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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Syntax publishes a wide range of articles on the syntax of natural languages and closely related fields. The journal promotes work on formal syntactic theory and theoretically-oriented descriptive work on particular languages and comparative grammar.

Syntax also publishes research on the interfaces between syntax and related fields such as semantics, morphology, and phonology, as well as theoretical and experimental studies in sentence processing, language acquisition, and other areas of psycholinguistics that bear on syntactic theories.


In addition to full length research articles, Syntax features short articles which facilitate a fast review process.


'In the few years of its existence, Syntax quickly became one of the most prominent journals in the field, and unique as a source for high-quality studies at the forefront of research, combining theoretical inquiry and often significant innovation with outstanding descriptive and experimental work. It is indispensable for researchers in the areas it covers.'


Noam Chomsky, Massachusets Institute of Technology, USA


Indexed / Abstracted in

Academic Search (EBSCO)
Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)
Arts & Humanities Citation Index (Thomson Reuters)
CSA Biological Sciences Database (CSA/CIG)
CSA Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management Database (CSA/CIG)
Current Contents: Arts & Humanities (Thomson Reuters)
Current Contents: Social & Behavioral Sciences (Thomson Reuters)
Ecology Abstracts (Elsevier)
IBR & IBZ: International Bibliographies of Periodical Literature (KG Saur)
Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts (CSA/CIG)
MLA International Bibliography (MLA)
Proquest 5000 (ProQuest)
Proquest Research Library (ProQuest)
Social Sciences Citation Index (Thomson Reuters)

Instructions to Authors

Manuscripts should be submitted online at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/Syntax. Full instructions and support are available on the site, and a user ID and password can be obtained on the first visit. Support can be contacted by phone (+1 434 817 2040 ext. 167) Monday-Friday, or at http://mcv3support.custhelp.com. If you cannot submit online, please contact Elizabeth Laurencot in the Editorial Office by e-mail (elilaurencot@rcn.com).

We accept papers in Microsoft Word and LaTeX formats. Authors may upload either DOC or PDF files online.

Authors wishing to submit in LaTeX must follow the journal's LaTeX style guide. Once the paper is accepted for publication, the following files must also be supplied: The TeX/LaTeX source code (text, figure captions and tables, preferably in a single file), along with all other files needed for compiling. This is particularly important if authors have used any LaTeX style or class files, bibliography files (.bbl, .bst) or TeX macros. Authors must also supply a PDF for editing purposes.


Main Articles and Remarks

All submissions will be reviewed double-blind: authors and reviewers will not be made known to each other.

Upload a separate Title Page carrying the title and author name(s), affiliation(s), and addresses (postal, e-mail, telephone, and fax). The first page of the Main Document should be anonymous, showing only the title, an abstract of up to 200 words, and a list of 2-6 key words.

Contributions should be submitted in English, observing American spelling and usage. The manuscript must be double-spaced throughout, with one-inch margins, on single-sided A4 or 8.5 x 11-inch paper.

Main Articles must not exceed 55 double-spaced manuscript pages. Remarks, which are intended to make general observations or reply to papers previously published, are restricted to 30 double-spaced manuscript pages.

To facilitate the review process, place footnotes (also double-spaced) at the bottoms of pages where the in-text citations appear. Also place tables and figures at their appropriate locations within the paper. (Once the paper is accepted, however, to facilitate typesetting, all tables and figures must be moved to the end of the document.) Camera-ready copy will be required for publication of figures. Phrase-structure trees should be treated as regularly numbered examples, not figures.

Use section numbers in headings. Section numbers start with 1, which is the introduction (not 0). The acknowledgment, if any, should appear as an unnumbered footnote at the bottom of the first page of text, not numbered as footnote 1. For the double-blind review, remove acknowledgments that provide information concerning the author's identity.

Use the author/date system of reference in the text (e.g., Chomsky 1997). Gather the references alphabetically after the text and footnotes, using last names and first initials. Please be sure that bibliographic information is complete and in the following style:

Journal article: Author's name, first initial. Year. Title of article. Name of journal, volume number, inclusive page numbers.

Haegeman, L. 1998. V-positions in West Flemish. Syntax 1:259-299.

Book: Author's name, first initial. Year. Title of book. City of publication: Publisher.

Chomsky, N. 1981. Lectures on government and binding. Dordrecht: Foris.

