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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Architectural Science Review publishes original research papers, shorter research notes, and abstracts of PhD dissertations and theses in all areas of architectural science including:


building science and technology

environmental sustainability

structures and materials

audio and acoustics


thermal systems

building physics

building services

building climatology

building economics


history and theory of architectural science

the social sciences of architecture


All research papers, research notes and review articles are double-blind refereed by a distinguished international Editorial Advisory Board and other experts in the field. ASRE also publishes occasional refereed special issues, invited review papers and editorials, and extensive book reviews.


Architectural Science Review is abstracted and indexed in the following:

Academic Index

Academic OneFile

Academic Press (IDEAL)


Architectural Publications Index and Architectural Database (RIBA)

Australian Architecture Database (ARCH)

Australian Public Affairs Information Service (APAIS)

Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals

Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA)

Chartered Institute of Building Construction Information Quarterly

CNKI China National Knowledge Infrastructure

Civil Engineering Abstracts


Compendex (CPX)



Elsevier Engineering Information

Engineering Index

Ergonomics Abstracts

Expanded Academic ASAP


IBSEDEX Infotrieve

The Institution of Engineering and Technology Inspec Database

International Building Services Abstracts


Informit Online

International Civil Engineering Abstracts

Journal of Planning Literature





Thomson Gale

Instructions to Authors

To assist authors to understand the journals publishing process, this document makes our procedures and policies explicit. It also shows our commitment to the continuous improvement of our publications, and best practice in general.



Acknowledgement. When we receive your paper, its details will be entered into our database and the paper will be allocated a unique editor’s reference number. The editor will check that the paper is appropriate for the journal in terms of word count, scope and focus. Some papers will be returned to authors without being refereed if they do not pass these initial tests. Authors should adhere strictly to the guidelines for submission; failure to do so may result in delays.


Refereeing. All journals use a ‘blinded’ refereeing process. Neither the author(s) nor referee(s) will know the others’ identities. The authors’ names, addresses and other forms of identification will not appear on the version sent to referees. Referees are given deadlines for return of comments and where these are not forthcoming, alternatives will be found.


Decision. The Editor in Chief will decide whether to accept or reject a paper, based on the advice from referees, and members of the Editorial Board. The Editor will provide the corresponding author with any feedback from the referees. If the paper requires revision, the Editor will inform the author whether the changes are minor or major. Minor changes will be checked by the Editor, major changes will be reviewed by the referees. In the cases of major revision, the paper may require further changes after the referees have seen it and may still be rejected at this point.


Revisions. If you are invited to respond to referees’ comments by revising your paper, we provide a timeframe for this task. We do not send reminders to authors. If we do not hear from you within the stated period, then the status of your paper will be changed from ‘under revision’ to ‘withdrawn’ and the file closed. We will hold on to the file for 12 months before disposing of it.


Acceptance and publication. After acceptance, a paper enters the production process. The amount of time it takes between acceptance and publication depends on the number of accepted papers awaiting publication. The position in the queue is from the date of acceptance, but the Editor also aims to achieve a balance between topics, regions and institutions. The production process takes a minimum of 12 working weeks, during which period the paper is copy edited, typeset, checked by the author, printed, bound and distributed. The corresponding author will be sent a proof of the typeset paper for checking prior to publication.



Transfer. At present our journals policy remains that we ask authors (or the employer, if the paper is written in the course of the author(s)'s employment) to transfer copyright to the publisher. This policy is constantly under review and may change according to circumstances and more general moves within the industry. Nevertheless, authors retain the right to publish their original submitted work (rather than the proofread, copyedited, typeset, published version) on their own website and to authorise their institution to host this version of the paper in a local repository. In these cases we ask that the author or institution concerned to recognise and identify the definitive version of the article as that published in the journal, and offer readers a link to the final version of the paper on the publisher’s online journal site. The corresponding author of an accepted paper will be provided with an electronic copy of their paper to distribute amongst colleagues, in lieu of offprints, but not for republication elsewhere. Enquiries about further reproduction of author(s)’ work should be addressed to: journals@earthscan.co.uk.


Plagiarism. Authors of an accepted work, by transferring copyright to the publisher, are stating that the work is original, and that any material derived from other copyright sources has the relevant permissions sought and obtained of the copyright holder. The publisher reserves the right to withdraw an accepted paper if it is established this is not the case, and to inform the author’s institution or employer of any such breach.



Research funders increasingly expect to receive recognition of their support for research, and as a publisher we are keen that there is transparency in the publication process for research literature. We would encourage authors whose work has been funded to provide an acknowledgement using a form of words similar to: “This work was supported by the ----- (name of research council or other body) under grant number - - - - .” If the work in question received no particular funding, then it is permissible to state: “This research received no specific grant funding from any agency, public or commercial”.

