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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Hypatia is a forum for cutting edge work in feminist philosophy. Since its inception in the mid-1980s as an independent journal, Hypatia has been both a catalyst for broadening and refining feminist philosophy, and an invaluable resource for those who teach in this area. Feminist philosophy arises out of diverse traditions and methods within philosophy, and is also richly interdisciplinary in orientation; we are committed to publishing articles that are broadly accessible. Hypatia serves as a resource for the wider women's studies community, for philosophers generally, and for all those interested in philosophical issues raised by feminism.


Indexed / Abstracted in

Academic Search Alumni Edition (EBSCO)
Academic Search Complete (EBSCO)
Academic Search Elite (EBSCO)
Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)
Arts & Humanities Citation Index (Thomson Reuters)
Current Contents: Arts & Humanities (Thomson Reuters)
Current Contents: Social & Behavioral Sciences (Thomson Reuters)
Humanities International Index (EBSCO)
POIESIS: Philosophy Online Serials (PDC)
ProQuest Central (ProQuest)
SCOPUS (Elsevier)
Social Sciences Abstracts (OCLC)
Social Sciences Citation Index (Thomson Reuters)
Sociological Abstracts (CSA/CIG)
Web of Science (Thomson Reuters)
Worldwide Political Sciences Abstracts (CSA/CIG)

Instructions to Authors


Articles should not exceed 8,000 words, including footnotes and references.


Book reviews should not exceed 1,500 words, or approximately 5 pages, including footnotes and references. Book reviews are normally published by invitation, although we welcome recommendations of books to review and would be glad to know if you are interested in writing book reviews. Book reviews are not normally sent out for peer review beyond the Book Review Editor.


In some cases, two or three books on a similar theme can be reviewed together in a review essay. The same submission guidelines apply as for book reviews, although review essays are typically longer than single reviews (they may run to a maximum of 3,000 words, including footnotes and references), and they will be sent out for review to a single anonymous referee. If you have inquiries about book reviews or review essays, please contact the Book Review Editor at hypatia@uw.edu.


In addition to articles, we welcome submissions for our Musings section. These should not exceed 3,000 words, including footnotes and references, and unless they are invited contributions, they will be subject to external review.


We also invite proposals for thematic special issues, and we periodically publish thematic clusters and symposia. Current guidelines for proposing a special issue or cluster/symposium are available on the Hypatia editorial office website; follow the link from the Special Issues webpage.


Manuscripts submitted to Hypatia should not be under simultaneous consideration by any other journal, nor should they have been published elsewhere. You can, however, post your manuscript online in the form in which it is submitted for review; for details please see the overview of Review Policy and Process on the Hypatia editorial office website.


Online Supporting Information

We can now host online "supporting information" in a wide range of electronic formats. This includes graphics, text, links, audio podcasts, video clips, anything you think would be a valuable supplement to an article accepted for publication in Hypatia. Consider creating a virtual gallery with illustrations we could not ordinarily include in the print edition of Hypatia, or notes and background material that exceeds the 8000 word limit on print articles. Supporting information must be submitted in final form at the same time as your manuscript is uploaded for production.


For deadlines, please contact the Managing Editor: Hypatia@uw.edu.

For guidelines for preparing supplementary material, please see Wiley-Blackwell's Author Services: http://authorservices.wiley.com/bauthor/suppmat.asp.



· File Type and Format

Manuscripts should be submitted as Word files. They should be double-spaced (including quotations, notes, and references), and the right margin should not be justified.


· Anonymity

To facilitate our anonymous review process, the author should not be identified in the manuscript or the abstract.


· Abstract
Papers should include an abstract of no more than 200 words.


· Spelling
Please use American spellings and punctuation, except when directly quoting a source that has followed British style.


· Notes
Notes need not be formatted before review, but must be formatted before publication in the following way:for final submission of a manuscript please do not use the "insert endnote/footnote" function in Microsoft Word. Instead, place numerals between arrowheads (e.g., <2>) in the text, and list notes in the penultimate section of the paper (just before the references). Any acknowledgments should appear unnumbered, before the first note.


· Figures
If a paper includes figures or artwork, authors must submit these files with the final draft.


· References
References need not be formatted before review, but they must be correctly formatted before publication. We use the author/date system of citing references, as described in The Chicago Manual of Style (15th ed., University of Chicago Press, 2003). In the text or notes, works should be cited as (author year, page number); for example (Card 2003, 65). The page number alone can be used if understood from the context; for example (86). A list of all works cited should be included after the notes in a section called "References." Titles of articles and books in the references follow sentence capitalization: only the first word and proper nouns are capitalized. For example:

Calhoun, Cheshire. 2000. Feminism, the family, and the politics of the closet: Lesbian and gay displacement. New York: Oxford University Press.

------. 1995. Standing for something. Journal of Philosophy 92 (5): 235-61.

