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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Crítica, Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofía, is published by the Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México). Crítica appears quarterly in the months of April, August and December.

With the help of various generations of Spanish and English speaking philosophers, Crítica has contributed significantly in establishing the analytical tradition especially in Spanish speaking countries. It was founded by Alejandro Rossi, Fernando Salmerón and Luis Villoro in 1967. Its first volume included celebrated articles by Peter Strawson, Gilbert Ryle, Héctor-Neri Castañeda and Thomas Moro Simpson, amongst others.

Crítica has had contributions by other distinguished philosophers, such as: Carlos Alchourrón, G.E.M. Anscombe, D.M. Armstrong, Eugenio Bulygin, Héctor-Neri Castañeda, Donald Davidson, Jon Elster, Gilbert Harman, R.M. Hare, J.L. Mackie, Hugo Margáin, John McDowell, Thomas Nagel, D.F. Pears, A.N. Prior, Hilary Putnam, W.V.O. Quine, Richard Rorty, Gilbert Ryle, Sydney Shoemaker, Thomas M. Simpson, Ernesto Sosa, P.F. Strawson, Bas C. van Fraassen and G.H. von Wright.

Crítica publishes original, unpublished work both in English and in Spanish.

Crítica publishes articles, discussions, state of the art papers, critical notices, and reviews of high quality in any area of philosophy which contribute to current philosophical debates. Conceptual precision, rigour and originality are essential to any work accepted for publication.

Instructions to Authors


Crítica publishes articles, discussions, critical studies, states of the art, and reviews. Papers will only be published when they have two favourable reports. Papers by the members of the Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas-UNAM will only be published when two external referees have given favourable reports. 

Submission guidelines

All editorial correspondence should be sent to critica@filosoficas.unam.mx

Manuscripts must be sent electronically either in Word or rtf format to Crítica’s e-mail address. Manuscripts should be double-spaced in a legible typeface (12 points) including notes and bibliography. All the pages should be numbered consecutively, and text heads and subheads clearly distinguished. Submissions must not exceed 10 000 words.

Authors must send two electronic versions of their manuscripts:

  • one should include the author’s name, title of contribution, e-mail address, postal address (including phone and fax numbers); and
  • another should be prepared for blind refereeing, where all references to the author including acknowledgements and bibliographical details are omitted.

Both versions must include the title, an abstract (100 words maximum) and a list of five keywords not mentioned in the title. Whenever possible the latter should also be sent in Spanish.

Four months should be allowed for refereeing.

When a contribution is accepted the author will receive proofs in PDF format by e-mail. The author must check these carefully and send her comments within five working days to critica@filosoficas.unam.mx

Publication of a text supposes that the author's copyright is passed on to the editorial institution of the journal. 

Further guidelines

Bibliography and quotations
References should be listed at the end, alphabetically ordered by author and year, in the following format:

Journal article
Crane, T., 1988, "The Waterfall Illusion" Analysis, vol. 48, no. 1,
pp. 142?47.

Article in a collection
Dummett, M., 1986, "A Nice Derangement of Epitaphs: Some Comments on Davidson and Hacking" in Lepore 1986, pp. 459?76.

Dipert, R.R., 1980, Types and Tokens, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

References within the text
Quotations inside the main text must appear thus:
(Quine 1974, p. 20).

Any illustration (drawing, figure, or any image) must be sent as a digital EPS file, along with a pdf file in high resolution. Please specify the programme in which the illustration was created and include all special fonts used.

Editorial Board

 Editorial Board                  

                         Editor               Maite Ezcurdia

                         Associate Editors        Paulette Dieterlen
Olbeth Hansberg
Larry Laudan
Sergio F. Martínez
Carlos Pereda
Jose A. Robles


                         International Advisors    Eugenio Bulygin (Argentina)
Alberto Cordero (United States)
Marcelo Dascal (Israel)
Dorothy Edgington (England)
Max Freund (Costa Rica)
Manuel García-Carpintero (Spain)
Gregorio Klimovsky (Argentina)
Ernest Lepore (United States)
Genoveva Mart(Spain)
Francisco Mir Quesada (Peru)
Douglas McDermid (Canada)
Alberto Moretti (Argentina)
C. Ulises Moulines (Germany)
Carlos Moya (Spain)
Miguel Ángel Quintanilla (Spain)
Alejandro Rossi (Mexico)
Thomas Moro Simpson (Argentina)
Ernesto Sosa (United States)
Margarita M. Valdés (Mexico)
Luis Villoro (Mexico)


                         Founding Committee     Alejandro Rossi
Fernando Salmerón  Luis Villoro


                         Deceased Members of the Editorial Board  Carlos Alchourrón
Genaro R. Carri        Héctor-Neri Castañeda
Eduardo Flichman
Adolfo García Díaz
Hugo Margáin
Carlos S. Nino
Juan A. Nuño
Eduardo A. Rabossi
Fernando Salmerón
Raúl Orayen


            Business Editor                      Manola Rius


            Copyediting                         Laura Manríquez


            Typesetting                         Claudia Chávez


            Editorial Secretary                      Maribel Galán

Crítica, Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofía
Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas-UNAM
Circuito Mtro. Mario de la Cueva s/n
Ciudad Universitaria Coyoacán
C.P. 04510, México, D.F., México

Apartado Postal: 70-447, México, D.F., México

Tel: (52 55) 56 22 72 45
Fax: (52 55) 56 65 49 91


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