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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Senses & Society provides a crucial forum for the exploration of this vital new area of inquiry. Peer-reviewed and international, it brings together groundbreaking work in the humanities and social sciences and incorporates cutting-edge developments in art, design, and architecture. Every volume contains something for and about each of the senses, both singly and in all sorts of novel configurations.  


The Senses & Society is covered by the following abstracting/indexing services:
* Abstracts in Anthropology
* AIO Anthropological Index Online
* ARTbibliographies Modern
* British Humanities Index
* DAAI Design and Applied Arts Index
* IBSS International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
* IBR International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature in the Humanities 
   and Social Sciences
* IBZ International Bibliography of Periodical Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences
* MLA International Bibliography
* Scopus
* Sociological Abstracts
* Art Index

Instructions to Authors

1)Manuscript Submissions

Should you have an article you would like to submit, please write to the Managing Editor:

David Howes
Department of Sociology & Anthropology
Concordia University
1400 de Maisonneuve Ouest
Montreal, Quebec
Canada, H3G 1M8



2) Book Reviews

Please contact Boris Wiseman for consideration in The Senses & Society.

Boris Wiseman
School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Durham University
Elvet Riverside
New Elvet

Email: boris.wiseman@durham.ac.uk

3) Sensory Design

Please contact Medina Lasansky for consideration in The Senses & Society.

Medina Lasansky
Associate Professor
Program in the History of Architecture and Urbanism
Architecture Department
Cornell University
143 E. Sibley Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853


4) Exhibition and Conference Reviews

Please contact Jim Drobnick for consideration in The Senses & Society.

Jim Drobnick
Ontario College of Art and Design


Contributors are encouraged to copy their initial correspondence with one of the Reviews Editors to the Managing Editor, David Howes, to ensure their correspondence is entered in the journal’s log. 

Notes for Contributors

Articles should be 4,500 to 8,000 (including any notes and bibliography). They must include a 30 world biography of the author(s), a 200 word abstract and 3-5 keywords.

Book, Exhibition and Sensory Design review are normally 500 to 700 words in length. By prior arrangement, review essays in any of these categories can be up to 2,500 words. Reviews or review essays must include the author’s institutional affiliation.

The Senses and Society will produce three issues a year including the occasional special issue devoted to a single topic with a guest editor. Persons wishing to organize a topical issue are invited to submit a proposal which contains a hundred word description of the topic together with a list of potential contributors and provisional titles for their articles. Proposals are accepted only after review by the journal editors and in-house editorial staff at Berg Publishers.



Manuscripts of articles should be submitted electronically (preferably in Microsoft Word) and with an accompanying hard copy (by regular mail) to: senses@alcor.concordia.ca, David Howes, Managing Editor, The Senses and Society.

Manuscripts of articles will be acknowledged and entered into the review process discussed below

Manuscripts without illustrations will not be returned unless the author provides a self-addressed stamped envelope.

Manuscripts of book or exhibition or sensory design reviews should be submitted electronically (preferably in Microsoft Word) and with an accompanying hard copy (by regular mail) to the Reviews Editor concerned. See above for address. For greater certainty, copy the electronic version to the Managing Editor.

Submission of  a manuscript to the journal will be taken to imply that it is not being considered elsewhere, in the same form, in any language, without the consent of the editor and the publisher. It is a condition of acceptance by the editor of a manuscript for publication that the publishers automatically acquire the copyright of the published article throughout the world.

The Senses and Society does not pay authors for their manuscripts nor does it provide retyping, drawing or mounting of illustrations.



US spelling and mechanicals are to be used. Authors are advised to consult The Chicago Manual of Style (14th Edition) as a guideline for style, and Webster’s Dictionary as an arbiter of spelling.

The publisher encourages the use of major subheadings and, where appropriate, second-level subheadings.

Do not place the author’s name on any other page of the manuscript.


  Manuscript Preparation

Manuscripts of articles must be typed double-spaced (including quotations, notes and references cited), on one side only, with at least one-inch margins on standard paper using a typeface no smaller than 12 pts.

Manuscripts of articles submitted for consideration must contain a title page with the full title of the article, the author(s) name and address. Do not place the author’s name on any other page of the manuscript .

