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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Nordic Journal of Religion and Society (NJRS) is an arena for all disciplines that study the field of relations between religion, churches, religious institutions, culture and society. NJRS is the only Nordic journal devoted to these issues. Sociology of religion is a key discipline, but NJRS also includes contributions from scholars in psychology of religion, religious studies, church history and theology. The journal only publishes articles in English. NJRS is a referee journal at level 2 in the Norwegian system.

Instructions to Authors

Manuscripts are evaluated by the editors and other referees.
Prepare copy as follows:

1. Send manuscript (no more than 9250 words) by e-mail (attachment) to one of the editors. Type the manuscript
double-spaced (text, quoted material, notes, extracts, and references).

2. Make a cover page giving authorship, title, institutional affiliation (address) and e-mail address.

3. Only articles in English are accepted. The manuscript must be proofread and adapted to an English-speaking audience by a consultant whose native language is English.

4. Include an abstract in English of 100 to 150 words.

5. Include a list of key words used in the article. Examples are: Religion, gender, ethnicity.

6. Each table/figure should be numbered.

7. Draw figures on your computer or scan them into the text. Send copies with the manuscript.

8. Format of references in text: All references to monographs, articles, and statistical sources are to be identified at an appropriate point in the text by last name of author, year of publication, and pagination where appropriate, all within parentheses. Footnotes are to be used only for substantive observations, and not for purpose of citation. Footnotes are placed at the end of the article before references. Do not use «ibid.», «op.cit.», or «loc.cit.»; specify subsequent citations of the same source in the same way as the first citation. Avoid abbreviations except «ed.» for editor.

If an author’s name is in the text, follow it with year in parentheses: «Winter (1984:32) points out that …» If an author’s name is not in the text, insert at an appropriate point the last name, year of publication and pagination in parenthesis: «... some have claimed (Winter 1984:32) that...»

Pagination (without «p.» or «pp.») follows year of publication, separated by colon: «some have claimed (Winther 1984:32) that…» When recommending further reading: (see Douglas and Isherwood 1979).

If there is one author: (Bittner 1965).

If there is one author and several publications, distinguish them by the use of comma between each year of publication: (Giddens 1976, 198l). If there is more than one reference to the same author and year, distinguish them by the use of letters (a, b,...) attached to year of publication, in text and in reference appendix: (Giddens 1976a, 1976b).

With dual authorship and same publication, give both last names: (Glaser og Strauss 1977). For more than two authors, use: «et al.»: (Bourdieu et al. 1991). For institutional authorship, supply minimum identification from the beginning of the complete citation: «... immigration data (Statistics Norway 2004) reveal…»

Enclose a series of references within a single pair of parentheses and separate by semi-colons: (Bittner 1965; Fine 1984; Lemert 1979).

If one author is quoted by another author: (Peirce, quoted by Eco 1979a:69).

9. Format of «References» section at end of manuscript: List all items alphabetically by author and, within author, by year of publication. Provide translations of all non-English titles in parentheses. For typing format, see the following examples:


Book: Davie, Grace 2000. Religion in Modern Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Translated book: Barthes, Roland 1972. Mythologies, selected and translated, Annette Lavers. New York: Hill and Wang.

Edited book: Swatos, William H., Jr.( ed.) 1994. Gender and Religion. New Brunswick and London: Transaction Publishers.

With dual authorship: Stark, Rodney and William Sims Bainbridge 1985. The Future of Religion. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Book as a volume in a series: Van Deth, Jan W. and Elinor Scarbrough (eds.) 1998. The impact of Values. In Beliefs in Government, Max Kaase, Kenneth Newton, and Elinor Scarbrough, Vol. 4. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Article in a journal: McDuff, Elaine M. 2001. The Gender Paradox in Work Satisfaction and the Protestant Clergy. Sociology of Religion 62(1): 1-21.

Article in an edited book: Wuthnow, Robert 1982. World order and religious movernents. In New Religious Movements: A Perspective for Understanding Society, Eileen Barker (ed.), 47–65. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press.

Unpublished thesis: Midteide, Stefan 1996. Industrial policy: The pharmachemical industry in Mexico. Unpublished Master’s thesis in social geography. University of Oslo.

Forthcoming book: Goodwin, Jeff and James Jasper, ed. Forthcoming. Social Movements. Oxford: Blackwell.

Newspaper article: Dagsavisen 2003. Mytene om julen, 30 November.

Internet article: Block, David 2004.Globalization, Transnational Communication and the Internet. International Journal on Multicultural societies [online] 6(1). Available from: http://www.unesco.org/shs/ijms [Accessed 31 March 2004].

After author, provide year of publication, title of article, journal,[online], and volume/issue. Add available from the complete web address and accessed date (Day/Month/Year).

Internet document: Statistics Norway 2004. Lower immigration surplus from abroad [online]. Oslo: Statistisk Sentralbyrå. Available from: http://www.ssb.no/english/subjects/02/02/20/innvutv_en  [Accessed 4 April 2004].

10. By publishing in this journal, authors transfer their right to present, reproduce and publish their work in the printed and online editions of this journal to Tapir Academic Press. The publisher may distribute this work through any databases with which the publisher may cooperate. These publication rights are exclusive for six months from the journal’s publication date. Thereafter, authors may publish their work on their own, or their employers’, web site and/or archives.

Editorial Board

Editorial committee

Professor and Research Associate Inger Furseth (Editor), Norway

Professor Pål Repstad (Editor), Norway

Doctoral student Ann Kristin Gresaker (Editorial Secretary), Norway
Post doc. Irene Trysnes (Review Editor), Norway
Professor Anders Bäckström, Sweden
Professor Eila Helander, Finland
Professor Vidar L. Haanes, Norway
Professor Margit Warburg, Denmark
Professor Petur Petursson, Iceland

Book review editor

Irene Trysnes
University of Agder
P.O.Box 422 Lundsiden
NO-4604 Kristiansand



Nordic Journal of Religion and Society (NJRS)
P.O. Box 45 Vinderen, NO-0319 Oslo, Norway
Phone: +47 23 33 47 20
Fax: +47 23 33 47 29

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