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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Classical Receptions Journal covers all aspects of the reception of the texts and material culture of ancient Greece and Rome from antiquity to the present day. It aims to explore the relationships between transmission, interpretation, translation, transplantation, rewriting, redesigning and rethinking of Greek and Roman material in other contexts and cultures. It addresses the implications both for the receiving contexts and for the ancient, and compares different types of linguistic, textual and ideological interactions.

The journal promotes cross-disciplinary exchange and debates at the interface between subjects. It therefore welcomes submissions from researchers in Archaeology, Architecture, Art History, Comparative Literature, Film, Intellectual History, History of Scholarship, Political Science, Theatre Studies and Translation Studies as well as from those in Classics and Ancient History.


Classical Receptions Journal is covered by the following abstracting/indexing services:

Arts and Humanities Citation Index®
Current Contents® /Arts & Humanities

Instructions to Authors

The journal will be peer reviewed. This is a mutually anonymous process so the title page of the manuscript should be submitted separately, and should display the author’s name, address for correspondence, and the title of the paper. A brief note on the author/s to be included in a ‘Notes on Contributors’ section at the end of each issue should also be included on this page. All contact details should be on the title page ONLY. At the beginning of the article itself there should be an abstract of not more than 200 words which will be printed along with the text; subsequent pages should be numbered but should NOT have the author's name at the top. Contributions should be in English.

Manuscripts should be be submitted online through our Scholar One System. For full Scholar One Instructions click
here. Once you have prepared your manuscript according to the instructions please visit the online submission website.

Contributions should be between 7,000 and 8,000 words. Any Greek should be in a Unicode font, preferably Porson, and in 12 pt. Transliterated Greek should only be used for words and phrases that are well established in English. Greek names and places should be Latinised as in OCD3: Socrates, Cyzicus.

If your manuscript must exceed the word limit, please contact the editor.


Journal style and footnotes

Authors should follow the MHRA style for producing their manuscripts and footnotes. Please click here to download the freely available MHRA style guide. Footnotes referring to parts of the text should be given sparingly, and should be numbered with superscript numbers in text, and a footnote with the corresponding number should be placed at the bottom of the page.
References: These should be in Harvard style and there should be a reference list at the end of the paper with author names in alphabetical order. In text citations should appear as follows: (Crystal 1992) or (Crystal 1992: 302) if a specific page number is mentioned.


Guidelines for presentation

Contributors can greatly help the editorial process by setting up their manuscript in accordance with the following conventions.

1) Leave generous margins.
2) Use double line spacing, even for quotations and notes.
3) Indent the beginning of each paragraph except the first.
4) Use single, not double, inverted commas.
5) Italicise (or underline) book titles.
6) Enclose in single inverted commas the titles of poems, short stories, articles and chapters.
7) The titles of articles are neither capitalised throughout nor italicised.
8) Longish quotations should start on a new line and be set off by indentation, but not enclosed in inverted commas. Shorter quotations should be incorporated into the text within single inverted commas.
9) The author's name should be centrally placed below the title of articles, and academic affiliation, italicised or underlined, should be placed at the end of the text but before the notes.
For review essays, the author's name, capitalised, should be placed at the end, with academic affiliation, italicised or underlined, below it.

10) If a source can be clearly and concisely indicated within parentheses in the text, please do so: e.g. Hamlet's well-known soliloquy (II.3.56). References after the first one to a work should be in the text, in parentheses, and in abbreviated form (do not use 'op. cit.'): e.g. (Form and Style, p. 82).
For references to books, please include the location and publisher name.



Figures should be self-explanatory and contain as much information as is consistent with clarity. All figures must carry the figure number in Arabic numerals. Citation in the text should take the form Fig. 1a etc. The minimum resolution for the figures is 300 dpi (dots per inch) for tone or colour, 1200 dpi for line art at approximately the correct size for publication. Colour figures should be CMYK (Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black).

Line drawings should be clear: faint shading or stippling will be lost upon reproduction and should be avoided and heavy shading or stippling may appear black. Lines and symbols should be drawn boldly enough to stand reduction to the desired size.
Photographs should be supplied electronically and must be of high quality.

Colour figures: If the manuscript is accepted for publication, authors will be asked to cover the cost of reproduction, which is £350 per figure. Colour plates should be combined to make a single composite figure whenever possible.
For useful information on preparing your figures for publication, go to
http://cpc.cadmus.com/da. Please note that all labels used in figures should be in lower case in both the figure and the legend. The journal reserves the right to reduce the size of illustrative material. All micrographs must carry a magnification bar.


Revised manuscripts

Revised manuscripts should normally be returned to the editors within two months of the date from when the invitation to revise was sent. Unless special alternative arrangements have been agreed in advance, revised manuscripts received after this time will be considered as new submissions. Revised manuscripts should be accompanied by a detailed response letter on how all the concerns of the editor and referees have been addressed. Please give the exact page number(s), paragraphs(s) and line number(s) where each revision was made. Please copy this letter in ‘Response to reviews’ during submission.

Format: Original source files are required to avoid delays if the manuscript is accepted. The main text must be provided as Microsoft Word. Figure Legends should also be included in the Word file.

