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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Acta Philosophica was founded in 1992, and from the beginning it has enjoyed the collaboration of scholars working in universities around the world. It thus serves as an instrument of dialogue and collaboration among the various fields of philosophical research. The journal was published by Armando Editore until 2004, and thereafter by Fabrizio Serra Editore (Pisa - Rome). The editorial policy remains that of the Philosophy Department of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. The annual volume comprises two issues of about 200 pages each. 
The journal publishes articles in Italian, English, Spanish, and French, regarding the main areas of philosophical debate. Particular attention is given to the dialogue between philosophy and science, and to the questions surrounding the relations between faith and reason and between classical philosophy and contemporary thought. Ample space is also devoted to the presentation of recent philosophical works. Each issue is divided into the following sections: Studies, Notes and Comments, 
Thematic Bibliography, Reviews, and Bibliographical notes. There is also an annual Forum section, containing discussion of a recent book or a specific topic. Periodically a special monothematic section is offered.

For those dedicated to the study and teaching of philosophy, the journal is a valuable resource for up-to-date information and in-depth reflection.

The articles are indexed by: Arts and Humanities Citation Index (Thomson ISI), Current Contents/Arts and Humanities, Dialnet-Universidad de la Rioja, European Reference Index for the Umanities (ERIH), GVK-Gemeinsamer Verbundkatalog, MLA International Bibliography, Philosophy Documentation Center, Répertoire Bibliographique de la Philosophie, Scopus, The Philosopher's Index, Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB).

Instructions to Authors

1. Article submissions should include a brief curriculum of the author and should be addressed to the Editorial Office of «Acta Philosophica» (Via dei Farnesi, 82, I-00186 Roma; e-mail: actaphil@pusc.it). Ordinarily it is sufficient to email the collaborative file in Word or RTF format. The Editorial Secretary will then submit these files to the blind referees and inform the author within three months, in writing, if the article has been accepted for publication. The evaluation process for all articles is suspended during the months of July and August.

2. All submitted works (articles, reviews and bibliographic records) must be unpublished and must not have been simultaneously submitted to other journals for evaluation. Every article must be accompanied by both a brief English abstract and four or five English keywords.

3. The length of Studies (Studi) submissions should not exceed 70,000 characters (10,000 words), including keywords, abstract, spaces and footnotes. Notes (Note) submissions are limited to 45,000 characters (7,000 words), including keywords, abstract, spaces and footnotes. The author’s name should immediately follow the title, along with a note containing the author’s email, full address, and academic institution. Both the Studies and Notes must be divided into paragraphs with Arabic numerals and subtitles. All notes must be formatted as footnotes, not endnotes.

4. Studies must include a summary that reflects the divisions of the work in addition to the abstract.

5. Citations should have the following structure:

a) for books:

S.L. Brock, Action and Conduct, T&T Clark, Edinburgh 1998, pp. 95-102.

b) for collaborations of a collective work:

Paulin Sabuy Sabangu, Cultura e razionalità, la pluralità delle culture e l’interculturalità, in F. Russo (a cura di), Natura, cultura, libertà, Armando, Roma 2010, pp. 39-63.

c) for journal articles:

M. Pakaluk, The Great Question of Practical Truth, and a Diminutive Answer, «Acta Philosophica», I/19 (2010), pp. 145-160.


When a work is cited more than once in an article, it should be written as, S.L. Brock, o.c., p. 171; or, if the title is repeated, S.L. Brock, Action and Conduct, cit., p. 171. It is better to avoid "pub." or "publisher", except in cases where the word is an integral part of a name.

6. Quotations occurring within another quotation should be indicated using a different sign ("text") from the one that defines the text and contains the quote («text»). Words in languages different from that used in the main text should be written in italics, without quotation marks.

7. Book Reviews (Recensioni) and Comments (Schede): Book Reviews should not exceed 12,000 characters including spaces, while Comments should not exceed 6,000 characters. Footnotes should be avoided. The book presentation should follow the same format as citations (see above, 5a), although the author's proper name should be written in full. The name of the reviewer should be written at the end. For example:

John F. Wippel, The Metaphysical Thought of Thomas Aquinas. From Finite Being to Uncreated Being, Monographs of the Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy no. 1, The Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D. C. 2000, pp. xxvii + 630.

Editorial Board
Editorial Board Francesco Russo (Editor), Marco D’Avenia, Giorgio Faro, Juan José Sanguineti
Editorial Aide Tommaso Valentini
Scientific Board Rafael Martínez (President, Roma), Sergio Belardinelli (Bologna - Forlì), Stephen L. Brock (Roma), Lluís Clavell (Roma), Antonio Malo(Roma), Miguel Pérez de Laborda (Roma), Martin Rhonheimer(Roma), John Rist (Cambridge), Luis Romera (Roma), Francesco Russo (Roma), Juan José Sanguineti (Roma), Eleonore Stump (St. Louis, Missouri), John Wippel (Washington), Ignacio Yarza (Roma)
Contact Information Acta Philosophica 
Via dei Farnesi 82, I-00186 Rome 
Tel: +39 06681641 
Fax: +39 0668164600

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