Any necessary artwork must be submitted with the hard copy of the manuscript.

Authors should retain a copy of the manuscript and artwork (if any) for their records .

The Publishers may require a disk as well as a hard copy of any contributions at the production stage .



Footnotes appear as ‘Notes’ at the end of articles .

Authors are advised to include footnote material in the text whenever possible .

Notes are to be numbered consecutively throughout the paper and are to be typed double-spaced at the end of the text .

Please do not use any footnoting and end-noting programs which your software may offer as this text can become irretrievably lost at the typesetting stage .



The list of references should be limited to, and inclusive of, those publications actually cited in the text.

References are to be cited in the body of the text in parentheses with author’s last name, the year of original publication, and page number – e.g., (Classen 1993: 45).

Titles and publication information appear as ‘References’ at the end of the article and should be listed alphabetically by author and chronologically for each author. See any Berg publication for the standard form for citing publication information --- we should give example .

Names of journals and publications should appear in full. Film and video information appear as ‘Filmography’

References cited should be typed double-spaced on a separate page .

References not presented in the style required will be returned to the author for revision.



All tabular material should be part of a separately numbered series of ‘Tables’ .

Each table must be typed on a separate sheet and identified by a short descriptive title.

Footnotes for tables appear at the bottom of the table. Marginal notations on manuscripts should indicate approximately where tables are to appear.



All illustrative material (drawings, maps, diagrams, and photographs) should be designated ‘Figures’. They must be submitted in a form suitable for publication without redrawing.

Drawings should be carefully done with India ink on either hard, white, smooth-surfaced board or good quality tracing paper. Ordinarily, computer-generated drawings are not of publishable quality .

Color photographs are encouraged by the publisher though unless funding can be secured, colour work will only appear of the online version of the journal.

Photographs should be glossy prints and should be numbered o the back to key with captions. Whenever possible, photographs should be 8 x 10 inches.

The publisher also encourages artwork to be submitted as scanned files (600 dpi or above ONLY) on disc or via email.

All figures should be numbered consecutively .

All captions should be typed double-spaced on a separate page .

Marginal notations on manuscripts should indicate approximately where figures are to appear .

While the editors and publishers will use ordinary care in protecting all figures submitted, they cannot assume responsibility for their loss or damage. Authors are discouraged from submitting rare or non-replaceable materials. It is the author’s responsibility to secure written copyright clearance on all photographs and drawings that are not in the public domain. 


Criteria for Evaluation

The Senses and Society is a refereed journal. Manuscripts will be accepted only after review by both editors and anonymous reviewers deemed competent to make professional judgements concerning the quality of the manuscript. 


On publication, authors will be sent a PDF of the final version of their article for personal use only. Authors are also entitled to a complimentary copy of the issue they contributed to. Details on how to obtain it will be sent upon publication. Additional copies of the issue can be purchased at a discount rate from Berg.

Editorial Board

Managing Editor
Michael Bull, University of Sussex, UK

Paul Gilroy, London School of Economics, UK
David Howes, Concordia University, Canada
Douglas Kahn, University of New South Wales, Australia

Sensory Design Editor
David Howes, Concordia University, Canada

Exhibition and Conference Editor
Jim Drobnick, Ontario College of Art and Design, Toronto, Canada

Book Reviews Editor
Melissa Van Drie, ARIAS (CNRS) / Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris

Editorial Advisory Board
Ruth Barcan, University of Sydney, Australia
Lucien Castaing-Taylor, Harvard University, USA
Steven Connor, University of London, UK
Alain Corbin, Université de Paris I, La Sorbonne, France
Madalina Diaconu, University of Vienna, Austria
Tim Edensor, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Kathryn L. Geurts, Hamline University, USA
Caroline Jones, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Brian Keeley, Pitzer College, USA
Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, New York University, USA
Joy Monice Malnar, University of Illinois, Urban-Champaign, USA
Laura Marks, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Joy Parr, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Mark Paterson, University of Pittsburgh, USA and Duquesne University, USA
Herman Roodenburg, Meertens Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 
Bruce R. Smith, University of Southern California, USA
Mark M. Smith, University of Southern California, USA
Paul Stoller, West Chester University, USA
Michael Syrotinski, University of Aberdeen, UK

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