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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Rhetoric Society Quarterly, the official journal of the Rhetoric Society of America, features original articles on all areas of rhetorical studies including theory, history, criticism, and pedagogy. The journal addresses an interdisciplinary audience of scholars and students of rhetorics who work in communication studies, English studies, philosophy, politics and other allied fields.

Rhetoric Society Quarterly is abstracted in: Communication Abstracts, Communication & Mass Media Complete (EbscoHost), CIOS - ComAbstracts, and CSA – British Humanities Index, JSTOR (Language & Literature), MLA International Bibliography, OCLC ArticleFirst, and Thomson Reuters (ISI): Arts and Humanities Index®, Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition, and Social Sciences Index®/Social Scisearch

Instructions to Authors

This journal uses ScholarOne Manuscripts (previously Manuscript Central) to peer review manuscript submissions. Please read the guide for ScholarOne authors before making a submission. Complete guidelines for preparing and submitting your manuscript to this journal are provided below.


Rhetoric Society Quarterly invites article-length manuscripts on all aspects of rhetoric, including theory, history, criticism, and pedagogy. Contributions should exhibit high standards for professional scholarship and should offer new knowledge or advance the discussion on significant issues across the multiple disciplinary homes of rhetorical studies. Submissions judged appropriate for RSQ are sent for blind review to external referees, usually in two different disciplines; a decision usually will be made within three months of receipt of the manuscript.

Manuscript Preparation


Manuscripts should be 8,000–10,000 words, though longer manuscripts may be considered. The manuscript should bear no identification of the author, except on a title page, along with an abstract of approximately 150 words. Submit your manuscript as either a Microsoft Word document (DOC, not DOCX) or a Rich Text File (RTF). For purposes of review, please include any visual materials as part of the main text file.




Manuscripts accepted for publication should be accompanied by separate high-quality files of any illustrations. Digital files are recommended for best reproduction. These should be 300 dpi or higher; sized to fit on journal page (within 4.5” wide by 7” high); EPS, TIFF, or PSD format. All illustrations and tables should include titles and should be clearly labeled and credited. Color illustrations will be considered for publication; however, the author will be required to bear the full cost involved in color art reproduction. Color reprints can only be ordered if Print + Online Reproduction costs are paid. Rates for color Print + Online Reproduction are: $900 for the first page of color; $450 per page for the next three pages of color. A custom quote will be provided for articles with more than four pages of color. Art not supplied at a minimum of 300 dpi will not be considered for print. There is no cost for Online Only Reproduction.

Source Citation


RSQ follows the MLA Style Manual, which requires parenthetical in-text citations (author and page) and an alphabetical list of Works Cited at the end. Notes should be used only for substantive comments. Manuscripts accepted for publication in RSQ 39:3 (2009) or later should use the new 3rd edition of the Manual (2008).


Manuscript Submission


RSQ accepts submissions online through the Manuscript Central service. Please visit http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/rrsq create an author account and submit your manuscript. Manuscript Central converts submissions to PDF format for blind review. If you have questions or concerns about Manuscript Central, please contact rsq-journal@ncsu.edu, support@scholarone.com, or click get help now at the top right corner of any page on the website.


Book Reviews


Book reviews are assigned by the Book Review Editor, Ekaterina Haskins. To propose a book review, please contact her at Department of Language, Literature, and Communication, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 110 8th Street, Troy, NY 12180-3590, haskie@rpi.edu. Reviews of single books should run about 1200–1500 words.

Page Proofs

The publisher, Taylor & Francis, sends one set of page proofs to the designated corresponding author. Proofs should be checked and returned promptly.




Authors transfer copyright to the Rhetoric Society of America but retain the following specific rights: to make further copies of their work for use in classroom teaching, to reuse their work in a compilation of their own works or a textbook that they author, and to make copies for internal distribution within their institutions of employment. To obtain permission for other uses, see the Permissions page on this website. 


Complimentary Policy/Reprints

Corresponding authors will receive 50 complimentary reprints of their articles upon registration with Rightslink, our authorized reprint provider. Authors will be asked to create an account and register with Rightslink for this free service. Complimentary reprints are not available past the publication date.

Editorial Board

Carolyn R. Miller
North Carolina State University

Associate Editor for Special Issues
Debra Hawhee - Penn State University

Book Review Editor
Ekaterina Haskins - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Editorial Assistant
Jacob Dickerson - North Carolina State University


The Rhetoric Society of America

David Zarefsky - Northwestern University

Past President
Michael Leff - University of Memphis

President Elect 
Krista Ratcliffe - Marquette University

Executive Director
Gregory Clark - Brigham Young University


Membership Officer
Arabella Lyon - SUNY, Buffalo

Board of Directors
Davida Charney -  University of Texas
Pamela Conners- University of Wisconsin
Cara Finnegan - University of Illinois
Cinthia Gannett - Loyola College,Maryland
Robert Hariman - Northwestern University
Roxanne Mountford - University of Kentucky
Lester Olson - University of Pittsburgh
Kendall Phillips - Syracuse University
Kimberly Thomas-Pollei - University of Minnesota
Arthur Walzer - University of Minnesota

Editorial Board
Barry Brummett - University of Texas, Austin
Karlyn Kohrs Campbell - University of Minnesota
Gregory Clark - Brigham Young University
Jeanne Fahnestock - University of Maryland
David Fleming - University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Victoria Gallagher - North Carolina State University
Jean Goodwin - Iowa State University
James Kastely - University of Houston
Andrea Lunsford - Stanford University
Glen McClish - San Diego State University
Joyce Middleton - East Carolina University
Mari Lee Mifsud - University of Richmond
Thomas Miller - University of Arizona
Patricia Roberts-Miller - University of Texas, Austin
Edward Schiappa - University of Minnesota
C.Jan Swearingen - Texas A&M University
Jeffrey Walker - University of Texas, Austin
Barbara Warnick - University of Pittsburgh
Susan Zaeske - University of Wisconsin, Madison
David Zarefsky - Northwestern University

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