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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion (IJPR) is devoted to psychological studies of religious processes and phenomena in all religious traditions--the only international publication concerned exclusively with the psychology of religion. This journal provides a means for sustained discussion of psychologically relevant issues that can be examined empirically and concern religion in the most general sense. It presents articles covering a variety of important topics, such as the social psychology of religion, religious development, conversion, religious experience, religion and social attitudes and behavior, religion and mental health, and psychoanalytic and other theoretical interpretations of religion. The issues also include a major essay and commentary, plus perspective papers and articles on the field in a specific country.

Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.


Psychologists, theologians, philosophers, religious leaders, neuroscientists, and social scientists.

Instructions to Authors

Manuscript Submission:
Articles may be submitted electronically (email: paloutz@westmont.edu), which is preferred. Paper submissions will be accepted; please submit five manuscript copies (one with and four without author identification) to Dr. Raymond F. Paloutzian, Department of Psychology, Westmont College, 955 La Paz Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93108-1099, USA; phone (805) 565-6233, fax (805) 565-6116.

Manuscript Preparation:
Prepare manuscripts according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed., 2001). Examples:
Journal: Brierly D., (2007). Emotional memory for words: Separating content and context. Cognition & Emotion, 21(3), 495-521.
Book: Smith, E., & Mackie, D. (2000). Social psychology. Philadelphia: Psychology Press.
Contribution to a Book: Tanner, W. P. & Swets, J. A. (2001). A decision-making theory of visual detection. In S. Yantis (ed.), Visual perception (pp. 48-55). Philadelphia: Psychology Press.
Use 8   11-in. nonsmear paper; set all margins at 1 in.; type all components of the manuscript double-spaced, including title page, abstract (1,000 characters or fewer, counting spaces between words), text, quotes, acknowledgments, references, appendices, tables, figure captions, and footnotes; indent all paragraphs; single-spaced material is not accepted. Major articles (including references) should be no more than 32 manuscript pages in length, accounts of the psychology of religion in a region or within a tradition no more than 16 pages, and empirical and theoretical reports no more than 25 pages. All manuscripts must include an abstract. If possible, submit a 3  in. Macintosh or IBM-compatible computer disk or CD in Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, or other popular word-processing formats, plus an ASCII or RTF copy of the file. A computer disk or electronic copy will be required upon acceptance of the manuscript. Statistics: See APA Manual regarding presentation. Acronyms: Define on first mention. Tests, Scales, Subscales, Factors, Variables, Effects: See APA Manual regarding capitalization.
Authors are responsible for all statements made in their work and for obtaining permission from copyright owners to reprint or adapt a table or figure or to reprint a quotation of 500 words or more. Authors should write to original author(s) and publisher to request nonexclusive world rights in all languages to use the material in the article and in future editions. Provide copies of all permissions and credit lines obtained.
Illustrations submitted (line drawings, halftones, photos, photomicrographs, etc.) should be clean originals or digital files. Digital files are recommended for highest quality reproduction and should follow these guidelines: 300 dpi or higher; sized to fit on journal page; EPS, TIFF, or PSD format only; submitted as separate files; not embedded in text files. Color illustrations will be considered for publication; however, the author will be required to bear the full cost involved in their printing and publication. The charge for the first page with color is $900.00. The next three pages with color are $450.00 each. A custom quote will be provided for color art totaling more than 4 journal pages. Good-quality color prints should be provided in their final size. The publisher has the right to refuse publication of color prints deemed unacceptable.
Tables and Figures
Tables and figures (illustrations) should not be embedded in the text, but should be included as separate sheets or files. A short descriptive title should appear above each table with a clear legend and any footnotes suitably identified below. All units must be included. Figures should be completely labeled, taking into account necessary size reduction. Captions should be typed, double-spaced, on a separate sheet. All original figures should be clearly marked in pencil on the reverse side with the number, author's name, and top edge indicated.
Book Reviews
The book review editor is Dr. David M. Wulff, Psychology Department, Wheaton College, Norton, MA 02766-2322, USA; phone (508) 286-3691, fax (508) 286-3640. E-mail: dwulff@wheatonma.edu. Books are generally reviewed by invitation only. Persons interested in writing reviews are encouraged to contact the book review editor, indicating their areas of special competence and interest and providing a vita and sample of their writing, preferably a book review or other publication. Reviewers are sent detailed instructions at the time the reviews are commissioned. Electronic versions of reviews may be submitted by e-mail and hard copies by regular mail or fax. Publishers should send book announcements and review copies directly to the book review editor. Two copies of each published review will be forwarded to the book's publisher.
Proofs and Reprints
Page proofs are sent to the designated author using Taylor & Francis' Central Article Tracking System (CATS).

Editorial Board


Raymond F. Paloutzian
Westmont College, California, USA


Jozef Corveleyn - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Vassilis Saroglou - Universit
catholique de Louvain, Belgium


David M. Wulff - Wheaton College, Massachusetts, USA


Erica L. Swenson - Westmont College, California, USA


Jacob A. Belzen - University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Jozef Corveleyn - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Kate Miriam Loewenthal - Royal Holloway University of London, UK
Robert Emmons - University of California, Davis, USA
Ralph W. Hood, Jr. - University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
Crystal L. Park - University of Connecticut, USA


Fouad Abou-Hatab - Ain-Shains University, Egypt
Rafic Al-Banawi - Jeddeh Psychological Center, Saudi Arabia
Mario Aletti - Catholic University of Milan, Italy
Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi - University of Haifa, Israel
Jeffrey P. Bjorck - Fuller Theological Seminary, California, USA
Ricardo Blanco-Beledo - Comunidad Teologica de Mexico 
L. B. Brown - University of Auckland, New Zealand
Valerie DeMarinis - Uppsala University, Sweden
Leslie Francis - University of Wales, Bangor, UK
Richard L. Gorsuch - Fuller Theological Seminary, California, USA
Halina Grzymaa-Moszczyska - Jagiellonian University, Poland
Erlendur Haraldsson - University of Iceland
Carlos Jos
Hernandez - Ruiz de Montoya Superior Institute, Argentina
Peter C. Hill - Biola University, California, USA 
Nils G. Holm -
bo Academy, Finland
Harry Hui - University of Hong Kong
H. Newton Malony - Fuller Theological Seminary, California, USA
Susan McFadden - University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh, USA
Sebastian Murken - University of Trier, Germany
Nikolai L. Muskhelishvili - Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Kenneth Pargament - Bowling Green State University, Ohio, USA
Ralph L. Piedmont  - Loyola College of Maryland, USA
Lewis R. Rambo - San Francisco Theological Seminary, California, USA
K. Helmut Reich - University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Patricia Schoenrade - William Jewell College, Missouri, USA
Edward Shafranske - Pepperdine University, California, USA
Pedrino A. Guareschi - Pontificia Universidade de Porto Alegre, Brazil
Bernard Spilka - University of Denver, Colorado, USA
Owe Wikstr
m - Uppsala University, Sweden

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