-ROM International Bibliography of Periodical Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences

 CD-ROM International Bibliography of Periodical Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences

 Communication & Mass Media Complete

 Communication & Mass Media Index

 Communication Abstracts

 Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature CINAHL

 Current Contents / Social and Behavioral Sciences

 Current Contents/ Social and Behavioral Sciences

 Current Legal Sociology

 Current Legal Sociology (Ceased 2000)


 e-Psyche (Ceased)

 Family Index

 Family Index Database

 FRANCIS database

 Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition

 Human Resources Abstracts

 IBZ: International Bibliography of Periodical Literature

 IBZ: International Bibliography of Periodical Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences


 International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences

 International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences

 International Bibliography of the Social Sciences

 International Institute for the Sociology of Law - IISL - Centre of Documentation Database

 International Political Science Abstracts

 Left Index

 MasterFILE Premier

 MLA International Bibliography

 Online - International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences

 Online - International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature on the Humanities and Social

 Online - International Bibliography of Periodical Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences

 Online - International Bibliography of Periodical Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences

 Periodical Abstracts

 Research Alert

 Science Direct Navigator

 Social Sciences Citation Index

 Social SciSearch

 Social Services Abstracts



 Sociological Abstracts

 Sociology of Education Abstracts

 The Left Index

 The Philosopher's Index

 Vocational Search

 Worldwide Political Science Abstracts 

Instructions to Authors

Submit your Article to Theory, Culture & Society

All submissions should be made online at TCS Manuscript Central Website

Manuscript Types and Refereeing Processes

TCS operates with a range of manuscript types. All manuscripts are considered for publication on the understanding that they are not under consideration elsewhere.

The main manuscript types are as follows:


1. Articles published in Theory, Culture & Society are refereed. The refereeing process is blind, so contributors should take care to remove any obvious indications of authorship.

2. While contributors can submit articles in any major language, the preferred manuscript is English. The language of publication is English.

3. Articles should generally contain between 6000 and 8000 words.

4. The refereeing process normally takes around 3-4 months.

5. TCS receives hundreds of manuscripts every year and only accepts around 10% of the papers submitted to the journal. In order for your manuscript to be considered, it is essential that it conform to the SAGE house style (see below under 'Preparation of Manuscripts').

Special Issue/Special Section Articles

The above also applies to all special issue and section articles. However, guest editors commission the majority of these. Special issue and section articles are blind refereed. Authors of special issue and special section pieces should carefully read the TCS Special Issue guidelines. These can found at SAGE's TCS website http://tcs.sagepub.com and at TCS manuscript central http:/mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tcs.

Notes & Commentary Pieces

Shorter commentaries of 2000 to 5000 words are also invited. Normally these are not blind refereed, but commented on by editorial board members and associate editors.


We welcome the submission of interviews with prominent figures in the social sciences and humanities. Normally these should be between 3000 and 8000 words. Normally these are not blind refereed, but commented on by editorial board members and associate editors.

Review Articles

Normally these are 3-5000 words long.

Review articles can be of a single important book, or a series of books on a particular topic, or a more sweeping 'decade review' of a particular field or emergent area.

Please note that TCS does not accept unsolicited review articles.

Book Reviews

The normal length for reviews is 2000 words.

In all cases, review articles and book reviews must conform to the TCS house style (which is detailed below).

The review editors regularly commission book reviews. At the same time we are always interested in extending our panel of reviewers. Should you wish to review for TCS you should write to the review editors with your biographical details and interests along with information on the proposed book. We are also interested in reviews of books published outside the English-speaking world.

Please note that TCS does not accept unsolicited book reviews.

Special Issue/Special Section Proposals

Theory, Culture & Society regularly produces special issues and sections. We welcome proposals from prospective guest editors. Authors submitting special issue and special section proposals should carefully read and follow the TCS guidelines for special issues and sections. These can found at the TCS website (insert address) and at TCS manuscript central (http:/mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tcs).

