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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Environment and History is an interdisciplinary journal which aims to bring scholars in the humanities and natural sciences closer together, with the deliberate intention of constructing long and well-founded perspectives on present day environmental problems. Papers for publication in the journal should reflect this interdisciplinary approach, and be composed in a style that is accessible to a wide readership. Submitted papers must be original research that has not been published previously, and must not be currently under consideration by another journal. Contributions must be in English, in Microsoft Word or other agreed format, and should be uploaded using our online submission system. This system allows contributors to track the progress of their papers through the submission, review and proof-reading stages; and is designed to make the review process quicker and more efficient. It thus has significant advantages over submitting via email. You will need to register as an author in order to upload your paper, a process that only takes a few minutes. Please note that, to ensure compatibility with reviewers' computer systems, Word 1997-2003 documents (ending .doc) are preferable to Word 2007 (ending .docx).

Instructions to Authors

Source citations and notes should be included as footnotes, and they should be numbered consecutively through the text. Please note that the journal no longer permits citations in the text in ‘Harvard’ (author, date) style. Try to limit notes to one at the end of each paragraph.

Unless a separate bibliography is provided, give complete citations in footnotes, including place, name of publishing company and date of publication (books); volume number and year (periodicals). Use ‘p.’ and ‘pp.’ only for books; use a colon followed by page range for journal citations. Use full titles on first reference; shortened titles may be used on subsequent references.

Keith Thomas,  Man and the Natural World: Changing Attitudes in England 1500—1800 (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984).
Thomas,  Man and the Natural World, 161—5.
G. Hardin, ‘The Tragedy of the Commons’,  Science 162 (1968): 1243—8.
Kate B. Showers, ‘A history of African soil use: Perceptions, use and abuse’, in J.R. McNeill and V. Winiwarter (eds.), Soils and Societies, pp. 118–176 (Cambridge: The White Horse Press, 2006).
Showers, ‘A history of African soil use’, p. 134.
Andrew J. King, ‘Law and Land Use in Chicago: A Pre-history of Modern Zoning’ (Ph.D. diss., University of Wisconsin, 1976), 32—7.
Sydney Morning Herald, 26 Feb. 1913, 3.
Mahaffy to Sec. of State, 21 Dec. 1908, Western Pacific High Commission BSIP Secretariat Series, National Archives of Solomon Islands (hereafter WHPC) 281/1.

If a separate bibliography is provided, citations in notes may be restricted to the shortened form as above, or to the author’s name and year of publication (Thomas 1984, 161—5). Bibliographic entries should be arranged alphabetically, with the author’s surname first.

Thomas, Keith 1984.  Man and the Natural World: Changing Attitudes in England 1500—1800. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Hardin, G. 1968. ‘The Tragedy of the Commons’.  Science 162: 1243—8.
Showers, Kate B. 2006. ‘A history of African soil use: Perceptions, use and abuse’. In J.R. McNeill and V. Winiwarter (eds.), Soils and Societies, pp. 118–176. Cambridge: The White Horse Press.

Archival sources should be listed separately.

Western Pacific High Commission BSIP Secretariat Series, National Archives of Solomon Islands (WHPC).

Spelling, punctuation and grammar should conform to British usage and the following conventions:

Spell out numbers one to ten only
0.301 cubic metres, 38 hectares, 14 mm, 28 degrees
44 per cent (44% in notes), 14 degrees
£246, £1 10s, 5s 3d, A$256,300, US$10 million
1 December 1946 (in text), 1 Dec. 1946 (in notes)
1950s, the fifties
Use single quotes, except for quotes within quotes
Italicise foreign words on first appearance
Map 1, Figure 25, Chapter 2, Appendix 1, Volume 1, Note 1 (citations in text)
fig. 1, vol. 1, n. 1 (in notes)
Omit points after lower-case contractions containing last letter of singular and after plurals. E.g. Dr, St, Mt, Ltd; ed./eds; c. (circa); encl./encls (enclosure/s).
No points for capitalised abbreviations (e.g. UK, USA)
Small caps for BC, AD, BP
World War One
the nineteenth century, mid-nineteenth century
the south-east, South-east Asia

For further guidance, see the Chicago Manual of Style.

Environment and History welcomes the use of appropriate maps, graphics, and photographs. Authors should consult with the publisher about the suitability of illustrations for reproduction. If graphic material, including maps or photographs, is taken from a source protected by copyright, the author is responsible for securing permission from the copyright holder for its use.

The editors reserve the right to make alterations which do not involve any change of meaning. Contributors are expected to assign copyright to the publisher; though they remain free to use material in subsequent publications written or edited by themselves, provided Environment and History is acknowledged as the original place of publication. Twenty free offprints of published articles will be supplied.

Please use our online submission system to upload and track the progress of your submission. In case of difficulty, enquiries should be addressed to
Stephen Mosley, Cultural Studies, Leeds Metropolitan University, Broadcasting Place, Civic Quarter, Leeds LS2 9EN, UK.

Editorial Board


Stephen Mosley, Leeds Metropolitan University



Peter Coates, University of Bristol
Rob Lambert, University of Nottingham
Geneviève Massard-Guilbaud, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales
David Moon, Durham University



Mark Riley, University of Liverpool



Jane Carruthers, University of South Africa


For queries regarding submissions, please contact the Editor, Stephen Mosley, Cultural Studies, Leeds Metropolitan University, Broadcasting Place, Civic Quarter, Leeds LS2 9EN, UK.


For queries regarding book reviews, please contact the Reviews Editor, Mark Riley, Department of Geography, School for Environmental Sciences, Roxby Building, University of Liverpool, LIVERPOOL L69 7ZT, UK
or the Regional Reviews Editor,
Jane Carruthers



W.M. Adams, University of Cambridge
James Beattie, University of Waikato
William Beinart, University of Oxford
Georgina Endfield, University of Nottingham
Marcus Hall, University of Zurich
Andrea Janku, SOAS, London
Leos Jelecek, Charles University, Prague
Karen Jones, University of Kent
John M. Mackenzie, University of St Andrews
Robert B. Marks, Whittier College
John McNeill, Georgetown University
Jose Padua, Rural University of Rio de Janeiro
Eric Pawson, University of Canterbury, NZ
Libby Robin, Australian National University
John Sheail, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
K. Sivaramakrishnan, University of Washington
Petra van Dam, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
Charles Watkins, University of Nottingham
Verena Winiwarter, Klagenfurt University/BOKU (Vienna)
Graeme Wynn, University of British Columbia

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