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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

ontemporary Buddhism is an international peer-review journal that publishes articles on the current state and influence of Buddhism from across the human sciences. The journal is cross-disciplinary in its outlook and in addition to Buddhist and Religious Studies approaches, presents work from philosophers, anthropologists, psychologists, sociologists, historians, theologians and political scientists. Contemporary Buddhism examines the historical, doctrinal, literary, social and political developments that have formed contemporary versions of Buddhism, East and West. In all this Buddhism is predicated as an inhabited and relevant action-influencing worldview.

The interests of Contemporary Buddhism include:

• the meeting of Buddhism with western culture
• the current self-understanding of different traditions of Buddhism and the relations between these traditions
• the relations of Buddhism to other world religious traditions, both in mutual appreciation and in conflict
• Buddhism in application within societies, Western and Asian
• the uptake of Buddhism into other fields and disciplines
• spotlighting issues arising for Buddhism in the 21st century
• the non-partisan representation of all schools of Buddhism
• the active investigation of diversity in the development of Buddhism as we see it today.

Submissions of papers, as well as proposals for guest issues, related to the aims and scope of the journal are welcomed. The journal will publish reviews of books, including reviews of non-English language books, films, exhibitions, internet resources, etc. The reviews' editor also welcomes proposals for bibliographic essays on specific topics and areas, as well as reports on specific genres. Suggestions or offers for reviews, as well as enquiries about any of these should be addressed to Phibul Choompolpaisal.



A Practical and Intellectual Agenda

For a statement of the ideas that inspired the creation of Contemporary Buddhism download the inaugural editorial by Michael McGhee:
The time has long since gone when the study of Buddhism in the West was the preserve of a few scholars, or its influence confined to a handful of European intellectuals. The time is long since too when Buddhist practice in the West was a polite genuflection, 'meditation'merely the occasional ancillary to a self defining intellectual conviction. Popular perception has altered too, and we are familiar now with Buddhist chic, with the movie stars photographed with smiling Lamas. But the current reality has become very interesting...


Peer Review Policy

All research articles considered for publication are subject to anonymized peer reviewed by two referees.

Articles in Contemporary Buddhism are included in the Thomson Reuters Arts & Humanities Citation Index and the ATLA Religion Database.

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Instructions to Authors

The editors of Contemporary Buddhism will consider for publication articles that are related to the aims and scope of the journal. (See inside front cover or website.)

 Articles for consideration should be sent to: Dr Andrew Skilton and/or Dr Kate Crosby, Department of Study of Religions, School of Oriental and African Studies, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG. (email: as102@soas.ac.uk, kc21@soas.ac.uk)

 Books etc. for Review should be sent to: Phibul Choompolpaisal, Department of Study of Religions, School of Oriental and African Studies, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG. (email phibulart@yahoo.com)

 Article manuscripts of any length will be considered, provided the length is commensurate to the treatment of subject matter, and the Editors may request cutting of any article that is overlong, whatever its quality. Contemporary Buddhism is a peer review journal and all submissions will be seen anonymously by two appropriate referees. Please provide postal and email addresses for correspondence. The editors will consider proposals for special thematic issues: please outline the intended subject and give synopses of all intended contributions and full contributor details.

 The following guidelines must be followed for submissions:

·         Authors should submit their manuscript digitally, preferably as an email attachment or on CD, in '.doc' and '.pdf' format. Hard copy is also acceptable for review purposes, but the final submission will need to be digital.

·         Authors should use an up-to-date extended Unicode font. Where authors employ diacritical marks for the transliteration of Asian languages digital copy in extended Unicode only will be accepted. If authors are using Times New Roman font, please use only the most recent Unicode version (TNR 5.01x3). Please email the editors if further information is required.

·         Do not attempt to 'design' or apply complex layouts your manuscript, but submit it in 1.5 line spacing, with 1.25 inch margins, and numbered pages. Sub-heads can be used if needed. Indent the first line of new paragraphs.

·         Contemporary Buddhism employs endnotes rather than footnotes. It is therefore advisable to use notes only for referencing etc. rather than supplementary argumentation or data that is important to the flow of the article itself.

·         Submissions must include a cover page bearing the name(s) of the author(s), the title of the article, institutional affiliation or 'independent scholar', street address, email address, and short biographical details of the author(s).

·         Authors must supply an abstract of the article in c.150 words.

·         Articles should be in English. Quotations from other languages should be transliterated into the roman alphabet.

·         Submissions by authors whose first language is not English will be viewed sympathetically by the Editors, but only minimal editorial assistance will be provided for improving the language of the final article. It will be the responsibility of the author to submit final copy in grammatical English.

·         If your article requires images please contact the editors.

References should be indicated by citing the author's name together with the year of publication. Where several papers by the same author and the same year are cited, use a, b, c etc. Lengthy quotations should be typed in an indented paragraph, single-spaced, without the use of quotation marks. Smaller quotations should be enclosed within single quotation marks. Bibliographical references should be listed in full at the end of the paper. The style of the bibliography should be as follows:
Books: Williams, P. 1989. Mahayana Buddhism: The Doctrinal Foundations, London: Routledge.
Articles in books: Guenther, H.V. 1981. 'Bodhisattva — The Ethical Phase in Evolution', in Leslie S. Kawamura (ed), The Bodhisattva Doctrine in Buddhism, Ontario: Canadian Corporation for Studies in Religion, pp.111-24.
Articles in journals: Smith, J.R. 1996. 'Human Insufficiency in Shinran and Kierkegaard', AsianPhilosophy, 2, 117-27.
Manuscripts that do not conform to the guidelines will not be considered for publication.

Free article access: Corresponding authors will receive free online access to their article through our website (www.informaworld.com) and a complimentary copy of the issue containing their article. Reprints of articles published in this journal can be purchased through Rightslink® when proofs are received. If you have any queries, please contact our reprints department at reprints@tandf.co.uk

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Editorial Board


Kate Crosby and Andrew Skilton - School of Oriental and African Studies, London, UK

Reviews Editor

Phibul Choompolpaisal - (SOAS)

Editorial Board

Stephen Batchelor - Sharpham College
David Burton - University of Canterbury
Stephen R.L. Clark - University of Liverpool
David Cooper - University of Durham
John Crook - University of Bristol
Jonardon Ganeri - University of Sussex
Rupert Gethin - University of Bristol
Peter Harvey - University of Sunderland
Jeffrey Hopkins - University of Virginia
Damien Keown - University of London
Thupten Jinpa Langri - ITC and McGill University
David Loy - Bunkyo University
Michael McGhee -  University of Liverpool
Lourens Minnema - Free University Amsterdam
John Peacocke - Sharpham College
John Pickering - University of Warwick
Patricia Sieber - Ohio State University
Robert Thurman - Columbia University
Gay Watson - Sharpham College
Paul Williams - University of Bristo

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