Book Series Proposals

The Theory, Culture & Society Book Series currently has over 100 titles published, many by leading figures in the social sciences and humanities. A complete list and details of the titles in the series can be found on the TCS website http://tcs.sagepub.com

Prospective authors should submit a proposal (4-6 pages) with a rationale for the book and a paragraph outline for each of the main chapters, along with some reflections on the market potential of the book.

Refereeing for TCS

We are always interested in people who would like to referee papers for the journal.

TCS manuscript central http:/mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tcs asks authors to submit papers with 3-7 keywords that we use to identify prospective referees from our referees' database. If you are interested in becoming a referee please take a look at the keywords list and e-mail some keywords to us which best reflect your interests along with a short CV and details of your current work.

We also welcome suggestions of people we could approach to be referees or contribute manuscripts to TCS.

Preparation of Manuscripts

1. Authors should submit their manuscript, along with an abstract of 250 words.

2. Authors should also provide 3-7 keywords. The keywords must be selected from the keyword list available on the TCS Manuscript Central website and need to be keyed in separately in the appropriate field when the article is uploaded. The keywords are essential in helping editors select referees from our referees' database. If you have difficulty matching keywords, or have suggestions on ones to be added, please let us know.

3. To protect anonymity, please make sure that you do not include your name anywhere within the main document (e.g. as a running head or at the end).

4. The article should begin with a separate cover page bearing only the title.

5. The number and length of notes should be strictly limited. They should be numbered serially and included at the end of the text prior to the references section.

6. Please make sure you insert page numbers into your manuscript.

Format of References in the Text

Identify all references to books, monographs, articles and other sources at an appropriate point in the main text by author's last name, year of publication, and pagination where appropriate, all within parentheses. Specify subsequent citations of the same source similarly - do not use ibid., op cit. or loc. cit.

If the author's name is in the text, use only the year of publication in parentheses:

Lash (2001)

If the author's name is not in the text, include both the author's name and year of publication separated by a comma within the parentheses:

(Bauman, 1999)

Pagination follows year:

(Beck, 2002: 31-2)

With dual authorship, give both names; for three or more use 'et al.':

(Hardt and Negri, 2000) and (Bennett et al., 1986)

If there is more than one reference to the same author and year, distinguish between them by use of letters a, b etc. attached to year of publication:

(Foucault, 1979a)

Enclose within a single pair of parentheses a series of references separated by semicolons:

(Bourdieu, 1984; Dimaggio, 1987; Lamont, 1988)

Format of References

List all entries cited in the text, or any other items used to prepare the manuscript, alphabetically by author and year of publication in a separate headed references section at the end of the article. For typing format, see examples below:

Pieterse, J.N. (1997) 'Multiculturalism and Museums: Discourse and Others in the Age of Globalization', Theory, Culture & Society 14(4): 123-46.

Kearney, R. (ed.) (1996) Paul Ricoeur and the Hermeneutics of Action. London: Sage.

Harootunian, H. (2001) Overcome by Modernity. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Friedman, J. (1997) 'Global Crises, the Struggle for Cultural Identity and

Intellectual Porkbarrelling', pp. 99-114 in P. Werbner and T. Modood (eds) Debating Cultural Hybridity. London: Zed Books.

Travers, M. (1999) 'Qualitative Sociology and Social Class', Sociological Research Online 4(1), URL (consulted May 2004): http:/www.socresonline.org.uk/socresonline/4/1/travers.html

Format of Quotations within the Text

For quotations within the text please make sure to use single inverted commas on all occasions, except for a quotation within a quotation which should be placed within double inverted commas. Quotations longer than 40 words should be put in an indented paragraph format without the use of inverted commas.

Book Reviews and Review Articles

1. Please make sure to set out the heading of your book review in the following way:

Political Machines: Governing a Technological Society

by Andrew Barry

London and New York: Continuum, 2001, pp. 305, ISBN 0 485 00634 0,

Pbk £16.99

Reviewed by Neil Turnbull

2. Review articles commence with a title and author's name in the same manner as a standard article. This is followed by the book(s) listed in the above style.

