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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment is the official journal of the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE). ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment seeks to explore the relation between human beings and the natural world, and publishes articles from literary scholars, environmental historians, specialists in the visual and performing arts, environmental philosophers, geographers, economists, ecologists, and scholars in other fields relevant to "literature and environment."


The journal's scope encompasses environmental thinking and expression from cultures around the world; theoretical work and applications to specific authors and texts from any time period; and treatment of pressing ecological issues as they pertain to literature. The journal also publishes poetry, fiction, and literary nonfiction relevant to its thematic focus.

Instructions to Authors

Manuscripts must be double-spaced and must include references in a single .rtf or .doc file. A one- or two-sentence biography of the author(s) should appear in the “Notes on Contributors” section of the submission template. For articles, in addition to the full title, authors should supply a running title that would appear at the heads of the pages (if the manuscripts are accepted for publication). A short abstract (100 words) should also be provided. For further information on style, please consult the most recent available edition of The MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers.

Your manuscript should be saved as a .rtf or .doc document and submitted online.


Online submission of manuscripts

The Editors welcome electronic submission of manuscripts through the journal's online submission system. To submit online, please visit Manuscript Central.

Submission of a paper implies that it reports unpublished work and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. If previously published tables, illustrations or more than 200 words of text are to be included, then the copyright holder's written permission must be obtained. Copies of any such permission letters should be enclosed with the paper.

To contact the editorial office, please send an

ISLE does not currently accept emailed, faxed, or hard-copy submissions, nor does it consider simultaneous submissions.



The author is responsible for obtaining all permissions required to reprint any material from other copyrighted permissions. Both print and online permission are required. Guidelines on obtaining permissions and a form to be used are available from the editorial office; please also see Permission Guidelines for more information.

Permissions are required to reuse figures, photos, illustrations, and significant portions of text from other copyrighted works. A “significant portion of text” can be defined using a combination of both quantity and quality. Current guidelines suggest that a single prose extract of less than four hundred words; a series of prose extracts of less than 300 words each, with the series totaling less than 800 words; and 40 continuous or separate lines from a poem, provided that this does not constitute more than 25 percent of the poem, would not require permission to reprint. However, if the material quoted could be considered the heart of the original work, permission may be required. Quotations should be kept as short as possible to avoid quoting a large percentage of the work.

When quoting from other works, please consider

how much of the work is being quoted.

if the quotation is the heart of the original work.

Please see Permission Guidelines for more guidance.



Please be aware that the requirements for online submission and for reproduction in the journal are different: (i) for online submission and peer review, please upload your figures either embedded in the word processing file or separately as low-resolution images (.jpg, .tif, .gif or.eps); (ii) for reproduction in the journal, you will be required at revised submission stages to supply high-resolution .tif files (600 d.p.i. for line drawings and 300 d.p.i. for color and half-tone artwork). We advise that you create your high-resolution images first as these can be easily converted into low-resolution images for online submission. For useful information on preparing your figures for publication, go to http://cpc.cadmus.com/da.

Please note that all labels used in figures should be in upper case in both the figure and the caption. The journal reserves the right to reduce the size of illustrative material.

The number of illustrations should be kept to a minimum. Captions for figures should be listed on a separate sheet. All tables must bear a title. Footnotes may be used in the tables but not in the text.


Advance Access Online Publication Procedure

ISLE operates an Advance Access publication system, which means that once your proofs are approved, the final version of your paper will be hosted immediately on the Advance Access part of ISLE's web site. You will receive an email with a URL allowing you to view your paper online. The process of Advance Access publication takes only 4–6 weeks from submission to Oxford Journals. Your article is now officially published and will remain on this page, accessible only to paid subscribers, until it is assigned by the editor to an issue.

Your article can still be cited before it is assigned to an issue by way of its DOI number that you will see at the top of the article. The volume and issue will be assigned once the article moves to an issue, although the DOI remains the same. If you have any queries about this form of publication then feel free to ask the editorial office.


Gratis Copies

Authors will be given free online access to their articles and will be sent two free copies of the issue in which their articles appear.

Please note that there can be a time delay before your article is assigned to an issue. We recommend that you sign up for the electronic table of contents alerting service (which you can find on the home page of the journal) and review the issues published to see when your article is assigned to an issue, or you may wish simply to keep in touch with the editorial office for information on the issue to which your article has been assigned.



It is a condition of publication in ISLE that authors grant an exclusive licence to ISLE, published by Oxford University Press. This ensures that requests from third parties to reproduce articles are handled efficiently and consistently and will also allow the article to be as widely disseminated as possible. In assigning the licence, authors may use their own material in other publications provided that the Journal is acknowledged as the original place of publication, and Oxford University Press is notified in writing and in advance.

Editorial Board


Scott Slovic

University of Nevada, Reno


Managing Editor

Tom Hertweck

University of Nevada, Reno


Book Review Editor

Tom J. Hillard

Boise State University


Editorial Advisory Board

Joni Adamson

Arizona State University


Lorraine Anderson

Corvallis, Oregon


Karla Armbruster

Webster University


Jocelyn Bartkevicius

University of Central Florida


Rick Bass

Troy, Montana


Charles Bergman

Pacific Lutheran University


Sue Ellen Campbell

Colorado State University


Christopher Cokinos

Utah State University


Alison Hawthorne Deming

University of Arizona


Elizabeth Dodd

Kansas State University


Camille Dungy

San Francisco State University


John Elder

Middlebury College


Ann Fisher-Wirth

University of Mississippi


Greta Gaard

University of Wisconsin, River Falls


Terry Gifford

University of Chichester, UK, and University of Alicante, Spain


Ray Gonzalez

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis


George Hart

California State University, Long Beach


Ursula K. Heise

Stanford University


Serenella Iovino

University of Turin, Italy


Rochelle Johnson

College of Idaho


Lisa J. Kiser

Ohio State University


Ken Lamberton

Tucson, Arizona


John Lane

Wofford College


Gretchen Legler

University of Maine, Farmington


Corey Lewis

Humboldt State University


Mark C. Long

Keene State College


Glen A. Love

University of Oregon


Ian Marshall

Pennsylvania State University, Altoona


Julia Martin

University of the Western Cape, South Africa


Kathleen Dean Moore

Oregon State University


David Copland Morris

University of Washington, Tacoma


Patrick D. Murphy

University of Central Florida


Lance Newman

Westminster College


Wang Nuo

Xiamen University, People’s Republic of China


John P. O’Grady

San Francisco, California


Serpil Oppermann

Hacettepe University, Turkey


H. Daniel Peck

Vassar College


Daniel J. Philippon

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis


Sheila Rabillard

University of Victoria, Canada


Kate Rigby

Monash University, Australia


David M. Robinson

Oregon State University


Randall Roorda

University of Kentucky


Sharman Apt Russell

Western New Mexico University


Kent C. Ryden

University of Southern Maine


Don Scheese

Gustavus Adolphus College


Sheryl St. Germain

Chatham College


R. Swarnalatha

Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India


Timothy Sweet

West Virginia University


John Tallmadge

Cincinnati, Ohio


H. Lewis Ulman

Ohio State University


Frederick O. Waage

East Tennessee State University


Allison B. Wallace

University of Central Arkansas


Louise Westling

University of Oregon


Katsunori Yamazato

University of the Ryukyus, Japan


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