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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Journal of Consumer Culture is an established journal, supporting and promoting the continuing expansion in interdisciplinary research focused on consumption and consumer culture, opening up debates and areas of exploration. Global in perspective and drawing on both theory and empirical research, the journal reflects the need to engage critically with modern consumer culture and to understand its central role in contemporary social processes.


The Journal of Consumer Culture brings together articles from the many social sciences and humanities in which consumer culture has become a significant focus. It also engages with overarching contemporary perspectives on social transformation, all of which give an unprecedented importance to consumption in understanding social processes at both local and global levels.


The Journal of Consumer Culture covers a wide range of topics relating consumer culture to issues such as:

·globalization · shopping and marketing · the body · ecommerce and the information society · social divisions of gender, class, sexuality and ethnicity · commodification · aestheticisation and virtuality · science and technology studies · environmental critiques · popular and material culture

identity · taste, style and fashion · classical and contemporary social theory · economic sociology · work · production and design · media and cultural consumption

Abstracting/Indexing in:

Academic Index

 Academic Search Premier

 Alternative Press Index

 Anthropological Index Online

 British Education Index

 Bulletin Signaletique

 Business Source Corporate

 Cab Abstracts

 CAB Health

 CD-ROM - International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences

 CD-ROM - International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Lterature on the Humanities and Social S

 CD-ROM International Bibliography of Periodical Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences

 CD-ROM International Bibliography of Periodical Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences


 Communication Abstracts

 Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature CINAHL

 Current Contents / Social and Behavioral Sciences

 Current Contents/ Social and Behavioral Sciences


 e-Psyche (Ceased)

 Educational Research Abstracts Online

 Expanded Academic Index

 Family Studies Abstracts

 Film Literature Index

 Global Health (Previously CAB Health)

 Human Resources Abstracts

 IBZ: International Bibliography of Periodical Literature

 IBZ: International Bibliography of Periodical Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences

 Index to Journals in Communication Studies

 Index to Journals in Mass Communication


 International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences

 International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences

 International Bibliography of the Social Sciences

 International Index to Film/Television Periodicals

 International Political Science Abstracts

 Journal Citation Reports Social Sciences

 Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition

 Left Index

 Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts

 MasterFILE Premier

 MLA International Bibliography

 Online - International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences

 Online - International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature on the Humanities and Social

 Online - International Bibliography of Periodical Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences

 Online - International Bibliography of Periodical Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences


 Research Alert


 Social Sciences Citation Index

 Social Services Abstracts


 Sociological Abstracts

 Sociology of Education Abstracts

 The Philosopher's Index

 Worldwide Political Science Abstracts

Instructions to Authors

Contributions are invited for issues of Journal of Consumer Culture. The length should not normally exceed 8000 words. Each submission will be refereed anonymously by at least two referees.


The journal uses the Harvard system of referencing with the author's name and date in the text and a full bibliography in alphabetical order at the end of the article.


Please submit online via SAGE Track: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/JOCC


If you are a new user, you will first need to create an account. Submissions should be made by logging in and selecting the Author Center and the 'Click here to Submit a New Manuscript' option. Follow the instructions on each page, clicking the 'Next' button on each screen to save your work and advance to the next screen. If at any stage you have any questions or require the user guide, please use the ‘Online Help’ button at the top right of every screen.


Books for review or manuscripts of reviews should be sent to:

Dan Cook

University of Illinois

103 Gregory Hall

801 S. Wright St.

Urbana, IL 61801


Email: dtcook@uiuc.edu


Authors will receive electronic offprints of their article and a complimentary journal copy. A maximum of 5 journal copies will be supplied for multi-authored articles. These will be supplied to the main author.

English Language Editing Services: Please click here for information on professional English language editing services recommended by SAGE.

Editorial Board


Steven Miles

University of Brighton


History Editor:

Matthew Hilton

University of Birmingham, UK


Anthropology Editor:

William T S Mazzarella

University of Chicago, USA


Economics and Environmental Studies Editor:

Juliet Schor

Boston College, USA


Marketing and Cultural Studies Editor:

J Craig Thompson

University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA


Sociology Editor:

Alan Warde

Manchester University, UK


Geography Editor:

Susanne Freidberg

Dartmouth College, USA


Managing Editor:

Rob Greens

University of Brighton, UK


Reviews Editor:

Dan Thomas Cook

Rutgers University, USA


Founding Editor:

George Ritzer

University of Maryland, USA


Editorial Board:

Zygmunt Bauman

University of Leeds, UK


Mark Granovetter

Stanford University, USA


Douglas Kellner

University of California, Los Angeles, USA


Angela McRobbie

Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK


Danny Miller

University College London, UK


Don Slater

London School of Economics and Political Science, UK


Viviana Zelizer

Princeton University, USA


Sharon Zukin

City University of New York, USA


Advisory Board:

Arjun Appadurai

University of Chicago, USA


Russell W Belk

University of Utah, USA


Colin Campbell

University of York, UK


Allison Clarke

University of Applied Arts Vienna, Austria


Daniel Thomas Cook

Rutgers University, USA


Gary Cross

Pennsylvania State University, USA


Dominique Desjeux

Sorbonne, France


Pasi Falk

University of Helsinki, Finland


Ben Fine

School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK


Gary Alan Fine

Northwestern University, USA


Mark Gottdiener

University at Buffalo, SUNY, USA


Victoria de Grazia

Columbia University, USA


Eva Illouz

Jerusalem University, Israel


Sut Jhally

University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA


Stephen Kline

Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada


Michèle Lamont

Harvard University, USA


Peter Lunt

The University of Leicester


Michel Maffesoli

La Sorbonne-Paris V, France


Frank Mort

University of Manchester, UK


Chandra Mukerji

University of California, San Diego, USA


Mica Nava

University of East London, UK


Per Ostergaard

Odense University, Denmark


Elspeth Probyn

University of Sydney, Australia


Juliet Schor

Boston College, USA


Nigel Thrift

Warwick University, UK


Melanie Wallendorf

University of Arizona, USA


Alan Warde

Manchester University, UK


Richard Wilk

Indiana University, USA


Elizabeth Wilson

University of North London, UK

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