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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


The new Estetika, established by the departments of aesthetics at Charles University, Prague, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Gdansk University and Comenius University, Bratislava, and the Institute of Art History, Prague, is intended to create an international forum of communication among Central European scholars who share a similar educational background between analytic Anglo-American aesthetics and Continental phenomenological aesthetics.

Estetika will, for the first time in Central European history, provide a venue where all the aestheticians in the region can meet and share their views. It will, we hope, be a journal on par with traditional journals in this field (for example, The British Journal of Aesthetics, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, the Revue francophone d’Esthétique, and the Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft).

In our region, aesthetics has always been understood as a separate field of study, occupying a place amongst numerous traditional branches as well as recently emerging ones; it has not been understood as a subdivision of the philosophy of art or part of cultural studies. Aware of the current situation in the field, Estetika endeavours to address not only traditional topics in aesthetics (for example, the ontology of a work of art, aesthetic experience, and criticism), but also seeks to raise questions challenging these traditional topics, considering the very reasons for exploring them, and ultimately examining the special nature of the field itself (including the visual turn, environmental aesthetics, and “the end of art”).

Our focus is primarily on topics that have been neglected in contemporary aesthetics: the possibilities of the transformation and re-description of traditional concepts (such as the aesthetic experience and the aesthetic object); the cognitive and social dimensions of the Aesthetic (das Ästhetische); the emotions and affects; the history of aesthetics; the history of aesthetics as an institutionalized discipline; and, last but not least, the definition of aesthetics in contrast to traditional and more recent disciplines (such as the theory of art, the psychology of art, cultural theory, and visual theory).

Estetika will be published twice a year. It will include original articles, book reviews, discussions and debates, and local news, with a circulation of 500 copies per issue.

The Editorial Office is in the Aesthetics Department of Charles University, Prague.

Instructions to Authors

Papers should be sent as Word files by e-mail attachment to aesthetics@ff.cuni.cz. They should not exceed 30 standard type-written pages (9,000 words or 54,000 characters with spaces), though in certain cases exceptions may be made. Please include a short biographical note about the author and an English abstract of a maximum of 150 words (900 characters with spaces). A bibliographical list of cited references (in alphabetical order) should be included at the end of the paper. Footnotes, at the bottom of each page, rather than endnotes at the end of the paper, are required. Full reference to each source quoted for the first time in a text should appear as a footnote as well as being included in the list of works cited. Authors are required to get copyright permission for all illustrations and photographs they use. Translators are required to get translation rights. Please do no hesitate to get in touch with the editors if you think they can be helpful in this respect.

All articles are anonymously reviewed. Authors’ names should therefore not appear on manuscripts and any reference to the authors’ previous works should be in the third person.
The paper must not be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. It is the responsibility of the authors to obtain permission to use any previously published material. Authors may use the article elsewhere after publication without prior permission from Estetika, provided that Estetika is acknowledged in writing as the original source of publication and that Estetika is notified, so that our records show that permission has in fact been granted for its use.

How to Cite

The rules followed by Estetika have The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition as their source (a footnote, followed by a bibliographic entry, the N-B system). For numerous specific examples, see chapters 16 and 17 of The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition. For Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide please visit The Chicago Manual of Style Online Website.

All quotations from a language other than the one the article is written in must be translated into the language of the article. The original quotation can be included in the footnotes.

Editorial Board

Tomáš Hlobil

Charles University, Czech Republic


Zoltán Papp

Deputy Editor
Eötvös Loránd University
, Hungary


Tereza Hadravová

Managing Editor
Charles University, Czech Republic


Béla Bacsó

Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary


Oliver Bakoš

Comenius University, Slovakia


Monika Bokiniec

University of Gdańsk, Poland


Jonathan Bolton

Harvard University, USA


Lubomír Konečný

Institute of Art History, Czech Republic


Tomáš Kulka

Charles University, Czech Republic


Ruth Lorand

University of Haifa, Israel


Miroslav Marcelli

Comenius University, Slovakia


Petr Osolsobě

Masaryk University, Czech Republic


Piotr J. Przybysz

University of Gdańsk, Poland


Anthony Savile

King’s College London, Great Britain


Carsten Zelle

Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany


Vlastimil Zuska

Charles University, Czech Republic

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