Editorial Board


Professor Richard Hyde, Professor of Architectural Science, The University of Sydney


Past Editor
Emeritus Professor Gary T Moore, RAIA PIA FAPA

Founding Editor
Henry Jacob Cowan, AO, 1919
Late Emeritus Professor of Architectural Science, The University of Sydney


Associate Editors

Professor Warren Julian, Associate Editor (Environmental Sciences), The University of Sydney

Mr Bruce Forwood, Associate Editor (Sustainable Design), The University of Sydney

Dr Simon Haymon, Associate Editor (Lighting), The University of Sydney

Dr David Gunaratnam, Associate Editor (Structures), The University of Sydney

Honorary Associate Professor Peter R Smith, Associate Editor (Building Sciences, Technology and


Dr Desil Cabrara, Associate Editor (Audio Acoustics), The University of Sydney

Dr David Leifer, Associate Editor (Facilities Management), The University of Sydney

Dr Estelle Lazer, Associate Editor (Archaeological Science), The University of Sydney

Dr Michael Rosenman (Design computing), The University of Sydney

Professor Sue Roaf (Architectural Engineering), Heriot-Watt University, UK.

Professor Richard de Dear (Indoor Air Quality) The University of Sydney, Australia

Book Review Editor

Honorary Associate Professor Peter R Smith

Editorial Assistant

Sue Macleod

Editorial Advisory Board

Professor Mir M Ali, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA


Dr Richard M Aynsley, Delta T Corporation, Brisbane, Australia


Associate Professor Rick Best, Bond University, Australia


Dr Guedi Capeluto, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Israel


Professor Chew Lit Yin, National University of Singapore, Singapore


Professor W K Chow, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China

Dr Marjanna de Jong, Malmo University, Sweden

Professor Peter Dux, University of Queensland, Australia


Dr Steve Fotios, University of Sheffield, UK


Dr Hua Ge, Ryerson University, Canada

Professor Robert Gifford, University of Victoria, Canada

Professor Robert Hastings, Architecture, Energy & Environment GmbH, Switzerland

Professor Richard Hough, ARUP Australia, Sydney, Australia

Associate Professor Kevin Houser, Pennsylvania State University, USA


Professor Santiago Huerta, Technical University of Madrid, Spain


Professor Ken-Ichi Kimura, International Research Institute on Human Environment, Tokyo, Japan


Professor Ross King, University of Melbourne, Australia


Dr Richard Kittler, Slovak Academy of Science, Slovakia


Dr J C Lam, City University of Hong Kong, China


Professor Roderick J Lawrence, University of Geneva, Switzerland


Professor Li Bin, Tongji University, China


Dr Danny H W Li, City University of Hong Kong, China

Associate Professor Mark Brandt Luther, Deakin University, Australia


Associate Professor Florence Yean Yng Ling, National University of Singapore, Singapore


Professor Jack L Nasar, Ohio State University, USA


Professor Edward Ng, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China


Professor Douglas Noble, University of Southern California, USA


Professor Bülent Özgüc, Bilkent University, Turkey


Emeritus Professor Adrian Page, University of Newcastle, Australia


Professor Deo Prasad, University of New South Wales, Australia


Emeritus Professor Wolfgang F E Preiser, University of Cincinnati, USA


Professor Anthony D Radford, University of Adelaide, Australia


Professor Helen Ross, University of Queensland, Australia


Professor Stephen Sharples, University of Liverpool, England 

Emeritus Professor Edna Shaviv, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

Dr Veronica I Soebarto, The University of Adelaide, Australia


Professor Koen Steemers, University of Cambridge, England


Professor Bin Su, Unitec Institute of Technology, New Zealand


Professor C M Tam, City University of Hong Kong, China


Emeritus Professor Peter R Tregenza, University of Sheffield, England


Professor Brenda Vale, Victoria University, New Zealand


Dr Jennifer Veitch, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada 

Professor Jacqueline Vischer, University of Montreal, Canada

Professor Andreas Wagner, University of Zurich, Switzerland


Associate Professor Terence Williamson, University of Adelaide, Australia


Associate Professor Stephen K Wittkopf, National University of Singapore, Singapore


Professor Leiqing Xu, Tongji University, China


Dr Semiha Yilmazer, Bilkent University, Turkey

Associate Professor Zeng Saixing, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China


Editorial Office:
Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia. Telephone: (61 2) 9351 2801; Fax: (61 2) 9351 3031. Please send all editorial correspondence to the Editor at

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