Roberts, Dorothy E. 1999. Mothers who fail to protect their children: Accounting for private and public responsibility. In Mother troubles: Rethinking contemporary maternal dilemmas, ed. Julia E. Hanigsberg and Sara Ruddick. Boston: Beacon.

Clines, Francis X. 2001. Before and after: Voices in the wind, a new form of grieving evolves over last goodbyes. The New York Times, September 16.

Irigaray, Luce. 2002. The way of love. Trans. Heidi Bostic and Stephen Pluhácek. New York: Continuum.

National Down Syndrome Society. 2002. About Down Syndrome. http://www.ndss.org/aboutds/aboutds.html (accessed J 8, 2002).

Education for All Handicapped Children Act. 1975. U.S. Public Law 94-142, U.S. Code. Vol. 20, sec. 1400 et seq.


Manuscript Preparation for Book Reviews, Musings, and Comments/Replies

Book reviews, musings, and comments/replies should not contain abstracts, and book reviews need not be anonymous. Otherwise, these manuscripts should be prepared exactly as articles (see above).



For an overview of Hypatia's review policy and process, including decision categories, as well as current acceptance rates and average time to decision and publication, please see the Review Policy and Process page on the Hypatia editorial website. This overview is also available as a downloadable PDF.

Editorial Board

Alison Wylie, University of Washington
Ann E. Cudd, University of Kansas
Linda Martín-Alcoff, Hunter College


Book Review Editor
Sharyn Clough, Oregon State University

Managing Editor
Asia Ferrin, University of Washington


Editorial Assistant
Rachel Fredericks, University of Washington


Copy Editor
Julia Perkins, Wesleyan University

Associate Editors
Elizabeth S. Anderson, University of Michigan
Tina Chanter, DePaul University
Heidi Grasswick, Middlebury College
Lori Gruen, Wesleyan University
Hilde Lindemann, Michigan State University, East Lansing (Editor, 2003-2008)
Mariana Ortega, John Carroll University
Falguni A. Sheth, Hampshire College
Alison Stone, Lancaster University
Diana Tietjens Meyers, University of Connecticut
Lisa Tessman, Binghamton University

Advisory Board
Anita L. Allen, University of Pennsylvania
Sandra Bartky, University of Illinois, Chicago
Lorraine Code, York University
Ann Garry, California State University, Los Angeles
Sandra Harding, University of California, Los Angeles
Sally Haslanger, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Virginia Held, Graduate Center of City University of New York
Helen Longino, Stanford University
Ofelia Schutte, University of South Florida

Editors Emeritæ
Azizah al-Hibri (Editor 1982-84), University of Richmond, Law School
Lori Gruen (Coeditor 2008-2010), Wesleyan University
Cheryl Hall (Coeditor 1995-98), University of South Florida
Hilde Lindemann (Editor 2003-2008), Michigan State University
Linda López McAlister (Editor 1990-95, Coeditor 1995-98), University of South Florida
Laurie Shrage (Coeditor 1998-2003), California State Polytechnic University
Margaret A. Simons (Editor 1986-1990), Southern University of Illinois at Edwardsville
Nancy Tuana (Coeditor 1998-2003), Pennsylvania State University
Joanne Waugh (Coeditor 1995-98), University of South Florida

Local Editorial Advisors - University of Washington
Christine DiStefano
Sara Goering
Lynn Hankinson Nelson
Nancy Hartsock
Carole Lee
Jean Roberts
Ingra Schellenberg
Andrea Woody

Editorial Board
Amy Allen, Dartmouth College
Bat-Ami Bar On, State University of New York, Binghamton
Samantha Brennan, University of Western Ontario
Susan Brison, Dartmouth College
Rosalyn Diprose, University of New South Wales
Ann Ferguson, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Miranda Fricker, University of London
Marilyn Friedman, Vanderbilt University
Moira Gatens, University of Sydney
Karen Green, Monash University
Elizabeth Grosz, Rutgers University
Sara Heinämaa, University of Helsinki
Susan Hekman, University of Texas, Arlington
Lisa Heldke, Gustavus Adolphus College
Sarah Lucia Hoagland, Northeastern Illinois University
Nancy Holland, Hamline University
Jennifer Hornsby, University of London
Eva Kittay, State University of New York, Stony Brook
Carolyn Korsmeyer, State University of New York, Buffalo
Sonia Kruks, Oberlin College
Mary B. Mahowald, University of Chicago
Lynn Hankinson Nelson, University of Washington
Dorothea E. Olkowski, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Laura M. Purdy, Wells College
Phyllis Rooney, Oakland University
Naomi Scheman, University of Minnesota
Elizabeth V. Spelman, Smith College
Shannon Sullivan, Pennsylvania State University
Rosemarie Tong, The University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Georgia Warnke, University of California, Riverside
Karen Warren, Macalester College
Gail Weiss, George Washington University
Cynthia Willett, Emory University
Naomi Zack, University of Oregon
Jacquelyn Zita, University of Minnesota


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