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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations (ICMR) provides a forum for the academic exploration and discussion of the religious tradition of Islam, and of relations between Islam and other religions.  It is edited by members of the Department of Theology and Religion, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom.

The editors welcome articles on all aspects of Islam, and particularly on:

the religion and culture of Islam, historical and contemporary

Islam and its relations with other faiths and ideologies

Christian-Muslim relations.

Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations is a refereed, academic journal.  It publishes articles, documentation and reviews.

Peer Review Statement

All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor consideration, anonymous refereeing by two referees and further editorial scrutiny.

All book reviews have undergone editorial screening.


The University of Birmingham and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in its publications. However, the University of Birmingham and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, the University of Birmingham or Taylor & Francis.

Instructions to Authors

***Note to Authors: please make sure your contact address information is clearly visible on the outside of all packages you are sending to Editors.***

Papers accepted become the copyright of the Journal, unless otherwise specifically agreed.

Contributors should bear in mind that they are addressing an international audience. Manuscripts that do not conform to the requirements listed below will not be considered for publication or returned to their authors. Submissions will be seen anonymously by two referees.


Authors are asked to bear in mind that they are addressing an international audience.  While they can expect their readers to be generally informed about Islam and its relations with Christianity and other faiths, they should not presume expert knowledge about detailed areas of scholarship. It is assumed that articles submitted for consideration by the editors have not been published elsewhere, either in whole or in part.

Articles should be sent to Professor David Thomas (d.r.thomas.1@bham.ac.uk), in the form of e-mail attachments in simple Word format. For purposes of anonymity through the refereeing stages, the title alone should appear at the beginning, and references elsewhere that might lead to easy identification of the author should be omitted. All articles should be prefaced by an abstract of 150-200 words. The author's postal and e-mail addresses, together with brief biographical details of about 50 words, should appear on a separate page.  All pages should be numbered. Articles should not exceed 10,000 words, including references, appendices, tables and figures. Footnotes to the text should be avoided wherever possible.


Articles which the editors judge to have merit will be sent anonymously to two referees, and authors may be asked for changes and adjustments in the light of the referees' reports.

Tables and captions to illustrations: Tables must be typed out on separate sheets and not included as part of the text. The captions to illustrations should be gathered together and also typed out on a separate sheet. Tables should be numbered by Roman numerals, and figures by Arabic numerals. The approximate position of tables and figures should be indicated in the manuscript. Captions should include keys to symbols.

Figures: Please supply one set of artwork in a finished form, suitable for reproduction. If this is not possible, figures will be redrawn by the publishers.

References should be indicated in the typescript by giving the author's name, with the year of publication in parentheses. If several papers by the same author and from the same year are cited, a, b, c, etc. should be put after the year of publication. The references should be listed in full at the end of the paper in the following standard form.

For books: Scott, P. 1984. The Crisis of the University. London: Croom Helm.

For articles: Cremin, L.A. 1983. The problematics of education in the 1980s: some reflections on the Oxford Workshop. Oxford Review of Education 9: 33-40.

For chapters within books: Willis, P. 1983. Cultural production and theories of reproduction. In Race, Class and Education, ed.  L. Barton and S. Walker, 107-138. London: Croom Helm.

Titles of journals should not be abbreviated.

Style guidelines
Description of the Journal's 
article style, Quick guide
Description of the Journal's reference styleQuick guide  
Any consistent spelling style is acceptable. Use single quotation marks with double within if needed.

This journal requires a short paragraph of bibliographical details for all contributors.
If you have any questions about references or formatting your article, please contact


Word templates
Word templates are available for this journal. If you are not able to use the template via the links or if you have any other queries, please contact authortemplate@tandf.co.uk

Free article access: Corresponding authors can receive 50 free reprints, free online access to their article through our website (www.informaworld.com) and a complimentary copy of the issue containing their article. Complimentary reprints are available through Rightslink® and additional reprints can be ordered through Rightslink® when proofs are received. If you have any queries, please contact our reprints department at reprints@tandf.co.uk


Copyright: It is a condition of publication that authors assign copyright or license the publication rights in their articles, including abstracts, to the University of Birmingham. This enables us to ensure full copyright protection and to disseminate the article, and of course the Journal, to the widest possible readership in print and electronic formats as appropriate. Authors retain many rights under the Taylor & Francis rights policies, which can be found at www.informaworld.com/authors_journals_copyright_position. Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyright material from other sources.

Editorial Board



Professor David Thomas Biography - University of Birmingham, UK


Associate Editors:


Dr David Cheetham - University of Birmingham, UK

Dr Haifaa Jawad - University of Birmingham, UK


Book Review Editor:


Associate Professor Douglas Pratt - University of Waikato, New Zealand


Editorial Assistant:


Dr Chris Shannahan - University of Birmingham, UK

Copy Editor:

Carol Rowe - Sheffield, UK


Consultant Editors:

Professor Mumtaz Ahmad - Hampton University, USA
Professor Mahmoud Ayoub - Hartford Seminary, USA
Dr Andreas d'Souza - Henry Martyn Institute of Islamic Studies, India
Dr Martin Forward - Aurora University, USA

Professor Hugh Goddard - University of Edinburgh, UK

Professor Yvonne Y. Haddad - Georgetown University, USA
Professor Kamal Hassan - International Islamic University, Malaysia
Professor Tarif Khalidi - American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Professor Jane Dammen McAuliffe - Bryn Mawr College, USA
Professor J
rgen Nielsen - University of Copenhagen, Denmark       
Dr James Piscatori - Australian National University, Australia     
Professor Abdulaziz Sachedina - University of Virginia, USA

Dr. Ataullah Siddiqui - Markfield Institute of Higher Education, UK                                           

Professor Mona Siddiqui - University of Glasgow, UK
Professor Jane I. Smith - Hartford Divinity School, USA
Professor Abdulkader Tayob - University of Cape Town, South Africa
Professor Christian W. Troll - Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Georgen, Germany

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