3. References to other publications should follow the TCS house style outlined earlier in this document.

4. Notes should be kept to a minimum.

5. Reviewers should add a brief biographical note.

Revised Papers

1. All revisions to papers should be made with editing programmes that track changes to original manuscripts. MS word has this facility, and can be found by clicking on 'tools' and then 'track changes'. This will enable deletions and new material to be visible to editors and will assist referees considering the revised version. It will also help board members check that the requested revisions have been made. This is a very simple procedure and is available in MS word.

2. Revised papers will be reviewed again, normally by the original set of reviewers.

3. This process should again take around 3-4 months.

Papers Accepted with Minor Revisions: Preparation of Manuscript for Publication

1. All minor revisions to papers should be made with editing programmes that track changes to original manuscripts. MS has this facility, and can be found by clicking on 'tools' and then 'track changes'. This will enable deletions and new material to be visible to editors and will assist referees considering the revised version. It will also help board members check that the requested revisions have been made. This is a very simple procedure and is available in MS word

2. Authors should carefully check that the final version of their manuscript conforms to the TCS house style specified above.

3. A short biographical note (3-7 lines) should be included at the end of the article.

4. Authors should include their current postal address and e-mail, as well as any anticipated changes for the next year.

5. Upload copies of letters giving written permission to reproduce illustrations from copyright holders. Hard copies of signed letters may be required in some instances.

6. Upload good quality black and white copies of illustrations which should be uploaded at the Author's Centre along with the paper. Details can be found by pressing the Instructions and Forms button which is available on each page of the TCS Manuscript Central website.

7. Proofs will normally be sent out to contributors approximately 2 months after the issue goes to press. Publication will be a further 3 months later. Make sure to key in any anticipated changes of address in the required fields at the Authors Centre when you submit you're the final revised version of your paper.

8. Publisher's Agreement Form. When the final version of an accepted article is uploaded to the website, authors must download and print out the publisher's agreement form, located in the Instructions and Forms icon at the top right hand corner of every page of the website. The form must then be signed and posted to the following:

Fern Bryant

Production Editor


1 Oliver's Yard

55 City Road

London EC1Y 1SP

9. Offprints. On publication authors will receive a dowloadable version of their TCS piece, in pdf format, that can be resent 25 times.


We welcome your views on all aspects of Theory, Culture & Society.

The quality of the journal depends upon a wide network of editors, associates, referees and readers. We are interested in broadening our network at all times.

We welcome offers to review books and act as a referee for TCS papers.

We are also interested in suggestions for special issues and books.

Theory, Culture & Society is also involved in a wide range of activities aimed at increasing the interaction between editors, contributors, referees and readers. Details of these can be found at the TCS website, or by contacting us directly at the address below.

General queries about the journal can be dealt with more easily and rapidly by e-mailing us at tcs@ntu.ac.uk or tcseditor@ntu.ac.uk

Mike Featherstone


Theory, Culture & Society

Theory, Culture & Society Centre

School of Arts, Communication & Culture Tel: +44 (0)115 848 6330

Nottingham Trent University Fax: +44 (0)115 848 6331

Clifton Lane E-mail: tcs@ntu.ac.uk

Nottingham NG11 8NS, UK www: http:/mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tcs

Couze Vennl

Managing Editor

Theory, Culture & Society

Theory, Culture & Society Centre

Tel: +44 (0)115 848 6330

Nottingham Trent University Fax: +44 (0)115 848 6331

Clifton Lane E-mail: tsceditor@ntu.ac.uk

Nottingham NG11 8NS, UK www: http:/mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tcs

Simon Dawes


Theory, Culture & Society

Theory, Culture & Society Centre

School of Arts, Communication & Culture Tel: +44 (0)115 848 6330

Nottingham Trent University Fax: +44 (0)115 848 6331

Clifton Lane E-mail: tcs@ntu.ac.uk

Nottingham NG11 8NS, UK www: http:/mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tcs

Submissions to TCS

If you are submitting a paper to TCS you must submit your paper via TCS Manuscript Central at http:/mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tcs. If you are submitting a paper to TCS for the first time, you will need to create an account with a secure user name and password (if you are being asked to review TCS papers for the first time, you should ask the TCS administrator for a user name and password. The TCS administrator can be contacted at tcs@ntu.ac.uk).

