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出版社:UNIV CHICAGO PRESS, 1427 E 60TH ST, CHICAGO, USA, IL, 60637-2954

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

International Journal of American Linguistics is a world forum for the study of all the languages native to North, Central, and South America. Inaugurated by Franz Boas in 1917, IJAL concentrates on the investigation of linguistic data and on the presentation of grammatical fragments and other documents relevant to Amerindian languages.

Instructions to Authors

Electronic submission

Papers for consideration by the International Journal of American Linguistics should be submitted, whenever possible, in a pdf file, to ijal@press.uchicago.edu. The author's name and address should not be included in the pdf file, as papers will be reviewed anonymously. Submissions should include an abstract of 100-150 words, along with approximately five keywords. The abstract and keywords should appear in the pdf file. A table of contents for the paper should also be submitted in the pdf file. This table of contents need not include page numbers but should show, in outline format, the basic organization of the paper. In a separate e-mail message, please include the title of the paper submitted, name and address of the author, and a copy of the abstract and keywords.All submissions should be double-spaced throughout.


If you cannot submit electronically in pdf format, please contact the Editor (ijal@press.uchicago.edu) so that the choice of word processing program and fonts can be discussed before material is submitted.


Submission by mail

If you submit by mail, please send FOUR double-spaced (preferably single-sided) copies to the Editor:

Keren Rice
Department of Linguistics
University of Toronto
St. George Street
Toronto, Ontario


An abstract of 100-150 words and approximately five keywords must be submitted with every manuscript. A table of contents for the manuscript should also be included. This table of contents need not include page numbers but should show, in outline format, the basic organization of the paper.


Format for Submission

Original submissions may be made in any format (but note the instructions below about presentation of data). Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication, authors will be asked to prepare a version of their paper that conforms specifically to IJAL’s style sheet.


While there is no absolute limit on article length, any manuscript longer than 50 pages, double-spaced, 12 point font, 1.25 inch margins on all sides (including footnotes and references), is unlikely to be reviewed rapidly. Manuscripts longer than this should very rarely be submitted as such length is almost never justified. Please double-space all material, including notes and references. Please number pages. 


Presentation of Data

Authors should ensure that, on submission, they have presented their data in a uniform and standard way, following general procedures in the field.  Authors may want to consult this excellent resource:



Best Practices in Linguistic Fieldwork

In recent years, much attention has been paid to best practices in linguistics, especially with respect to issues of ethics and the recording and archiving of linguistic data.  While ultimately IJAL relies on its reviewers to determine whether the research model used in a submitted paper is an appropriate one, the Editors believe that it is useful for potential authors to have information about what are currently considered to be best practices in the recording of data.  Basically, the strong recommendation is that a non-compressed format should be used if at all possible.  Authors will find much helpful information on this topic at:


Please note that IJAL is able to publish sound files in the electronic version of the Journal.   Authors are encouraged to submit sound files with their papers if they have obtained the appropriate permissions for use of these files.


Submission of Reviews

Reviews should be submitted (in duplicate) to the Review Editor:

Willem de Reuse
Department of English
University of North Texas
P. O. Box 311277
Denton, TX 76203-1277


IJAL's style sheet contains detailed instructions on the format for reviews. Reviewers should follow those guidelines in preparing their reviews for publication.

Editorial Board


Keren Rice, University of Toronto


Review Editor

Willem de Reuse, University of North Texas


Emeritus Editors

David S. Rood, University of Colorado
Eric P. Hamp, University of Chicago
Harriet E. Manelis Klein, SUNY at Stony Brook


Managing Editor

Alma Dean Kolb, University of Chicago Press


Editorial Board

Willem Adelaar (Leiden),
Matthew Gordon (California-Santa Barbara),
Gary Holton (ANLC),
Paulette Levy (UNAM),
Monica Macaulay (Wisconsin-Madison),
Lisa Matthewson (British Columbia),
Denny Moore (Museu Goeldi),
Nicholas Ostler (Foundation for Endangered Languages-Bath)



Questions about submissions, journal content, or editorial policies should be directed to the Editor:

Keren Rice
Department of Linguistics
University of Toronto
St. George Street
Toronto, Ontario



Questions about style or production (once a paper has been scheduled for publication) should be directed to the Managing Editor:

Alma Dean Kolb, IJAL
Journals Division
University of Chicago Press
1427 East 60th Street
Chicago, IL 60637-2954


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