Figures should be provided as .TIFF files. The minimum resolution for the figures is 300 dpi for tone or colour, 1200 dpi for line art at approximately the correct size for publication. Colour figures should be CMYK (Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black).


Permission to reproduce figures and extracts

Permission to reproduce copyright material, for print and online publication in perpetuity, must be cleared and if necessary paid for by the author; this includes applications and payments to DACS, ARS and similar licensing agencies where appropriate. Evidence in writing that such permissions have been secured from the rights-holder must be made available to the editors. It is also the author's responsibility to include acknowledgements as stipulated by the particular institutions. Please note that obtaining copyright permission could take some time. Oxford Journals can offer information and documentation to assist authors in securing print and online permissions: please see the Guidelines for Authors section at http://www.oxfordjournals.org/access_purchase/rights_permissions.html. Should you require copies of this then please contact the editorial office of the journal in question or else the Oxford Journals Rights department on journals.permissions@oxfordjournals.org.
For a copyright prose work, it is recommended that permission is obtained for the use of extracts longer than 400 words; a series of extracts totalling more than 800 words, of which any one extract is more than 300 words; or an extract or series of extracts comprising one-quarter of the work or more. For poetry: an extract of more than 40 lines; series of extracts totalling more than 40 lines; an extract comprising one-quarter or more of a complete poem.



Proofs will be sent electronically to the corresponding author as a .PDF file. The author should reply to the proof email with their corrections within 3 working days, and should send either a list of corrections in the email or attach an annotated .PDF. Corrections should be limited to typographical errors and corrections should be returned within five days of receipt; otherwise the Editor reserves the right to correct the proofs and to send the material for publication. This is essential if all the material in a given issue is not to be delayed by the late receipt of one corrected proof.


Offprints and unique URL

On publication of an article, and if the offprint order form is received, the corresponding author of articles and review essays will receive 25 gratis offprints and a unique URL that gives access to both PDF and HTML versions of the paper. The URL links visitors to the Classical Receptions Journal site and the complete version of the paper online with all functionality retained is accessible regardless of subscription status. Additional offprints may be purchased if required. Order forms are sent out with the proofs. Late orders submitted after the journal has gone to press are subject to a 100% surcharge (to cover the additional printing cost). Orders from the UK will be subject to the current UK VAT charge. For orders from elsewhere in the EU you or your institution should account for VAT by way of a reverse charge. Please provide us with your or your institution’s VAT number.


Licence to publish

It is a condition of publication in the journal that authors grant an exclusive licence to Oxford University Press. This ensures that requests from third parties to reproduce articles are handled efficiently and consistently and will also allow the article to be as widely disseminated as possible. In assigning the licence, authors may use their own material in other publications provided that the journal is acknowledged as the original place of publication, and Oxford University Press is notified in writing and in advance.

Upon receipt of accepted manuscripts at Oxford Journals authors will be invited to complete an online copyright licence to publish form.

Please note that by submitting an article for publication you confirm that you are the corresponding/submitting author and that Oxford University Press ("OUP") may retain your email address for the purpose of communicating with you about the article. You agree to notify OUP immediately if your details change. If your article is accepted for publication OUP will contact you using the email address you have used in the registration process. Please note that OUP does not retain copies of rejected articles.


Author self-archiving/Public access policy

For information about this journal's policy, please visit our Author Self-Archiving policy page.

Editorial Board

Editorial Board

Lorna Hardwick, Open University UK

Alastair Blanshard, University of Sydney Australia

Catharine Edwards, Birkbeck College, University of London UK

Emily Greenwood, Yale University USA

Constanze Güthenke, Princeton University USA

Craig Kallendorf, Texas A & M University USA

Fiona Macintosh, University of Oxford UK


International Advisory Board members

Susan Bassnett, University of Warwick UK

Paul Cartledge, University of Cambridge UK

Jean-Luis Charlet, University of Provence France

Joy Connolly, New York University USA

Freddy Decreus, University of Ghent Belgium

Elisabeth Décultot, CNRS France

Jas Elsner, University of Oxford UK

Ahmed Etman, University of Cairo Egypt

Erika Fischer-Lichte, Freie Universitaet Berlin Germany

Helene Foley, Barnard College, University of Columbia USA

Julia Gaisser, Bryn Mawr College USA

Barbara Goff, University of Reading UK

Simon Goldhill, University of Cambridge UK

Barbara Graziosi, University of Durham UK

Edith Hall, Royal Holloway, University of London UK

Yannis Hamilakis, University of Southampton UK

Stephen Harrison, University of Oxford UK

John Hilton, University of KwaZulu Natal South Africa

Richard Hingley, University of Durham UK

David Hopkins, University of Bristol UK

Miriam Leonard, University College, London UK

Charles Martindale, University of Bristol UK

Karla Pollman, University of St Andrews Scotland

James Porter, University of California, Irvine USA

Yopie Prins, University of Michigan USA

Seth Schein, University of California, Davis USA

Bernd Seidensticker, Frei-Universitat, Berlin Germany

Michael Silk, Kings College, London UK

Christopher Stray, University of Swansea UK

Oliver Taplin, University of Oxford UK

Norman Vance, University of Sussex UK

Maria Wyke, University College, London UK

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