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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Philosophical Papers is abstracted/indexed by:


Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI); Periodicals Index Online; Philosopher's Index.

Philosophical Papers is an international, generalist journal of philosophy edited in South Africa.

Original Articles

Articles appearing in the March and July issues are original, high-quality, and stand-alone, and are written for the general professional philosopher. The editor welcomes submissions in any area of philosophy.

Special Issues

The November issue of each year is a dedicated, topic-based issue, guest-edited and comprised of both invited and submitted papers. Calls for papers for upcoming special issues can be found here. The editor welcomes ideas for future special issues.

Recent special issues have included:

2009: 'Rape and its Meaning/s' (Editor: Louise du Toit)

2008: 'Thick and Thin Concepts in Epistemology' (Editors: Jeremy Wanderer and Ben Kotzee)

2007: 'The Concept of Disease' (Editors: Rachel Cooper & Christopher Megone)
2006: 'Politics and the Imagination' (Editor: Paul Voice)

2005: 'Meaning in Life' (Editor: Thad Metz)

2004: 'Immoral Beliefs' (Editors: Ward E. Jones and Tom Martin)

2003: 'Narrative understanding' (Editor: Matthew Kieran)

2002: 'Ethics in the Light of Wittgenstein' (Editor: Andrew Gleeson)

2001: 'African Philosophy and the Analytic Tradition' (Editor: Richard Bell)


Philosophical Papers is the only philosophical journal with a regular re-readings feature, in which authors write on an older article, book, or book chapter that they deem to deserve renewed attention. Re-Readings are usually of 4000-7000 words in length. The editor welcomes submissions of re-readings.

Book Reviews

Philosophical Papers publishes reviews of books that are of special relevance to African or South African philosophy or philosophers. Authors interested in reviewing books for the journal should approach the editor in the first instance.

Peer Review Policy

All submitted articles undergo a process of peer review.  This is based on initial editor screening and refereeing by (usually) two referees.

Instructions to Authors

Submission of original articles
Philosophical Papers welcomes submissions of original articles in any area of philosophy.  Articles should be written in such a way as to be accessible and interesting to the general professional philosopher.  The journal will only in rare instances publish short papers, discussion notes, or critical replies to papers published elsewhere.

Manuscripts should be double- or 1.5-spaced with suitably wide margins. Notes and references should appear at the end of the paper. Articles prepared for blind review will be blind reviewed.


Contributors are asked to submit their papers by electronic mail attachment, sent to philosophical.papers@ru.ac.za .  Papers should be saved as a PDF, Word (97-2003), or RTF document.


In the body of their submission email, authors should include the following:

-Their full names and affiliations

-Email address for correspondence

-An abstract of no more than 150 words

-A statement to the effect that the paper has not been submitted elsewhere


We aim to give authors a response within three months.

Submission of critical notices
Philosophical Papers welcomes critical notices of recent philosophical works. Unless invited, critical notices are treated as original articles. We prefer critical notices to be less than 5,000 words in length.

Special issues
Special topic-based issues of Philosophical Papers will appear no more than once a year. These are normally guest edited, and include a combination of invited and submitted papers. We welcome suggested topics for future special issues.

Re-Readings and Book Reviews
Philosophical Papers regularly publishes re-readings of older philosophical work. The journal occasionally publishes book reviews of recent books relevant to Africa or South African philosophy or philosophers. Authors interested in contributing either a re-reading or a book review should contact the editor. 
Preparation of accepted manuscripts for publication
-Your paper should be laid out in the following order:


Full Name, as it should appear in print (no titles)


Body of paper


Email address for correspondence

-Use single quotation marks throughout, except when you have need for quotation marks within quotation marks (in which case double).

-We do not use underlining.  Use italics throughout.

-Convert all notes to footnotes, and place any acknowledgments in the final footnote.

-We do not have a 'house style' with respect to referencing.  You are welcome to use whichever style you wish, but please be consistent throughout your paper.

It is a condition of publication that authors assign copyright or license the publication rights in their articles, including abstracts, to The Editorial Board, Philosophical Papers. This enables Taylor & Francis and Unisa Press to ensure full copyright protection and to disseminate the article, and of course the Journal, to the widest possible readership in print and electronic formats as appropriate.

As an author, you are required to secure permission if you want to reproduce any figure, table, or extract from the text of another source. This applies to direct reproduction as well as "derivative reproduction" (where you have created a new figure or table which derives substantially from a copyrighted source). For further information and FAQs, please see http://journalauthors.tandf.co.uk/preparation/permission.asp

For further information about Unisa Press and Taylor & Francis publishing programmes please visit www.unisa.ac.za/press and www.informaworld.com/journals

Editorial Board


Ward E. Jones


Managing Editor

Lindsay Kelland


Editorial Board


Thomas Martin

Pedro Tabensky

Marius Vermaak

Samantha Vice

Francis Williamson


International Advisory Board

Lynne Rudder Baker (Massachusetts)
Jonathan Barnes (Gen
Lars Bergstr
m (Stockholm)
Tyler Burge (California—Los Angeles)
David Chalmers (Australian National University)
Andy Clark (Edinburgh)
Lorraine Code (York, Canada)
Terrence Horgan (Memphis)
Jennifer Hornsby (Birkbeck College London)
Frank Jackson (Australian National University)
Jaegwon Kim (Brown)
Mark Leon (Witwatersrand)
Michael Levine (Western Australia)
John McDowell (Pittsburgh)
Brian McLaughlin (Rutgers)
Chris Megone (Leeds)
Seumas Miller (Charles Sturt)
Ruth Garrett Millikan (Connecticut)
Michael Pendlebury (North Carolina State)
John Perry (Stanford)
Philip Pettit (Princeton)
lie Oksenberg Rorty (Brandeis)
Mark Sainsbury (Texas—Austin)
John Searle (California Berkeley)
Elliot Sober (Wisconsin—Madison)
Ernest Sosa (Brown)
Kim Sterelny (Victoria—Wellington & ANU)
rn T nnsj (Stockholm)
Susan Wolf (North Carolina)
Crispin Wright (St. Andrews)
Eddy Zemach (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

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