Chapter in book, working papers, or proceedings volume: Author's name, first initial. Year. Title of chapter. 'In' followed by book title, 'ed.' followed by editor's name, inclusive page numbers. City of publication: Publisher.

Chomsky, N. 2001. Derivation by phase. In Ken Hale: A life in language, ed. M. Kenstowicz, 1-52. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

For further usage and format guidelines, please refer to The Chicago Manual of Style (14th ed., 1993, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois).

There are several software packages available to help authors manage and format the references and footnotes in their journal article. We recommend the use of a software tool such as EndNote or Reference Manager for reference management and formatting.

EndNote reference styles can be searched for here:

Reference Manager reference styles can be searched for here:


Copyright Transfer Agreement

Authors will be required to sign a Copyright Transfer Agreement (CTA) for all papers accepted for publication. Signature of the CTA is a condition of publication, and papers will NOT be passed to the publisher for production unless a signed form has been received. After submission, authors will retain the right to publish their paper in various media/circumstances (please see the CTA for further details). To assist authors, an appropriate form will be supplied by the editorial office. Alternatively, authors may like to download a copy of the form here. For information regarding submitting all completed and signed forms, contact the Managing Editor, Elizabeth Laurencot, at elilaurencot@rcn.com.



The corresponding author will receive an email alert containing a link to a web site. A working e-mail address must therefore be provided for the corresponding author. The proof can be downloaded as a PDF file from this site. Acrobat Reader is required in order to read this file. This software can be downloaded (free of charge) from the following web site:


This will enable the file to be opened, read on screen, and printed out in order for any corrections to be added. Further instructions for marking the proofs and returning them to the managing editor will be sent with the proof. Excessive changes made by the author in the proofs, excluding typesetting errors, will be charged separately.


Early View
Syntax is covered by Wiley-Blackwell's Early View service. Early View articles are complete full-text articles published online in advance of their publication in a printed issue. Articles are therefore available as soon as they are ready, rather than having to wait for the next scheduled print issue. Early View articles are complete and final. They have been fully reviewed, revised and edited for publication, and the authors' final corrections have been incorporated. Because they are in final form, no changes can be made after online publication. The nature of Early View articles means that they do not yet have volume, issue or page numbers, so Early View articles cannot be cited in the traditional way. They are therefore given a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), which allows the article to be cited and tracked before it is allocated to an issue. After print publication, the DOI remains valid and can continue to be used to cite and access the article.

Editorial Board

David Adger, Queen Mary, University of London
Phone: + 44 (0) 20788 23367


Suzanne Flynn, MIT, USA
Phone: + 617 253 7821
Fax: + 617 253 6189


Associate Editor
Tim Stowell, UCLA


Managing Editor
Elizabeth Laurençot


Editorial Board
Klaus Abels, University College London
Elena Anagnostopoulou, University of Crete
Tanmoy Bhattacharya, University of Delhi
Valentina Bianchi, Università di Siena
Benjamin Bruening, University of Delaware
Daniel Büring, UCLA
Lisa Cheng, University of Leiden
Jeroen van Craenenbroeck, University College Brussels/CRISSP
Marcel den Dikken, City University of New York
Edit Doron, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Claire Foley, Boston College
Raffaella Folli, University of Ulster
Lyn Frazier, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Liliane Haegeman, University of Lille
Heidi Harley, University of Arizona
Ken Hiraiwa, Meiji Gakuin University
Shinichiro Ishihara, University of Potsdam
K.A. Jayaseelan, The English and Foreign Languages University (Hyderabad)
Heejeong Ko, Seoul National University
Barbara Lust, Cornell University
Reiko Mazuka, Duke University and RIKEN Brain Science Institute
Jim McCloskey, University of California, Santa Cruz
Dana McDaniel, University of Southern Maine
Jason Merchant, University of Chicago
Andrew Nevins, Harvard University
Jairo Nunes, Universidade de São Paulo
Colin Phillips, University of Maryland
Eric Potsdam, University of Florida
Milan Rezac, UMR 7023 CNRS/Université de Paris 8
Joey Sabbagh, University of Texas, Arlington
Roger Schwarzschild, Rutgers University
Ed Stabler, UCLA
Mark Steedman, University of Edinburgh
Peter Svenonius, University of Tromsø

Founding Editors
Suzanne Flynn, MIT, USA
Samuel Epstein, University of Michigan, USA

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