To Create a New Account

Once you have entered TCS Manuscript Central, click on 'Create Account' in the top right hand corner of the screen. You will then be asked to provide your personal details and indicate your area(s) of expertise. You will then be supplied with a user name and asked for a password. This should be an easily remembered name containing at least 8 letters. When you have your user name and password you will be able to log on to Manuscript Central.


Submitting a New Paper

After you have successfully logged on, you should click on 'author centre'. You should then click on the starred icon: 'Click here to submit a new manuscript'.

You will then be asked to submit a 'manuscript type'. In most cases this will be 'TCS-Standard Article'. You should only click on one of the other tags if you have been commissioned to write an article/review by a special issue editor or TCS' review editor. When you have completed all the fields on a particular page, please click the 'next' button (situated i)

Editorial Board


Mike Featherstone

Nottingham Trent University, UK


Review Editor:

Couze Venn

Nottingham Trent University, UK


Notes and Commentary Editors:

Roy Boyne

University of Durham, UK


Scott Lash

Goldsmiths College, London, UK


Managing Editor:

Couze Venn

Nottingham Trent University, UK


Annual Review Editors:

Ryan Bishop

National University of Singapore


John Phillips

National University of Singapore


Editorial Assistant:

Simon Dawes

Nottingham Trent University, UK


TCS Website Manager:

Souvik Mukherjee

Nottingham Trent University, UK


Editorial Board:

Vikki Bell

Goldsmiths College, London, UK


Ryan Bishop

National University of Singapore, Singapore


Josef Bleicher

Glasgow, UK


Roy Boyne

University of Durham, UK


Norman Denzin

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA


Mike Featherstone

Nottingham Trent University, UK


Nicholas Gane

University of York, UK


Thomas Kemple

University of British Columbia, Canada


Scott Lash

Goldsmiths College, London, UK


John Philips

National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore


Rob Shields

University of Alberta, Canada


Tiziana Terranova

universit` l'orientale di napoli studi culturali,Italy


Couze Venn

Nottingham Trent University, UK


Associate Editors:

Ien Ang

University of Western Sydney, Nepean, Australia


Antonio A Arantes

Campinas University, Brazil


Margaret Archer

University of Warwick, UK


John Armitage

Northumbria University, UK


Ulrich Beck

University of Munich, Germany


Rosi Braidotti

State University of Utrecht, The Netherlands


Rosalind Brunt

Sheffield Hallam University, UK


David C Chaney

University of Durham, UK


Ira Cohen

Rutgers University, USA


Klaus Eder

Humbolt University, Germany


Nancy Fraser

New School University, USA


Jonathan Friedman

University of California, San Diego, USA/EHESS, France


David Frisby

London School of Economics, UK


Andrew Gamble

University of Sheffield, UK


David Held

London School of Economics & Political Science, UK


Axel Honneth

University of Frankfurt, Germany


Huimin Jin

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, P R China


Douglas Kellner

University of California, Los Angeles, USA


Richard Kilminster

University of Leeds, UK


Michèle Lamont

Harvard University, USA


Jorge Larrain

University of Birmingham, UK


Donald Levine

University of Chicago, USA


George Marcus

Rice University, USA


Stephen Mennell

University College Dublin, Republic of Ireland


Carlo Mongardini

University of Rome, Italy


Makio Morikawa

Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan


John O'Neill

York University, Canada


Britt Robillard

University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA


Chris Rojek

Brunel University, UK


Hermann Schwengel

Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg, Germany


Richard Shusterman

Florida Atlantic University, USA


Barry Smart

University of Portsmouth, UK


Carol Smart

University of Leeds, UK

Georg Stauth

Bielefeld University, Germany

Nico Stehr

University of British Columbia, Canada


Alan Tomlinson

University of Brighton, UK


John Tomlinson

Nottingham Trent University, UK


John Urry

Lancaster University, UK


Willem van Reijen

University of Utrecht, The Netherlands


Shuichi Wada

Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan


Rod Watson

University of Manchester, UK


Elizabeth Wilson

University of North London, UK


Cas Wouters

University of Utrecht, The Netherlands


Shunya Yoshimi

University of Tokyo, Japan  

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