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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

RiDE: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance is a refereed journal aimed at those who are interested in applying performance practices to cultural engagement, educational innovation and social change. It provides an international forum for research into drama and theatre conducted in community, educational, developmental and therapeutic contexts. The journal offers a dissemination of completed research and research in progress, and through its Points and Practices section it encourages debate between researchers both on its published articles and on other matters. Contributions are drawn from a range of people involved in drama and theatre from around the world. It aims to bring the fruits of the best researchers to an international readership and to further debates in the rich and diverse field of educational drama and applied theatre.

Peer Review Policy:
All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees. All reviewers are internationally recognized in their field, and the editorial board of Research in Drama Education aim to support scholars from many different parts of the world.

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RiDE: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance  is abstacted/indexed in: Academic Search; Arts and Humanities Citation Index®; British Education Index; Contents Pages in Education; EBSCO CD Rom Database; EBSCOhost EJS; Educational Research Abstracts online (ERA); ERIC; ERIH (European Reference Index for the Humanities, Pedagogical and Educational Research); MLA International Bibliography; Research into Higher Education Abstracts; Social Sciences Citation Index® and SCOPUS®.

Instructions to Authors

Editorial correspondence should be submitted to Helen Nicholson, Department of Drama and Theatre, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, UK. Email: H.Nicholson@rhul.ac.uk.

The Journal has regular open editions, for which any papers within its remit are welcomed and will be considered. Open editions are edited by Helen Nicholson. There are also regular themed editions, sometimes with guest editors, under the editoral guidance of Joe Winston.

Papers should normally be around 5000 words in length, but longer or shorter articles will be considered. Authors should send their papers electronically by email attachment. 


In order to guarantee blind review the name(s) of the author(s), a 60 word biography and the address where the work was carried out should only appear on a separate first page. Each article should be accompanied by an abstract/summary of 200-300 words. The full postal address of the corresponding author should be included. All pages should be numbered. Footnotes to the text should be avoided. It is essential that references are laid out as shown below.

Rejected manuscripts will not normally be returned to contributors.

Ideas for Themed Editions should be addressed to Joe Winston, University of Warwick, Institute of Education, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK. E-mail: j.a.winston@warwick.ac.uk

Books for Review should be sent to Colette Conroy, Department of Drama and Theatre,  Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 OEX, UK. E-mail: Colette.Conroy@rhul.ac.uk

Reviews of Conferences should be sent to: Michael Finneran, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, Ireland. Email: Michael.Finneran@mic.ul.ie

Points and Practices contributions should be sent to James Thompson, Martin Harris Centre, School of Arts Histories and Cultures, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL. E-mail:

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Style guidelines
Description of the Journal's
article style
Description of the Journal's reference style, Quick guide
UK spelling (e.g. colour, organise) and punctuation are preferred (single quotation marks with double within if needed).
This journal requires a short paragraph of bibliographical details for all contributors.

For information about writing an article, preparing your manuscript and general guidance for authors, please visit the Author Services section of our website.


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We strongly encourage you to send the final, revised version of your article, electronically, by email. More help and guidelines on submitting articles already accepted for publication. Please note that this information applies only to authors whose articles have been reviewed, revised, and accepted for publication.

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Editorial Board

Founding Editor:

 John Somers - University of Exeter, UK


Helen Nicholson - Department of Drama and Theatre, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Joe Winston - Institute of Education, University of Warwick, UK

Reviews Editor:

Colette Conroy - Royal Holloway, University of London, UK

Points and Practices Editor:

James Thompson - University of Manchester, UK

Conference Reviews Editor:

Michael Finneran  - University of Limerick, Ireland
Multi –Media Editor:

Paul Sutton - C&T, University of Worcester, UK

Editorial Board:

Hala Al-Yamani - Bethlehem University, Palestine
Penny Bundy - Griffith University Australia
Kennedy C. Chinyowa -  University of the Witwatersrand, (Johannesburg), South Africa
Eugene van Erven - Utrecht University  The Netherlands
Anton Franks -  Institute of Education, University of London, UK
Kathleen Gallagher -  Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto, Canada
Nikos Govas -  Department Arts & Culture DSEEA (Ministry of Education) and the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network, Greece
Dee Heddon -  University of Glasgow, UK
Jenny Hughes - University of Manchester, UK
Sally Mackey -  Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London, UK
Peter O'Connor - Applied Theatre Consultants Ltd, New Zealand
Eva Österlind-  Stockholm University, Sweden
Tim Prentki -  University of Winchester, UK
Madonna Stinson -  University of Melbourne, Australia
Philip Taylor -  New York University, USA
Po-chi Tam - The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong

Advisory Board: 

Joëlle Aden - Université Paris Est, France
Syed Jamil Ahmed - University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Beatriz Cabral - University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Steven Clark - Association Nationale de Recherche et d'Action Théâtrale, France
Jan Cohen-Cruz -  Syracuse University, USA
Mei-Chun Lin -  National University of Tainan, Taiwan
Stig Erikson - Bergen University College, Norway
Michael Fleming - University of Durham, UK
Ismail Guven - University of Ankara, Turkey
Tony Jackson -  University of Manchester, UK
Baz Kershaw -  University of Warwick, UK
Gay Morris -  University of Cape Town, South Africa
Carmel O'Sullivan -  Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
Jaroslav Provaznik -  Academy for the Performing Arts, Prague
Juliana Saxton -  University of Victoria, Canada
Shifra Schonmann -  University of Haifa, Israel
Manon van de Water -  University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

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